As long as the Sandaime and Danzo come out from there, he must make them personally admit the crime of killing Shisui, and then use his own pair of Mangekyō Sharingan to avenge Shisui.


What came out of it was not the Sandaime or Danzo, but... Jiraiya.

Jiraiya, a tall man with long white hair, strode out of the building with a serious face and came to the opposite side of the Uchiha people.

"It's Jiraiya-sama."

The Konoha ninjas watching all around began to whisper.

Jiraiya went deep into Amegakure Village alone, completed negotiations with Akatsuki leader Payne, helped Konoha and Amegakure to sign an armistice agreement, and successfully resolved a huge crisis.

Such achievements made him known as the hero who saved Konoha.

The former Sannin of Konoha.

When Orochimaru rebelled against the village and died, and Tsunade also fell to the Uchiha clan, only Jiraiya still stood firmly on the side of the village, and naturally gained the support of many Konoha ninjas.

His prestige in Konoha now even exceeds that of the Sandaime.


Jiraiya's eyes swept across the Uchiha crowd, but he did not see Uchiha Dan, which made him feel deeply doubtful and uneasy.

All Uchiha's actions were directed from behind.

It is impossible for that man to miss such an occasion.

But for now.

Jiraiya could only turn his eyes to Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, and looked at each other with the latter.

After a brief silence.

"Chief Fugaku, may I ask the Uchiha clan what this means?"

Jiraiya spoke first, trying to communicate with the other party.

After hearing this, Fugaku first signaled to Itachi with his eyes, asking the latter to place the stretcher in the open space in front of him and show Shisui's body to everyone.


"The Sandaime connived at Danzo to kill Shisui, and even took away Shisui's eyes in a frenzied manner... They knew they had committed an ugly crime and did not dare to show up, so they sent you to deal with it, Jiraiya?"

Fugaku sneered, angrily made the crimes of the top officials public, and made ruthless ridicule.

Jiraiya frowned and glanced at Shisui's body on the ground, only to see two dark blood holes where the latter's eyes were.


The other party's statement differed in some details from what the Sandaime told him.


Jiraiya still chose to believe in the Sandaime.

But others are different.

"It was Danzo who killed Uchiha Shisui? Wasn't he thrown into the ANBU prison? Was he secretly released by the Sandaime?"

"With Danzo's character and methods, it's not surprising at all that he would do such a murderous and eye-catching thing."

"Presumably the Sandaime and Danzo set up a trap to kill Shisui, but Shisui escaped and the matter was exposed. No wonder the Uchiha clan is so angry and wants to settle the score with the Sandaime."


The surrounding Konoha ninjas were talking a lot.

When Danzo was the Hokage's assistant, he did a lot of outrageous things, such as forcibly recruiting geniuses from all races to join the Roots. Needless to say, his reputation was poor.

As for the Sandaime, he was originally considered a highly respected Hokage and respected by everyone.

But in recent times, his series of decisions, such as the rash declaration of war that led to the destruction of Konoha's three thousand army, his constant compromises with Uchiha, and his cover-up of Danzo in every possible way, have all shown how old and feeble he is.

Reviews plummeted.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people.

Although the Uchiha clan is not a good thing, the Sandaime and Danzo are not much better. The two sides are just dogs eating dogs.

Fugaku saw part of the Konoha ninja's thoughts.

So he immediately raised his voice and shouted to everyone:

"Today, the Uchiha clan only wants to avenge Shisui and will never harm innocent people. I hope you will not be deceived and join this war that has nothing to do with you!"


After hearing this, everyone in Konoha around them looked at each other, or communicated in low voices, and then chose to retreat.

Not to mention those small families and civilian ninjas, even big families like Inogacho, who had been loyal to the Sandaime, now assumed a stance of staying out of the matter.

Some time ago.

Akimichi Tifeng was invited out of the mountain by the third generation, and rushed to the front line with the elites of the three clans of pigs, deers and butterflies, but none of them came back.

This incident made the three clans full of resentment against the Sandaime.

At this time, they could see that the third generation had exhausted its power and was about to collapse.

So I chose to sit back and watch.

not good.

Seeing this, Jiraiya secretly said bad.

If everyone in Konoha didn't go out to encircle and suppress Uchiha, and only relied on him and these more than a hundred Anbu, they would inevitably be in a hard battle.

What disturbed him the most was.

Until now, Uchiha Dan still hasn't shown up.

at this time.

An old but energetic voice suddenly sounded from outside the crowd.

"Uchiha Shisui attempted to use genjutsu to manipulate the Sandaime and make the Sandaime give way to Uchiha Dan, thus allowing Uchiha to rule Konoha. Fortunately, I took action in time and stopped this conspiracy!"

In the eyes of countless people with surprise.

Danzo and his two guards strode out of the crowd and arrived in front of the Hokage Building.


Itachi's pupils suddenly shrank, his scarlet eyes bloomed with a sharp gaze, and he was about to activate the kaleidoscope eye technique.


Danzo couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Itachi's eyes, and then sighed:

"Itachi, you really have dark qualifications.

The Second Hokage once said during his lifetime that the Sharingan is the eye that reflects the soul. If the Uchiha clan wants to open their eyes, they often need strong negative emotional stimulation, and the best way is to kill their companions or relatives.

Let me guess, you were able to activate these Mangekyō Sharingan eyes because you killed Shisui with your own hands, right? "

As soon as this statement came out.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and many people were shocked.

Is this how the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is originally activated?


There have long been rumors in the village that you should not get close to the Uchiha clan, otherwise you will become unfortunate.

For example, Itachi, the team he once belonged to encountered an enemy while on a mission. As a result, everyone was wiped out. Only he survived and opened the Sharingan.

The same goes for Shisui. After losing his companions, he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Now it seems.

Those who are too close to the Uchiha clan, in their eyes, are just materials that need to be sacrificed to open their eyes?

"Itachi, don't be impulsive yet."

Fugaku put his hand on Itachi's shoulder.

Then he looked directly at Danzo and said coldly:

"Danzo, do you think anyone will believe these slanders and accusations coming from your mouth? The Uchiha clan only has one thing to do today, which is to take revenge for stopping water, and then leave Konoha as a family. Nostalgia for power and the position of Hokage!"

This was a decision Fugaku made after careful consideration.

Since Konoha cannot tolerate Uchiha, then Uchiha should leave this hellish place and go out to establish another branch.

But before that, the revenge that should be avenged must be avenged, so that we can happily break up with Konoha.

Danzo just sneered:

"That's nice! Uchiha clearly intends to seek refuge in Cloud Shadow Village, and then use its power to launch a war against Konoha. I swear, I will never let you leave Konoha alive!"

His words caused everyone in Konoha to discuss again.

Is this true? Uchiha actually colluded with Cloud Shadow Village to help foreign enemies annex Konoha?

Faced with Danzo's slander, Fugaku was not angry and wanted to defend the Uchiha clan.

But Danzo suddenly glanced at him, and in front of everyone in Konoha, he said shocking words:

"Once upon a time, there was a dog.

The first Hokage said that dogs are humane and can become people's friends and family members, so they must be influenced with love. But in the end he was bitten by a dog and died of rabies;

The Second Hokage said that dogs need to be well disciplined, especially a dog that is prone to going crazy. After throwing a bone to make it obedient, you must quickly tie the leash and put on a muzzle. When you need it to bite, let it out again;

As for the Third Hokage, he was left indecisive, watching the dog getting more and more crazy, even baring his teeth at people, but he couldn't make up his mind to beat the dog;

In my opinion, since it is a mad dog, there is no need to keep it, and it should be killed from the beginning.

That’s right!

The Uchiha clan is that mad dog.

All Konoha ninjas, join me today to kill the Uchiha gang who are colluding with Kumogakure and cheating! "

this moment.

Danzo finally revealed the root cause of his hatred of the Uchiha clan.

In his eyes, the Uchiha clan is a mad dog that may bite its owner at any time. Such a dog must be killed.


Deadly quiet.

Everyone present, whether it was Jiraiya, ANBU, the Uchiha clan, or many Konoha ninjas, did not expect that Danzo would say such words.

Comparing Uchiha to dogs.

As soon as he said this, he was destined to fight to the death.


Itachi roared angrily again. Out of anger, his murderous intent reached its extreme, and he stared at Danzo with a pair of eyes.

The next second.

In Itachi's right eye, a strong fluctuation of Yin Escape Chakra emerged, and at the same time, a bloody tear flowed from his eye.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Suddenly, without warning, a black flame appeared on Danzo's chest, attached to his body surface, and spread rapidly throughout his body.


Danzo was caught off guard and was attacked. He screamed in pain and his expression was twisted in pain.

Water escape!

He endured the severe pain and formed a seal, summoning water to wrap around himself, trying to extinguish the flames on his body. I didn’t expect——

The black flame couldn't even be extinguished by water. It even used fire to overcome the water, causing the water to burn as well.


This technique is to summon the black flame from the center of the sun at the focus of the kaleidoscope's sight, which can burn everything and never go out until the target is destroyed.

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