After casually asking the clan members, I learned that my sister Mikoto had just arrived and asked Samui to go shopping together.

He frowned and left the meat modification department building.

on the street.

Uchiha Mikoto and Samui were shopping hand in hand, talking and laughing.

these days.

After getting along with Samyi in depth and understanding all aspects of her, Mikoto became more satisfied with this future "sister-in-law".

While shopping.

As usual, she inquired about Samyi's thoughts in a subtle way, and kept hinting at the latter, hoping to see the relationship between Samyi and Suan go further.

To this.

Samui also did her homework and was very good at pleasing Mikoto, making her trust her more and more.

When the two came to the vicinity of the small park in the tribe.

Samyi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly pretended to be anxious and said to Mikoto:

"Sorry. Sister Mikoto, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh, then go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Mikoto smiled slightly, and happened to be tired from shopping, so she sat down on the bench and planned to rest for a while.

The opportunity has come.

Samyi was overjoyed and immediately left Mikoto and hurried to the toilet in the park.


After she entered the public toilet, she didn't stop for a moment, then slipped out of the back door and came to the woods deep in the park.

it's here.

Samyi looked around to make sure there was no one around, then he cast a spell and summoned the Ninja Eagle to deliver the information.

Tie the information to the ninja eagle's legs and watch it flutter away until it flies out of Konoha and disappears into the distant sky.

Sammy finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

But at this moment.

A "crunch" sound came from behind her, as if someone stepped on the branch.


Samyi turned around suddenly and looked at the visitor with sharp eyes.

But the next second.

Her sharp eyes turned into panic. She looked panicked and stammered:

"Pavilion, curator."


In this case, the person who appeared in front of Samyi was none other than the man she least wanted to see——

Uchiha broke.

"I was passing by outside and saw something flying out of the woods. I felt something fishy, ​​so I came in to take a look."

Duan said as he walked towards Samyi, "By the way, what are you doing here?"


When Sam Yi heard this, his body suddenly became stiff and his heart sank to the bottom.

Sure enough... was it still discovered?

Seeing Duan approaching step by step, Samyi's heart beat violently and he became more and more nervous under the aura exuded by his majestic body.

Want to find a way to escape?


As soon as such an idea came into her mind, she rejected it because Samyi knew that it was impossible for her to escape from the section.

I can only hold on to the last bit of luck.

Prayer Duan just passed by by chance and asked her casually, without really suspecting her.

"Why is your body shaking?"

Duan came to Samyi, noticed the latter's strangeness, and asked in surprise.

The words fell.

He also stretched out a big hand and touched Samyi's shoulder, as if he wanted to check her body.

this moment.

Samyi's inner fear reached the extreme.

In her eyes, the big broken hand was like a big mountain. As long as it fell on her shoulder, it could crush her to death at any time.

She had to do something to save herself.

We can't just sit there and wait for death.

In desperation.


Samyi gritted his teeth and suddenly fell forward, leaning limply on Duan's body.

"Director, I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly feel uncomfortable..."

She pressed her face against her broken chest and said weakly. If he hadn't been leaning against him, he would have fallen down at any time.

This trick is called selling one’s appearance.

Although it was a quick move and probably useless against him, Samyi couldn't think of any other way for a while.


Duan seemed to have fallen into a trap, and Samyi successfully diverted his attention with her beauty.

"Oh? There are too many things going on in the Meat Modification Department recently, so you are exhausted."

Duan let Samyi press against his chest and asked with concern, but there was a hint of imperceptible ridicule in the depths of his eyes.

"Well, I guess so."

Samyi responded and continued along with the broken words, "I wanted to take a good rest today, but Sister Meiqin came to me for shopping... I just came out of the bathroom, a little dizzy, and accidentally twisted my foot. Fortunately, Curator, you are here..."

"Is that so? My sister is too ignorant. I will definitely tell her a lesson later."

Duan frowned, and when he heard Samyi twisting her feet, he offered to carry her back.

Seeing this, Samyi was flattered:

"Director, my sprained ankle is actually not very serious. I should be able to walk back by myself. Besides, you are about to become the Hokage's assistant. How can I ask you to condescend to me?"

"Stop talking nonsense and come up here."

As he spoke, he turned around and squatted down, "I have only carried one person on my back in so many years, my nephew Uchiha Itachi, because I love him the most. However, you are my best employee, and you are in my heart, Uchiha. The status is the same as Itachi’s.”

Such heartwarming words.

But it made Samyi startled, and his face turned even paler.

The curator said that he was the most painful to Itachi, and he said that he raised the iron fist when he was idle, and beat his nephew?

How many people can bear such heavy love?

Looking at Duan's back as broad and thick as a mountain, Samyi hesitated for a moment, but still did not dare to refuse Duan's kindness, and lay down on it.

She pressed against Broken's back and threw her arms around his neck.

Danya put his hands on the crook of Sami's legs and stood up while supporting her thighs.

Then walked out of the woods.

As soon as the two of them arrived outside, they were discovered by Mikoto.


Mikoto came to her senses when she saw Duan carrying Samyi on her back, with a surprised smile on her face.

"Sister, Samyi is not feeling well, and you still drag her shopping."

Suan sighed, complained to Mikoto, and then stepped forward.


Mikoto looked stunned, then hurriedly chased after her, guiltily greeting Samui. After learning that the latter was fine, I felt relieved.

Along the way.

The tribesmen on both sides of the street saw Duan and Samyi lying on his back. In addition to bowing to Duan, they smiled and whispered.

"Duan, Samyi, did you hear that? Everyone says that you two are a perfect match."

Mikoto said with a smile, her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Sister Mikoto, how can there be..."

Samyi immediately blushed and lowered his eyes in shame.

Duan's face was expressionless, showing nothing.

Seeing her brother's appearance, Mikoto frowned slightly, became a little anxious, and sent another assist:

"Jiang, you and Samyi are not young anymore. How about... you listen to me and try to date?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Samyi's face turned red to her ears, and she quickly said: "Sister Miqin, you think too highly of me. I'm just an ordinary person. How can I be worthy of being the curator?"

"What's wrong with it?"

Mikoto encouraged Samyi and gave examples from her own emotional experience.

At first, she thought that Fugaku was an unsmiling, old-fashioned and boring man, but after trying to date him, she discovered many of his advantages and finally became a happy couple.

So Mikoto thinks.

Both Dan and Samui should take a bold step forward, so as to break through the window paper and improve their understanding of each other.

She was simply worried about her brother's life-long event.

To Mikoto's delight.

Today’s break is finally enlightening!

He slowed down and asked Samyi seemingly casually:

"So, Samyi, what do you think of my sister's proposal? Are you willing to try dating me?"


When he heard such words coming from Duan Qian's mouth, Sam Yi's mouth suddenly opened wide and his mind went blank.

turn out to be.

I really like her.

Samyi was so confused that he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

But in fact, only he himself knows what Duan's true thoughts are.

All the time.

The only thing on Duan's mind was fitness. He spent twenty-four years completing muscle transformation just to have the strongest body in the world.

Muscle is unwavering faith.

In comparison.

He has no interest in things like love between men and women and the reproduction of offspring, so he remains single.

Until he woke up to the substitute "world".

One of the characteristics of avatars is that they can be passed on to future generations through blood, which is very similar to the blood inheritance limit.

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