"still have a question."

"What's the problem?" Danzo frowned, sensing something bad.

Onoki said calmly:

"As far as we know, you took the position of Hokage from the Sandaime by threatening to blow up the entire Konoha. The ninjas in Konoha are not convinced by you, and many even hate you very much. This is a huge hidden danger. .”

Chiyo also looked directly at Danzo with sharp eyes and added:

"And we just got information that the Sandaime and Jiraiya took the Daimyos of the Fire Country and escaped from the Leaf Village.

Once they find a new stronghold and make a comeback in the name of the daimyo and former Hokage, they will inevitably respond to the call and attract countless Konoha ninjas to seek refuge.

By then, all the ninjas in Konoha will be gone, leaving only an empty frame.

Do you, Hokage, have any meaning in your existence? "

Face doubts.

A look of displeasure appeared on Danzo's face, and he said coldly:

"These are Konoha's internal affairs, so I don't need you to worry about them. I will take care of them naturally.

You just need to know that I am now conducting peace negotiations with you as the Fifth Hokage, and my will is the will of Konoha. "

Siying obviously didn't buy his response.

“But we are still worried.

You may be assassinated or overthrown at any time. If the new Hokage comes to power and completely tears up this peace agreement, wouldn't it be in vain? "

Mizukage Yagura continued to question Danzo and expressed the concerns of the coalition forces.

"Then what do you want?"

Danzo suppressed his inner irritation and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't be nervous, we just want to help you consolidate your position as Hokage."

The Fourth Raikage stood up again, looked at Danzo condescendingly, and finally said, "As long as we introduce the power of the four major ninja villages, deploy people to form a senior advisory group, and jointly govern Konoha, we can succeed." Resolve the crisis you are currently facing.

In addition, we can also send elite troops to help you hunt down the Sandaime and Jiraiya and get rid of these two scourges..."


The Raikage was only halfway through his words when Danzo sharply rejected him.

The other party's so-called "good intentions" were clearly intended to seize the power of him as Hokage. This was the only thing Danzo could not tolerate, and it was his bottom line.

Hearing this, the four shadows looked at each other.

"We have shown so much sincerity, but you still refuse. It seems there is really nothing we can do."

After Onoki said this, the four figures present stood up together, locked eyes on Danzo, and released fierce killing intent.

Being locked by the killing intent of four shadows at the same time, one can imagine the great pressure. In the entire ninja world, I am afraid that only Pain and Uchiha can bear this pressure calmly.

But both of those guys were dead.


Danzo took two steps back, with cold sweat streaming down his face, and shouted to Si Kage:

"Are you really going to kill the fish and break the net? Once I detonate..."


This time, it was the Fourth Raikage who interrupted Danzo impatiently, "Don't threaten us with this trick. I have said long ago that Konoha must be destroyed, no matter what the cost. In the ninja world, there are four The Great Ninja Village is enough!"

The gazes of the other three figures became more and more sharp, and they all made up their minds.


Danzo swallowed hard, his expression extremely ugly.

He knew that he was in extreme passivity and that the threat of death was close at hand, and his mind began to think rapidly.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through me one by one.

Seeing that the four shadows had lost all patience and were about to take action, Danzo's attitude finally softened and he whispered:

"Everyone, for the sake of peace in the ninja world and the lives of tens of thousands of ninjas outside this tent, don't be impulsive. Everything... can be discussed."


This is the only thought in Danzo's mind right now.

Right now, he must protect Konoha, even if he has to endure some humiliation and grievance as the Hokage.

Just get through this.

Danzo believed that under his governance, Konoha would soon get better, and all kinds of talented ninjas would spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Konoha will have a second White Fang, a second Sannin, a second Yellow Flash...

By the time.

Under the command of him, the Fifth Hokage, Konoha will launch a magnificent counterattack, regain its position as the leader of the five great ninja villages, and restore its former glory.

Even unify the ninja world.

Danzo swore that one day he would return today's shame ten or a hundred times to the four great ninja villages.

But until then, he had to be patient.

Hear Danzo's statement.

The four shadows looked at each other again, knowing in their hearts that their strategy was successful.

Danzo is a tough guy, strong on the outside but soft on the inside.

Although on the surface he has been clamoring to lead Konoha and the ninja alliance to perish together, but in fact, he is very greedy for the power brought by the position of Hokage.

This is Danzo's biggest weakness.

Onoki and others seized on this weakness and defeated Danzo at the negotiation table.

Their plan is to support Danzo as the puppet Hokage, thereby controlling Konoha in disguise, and rule and exploit Konoha ninjas.

Compared to directly annihilating Konoha, this approach can obviously bring greater benefits to the four major ninja villages.


It was a long negotiation that lasted several hours.

During this period, the Four Shadows and Danzo signed a series of treaties.

Many of these treaties were beneficial to Danzo himself, but without exception, they were all detrimental to Konoha.

Until the rain outside stopped and it was getting late.

The five shadows then walked out of the tent and jointly announced:

The negotiations were a great success. From this moment on, the allied forces of Konoha and the Ninja World officially ceased war and embraced peace together!

Hear this exciting news.

The ninjas of Konoha breathed a sigh of relief and felt like they were surviving a disaster.

The village was defended.

They survived.

But everyone in Konoha didn't know what conditions Danzo agreed to in order to secure his position as Hokage.

The nightmare life of Konoha ninja has just begun...

Chapter 195, Konoha became a colony

The rain stopped.

With the signing of the peace agreement between Konoha and the four major ninja villages, the Fourth Ninja War, which lasted for less than a month, came to an end.

Night falls and the stars are shining.

Camps were set up inside and outside Konoha, and warm lights lit up from thousands of tents.

No matter the Konoha ninja or the ninja alliance, after experiencing a whole day of bloody fighting, their tense nerves finally relaxed, and everyone immediately felt exhausted.

Konoha is extremely quiet tonight, and everyone is in desperate need of a good rest.

A night of silence.

The next day, a red sun rose from the horizon, and thousands of rays of rays of light covered the Leaf Village with a brilliant golden glow, which seemed to indicate——

This is a day full of hope and a new beginning.

Early in the morning.

The ninjas and villagers of Konoha walked out of the camp tents and shelters and got busy.

There is no time for pain and sorrow.

Burying the dead, cleaning up the ruins, rebuilding homes... there are countless agendas ahead of them, waiting for everyone in Konoha Village to work together to complete them.

But soon, everyone in Konoha discovered something strange.

It stands to reason.

After the peace agreement is signed, the four major ninja villages should withdraw their troops from Konoha as agreed. But the coalition troops had no intention of leaving.


When the details of the peace agreement were exposed one by one, it immediately caused an unprecedented uproar in Konoha Village.

turn out to be.

The condition for the four major ninja villages to agree to a ceasefire is that Konoha must sign a series of unequal treaties.

The contents of those treaties are enough to shock people.

for example.


Danzo agreed that Konoha would hire consultants from the four major ninja villages to form a senior advisory group to replace the original high-level Konoha officials and govern Konoha together with the Hokage.

In other words, any major decision in Konoha Village in the future must be discussed and voted on by the advisory group before it can be promoted and implemented.

At the same time, the ninjas, officials, businessmen and other classes of the four major ninja villages will enjoy extraterritoriality in Konoha. Even if these people commit crimes, Konoha is not qualified to judge them.

In addition, Konoha promised to actively reduce the number of ninjas and disarmament of the troops.

Especially for the large number of chunin and genin, many of them will have to hand over their forehead protectors and return to civilian status. They will no longer be able to make a living by accepting employment and completing tasks in the future.

Even Konoha's ninja school has to hire a large number of ninjas from the four major ninja villages to serve as teachers.

Next, there is economics:

Every war is often accompanied by the cessation of territory and reparations.

At present, most of the territory of the Fire Country has been annexed by the four major ninja villages and the four major countries behind them, and various lands and natural resources have also been divided up.

As for reparations.

Of course, it was not the four major ninja villages that initiated the war of aggression that compensated Konoha, but Konoha, as the invaded party, took the initiative to compensate the four major ninja villages with a large amount of money in order to fight for peace.

The huge compensation of nearly one billion taels almost emptied Konoha's treasury.

Not only that, in terms of commercial trade, Konoha has also issued a series of preferential policies to the four major ninja villages, such as tax exemptions, product franchises, etc.

Finally, in the military:

This Ninja World War turned Konoha into a ruins and was in urgent need of reconstruction.

During the reconstruction process, several areas were specially designated as military bases for the four major ninja villages.

That's right.

The four major ninja villages will station troops in Konoha all year round, with the number of troops ranging from one thousand to three or four thousand. The euphemistic name is: jointly maintaining the peace of Konoha and the ninja world.

Of course, the huge expenses and material supplies incurred by the garrison are all paid for by Konoha.

In addition, Konoha will also open its intelligence department to the four major ninja villages and establish an intelligence sharing mechanism. The ninjas of Konoha are also obliged to cooperate with the garrisons of the four major ninja villages to conduct military performances and operations.

Read these treaties.

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