When she said the last sentence, she suddenly raised her voice and became particularly excited.

Qian Xiuzi thought that Duan Hui would deny it, but she didn't expect it.

"You saw it."

Duan smiled, then spread his hands and said, "However, in my opinion, I did not kill those tribesmen, but gave them a chance to die vigorously. The one who really killed your father and brother was obviously Konoha is the right one, why do you blame me..."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Qian Xiuzi interrupted Duan's sophistry with a sharp shout.

At the same time, a pair of her eyes quickly turned into scarlet three-magatama, and then - changed again. After the three-magatama rotated violently, it formed a more complex pattern.

Six-leaf windmill.

Another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Oh? Interesting."

He stared at Qian Xiuzi's eyes with interest.

It seems that Chihideko awakened to the kaleidoscope after witnessing the death of her father and brother. But out of distrust of Duan, she deliberately hid her abilities.

Until now, she confronted him face to face and wanted to question him.

After turning on the kaleidoscope, Qian Xiuzi suddenly seemed like a different person. Her previous timidity and cowardice were gone, and a terrifying smile gradually appeared on her face.

"I'm going to kill you, hehe..."

Her eyes were fixed on Dan, she was smiling foolishly, muttering to herself, and taking out a few shurikens from the ninja bag on her waist.

Seeing her look like this, I couldn't help but shake my head:

"Another psycho."

Strange, why did he say it again?

The words just fell.


As Chihideko's blood-red eyes widened, she threw out the shurikens, whizzing towards Dan.

Chapter 165, Shina Tsuhiko and Ama Iwato


Anyone with a normal mind would know that it is impossible to kill Uchiha Dan with this kind of thing.

Qian Xiuzi's behavior seemed very self-indulgent.

However, the kaleidoscope in her eyes made no one dare to underestimate her power, even Suan.

Duan's eyes narrowed.

The shuriken flying towards him suddenly slowed down in his eyes. Looking carefully, he saw a faint layer of bluish-white chakra attached to it.

Sure enough, there is something fishy.

But Duan did not choose to dodge, but remained as still as a mountain. The muscles under his clothes squirmed and vibrated.

Tsk tsk tsk.

In an instant, all the acupuncture points all over his body released a large amount of Yang Escape chakra.

In the ninja world.

Even jounin can only release chakra from some of the acupuncture points.

Only a strong man like Dan, who has developed his body to the limit and can control his body at will, can release chakra from acupuncture points all over his body.

Not long ago.

After fighting against the Fourth Raikage, he got inspiration from the opponent's thunder escape chakra mode.

The chakra released from his body formed a translucent golden bell over two meters high in the blink of an eye, enveloping Dan.

Yang Dun·Golden Bell Cover.

This is a defensive ninjutsu developed after a lot of trial and error, imitating the Fourth Raikage's Thunder Release Armor.

The moment Duan Ji took out the golden bell.

The shuriken thrown by Chihideko also flew in front of him.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

With a sound of gold and iron clashing, the shurikens hit the surface of the golden bell and were all bounced away.

It seemed that Dan was being too cautious. After all, with his physical strength, let alone the shurikens, even if he could resist the explosion of a hundred detonating charms, nothing would happen.

But facts soon proved that his caution was correct.

I saw.

Boo hoo hoo.

The shurikens that were deflected by the golden bell flew in all directions.

Wherever they passed, whether it was a tree as thick as a water tank or a boulder several meters thick, they were cut off easily like tofu, and finally collapsed.

The destructive power is quite astonishing.

What Chihideko threw was no ordinary shuriken.

Because the cuts on the fallen trees and boulders were very flat and smooth, it looked like they were caused by very powerful wind release ninjutsu.

When it comes to Uchiha, the outside world's impression of this clan is usually the Fire Release and Sharingan.


Within the Uchiha clan, there are also a few masters who are good at wind escape. For example, Madara Uchiha once held a flame fan, and his accomplishments in wind escape were unparalleled.

Chihideko is also a Wind Release user.

That is to say.

Is her kaleidoscope pupil technique related to wind escape?

He made this conjecture.


He stepped forward and walked towards Qian Xiuzi step by step.

During this process, the golden bell inside the broken body also moved with him, emitting majestic golden light, making him look like a majestic Buddha, giving the opponent a strong sense of oppression.

Qian Xiuzi was shocked and subconsciously took a step back.

She originally thought that her pupil technique could cut through everything in the world, but then she realized that the defensive power of cutting was much stronger than she imagined.

But Qian Xiuzi was not convinced.


Still laughing, she drew out the ninja sword from her waist and stared at him.

Buzz buzz.

As a line of bloody tears flowed from Chihideko's left eye, the ninja sword in her hand suddenly glowed with a dazzling bluish-white light, emitting terrifying chakra fluctuations.

The next second.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

Qian Xiuzi jumped up with a wild smile, held the ninja sword in both hands, and struck at Duan.

Faced with this shocking sword.

Duan still didn't dodge, but stopped and his whole body suddenly spun on the spot like a top at high speed.


The golden bell outside his body also rotated at high speed, the golden light shone brightly, and his defense was once again strengthened.

This is the "Kaiten" that the Hyuga clan claims to be an absolute defense, and it was also copied by Duan and used on the golden bell cover.


As the ninja sword struck the golden bell, blue-white and golden light erupted, swallowing each other and illuminating the forest.

At the same time, a loud noise spread far away, echoing in the night sky, surprising countless birds.

There were also countless wind blades sweeping in all directions, causing trees within a hundred meters to fall in pieces, leaving only bare tree stumps.

far away.

In the forest, Kakashi and Tenzo were carefully following the Uchiha clan.

Worried about being discovered by the Uchiha people, the two of them kept a distance of more than fifty kilometers from the target, using the ninja dogs raised by Kakashi to track them through scent.

"There's a fight ahead."

While the two were resting, they suddenly heard a huge noise and hurried over.

A gust of night wind blew away the dust on the battlefield.

That's...Uchiha Dan?

Kakashi and his two pupils shrank and saw a familiar tall figure.

He stood there.

His clothes seemed to have been split open by a sharp weapon, and a long scar appeared on his chest, with blood seeping out of it.

Someone can actually hurt Uchiha Dan?

Seeing this scene, both Kakashi and Tenzo looked shocked, and then opened their eyes wide, trying to see clearly who the person fighting against was.

Opposite him was a short-haired woman with a pair of scarlet kaleidoscopes in her eyes, indicating her Uchiha identity.

What's going on, the Uchiha people are doing it themselves?

Kakashi and Tenzo looked at each other and saw the surprise and confusion in each other's eyes. They held their breath, hid in the dense leaves, and continued to peek.


Chihideko gasped violently, the ninja sword in her hand had been broken into several pieces, and the crazy smile on her face disappeared, leaving only horror.

Although her strongest blow successfully broke through Duan's golden bell, most of its power was offset. When the last knife struck Duan's body, his steel body broke.

Although there was no bleeding, the wound was not deep at all, just a minor injury.

"How is it possible that I can't kill him? This guy is a monster..."

Qian Xiuzi shook her head vigorously and started mumbling to herself again in front of Duan's face.

Duan lowered his head and glanced at his wound, feeling a little surprised.

have to say.

The power of Qian Xiuzi's eye skills exceeded his expectations.

Then, take away this power from her.


Sensing Duan's killing intent, Qian Xiuzi jumped back quickly, trying to distance herself from Duan.


Duan pursued her fiercely and used a strange punch to unleash powerful air currents all over her body. He locked Qian Xiuzi with murderous intent, making the latter unable to move.

If this punch had hit Qian Xiuzi, she would have ended up being torn into pieces and her death would have been extremely miserable.

A matter of life and death.

Qian Xiuzi's eyes narrowed and she once again used the kaleidoscope eye technique.

Her legs were bent, her body's center of gravity sank, and her knees were brought together in the middle, forming a crotch posture. At the same time, her hands were tightly clenched and placed on both sides of her waist.

This posture looks a little funny, but also inexplicably cute.

Duandu was stunned for a moment.


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