Watching Danzo's back go away, Obito sneered silently.

Regardless of whether Danzo's plan succeeds, whether Uchiha is destroyed, or whether Konoha's top brass is overthrown by Uchiha, at least one thing is certain -

Konoha will soon usher in an unprecedented bloody storm.

For Obito, once he obtains the power of the Nine-Tails, he can act according to the situation. It is best to let Konoha and Uchiha die together.

"Uchiha Dan, just wait. I've said it before, the one who laughs last is the winner."

Obito murmured, then activated his divine power and disappeared.

Chapter 148, I hope Konoha will endure the pain and give up her love!

The next day.

Due to the signing of the armistice agreement, Konoha and Kumogakure reached peace, temporarily eliminating foreign troubles.

Therefore, the Chunin Exams, which were originally planned to be canceled, were resumed.

It lasts three days.

As a genin sent by Uchiha to participate in the competition, Izumi lived up to expectations, passing five levels and defeating six generals, successfully reaching the finals.

Chunin exam venue.

The auditorium was packed with people and the atmosphere was warm. Tens of thousands of people witnessed the last competition.

It was a difficult battle for the two genin fighting on the field.

at last.


The tall and dark-skinned Kumogakure ninja fell to his knees due to exhaustion of chakra and could only reluctantly admit defeat.

The champion was born, Izumi Uchiha.

In the audience, cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami suddenly sounded, soaring into the sky.

As the host, defeat the menacing and powerful enemy Yun Ying and keep this championship in the homeland. For Konoha right now, it is undoubtedly an exciting thing.


No matter how unpopular the Uchiha clan was in the village, Izumi, who was on the field defending Konoha's honor with blood and sweat, deserved such cheers.


In the field, Quan was panting while holding a kunai. The three magatama in his eyes gradually disappeared, revealing a relieved smile.

She looked towards the sidelines. Itachi stood up from the front row of the audience and smiled at her.

In addition to Itachi, there were also other Uchiha clan members such as Chief Fugaku and Mrs. Mikoto who came to the scene specially to cheer her up today.

It was precisely because of everyone's encouragement that Quan fought bravely to the end.

At the top of the stand, there is a plaque that reads "No. 1 in the world."

Under the plaque are the Third Raikage and the Third Hokage wearing robes and shadow hats.

When the results of the game were settled, the Sandaime breathed a sigh of relief. The frown he had been frowning recently finally relaxed, and a heartfelt smile appeared on his old face.

Just win.

Seeing that Kumogakure lost the final battle, the Fourth Raikage did not put on an ugly face, but smiled heartily and praised with dignity:

"It was truly a perfect Chunin Exam. The wonderful performance of the genin feasted the eyes of the audience. Especially Uchiha Izumi, who opened the three Magatama Sharingan when he was only eleven years old and defeated all the genin of Kumogakure. He is a rare genius. ah."

"Haha, Raikage deserves the award."

The Sandaime stroked his beard.

The Fourth Raikage's eyes flashed and he continued:

"I heard that Konoha ranked first in the chunin exam last year and was also an Uchiha genius named Itachi. Tsk tsk, the Uchiha clan is famous in the ninja world. No wonder even Pain, who claims to be a god, dare not invade. We can only sign a peace agreement with Konoha obediently. Having Uchiha in Konoha is really enviable."

With his emotion, he made no secret of his praise for Uchiha.

The Sandaime frowned slightly when he heard this, and then responded with a smile:

"Raikage, you don't know something. The person representing Konoha and Amegakure in peace talks this time is my disciple Jiraiya. He entered Amegakure Village alone and convinced Pain with his strength."

The implication is that the peace agreement has nothing to do with Uchiha.

The Fourth Raikage was noncommittal about this.

He seemed to be particularly interested in the Uchiha clan, and soon mentioned it to the Sandaime, saying:

Earlier than the Warring States Period, Uchiha was once a wealthy family in the Kingdom of Thunder. Later, he went south to the Kingdom of Fire and established today's Konoha with the Senju.

The Sandaime nodded.

He is a well-educated man and naturally knows something about the history of the Uchiha clan.

a hundred years ago.

The Uchiha clan was once hired by the Daiming Mansion of the Land of Thunder to help the Daiming suppress rebellions and eliminate dissidents. The most famous deed is the exile of the Blood Pond clan to Hell Valley in the Kingdom of Yu.

It can be said that he has a fierce reputation.

Thinking of this, the Sandaime couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

Alas, why can't the Uchiha clan just stay in Kumogakure? Why do they have to come to harm Konoha?


Lei Ying suddenly mentioned this, what did he want to say?

While the Sandaime was secretly guessing, the Fourth Raikage had been laying the groundwork for a long time, and finally "saw it all".

"I heard that the Uchiha clan is not doing well in Konoha, and they have been pushed to the edge of the village. So..."

After the Raikage said this, he stood up from his seat and stared at the Sandaime with sharp eyes, "If one day Uchiha gets homesick and decides to leave Konoha and return to Kumogakure, I hope Konoha can bear the pain and give up!"


The Sandaime looked surprised.

He knew that Raikage visited the Uchiha clan yesterday, and what the two parties talked about in private... was this about this?

Come to your senses.

The Sandaime looked solemn and immediately retorted righteously:

"No such thing!

The Uchiha clan owns a large amount of land and industry in Konoha. The clan also has the largest number of jounin in the village. Jorge holds the position of assistant to the Hokage and is deeply trusted by me.

Although I don’t know where the Raikage heard the rumor, I firmly believe that the Uchiha and the village are of the same mind. "

The Fourth Raikage heard this and just laughed:

"It turns out that I was too sentimental."

After saying this, he said goodbye to the Sandaime and turned to leave.

Looking at the retreating figure of the Raikage, the Sandaime's face gradually darkened, as if covered with a layer of frost.

Without saying a word, he stood up, left the venue, and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Along the way.

The Sandaime frowned in thought.

To be honest, if Uchiha really wanted to leave Konoha, the Sandaime would not keep him.

Because Uchiha has been Konoha's biggest time bomb from the beginning.

From Uchiha Madara in the first generation, to the police department in the second generation, to Obito and Dan in the third generation, all kinds of troublesome people have always appeared in this clan, threatening the peace and tranquility of Konoha.

The ultimate reason is that Uchiha does not agree with the will of fire.

In the eyes of the Sandaime.

If Konoha loses Uchiha, the village's strength will definitely decline in the short term, but in the long run, it will definitely be more conducive to the stability and development of Konoha.


After Uchiha and Konoha separated, it would be fine if they went out to build an independent village. At most, they would be the second Uzumaki clan.

But if Uchiha joins Kumogakure as the Fourth Raikage said, he will definitely make Kumogakure even more powerful.

At that time, if Kumogakure launches a war and joins forces with Uchiha to invade Konoha——

The consequences will be disastrous.

Because of this, the Sandaime sternly rebutted the Raikage, telling the latter to give up his thoughts.

The question is, what to do next?

Should we continue to win over Uchiha and let them stay in Konoha and not fall to Kumogakure?

But for the Sandaime, land, money and power, he has given all the benefits he can give to Uchiha, and if he is asked to increase his chips, it seems that only...

The position of Hokage.

And this is the bottom line that the Sandaime sticks to.

Only the Hokage must not be allowed to be the Uchiha, otherwise Konoha will exist in name only.

Just when the Sandaime was indecisive.

Danzo appeared.

"Hiruzhan, the worst situation has occurred. Uchiha has joined forces with Kumogakure and is about to overthrow Konoha. This time we must strike first, otherwise it will be too late!"

As soon as Danzo spoke, he urged the Sandaime to take action against Uchiha.

Hearing this, the Sandaime shook his head:

"Duanzo, you are alarmist again. As far as I know, the Raikage just wants to win over Uchiha to join Kumogakure. The situation is not as serious as you think."


Danzo immediately sneered and said in a deep voice, "I have obtained evidence that Uchiha collaborated with the enemy."

"What evidence?" Sandaime asked.

"You should know that there is a woman named Samui next to Uchiha Dan. That woman's true identity is the Kumogakure ninja. For the past three years, she has been passing information and making connections between Uchiha and Kumogakure!"

His reputation was unknown before he was cut off.

Therefore, no one will care about him, let alone investigate Samyi next to him.

But now, the broken tree attracts the wind, and his "lover" Samyi cannot escape the attention of interested people.


Danzo currently only suspects that Samui may be Kumogakure's man, and there is no actual evidence.

But doubt is enough.


The Sandaime was indeed surprised when he heard the news.

Danzo saw that the Sandaime was wavering, so he struck while the iron was hot and continued his analysis:

"This time Raikage led the team to take part in the Chunin Exam. It was obviously just a pretense. The actual purpose was to collude with Uchiha and formulate a plan to subvert Konoha.

No matter what he said to you, it was just to numb you, the Hokage.

According to my inference, once the Raikage returns to Kumogakure Village, he will gather an army and go south to invade Konoha! When the time comes for Uchiha and Kumogakure to join forces, Konoha will fall into an irreversible situation! "

The Sandaime became more frightened as he listened.

"Hiruzen, I suggest—

As soon as Kumogakure's people left, they immediately sent people to capture Samui, handed him over to the Intelligence Department for torture, and then announced to the whole village evidence of Uchiha's collaboration with the enemy!

As long as we mobilize the whole village to eradicate the Uchiha clan, Kumogakure will lose its internal support and will not dare to launch another war against Konoha.

Hiruzen, this is our last chance, we must not let Konoha fall into the hands of Uchiha and Kumogakure! "

Danzo became more and more excited as he talked, asking the Sandaime to make a decision and stop hesitating.

After listening to Danzo's fierce words.

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