"The patriarch said it well!"

Fugaku's reply to Danzo won the applause of all the Uchiha.

Uchiha has been suppressed by the village for decades, and after enduring it for so long, it's time for him to die.

Konoha has bullied others too much, why should Uchiha endure it any longer?

Hearing Fugaku's words, Danzo was furious on the outside, but he was filled with ecstasy inside.

The Uchiha were indeed a bunch of brainless and arrogant people, and they took the bait as soon as they were provoked.

He immediately sneered, then raised his arms and shouted:

"Have you heard this? Until now, the Uchiha clan is still ambitious and thinks that they are the masters of Konoha. It is really ridiculous. Konoha is everyone's Konoha and must not fall into the hands of Uchiha!"

Under the instigation of this Hokage assistant.

The anger of the villagers that had just calmed down was instantly ignited again, and the voices of accusation and crusade once again rushed towards the Uchiha clan crazily.

"It seems we can't solve the problem if we don't take action."

Fugaku shook his head, already tired.

Rather than talking to others, Uchiha is really good at solving problems with his fists.

"All Uchiha, listen to the order and prepare for battle!"

Following his order.

For a moment.

Swish, swish, swish.

Everyone in Uchiha opened their Sharingan eyes one after another, releasing a strong fighting spirit. They couldn't wait to have a big fight with the people of Konoha.


After the previous battle in the mountain cemetery, Uchiha's long-suppressed warlike gene has been completely awakened.

Once the people of Konoha start a war, Uchiha will definitely accompany him to the end.

not good.

Tsunade's expression changed on the side, what is going on?

Her work just now was in vain.

What puzzled her even more.

What on earth is that bad old man Sandaime doing? He is nowhere to be seen at such a critical moment. Isn't he worried at all that a war will break out between Uchiha and Konoha?

"Listen to me, you all calm down."

Tsunade frowned and tried to dissuade both parties, but she was shocked as soon as she spoke.

Then he suddenly looked at the door of the Meat Modification Department.

It wasn't just Tsunade.

this moment.

All the Uchiha clan members seemed to have sensed something and looked back.

I saw.

A dark mist spread from the building, exuding a cold and terrifying atmosphere.

It was as if the door to the abyss had been opened.

Da da da.

An unhurried footsteps came from the building. Every time he landed, it was like stepping on everyone's heart, making them feel palpitations.

The Uchiha people present.

They were all nervous and unable to speak. Not only was it difficult to breathe, but their bodies also became stiff and it was difficult to move a finger.

Under the horrified gaze of a pair of eyes, a two-meter-tall man with gnarled muscles walked out with an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Like a dark demon from hell.

that is because.

He released the Dark Aura Technique and attacked everyone indiscriminately.

"Quan, are you okay?"

Itachi in the crowd saw his little girlfriend's face looking bad and her body swaying, so he quickly stretched out his hand to support her.

He looked at his uncle in fear, but was shocked to find that the latter's whole body exuded an indescribable aura, which made him almost fall into an illusion and unable to extricate himself.

Itachi quickly looked away, not daring to look directly at him again.

that's all.

Step by step, Zuan walked through the crowd of Uchiha, passed Fugaku and Shisui, and passed by Tsunade.

Everyone looked horrified and shocked on the spot.

Uchiha people.

It's because the Sharingan has been awakened and the Yin Escape chakra is abundant in the body, so it can barely resist Dan's dark aura technique.

But for the ninjas of Konoha, that's not necessarily the case.

Not to mention, there are thousands of ordinary villagers around.


As Danzo walked toward Danzo, Hizu and others, his aura spread, and the crowd that was noisy and excited a moment ago quickly became quiet.


thump. thump.

The surrounding Konoha villagers all looked horrified. Before they could make any cry for help, they fell down in pieces like wheat.

Even among the Konoha ninjas, a large number of genin and chunin fell to their knees in sweat under the aura.

Although he was not unconscious, he also lost his ability to fight.

Buzz buzz.

When Duan's aura technique was fully deployed, extending to a hundred meters away with him as the center, it reached its limit and stopped.

at this time.

Within this circular range with a radius of one hundred meters.

Tens of thousands of Konoha villagers were unconscious and lying on the ground in a mess. Everyone looked frightened, as if they had seen something terrible before they fell unconscious.

This "wonderful scene" is full of weirdness and makes people feel frightened.

at last.

The only ones who could still stand in front of the section were Danzo and his subordinates, Hizu and the elite police officers, and a few ninjas from the ANBU.

They are all jounin.

Although these people resisted the attack of the aura technique, their expressions were extremely solemn.

The ability to judge is beyond their knowledge.

The unknown is often accompanied by fear.

Duan looked around and felt satisfied.

Today's crowded place was the perfect place to test the power of the aura technique, and it was just as he expected.

This technique can kill almost all ninjas below the jounin instantly.

Let Duan become a big killer walking on the battlefield.


The current aura technique can only be said to be in its infancy, and is far from reaching its upper limit of potential.

After the break, he awakens the Kaleidoscope, the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and even the Samsara Eye, and when the quality and quantity of his own Yin Escape Chakra increases.

The power of the aura technique will also increase, and it will really shine.

By the time.

The instant kills were not just jounin and below, but all ninjas below the kage level and even the six paths level.

After experimenting with new abilities.

Suan slowly put away his aura and waited for the Yin Escape chakra to recover.

Then, he looked at Danzo and the others with a half-smile.

Although he had been staying in the retreat room, through perception, he knew everything that happened outside the meat reform department building.

In my opinion.

The current situation is:

Danzo, Hizu and others continued to commit suicide, Tsunade and Anbu tried to calm down the dispute, everyone in Uchiha was at the critical point of explosion, and the Sandaime... indulged in this.

That being the case, today is the day.

This life-and-death war between Uchiha and Konoha is scheduled for today, a good day.


In order to completely ignite the explosive barrel, a fuse is also needed.

That trigger was Danzo.

Danzo likes to play with fire.

But he doesn't seem to realize that playing with fire will eventually lead to getting burned.

But now, Danzo will definitely understand this truth.

His eyes locked on Danzo.

Danzo was leaning on crutches and looked at Danzo expressionlessly, showing no fear.

"Protect Danzo-sama!"

Aburame Ryoma gave a low shout, and a group of root guards instantly formed a formation, firmly protecting Danzo in the middle.

Hinata Hizu's expression on the side had already changed. The painful experience of being humiliated and defeated in public a few days ago had always been a lingering shadow in his mind.

The leader of the Hyuga clan and the captain of the police force got scared and slipped aside with his men.

"Go and inform the Hokage-sama!"

Tenzo urged his companions urgently, and he tensed up his nerves, preparing to deal with the upcoming emergency situation from the perspective of Konoha ANBU.

This way.

After the aura was cut off, everyone in the Uchiha who came back to their senses also stepped forward and came to his side.

"Duan, what are you going to do?"

Tsunade looked at Suan in surprise, her voice trembling.

Is this man really going to lead Uchiha to launch a war against Konoha?

Tsunade knew there was nothing she could do to stop it. If she sided with the village, she might even be the first to be killed.

Once the war breaks out, she seems to have no choice but to... stay out of it.

Shisui didn't speak, but it was obvious that he was in a state of confusion, and his inner tangle was ten times greater than Tsunade's.

Only Fugaku and Dan stood side by side, looking ahead with firm faces, and sighed:

"Jan, is it finally time to take action? So today, let us lead the clan and open up a new future for Uchiha together."


Fugaku once activated the kaleidoscope ability Amabie and made a prophecy. As a result, the Uchiha who saw the future finally embarked on the path of coup.

Since then, he has been waiting for this day in a nervous mood.

Now that it was finally here, Fugaku let go of his burden and breathed a sigh of relief.

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