He came in hot pursuit.

In order to prevent Jiraiya from using ninjutsu at a distance, Dan directly rode on Jiraiya and dragged the latter into a hand-to-hand fight on the ground.

Bang bang bang!

He raised a pair of iron fists and hammered Jiraiya hard on the head, forcing the opponent to protect his head with both hands.

But this was just a feint.

He quickly grabbed Jiraiya's flaw, grabbed the latter's right arm with one hand, and wrapped the other hand around his right arm, grabbing the wrist of his front hand.

Then he used his own weight to suppress Jiraiya, making him unable to move and resist.

While using the principle of leverage, the combined force of both arms formed an upward pull on Jiraiya's right arm.

Anti-joint technique, Kimura lock.


With an extremely clear sound, Jiraiya's right arm was broken.

"Ah!" Under the severe pain, Jiraiya couldn't help but let out a scream.

Hear the sound of the two fighting.

"what's the situation?"

Samui, Tsunade and Shizune, all wearing pajamas, hurried out of their respective rooms.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Dan riding on Jiraiya's body and subduing the latter with jutsu.


When two big men were fighting hand-to-hand on the ground, their postures were not very elegant.

In the process, the bath towel wrapped around his lower body slipped off more than half, and was about to leave him completely naked.

See this scene.

The faces of the three women suddenly turned red, and they all turned their heads to the side, but the images they saw in their minds could not be taken away.

Duan stood up and wrapped himself in a bath towel calmly.

"Director, what's going on?"

Samui asked with a blushing face.

Suan glanced at Jiraiya who was lying on the ground, sweating profusely and in unbearable pain, and said coldly:

"He sneaked into the building and watched me shower."

As soon as these words came out, the three women present shrank their pupils and looked shocked.

Jiraiya almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

I peeked at you?

My lustful fairy is good at women, not men, you bastard! Don't slander my innocence!

But he was already in so much pain that he couldn't speak, so he could only roar in his heart.

Tsunade walked over with a frown.

Of course she recognized Jiraiya, but she didn't expect that the reunion after so many years would be like this.

"Tsunade, long time no see..."

Jiraiya managed to speak, forcing out a smile that was uglier than crying.

Tsunade saw at a glance that Jiraiya's right arm had been broken off, and the entire elbow was in the opposite direction, and she couldn't help but gasped.

Stop this guy, he's too cruel.

"do not move!"

She scolded, squatted down next to Jiraiya, and immediately treated him.

Half an hour later.

The renovated reception room.

On the tatami, Jiraiya sat on one side of the low table, his arm wrapped in a bandage hanging around his neck.

Opposite him, Duan changed his clothes and had an expressionless face.


Jiraiya pondered for a long time, and finally apologized despite his unwillingness.

Who asked him to break into a private house? Even if he was locked up by a strong man and an arm was broken, he would still have to suffer the loss of being mute.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, let's forget it."

Dan was very generous and promised not to care about Jiraiya peeking at him in the shower. After saying that, he stood up and went back to his room to rest.

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade who was standing aside, who was staring at him with his arms crossed and a look of disgust on his face.

"Tsunade, can we talk..." As soon as he started, he was interrupted by Tsunade.

"Your injury needs to recover for half a month. During this period, I advise you to control your lower body and don't go to any sensual places."

She dropped these words coldly and turned to leave.

Tsunade still cares about Jiraiya in her heart, after all, the latter has been her best friend for many years. But her concern could only go so far.

Looking at Tsunade's leaving figure, Jiraiya looked stunned.

A long while.

"Alas." He sighed, smiled bitterly, stood up and left.

It was definitely a bad night for Jiraiya. He finally met the goddess he had dreamed of for many years, but he made a fool of himself in front of her.

in addition.

After personally being thwarted, he finally understood the Sandaime's instructions.

Uchiha Dan is indeed a very dangerous guy.

Under the same night sky.

Yuyin Village.

In the huge sewer pipe, the corpses of root ninjas fell to the ground in a mess, each one more miserable than the last.

Among the corpses, six figures wearing robes from the Akatsuki organization and having samsara eyes stood indifferently.

Just now.

A fight breaks out here.

There were two warring parties, one was forty Konoha roots led by Aburame Ryoma.

On the other side is the assassination target of Genbu's trip - Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, or to be more precise, Payne's Six Paths.

From the results.

The root obviously failed, and it was a disastrous defeat that nearly wiped out the entire army. Only a few people were able to escape.

For Payne, this battle can only be regarded as an appetizer.


His next target tonight is Konoha's three thousand ninja army.

Chapter 140, Divine Punishment

Yuyin Village.

In the criss-crossing sewer pipes, two figures were trying to escape.


Aburame Ryoma panted heavily, her whole body wet with cold sweat, one sleeve was empty, and she lost an arm.

Just now.

He experienced the most difficult and desperate battle in his life, and watched helplessly as many of his men were slaughtered and died at the hands of Payne.

The roots are finished.

The person who escorted Aburame Ryoma to escape was a root wearing a white tiger mask, codenamed "Fruit Fly", who was also a ninja of the Aburame clan.

The two were the only survivors.


After finding a secret corner, the two hid and recovered their strength here.

"When Pain catches up, I will be responsible for leading them away, and you can take the opportunity to escape. After returning to Konoha, you must find a way to rescue Danzo-sama."

Aburame Ryoma had a serious look on her face and gave the fruit fly her last order.

He was seriously injured and knew that he could not escape. He could only leave the chance of survival to the fruit fly, which was considered as his care for this younger generation of his own race.

The fruit fly nodded silently.

at this time.


The air in front of the two people suddenly experienced a whirlpool-like fluctuation, and then in their surprised eyes, a figure appeared out of thin air.

Uchiha Obito.

As soon as he saw the opponent's Mangekyō Sharingan, Aburame Ryoma recognized his identity and immediately summoned a large number of parasites to prepare for the enemy.

"take it easy."

Obito spread his hands to show that he had no hostility and said to the two of them, "I have broken up with Akatsuki and am not your enemy. On the contrary, I am here to be your friend."


Aburame Ryoma had an expressionless face, obviously not believing Obito's lies. As long as the opponent takes one step closer, he and the fruit fly will attack.

Seeing this, Obito sighed and told the two of them a secret:

"Do you know why you were discovered by Payne?

Because Pain infused his chakra into the rain, every drop of rain falling on the Hidden Rain Village was closely connected to his perception. From the moment you sneaked into Yugakure and got caught in the rain, you were already exposed to his reincarnation eyes.

If you try to escape from here without paying attention to Pain, it is doomed to be a futile effort. "

Hearing this, Aburame Ryoma and Fruit Fly looked at each other and saw the despair in each other's eyes.


Obito spoke again, pointing to his right eye, "I can help you escape from here, using the power of this Mangekyou Sharingan."

Now that the entire ninja world knows Obito Kamui's abilities, he has shown them openly.

Facing Obito's helping hand.

"Why are you helping us?" Aburame Ryoma asked in a deep voice.

"It's simple, because your Lord Danzo and I have a common enemy, and that is the Uchiha clan."

Obito's eyes burned.

He promised the two that he would not only take them out of here, but also rescue Danzo from the ANBU prison.

After that, Obito hopes to cooperate with Danzo to deal with the Uchiha clan.

Aburame Ryoma was obviously moved.

Obito glanced at the end of the sewer and saw several powerful chakras approaching quickly.

"Penn is coming soon. Let's talk somewhere else."

He then walked towards the two of them, stretched out his two hands and placed them on the shoulders of Aburame Ryoma and Fruit Fly respectively.

The two did not resist.


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