Samui is a native of Cloud Shadow Village and a special jounin. He came to Konoha three years ago and lurked around Zeduan.

"Sorry, no.

As a brother-in-law, I took the liberty of investigating the people around you. But I suspect that this woman is a spy. She approached you deliberately to get information about the Uchiha clan.

If you still don't believe it, I can use the Sharingan to torture her and make her confess everything herself. "

Fugaku looked serious and expressed his speculation.

He originally thought that after learning the truth, Duan would be very surprised and even unable to accept it.

But the strange thing is that Duan just put down the document with a calm face and asked: "Then what are you going to do with her?"

Hearing this, Fugaku slowly frowned and fell into deep thought.

"According to regulations, spies must be thrown into the police prison for interrogation. But this Samui is said to be a confidant of the Fourth Raikage. If he learns that something happened to her, Kumogakure may not let it go easily."

He said these words solemnly.

"Brother-in-law, you are worried that what happened to the Hyuga clan will happen again to us Uchiha. Is that right?"

Sue saw Fugaku's scruples.

Chapter 18, Masked Man

"That's right."

Fugaku glanced at Kumo with approval, nodded and recalled, "Three years ago, it was clearly Kumogakure who kidnapped Hyuga Hinata first, and Hinata Hinata killed Kumogakure in anger in order to save her daughter. But under the pressure of the Fourth Raikage Next, in order to appease Kumogakure's anger, the Third Hokage asked the Hyuga clan to hand over the body of Hyuga Hizashi."

Danya was thoughtful and continued following Fugaku's words:

“The suppression of Uchiha by the top management of Konoha is ten times worse than that of the Hyuga clan.

If history repeats itself, facing the pressure from Cloud Shadow Village, not only will Konoha's top management not stand on the side of the Uchiha, they will probably be overjoyed and take the opportunity to oppress the Uchiha clan as a matter of course.

By then, Uchiha would also have to hand over his own 'Hyuga Hizashi', and even the heads of more clan members. "

A lesson for the past and a guide for the future.

"Jiang, you really understand me very well and said what I wanted to say."

Fugaku smiled, the approval in his eyes even stronger.

He had just criticized Duan's stance as "too mild" during the day, but he didn't expect that his brother-in-law would correct it so quickly and learn to consider the interests of Uchiha.

In Fugaku's view, Dan's vision has exceeded that of most tribesmen, and it is rare to be able to view and think about problems from a higher perspective.

After this exchange.

He became more determined to train Duan carefully and make his brother-in-law his right-hand man.

But until then.

"So, my suggestion to you is to fire this woman immediately when you go back tonight, and don't associate with her again in the future. Can you do it?"

Fugaku stared at Dan with burning eyes, waiting for the latter's answer.

"Who knows about Sam Yi?" Duan asked before giving an answer.

"I personally investigated this matter, and even Mikoto and Itachi didn't know anything about it."

Fugaku said there was no need to worry, the information would not be leaked.

Duan nodded, and then said calmly: "Then, I want to keep Samyi."


Fugaku thought he heard wrongly, and frowned again, with an unhappy look on his face: "Jan, do you really like this woman that much?"


Sami is very beautiful.

In Fugaku's memory, he had only seen one such beautiful woman with blond hair, big breasts and fair skin in so many years, and that was one of the legendary Sannin, Princess Tsunade of Konoha.

So, why is he so reluctant to part with this woman?

"That's not the reason."

Facing his brother-in-law's questioning, Duan shook his head and told the truth, "I knew Sam Yi was a spy from the beginning."

As he spoke, he gently stroked Sam Yi's hair in his arms with his big hands, as if he were petting a cat.

What? ?

Fugaku was shocked again.

No wonder.

When he told Duan that Samyi was a spy, Duan was not surprised at all. It turned out that he had known it for a long time.

"Then, why do you keep keeping her by your side?"

After Fugaku came to his senses, he asked.

Because she is very useful, she can be both an employee and a nanny.

Duanxin said this, but it's actually that simple.

But he also knew that this reason would not satisfy Fugaku, so after thinking for a few seconds, he gave another answer:

"Brother-in-law, since the higher-ups in Konoha are so afraid of Kumogakure, why can't we take advantage of this and establish some kind of connection with Kumogakure through Samui, a woman, or even borrow her power to be used by our Uchiha clan?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Fugaku was shocked, his pupils gradually dilated, and he showed an expression of sudden realization.

Like an enlightenment.

"I understand, Duan. What you mean is to treat this woman as a chess piece and use her to..."

"Roughly the same."

Duan interrupted. Although he didn't know what Fugaku understood, he still nodded along with the other person's words as always.

"In this case, this woman will be left to your disposal."

Fugaku stood up with confidence. As he spoke, he picked up the document and his palm burst into flames.

In front of Duan, the information about Sami was burned to ashes.

"Then I'll go back first."

Sue easily picked up Samui in a princess hug and said goodbye to Fugaku.

The lonely moon hangs high.

The Nanga River flows quietly through the forest of the Uchiha clan.

On the bank of the river, stands the ancestral temple of this clan - Nanga Shrine.

Under the cold moonlight, Yashiro Uchiha came to the main hall of the shrine alone. He looked around to make sure no one was following him, then walked in.

Inside the shrine, there is a secret room hidden under the seventh tatami from the far right.

This is the secret gathering place of the Uchiha clan.


Yashiro pushed the door open and found that the torches on both sides of the secret room had been lit. A figure was facing away from him, standing in front of the Uchiha clan's stone monument.

"You came."

The man turned around slowly.

"Greetings to Madara-sama." Yashiro lowered his head and bowed deeply to the other party.

The man in front of him.

Wearing black clothes, with wild long black hair, and an orange tiger-striped mask on his face, only one eye was exposed.

The first impression you get is that of coldness and weirdness.

No one would have thought of it.

This mysterious masked man turned out to be the former patriarch of Uchiha, a legendary ninja who was famous in the ninja world, and was thought to be dead long ago——

Uchiha Madara.

When Yashiro saw the masked man for the first time, he only thought that he was a pretender, until he was defeated miserably at the hands of the latter.

The masked man calls himself Madara Uchiha.

Not only did he show Yashiro the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan, but he also told many Uchiha secrets that even Yashiro had never heard of.

The masked man said that he came to Yashiro because he wanted to support the Uchiha radicals.

Revenge against Konoha.

Yashiro believed it.

"What's going on in the clan recently? Are all plans going well?" The masked man glanced at Yashiro and asked casually.

Yashiro hesitated for a moment, and finally told what happened to Uchiha Dan.


After listening to Yashiro's report, the masked man became interested in Suan.

He incited Yashiro and others to rebel against Konoha, not so that the Uchiha clan could successfully seize power and become Hokage or something.

on the contrary.

He hopes to use the power of Konoha to eradicate Uchiha.


The idea of ​​ending this "Tamasha Sect" coincides with the masked man's, because Uchiha and Konoha's death together is what he most wants to see.

Think of this.

"I will personally contact Uchiha Dan and absorb him."

After the masked man said such words, a whirlpool-like space distortion occurred centered on his right eye, sucking his entire body into it.


Yashiro looked surprised.

Although this was not the first time he had seen Master Madara's ability, he was still amazed by this method of manipulating space at will.

Is this the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Inside Konoha Village.

The masked man was like a ghost. He seemed to be in a deserted place along the way, and soon found the gym in the alley.

"Department of Physical Transformation."

He read out a few words on the plaque, sneered, took a few steps forward, and passed through the closed door without any hindrance.

Hey, no one is home?

He entered the museum and looked around, but found no trace of Suan.

Then... just wait a moment.


The masked man walked around, finally pushed open the door of the ashram, sat down on the futon, rested his chin on his hand, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Half an hour later.

Just when the masked man was getting impatient and about to lose his patience, the owner of the gym finally came back.

Chapter 19, Obito’s dog leash


The door to the gym opens and the lights inside the gym turn on.

Duan carried the unconscious Samyi back to her bedroom and put her on the bed.


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