Danzo once used this curse seal to easily restrain Uchiha Sasuke.

"Uchiha Dan, it's over."

Danzo declared callously, seeing that he had fallen into a trap.

Then, without any hesitation, he launched the ninjutsu that killed both of them.

Wood Release·Tree Root Burial Burial.

A moment.

A giant tree grew out of Danzo's right arm, swallowed him up, and was about to swallow him up.

At this critical moment.

There was still no emotion in the broken pair of dark eyes.

Danzo seemed to have forgotten something.

Is he the only one who can cast Izanagi?

of course not.

When the Uchiha attacked the mountain cemetery, they found Izanagi's ninjutsu scroll there. Dan had read it immediately and mastered the technique.


It is different from foreigners like Danzo who need to form a seal to activate Izanagi.

This technique can be activated without forming a seal, and the duration will be much longer than Danzo's.


Sutsu didn't intend to use Izanagi, he wouldn't be stupid enough to waste one of his eyes here.

A better way is——

Damn it~ Varudo!


The long-lost power of stopping time was activated, the whole world turned gray, and the giant trees temporarily stopped growing.

There is a five-second break.

In the original work, Sasuke relied on Susanoo's divine power to break free from the shackles of the cursed seal of his own industry.

And Duan has the favor of the God of Muscles, and his tyrannical body is the power of God.

It only took a second.


As Duan's physical power exploded, his Yang Escape Chakra broke through the curse seals on his body, causing them to dissipate.

Duan, who had regained his freedom, disappeared in a flash.

Time resumes its flow.


The tree root explosion technique was completed, and the violent wood escape chakra filled the entire Four Purple Flame Formation.

Danzo's figure appeared out of thin air again.

Seeing Uchiha Dan being swallowed by the tree, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The outcome has been decided.

The battle just now was quite tiring for Danzo, especially after he activated Izanagi and Root Burial one after another.

The chakra in his body was almost reaching its bottom.

So Danzo gasped, made a seal, and shouted softly: "Untie!"

The words just fell.

"You took the initiative to remove Izanagi, which saved me some time."

A broken voice suddenly sounded behind Danzang, which immediately made him feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.


Danzo turned around suddenly, unable to remain calm anymore, and raised his hand to form a seal with a look of horror on his face.

Want to cast Izanagi again.

But he wouldn't give him a second chance. He rushed to Danzo in one stride and punched out.

Buzz buzz.

The broken fist moved at high speed, like a dream, causing Danzo to hallucinate instantly, and the movements of the seals were also stagnant.

Yin Escape Phantasmal Body Technique.

Danzo didn't wait for him to recover from his trance.


Danzo once again tore off Danzo's right arm, and then kicked the latter in the chest, causing him to fly backwards like a sandbag and fall to the ground far away.

When the cat doesn't want to play with the mouse, the mouse doesn't stand a chance.

This time.

Danzo no longer disappeared out of thin air like before, nor was he able to get up from the ground.

Da da da.

Zuan walked over slowly, stepped on Danzo's chest, then leaned over and took off the bandage on the latter's right eye.

In that eye socket, only a gray-white eyeball remained.

It's the blind Sharingan.

"Lord Danzo!"

Outside the barrier, the people at the root finally reacted.

Under the command of Aburame Ryoma, the four roots immediately released the Four Purple Flame Formation, and then all the roots rushed up together to rescue the dying Danzo from the Danzo.

"Stop them!"

Upon seeing this, Fugaku gave an order, and the Uchiha also rushed forward collectively, locking the enemy with pairs of scarlet Sharingan eyes.

The roots were shocked and hesitated to move forward.

Under everyone's gaze.

Danzo picked up Danzo's right arm and slowly untied the bandage on it.


Everyone present's pupils shrank sharply, and they were all shocked.

"That is……"

Tsunade saw at a glance the familiar face of Senju Hashirama on Danzo's shoulder.

In addition, several Sharingan eyes were transplanted on Danzo's arm, which looked creepy.

"one two three four."

After counting, it was discovered that there were four Sharingan eyes on Danzo's right arm, two of which had been permanently closed due to the use of Izanagi.

In addition, Danzo's right eye lost its light, which coincided with his three deaths.

This arm must be Orochimaru's masterpiece.

In order to forcibly extend the duration of Izanagi, Orochimaru created such a Hashirama arm for Danzo, with ten openings for Sharingan transplantation on it.


Danzo obviously hasn't collected so many Sharingan yet, so he is eager to destroy the Uchiha clan.

"Did you see it? This is the evidence."

Danzo raised Danzo's arm high and showed it to all the Uchiha, Tenzo and several other Anbu, as well as Hinata Hizashi and other members of the police department.

"In order to study the cells of the first Hokage, the top management of Konoha never gave up inhumane human experiments in private, killing countless innocent people. After the matter was exposed, they actually pushed Orochimaru to take the blame. And the research results became Danzo's This kind of thing is in the pocket of the high-level people.”

This accusation shocked everyone.

As everyone knows.

Before Orochimaru defected, he had joined the Roots and served as Danzo's bodyguard, so he was completely consistent with the suspicions raised by Suzan.


Among everyone present, Tenzo is the only survivor of Orochimaru's human experiment. With a little investigation, the truth can be proven.

It's not over yet.

"The top management of Konoha has been suppressing and persecuting Uchiha because they covet the Sharingan and want to incite the whole village to destroy the Uchiha clan. This is what the Hokage did when he assisted Danzo."

He kept raising his voice and exposed Danzo's evil plan in public. At the end, he looked meaningfully at Shisui aside, "The Sharingan of your ancestor Uchiha Mirror may be on Danzo's arm."

Hearing this, Zhisui couldn't help but tremble all over, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Actually...is that so?

Everyone in the police department, headed by Hinata Hiashi, looked at each other, and then they realized that they were being used by Danzo.

The Uchiha clan members were even more furious.

According to Danzo's bet with Danzo, if Dan wins this battle, Konoha will no longer use various excuses to hold Uchiha accountable.

But now it seems that such a bet is obviously not enough.

"I didn't expect that what the village leaders really want from Uchiha is our eyes!"

"Even if Uchiha survives today's crisis, they will come again tomorrow. It is impossible for us to leave any way to survive until they take away every Sharingan of our clan."

"Is the Sandaime instigating all of this? What else are you talking about? Fighting with Konoha!"


At this moment, the Uchiha clan's anger reached its peak.


He kept mentioning the dying Danzo and strode forward.

All the Uchiha followed him, their eyes were blood red, and they were charging towards the Hokage Building menacingly.

Although the root ninja wanted to rescue Danzo, they did not dare to conflict with Uchiha head-on. They could only follow Uchiha at a distance under the leadership of Aburame Ryoma.


When Tsunade saw this scene, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

What she was most worried about finally happened. Once civil strife breaks out, Konoha may be destroyed.


Faced with the evil acts committed by Konoha's high-level officials against Uchiha, Tsunade could not find any reason to persuade or even stop the Uchiha clan.


Konoha's strength is really exhausted.

"Quick, get out of their way."

Hinata Hiashi saw the Uchiha people coming and quickly ordered the police force members not to block the Uchiha's way.

Because what happened next had nothing to do with the police department or the Hyuga clan. It was a personal grudge between Uchiha and the top management of Konoha.

Everyone just walked out of the gate of the Uchiha clan.

"Broken, listen to my explanation!"

As an old and urgent voice sounded.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, finally arrived belatedly until this moment.

Chapter 127, Ren Xiong’s compromise

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