"Danzo, do you really have a way to lead Konoha to win this ninja war?" The daimyo stared at Danzo and asked this question.

To this, Danzo replied without hesitation:

"Of course! As long as I become Hokage, all the problems facing Konoha will be solved."

He has unlimited confidence in himself.

The daimyo's eyes flickered, he thought for a while, and finally said:

"Okay, from now on, I appoint you as the Fifth Hokage of Konoha! I hope you will not disappoint me, Konoha, and the entire people of the Fire Country!"

In the eyes of the daimyo.

Anyway, the Sandaime and other high-level officials in Konoha couldn't find a way to turn the tide. In this case, it is better to see what Danzo is capable of.


Danzo has mastered the mechanism left by Xuanweng and can detonate the entire Konoha at any time. The lives of everyone present are in his hands.

In this situation.

What choice does the daimyo have?

Not only the daimyo, but everyone in Konoha present also realized this.

If Danzo is not allowed to become Hokage, everyone will be killed immediately, and only the strongest people will survive -

That is, the Sandaime and Jiraiya and other high-level officials.

As for the rest of Konoha, in order to survive, they may have no choice but to agree to Danzo's conditions.

For that glimmer of hope.

"Lord Daimyo, you must not do this!"

The Sandaime could not accept it and refuted the daimyo's appointment on the spot.

However, what responded to him was the daimyo's cold eyes.

"All Jonin in Konoha, come out!" Following the daimyo's order, the Jounin in the village walked out of the crowd one after another.

The daimyo looked around and said:

"I have decided to appoint Danzo as the Fifth Hokage of Konoha and will now hold a jounin vote of confidence."

To be appointed as the Hokage of Konoha, three processes must be completed.

High-level nominations, daimyo appointments, and finally the jounin vote of confidence.

The previous candidate, Jiraiya, successfully passed the first two processes, but fell at the third step.

And Danzo.

He was indeed nominated by the former Hokage Assistant Uchiha Suzan, which complied with the procedures. Now that he has been personally appointed by the daimyo, only the final jounin vote of confidence remains.

The daimyo finished speaking.

Swish, swish, swish.

The jounin of the four major families of Yamanaka, Akimichi, Nara and Hyuga all raised their hands in agreement.

Their hatred for the Sandaime exceeded their hatred for Danzo.

If they had to choose one of the two to be Hokage, they would rather choose the true villain Danzo than the hypocrite Sandaime.

Led by the four major families, other Konoha jounin also raised their hands one after another.

Inuzuka, Aburame and other family jounin, as well as some civilian jounin such as Metkai, all chose to abstain.


The number of votes supporting Danzo has exceeded half.

At this point, Danzo has successfully completed the entire process of Hokage appointment. From this moment on, he officially became the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village!

Kick, kick, kick.

The Sandaime seemed to have all the strength drained from his body, and he took several steps back, almost losing his center of gravity and falling.

Fortunately, Jiraiya helped him in time.

From now on, he would never be able to shout "I am the Hokage" to Danzo.

Danzo's eyes flickered, he walked up to the Sandaime and declared with a victor's attitude:

"Hiruzen, I told you a long time ago that you will regret it."

Chapter 178, Death of Shizune?

Hiruzen, you will regret this.

Danzo had said this sentence countless times.

Until today, he finally no longer harbored resentment, but could speak out with a proud mood.

The third generation looked bitter and could not say a word.

Under the witness of everyone.

He slowly raised his trembling hands, took off the Hokage hat on his head, and then reluctantly handed it to Danzo.

This hat symbolizes the official handover of Hokage's power.

Bring it to you.

Danzo couldn't wait to grab the Hokage hat and put it on his head. Then he looked at everyone in Konoha and declared with excitement:

"I swear here in the name of the Fifth Hokage that I will lead Konoha to defeat the ninja coalition and win a complete victory in this war. Konoha will regain the glory of the first Hokage era and become great again!"

Faced with these bold words from the new Hokage.


There were still very few people in Konoha who responded, and there were only a few sparse echoes from the crowd.

But Danzo didn't care.

Forty years have passed since the day the Second Hokage died and the third generation was placed before his death.

For these forty years, Danzo endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden, and finally got his wish and sat on the coveted position of Hokage.

From today on, he no longer has to be the root in the darkness. He will go to the sun and bathe in the light.

After being intoxicated with myself.

Danzo looked at the Sandaime again, the cold light in his eyes flashing away.

The next second.

In front of everyone, Danzo suddenly raised his voice and publicly accused the third generation of crimes:

"During his reign, Sarutobi Hiruzen was derelict in his duties and was incompetent. Under his glamorous image, he was the most incompetent Hokage in history!

Internally, he was indecisive on the issue of the Uchiha clan, which caused the clan to become too big and seriously threatened the peace and security of Konoha, eventually leading to a catastrophe.

Externally, when facing the threat of Kumogakure, he was weak when he should be tough; when facing Yugakure and Akatsuki, he chose to be tough when he should compromise, and ended up ruining Konoha's three thousand army in vain.

Amid internal and external troubles, Konoha has declined into what it is today, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is the culprit! "

The liquidation was carried out as soon as he took office.

At this moment, Danzo completely denied all the Sandaime's past achievements and reduced the latter to worthless.

"Danzo, don't go too far!"

Jiraiya couldn't stand listening anymore and couldn't help but yelled, "Won't your conscience hurt when you slander the Sandaime like this?"


Danzo heard this, looked at Jiraiya sharply, and said coldly: "Jiraiya, pay attention to the attitude of your words. You are just the Hokage's assistant, I am the Hokage!"


Danzo even ordered the ANBU on the spot to put the Sandaime in prison immediately and hand him over to the Torture Department to severely investigate his crime of dereliction of duty.

However, when a group of Konoha ANBU heard this, they took no action and refused to carry out Danzo's order.

Because they are all loyal to the third generation's purpose, just like their roots were only loyal to Danzo.

Even if the Sandaime abdicates, with the assistance of Konoha ANBU, he still has huge influence and can intervene in all matters in the village.

Danzo obviously knew this too.


"It seems that although you people agree with your mouth, you still don't want to admit that I am the Hokage. In this case..."

Danzo looked disappointed and picked up the crutch again as he spoke.

Stab hard on the ground.


A building not far away was detonated again, causing a large number of Konoha ninjas to be affected and causing many casualties.

"Danzo, that's enough!"

The Sandaime finally shouted angrily.

Then, he said to the ANBU with a bitter look on his face:

"I am no longer your Hokage. From now on, you must obey Danzo's orders and not disobey. Remember, the ANBU's mission is to protect the Hokage and the village..."

After saying that, the Sandaime raised his hands on his own initiative, signaling the ANBU to put the shackles on him.

"Put it down!"

Danzo gave the order with a sinister look on his face.

This time, the ANBU did not dare to disobey the order. In full view of everyone, they escorted the faltering Sandaime towards the ANBU prison.

"Duanzo, you are too messy. You will regret it sooner or later!" Jiraiya was resentful and still protesting.

"I told you, I am the Hokage!" Danzo roared at Jiraiya again.

After sending the Sandaime to prison, Danzo finally let go of the bad breath in his chest and felt much relieved.

at this time.


He suddenly felt something in his heart and looked towards a bell tower in the distance.

On the top of the bell tower, Suan and Tsunade were standing by the window, seemingly coming to watch the fun.


Danzo retracted his gaze, snorted coldly, then flicked his sleeves and walked into the Hokage Building.

On the bell tower.

"Duanzo really didn't disappoint me. It's not in vain that I let him go."

Duan watched the whole show and couldn't help but find it very interesting to see Danzo becoming the Hokage and sending the third generation to prison.

Tsunade on the side heard this and frowned.

Judging from Duan's tone, he seemed to have anticipated today's scene, and Danzo's becoming Hokage was completely within his prediction.

What on earth does this man want to do?

Tsunade thought hard and couldn't figure out the real intention behind this series of actions.

Forget it, since you can't guess, then don't guess.

Tsunade shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

Watching Danzo enter the Hokage Building from a distance.

"Next, where the future of Konoha will go depends on the performance of the Fifth Hokage."

Duan muttered to himself, then turned around and walked down the bell tower.

He looked forward to Danzo's next overhaul.

A quarter of an hour later.

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