"Sure enough, I still need to take action myself."

Danzo muttered to himself in a deep voice, then raised his crutch and knocked it on the ground, making a thud.

Aburame Ryoma appeared, bringing with her a yellow-haired kid.

Uzumaki Naruto.

Since being protected by ANBU, Naruto has spent almost all this time in a small dark room without seeing the light of day.

This originally optimistic and cheerful young man had been imprisoned in disguise for so long. At this time, he became depressed, his head drooped, and his eyes were dull.

"Lift his head up."

Danzo frowned and gave instructions to Aburame Ryoma, then lifted the bandage on his right face, revealing Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Under Danzo's gaze, Naruto suddenly stirred, his consciousness finally came to his senses, and then he shouted:

"You, what are you going to do, let me go!"

The kid instinctively felt the danger and struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Naruto's pupils suddenly dilated, his blue eyes gradually turned into a scarlet kaleidoscope, and he became a puppet manipulated by Danzo.

"Next, it's time to wake up the guy inside you."

Danzo murmured, his eyes wild.

The night of Kyuubi a few years ago left an indelible memory in his mind. Once you see the power of the nine-tailed demon fox with your own eyes, it will be unforgettable forever.

And what a wonderful thing it would be to be able to control that power.

So far.

Danzo transplanted Hashirama cells and captured the Sharingan. Everything he did was to give himself the power to control the Nine-Tails.

Because he knows.

Once you get that power, you can be invincible.

Think of this.

"Show up, Kyuubi!"

Danzo's eyes were burning and he couldn't wait to shout.

The next second.


An unimaginably huge amount of evil chakra surged out of Naruto's body and turned into a dazzling red light, drowning everything.


This moment.

The Uchiha clan, Jiraiya and all the ANBU in front of the Hokage Building, as well as the thousands of Konoha ninjas outside the battlefield, almost everyone felt something and had a look of horror on their faces.

This chakra...

Everyone's eyes were all looking in one direction.

A burst of bloody red light enveloped less than half of Konoha.

After the red light dissipated, an orange fox with a height of more than fifty meters and nine tails appeared between heaven and earth.

Chapter 159, I’m so high that I can’t stand it anymore

Viewed from mid-air.

A fox as huge as a mountain appeared in Konoha Village.


It roared up to the sky, and the nine tails behind it danced wildly, constantly destroying the surrounding buildings, and also set off hurricane-like air waves, uprooting the surrounding trees.

The Konoha ninjas in the distance were blown around by the roaring air waves. The look on everyone's face was extremely horrified at this moment.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago has become a haze that has shrouded the hearts of countless Konoha ninjas and villagers, and it has not dissipated to this day.

Many people will have lingering fears and trembling legs whenever they think of that night.

And today, the Kyuubi came again, reminding everyone of the fear of being dominated by it.

"That's... Danzo!"

Someone with sharp eyes exclaimed and found Danzo standing above Kyuubi with a cane.

The Uchiha was right.

Danzo was indeed secretly released by the Sandaime. Is he using Shisui's eyes to control the Nine-Tails to deal with the Uchiha clan?

The appearance of Kyuubi.

The two sides who were fighting fiercely in front of the Hokage Building also temporarily stopped.

Both Uchiha and ANBU people looked at Kyuubi in surprise.

Then they saw——

Under Danzo's control, Kyuubi's scarlet eyes stared at the people in front of the Hokage Building.


It opened its mouth and launched countless chakra energy balls, which flew towards the Hokage Building like rain.

Fugaku's pupils shrank and he shouted to the clan members:

"Hide behind me!"

He used Susanoo to protect his clan members, transforming into a huge chakra shield that stood in front like a high wall.

The next second.

Boom boom boom.

A large number of energy balls bombarded Susana's body, making its light dim. Fugaku also staggered and retreated one after another, looking uncomfortable.

Fortunately, no clan members were injured.

However, everyone in Konoha who was also within the range of the energy ball was not so lucky.

Amid a violent explosion and screams.

At least hundreds of Konoha ninjas died in this attack by Kyuubi, including many Anbu.

Those who survived were all shocked and angry, and then cast an angry look at Danzo.

The major ninja clans watching from a distance couldn't help but feel chilled when they saw this scene.

Danzo doesn't care about the lives of everyone in Konoha.

"Hey, did you actually block it? It seems that I underestimated Susanoo. So, what about the next move?"

Danzo muttered to himself, his eyes turned cold, and he gave orders to Kyuubi again.

Buzz buzz.

The Nine-Tails raised its head and opened its mouth wide. Endless chakra gathered back, spinning at high speed, and soon formed a high-density black energy bomb in its mouth.

Tailed beast jade.

This is the most powerful ability of the tailed beast. It mixes Yin and Yang chakra in a ratio of 2:8 to form an energy bomb and then launches it. The explosion is powerful enough to blow away several mountains or destroy a village.

Danzo's true purpose was finally revealed.

He wanted to evaporate the Uchiha clan, the ANBU, and the entire Hokage building where the Sandaime was.

As long as he removes all obstacles, he can firmly control Konoha and become...

The Fifth Hokage.

Thinking of such a future right in front of him, even Danzo, who had always been indifferent to emotions and anger, could not help but be ecstatic at this time, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

Go to hell!

He roared in his mind.

at this time.


A vigorous figure jumped between the roofs of Konoha's buildings and quickly approached Kyuubi.

It's Uchiha Itachi.


During this process, his Mangekyou Sharingan released a strong pupil energy impact, which entered Kyuubi's eyes.


Kyuubi suddenly roared in pain, its huge body struggled, and the tailed beast jade that was about to be launched was also forced to interrupt.


Danzo was shocked and found out that Itachi had ruined his good deeds, and he couldn't help but get angry.

Itachi saw Danzo's right eye.

Yes, it's Shisui's eyes.

His eyes were suddenly filled with fierce murderous intent, and he wanted to cut Danzo into pieces, but suddenly, Itachi felt dizzy and his eyes shed tears of blood again.

This is a manifestation of excessive overdraft of pupil power in a short period of time.

As soon as Itachi turned on the kaleidoscope, he used the power of these eyes too frequently, and he did not transplant Hashirama cells, so the recovery of his pupil power could not keep up.

good chance.

Danzo was overjoyed when he saw this, his eyes burst out with greedy and passionate gazes, and he immediately ordered Kyuubi to stretch out a paw and grab Itachi:

"Just in time, give me your eyes too."

See this scene.

"Tiehuo, hurry up and support Itachi, we must seize control of the Nine-Tails!"

Fugaku dismissed Susanoo and shouted at Tiehuo. The two immediately used the teleportation technique and rushed towards Danzo and Kyuubi.


In the process, the two of them, like Itachi before, used their respective Mangekyō Sharingan to unleash genjutsu on the Nine-Tails.

Not just them, but also Obito.

Obito appeared quietly near Kyuubi.

He has been lurking in the dark, just waiting for Danzo to take action and for Kyuubi to come to the world again.

Haha, Danzo, that stupid old guy.

Do you think that by getting Shisui's right eye, you can control the Kyuubi as you please? too naive.

The reason why Obito can control the Nine-Tails with one eye is not only relying on the power of the kaleidoscope eyes and Hashirama cells, but more importantly, the secret technique he learned from Uchiha Madara.

After all, back then, the Nine-Tails was almost a toy in Madara's hands. Madara had already thoroughly developed how to control the Nine-Tails.

So Obito is confident that he can snatch Kyuubi over.

Swish, swish, swish.

The figures of Itachi, Fugaku, and Tiehuo appeared in the depths of a dark space.

This is Kyuubi's consciousness space.

Three Kaleidoscope Uchiha intervened here with their own spiritual power.


Itachi saw Danzo not far away at a glance. When the other party saw that the three people's spirits had invaded here, his expression suddenly changed and he took several steps back.

At this time.


Obito also arrived, standing in a triangle with the three Uchiha and Danzo, forming a confrontation.

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