However, if it's that guy Uchiha Dan...

The Yin seal shouldn't be a problem for him.

As for the Yin Escape Phantom Body Technique that was proposed in exchange.

There is no doubt that it is also an S-level secret technique, and its value is not inferior to that of the Yin Seal.

The point is, just as Dan is interested in the Yin Seal, Tsunade is indeed very interested in the Phantasm Technique.


Do you want to communicate with the other party...?

For a moment, Tsunade hesitated.

Before I knew it, another day passed.

News came from Daming Mansion.

According to regulations, the selection of a new Hokage originally required Konoha's top brass to go to the Daming Mansion to meet and discuss it at a meeting.

But now Konoha has just experienced a civil strife. At this time, the village cannot do without the Sandaime and other high-level officials taking charge of the overall situation. This is a special situation.

Therefore, this time the appointment of the Hokage was finally carried out through a remote video call.

Suan came to the Hokage Building and walked into the conference room.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Sarutobi Hiruzen, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Kadoen, as well as the Hokage candidate Jiraiya sitting next to them.

When Duan appeared, the expressions of the three old guys were obviously nervous, and their faces became a little uncomfortable.

Jiraiya's eyes were even more solemn.

one day ago.

He was lying on the bed in Konoha Hospital, teasing the little nurse, when he suddenly heard the news that Uchiha had returned to the village. He sat up from the bed and was very surprised.

Later, Jiraiya learned that Konoha's top management collectively nominated him to be the fifth Hokage, and he was even more shocked.

He didn't want to be the Hokage.

As we all know, the lustful Sennin Jiraiya is a free and undisciplined person. For so many years, he has been traveling around the ninja world, traveling and writing books, and living a bohemian life.

How could such a man be interested in the position of Hokage?


Konoha's current situation is very bad. The third generation's abdication is a foregone conclusion. It urgently needs a capable and responsible person to step forward and lead the village out of the trough.

If Jiraiya is not the Hokage, then the position of Hokage will probably fall into the hands of Uchiha Dan or even someone like Danzo.

By then, Konoha may really be doomed.

Therefore, the Sandaime, Koharu and Entu all unanimously begged Jiraiya——

For the future of the village, he must become the Fifth Hokage.

In addition, there was another reason that made Jiraiya change his mind.

That was his disciple Nagato.

Nagato hates Konoha because his own experience convinced him that great ninja villages like Konoha are the culprits that destroy the peace of the ninja world and lead to war.

In order to let the disciples eliminate their prejudice and misunderstanding about Konoha.

Jiraiya finally decided to take the position of Hokage and use practical actions to fulfill his promise in the future to maintain the peace between Konoha and Amegakure.


Jiraiya felt a headache when he thought about having to deal with Uchiha Dan, the "Hokage's assistant" after becoming Hokage.

At this time.


Duan pulled out the chair and sat down next to the Sandaime.

As he sat down, there was a brief silence in the conference room.

When everyone has different thoughts.


Snowflakes suddenly appeared on the TV screen on the opposite wall. After a few seconds of signal transmission, the blurry picture gradually became clear.

On the TV, a man wearing Chinese clothes appeared.

He has a feminine face, holds a folding fan, and wears a long fan-shaped hat. The three flame patterns on the hat symbolize his noble status.

A famous name from the Land of Fire.

The daimyo was also sitting at a long table, and on his left and right sides were several Ministers of the Fire Nation wearing high black hats.

"Greetings, Lord Daimyo!"

In an instant, everyone in the conference room stood up as if out of reflex, and all bowed to the daimyo.

Although the daimyo is an ordinary person who does not know how to use ninjutsu, he has noble blood, is the ruler of the Fire Country, and also controls the economic lifeline of Konoha.

If the Daimyo is displeased and asked to stop Konoha's military spending, many Konoha ninjas may have no choice but to drink from the northwest wind.

Therefore, no Konoha ninja dares to disrespect this food and clothing parent.

Except break.

He was still sitting on the chair, motionless, and seemed to have no intention of bowing to the daimyo.


Through the TV screen, the Daimyo also noticed Suan. The other party's rude behavior made him frown slightly, and then said:

"You are Uchiha Dan.

I heard that the Uchiha clan broke with Konoha and the entire clan defected from the village. As the Hokage's assistant, you chose to side with Konoha, which was a wise decision. "

Although the Daiming Mansion is far away from Konoha, the Daimyo also has his own intelligence channels, allowing him to keep abreast of the situation in Konoha at any time.

He knew that Uchiha Dan was a very powerful but arrogant and arrogant guy.

Very similar to Uchiha Madara back then.

Facing the Daimyo's inquiry.

"Reporting to you, Lord Daimyo, in my heart, the will of fire is far more important than the family. In order to protect Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire, it is not a big deal even if you abandon your clan members."

Duan said calmly, with a righteous look.

As soon as these words came out, the Sandaime and others on the side could not help but twitch their faces.

"Haha, well said. As expected of the Hokage's assistant, his awareness is high."

The daimyo opened the folding fan, smiled and praised Duan, but no one knew whether he meant it sincerely.


The daimyo exchanged pleasantries with the Sandaime, the two advisors, and Jiraiya one by one.

Next, the meeting officially begins.

"I heard that many people died in Konoha due to this turmoil, and a large number of buildings in the village were turned into ruins. Don't worry, the Daming Palace will pay for the deceased and support the reconstruction of the village."

The daimyo fanned himself and said unhurriedly.

"Thank you, Lord Daimyo!"

The Sandaime stood up again and expressed his gratitude to the Daimyo. Now with the financial support of the Daming Prefecture, Konoha's reconstruction work will be much easier.

Of course, the most important thing about this meeting is the selection of a new Hokage.

"Hey, Danzo, aren't there two Hokage candidates?"

The daimyo suddenly asked.

"Danzo is missing and has not been found yet." The Sandaime answered truthfully.

The daimyo nodded, fanned and said:

"In this case, Jiraiya is the only one left. Well, I like Jiraiya, what about you?"

The last sentence was asked to the ministers of the Fire Country around him.

After hearing this, the ministers expressed their opinions one after another.

"Jiraiya is one of the Sannin of Konoha. He is both powerful and famous. He is also the disciple of the Third Generation and the teacher of the Fourth Generation. No matter how you look at it, he is the most suitable candidate for the Fifth Hokage."

"And Jiraiya is also a great writer."

"I've read his book, and it's really good..."

It seems that everyone is very satisfied with Jiraiya.


The daimyo put away his fan, and the voices of all the ministers suddenly stopped, and they all closed their mouths and stopped talking.

Just when everyone thought that the daimyo was about to be appointed.

His eyes fell on Duan again:

"Jan, what's your opinion? You nominated Danzo, but Danzo disappeared, so do you want to re-nominate him?"

The daimyo clearly valued Judgment's opinion.


According to the information he had, the Uchiha were almost lawless in Konoha.

Many people in Konoha were dissatisfied with Duan, but there was nothing they could do against him.

If you are definitely dissatisfied with the choice of Hokage and intervene, then this appointment will most likely be disrupted.

The daimyo didn't want to go to all this trouble in vain, after all, he had to play mahjong in the afternoon.

"My opinion?"

Suzan glanced at the Sandaime and Jiraiya, and under their nervous gazes, he shook his head and leaned back on his chair, "No more."

He was not in a hurry.

Danzo exerted the evil spirit illusion on Danzo, and the latter would do whatever it took to become Hokage.

The reason why Danzo never showed up is that he must be planning something big in the dark.

So, just wait and see the good show.

His statement made several people in the conference room breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then Jiraiya."

The daimyo stopped nagging and directly announced the appointment, then yawned and went back to his room to rest.


A burst of snowflakes appeared on the TV again, and this remote video conference ended.

Without saying a word, Duan was the first to stand up and leave the conference room.


The Sandaime and others regarded Jiraiya's election as a victory for their own camp, with expressions of relief on their faces.

However, we still cannot take it lightly, because there is still one last step.

Jōnin vote of confidence.

Most of the jounin in Konoha come from major ninja clans, and they represent the interests of the families behind them.

As the new Hokage, if you want to get the support of the majority of Jonin votes, you have to listen to their interests and impress these talents with promises.

for example.

One of the important reasons why the fourth generation of Feng Minato was able to pass the Jonin vote was that he received the support of the Uchiha clan.

Kushina, the wife of Namikaze Minato, is best friends with Mikoto, the wife of the Uchiha clan leader, so the fourth generation also has close contacts with Fugaku and has a pretty good relationship.

The fourth generation made a promise that after he takes office, he will work hard to improve the relationship between Uchiha and the village and help the Uchiha clan integrate into the village.

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