Chapter 121, Yin Escape Aura Technique

Hokage Building.

"What did you say?!"

After listening to the ANBU's report, the Sandaime slapped the table and stood up.

Danzo actually joined forces with the police department and incited the villagers to go to Uchiha Xingshi for questioning without informing him.

The third generation was shocked and angry.

His tolerance for Danzo was almost reaching its limit.

Yes, Konoha cannot live without Danzo, but this does not mean that Danzo can do whatever he wants.

Especially when it comes to the Uchiha clan, Danzo repeatedly ignored the Sandaime's warnings, clearly not taking him as the Hokage seriously at all.

these days.

The Sandaime thought more than once about removing Danzo from his position as Hokage's assistant and letting the latter calm down for a while.

Maybe today is the best time.

But just when the Sandaime was about to take action, he suddenly fell into hesitation.

Because he realizes.

Right now, as the turmoil has caused a large number of casualties and property losses, the villagers are extremely angry and urgently need to find an outlet.

That outlet was the Uchiha.

Under the instigation of Danzo and others, overwhelming public opinion has formed, and the crusade against Uchiha has become a general trend.

If the Sandaime intervenes rashly, he may accidentally end up on the opposite side of most of the villagers.

At that time, if Danzo takes the opportunity to coerce public opinion and attack the Sandaime, even if he is the Hokage, he may not be able to protect himself.

Think of this.

The Sandaime sat back in his chair and calmed down.

He decided to wait and see how things turned out.

After all, Uchiha is not a soft persimmon and will never be easily crushed by Danzo.

It's better to let the two fight first to determine the winner, and what the Sandaime has to do is to stand on the side of the winner.

No matter how.

At this juncture of internal and external troubles, the Sandaime knew that he could never fall. He must stick to his post as Hokage and stabilize the overall situation of the village.

Not for himself, but for Konoha.

Uchiha clan land.

In the retreat room, under the familiar calligraphy of "Zuo Wang", he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

Just as Samui guessed.

Although he was in seclusion, he could at least make some guesses about everything that happened outside.

If Konoha is in chaos, Obito must have taken action.

at this time.

Suya sensed the chakra of Danzo, Hinata and others, and they were quickly approaching the Uchiha clan, and they were looking for trouble at first sight.


It's their turn to worry about this kind of thing, Fugaku and Shisui will naturally handle it.

If we don't handle it well and get into a fight with Danzo and others, then...

Hit it.

There were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.


Don't care at all.

All he cares about is his own practice.

Take back perception.

He no longer paid attention to the situation outside, but concentrated his chakra to verify the results of his retreat and enlightenment.

Buzz buzz.

All I could see was that Broken's entire body was suddenly vibrating at an extremely high frequency, and his figure suddenly became blurry, giving people a dreamlike and unreal feeling.

this moment.

Suan's whole body released a large amount of Yin Escape Chakra, and spread to the surroundings through the invisible air, and soon enveloped the entire retreat room.

This technique is called Yin Escape Phantom Body Technique·Aura.

The so-called aura.

Generally speaking, it refers to the impact that a person's spiritual temperament has on the people around him.

Some people have weak aura, are timid and have low self-esteem, are nervous and cowardly, and like to please others;

Some people have strong aura, are confident, assertive, and domineering, and can make others subconsciously obey them.

Just like the Third Generation Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He has been the Hokage for decades and has been above ten thousand people for a long time, so he has naturally developed a strong aura.

Although he looks like an approachable and thin old man, his words, deeds, and gestures all exude an invisible aura that makes people feel awe.

But in the final analysis, aura is an ethereal thing that cannot be seen or touched. It is more like an invisible spiritual symbol.

And Duan's Yin Escape Aura Technique.

But it is a real "aura".

Because, Yin Escape is the power of Yin that originates from the spiritual energy of the master's imagination. The so-called Yin Escape Technique is to create tangible matter from the invisible spirit.

For example, the Nara clan's shadow imitation technique.

It is to inject the Yin Escape Chakra into one's own shadow, change its length, size and shape, and use the shadow as a medium to attack the enemy.

There is absolutely no need to use shadow as a medium.

His aura technique centers on himself and directly releases Yin Escape Chakra into the air, causing a dual impact on the minds and bodies of surrounding enemies.

If anyone were here right now, they would see:

There was a smile on the cross-section, and there seemed to be smoke rising up from the whole body, condensing on the top of his head, forming three beautiful lotus flowers.


There is also a mysterious five-color light surrounding his body, just like the halo behind the Bodhisattva's head in the portrait.

Like a solemn Buddha statue, it makes people feel kind and kind, like a spring breeze.

But the next second.

Duan's aura suddenly changed again.

His smile suddenly disappeared, and his whole body was surrounded by a layer of blood mist, exuding a strong smell of blood.

The rich and deep dark aura spread to all directions with Duan as the center, swallowing up the small amount of light in the retreat room.

He suddenly transformed and became an evil spirit from hell.


A vase in the corner of the ashram suddenly fell apart with a crisp sound and turned into pieces on the ground.

Outside on the balcony.

A passing tabby cat was covered in fur, and then fell to the ground on all fours, unconscious.

The effect is not bad.

He knew he was on the right track.

After a while, he slowly withdrew his aura and waited for the chakra in his body to recover.

The Yin Escape Aura Technique consumes astonishing amounts of chakra, no less than the tree world descending.

Without the transplanted Hashirama cells, Dan could only maintain the aura technique for one minute, and the Yin Escape chakra in his body would be exhausted.

but now.

Hashirama cells enable Dan to continuously restore chakra while releasing the aura technique, thereby extending the duration of the technique to three to five minutes.

It greatly increases the practical significance of the aura technique.


Once he perfects and becomes familiar with this technique, once the aura unfolds, the number of enemies will no longer be meaningful to him.

Until then.

He could kill all of Konoha by himself.

When Duan continued to explore the Yin Escape Aura Technique.

The ninjas and villagers of Konoha have broken into the Uchiha clan and arrived at the downstairs of the meat modification department.

Da da da.

Following the sound of footsteps, the Uchiha people also filed out of the building, each one already fully armed and welcoming everyone in Konoha with murderous expressions on their faces.

The leaders were none other than Fugaku and Shisui.

At this time, Fugaku looked calm, walked steadily, and carried a flame fan as tall as a person on his back, which further showed the majesty and magnanimity of the clan leader.

Shisui, however, had a solemn expression and was anxious inside.

The people in the village collectively attacked Uchiha, and armed conflict could break out between the two sides at any time, leading to a huge civil strife.

At this extremely urgent moment, the Sandaime Hokage, who could prevent this civil strife, was nowhere to be seen.

Why is this?

Chapter 122, In the name of Tsunade, testify for Uchiha

Downstairs of the Meat Modification Department.

The Uchiha and Konoha people were confronting each other.

Danzo glanced around and didn't see Uchiha Dan, so he frowned and felt a little uneasy.

In the last clan leader meeting, Duan not only killed several root ninjas in public, but also made Danzo fly out of the Hokage building, destroying the prestige of the Hokage's assistant.

Danzo had been lying low and dormant for a while, always waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on Judgment and Uchiha.


He brought all the men of the Roots, combined with the police department to dispatch hundreds of people, and also incited a large number of Konoha ninjas and villagers to come to question Uchiha Xingshi.

No matter how strong Uchiha is, he can't be strong enough to compete with the entire Konoha.

Otherwise, with Uchiha's arrogant and domineering character, he might have rebelled long ago and become Hokage himself.

Think of this.

Danzo looked at Hinata and Hinashi next to him, indicating that the latter could start.

Rizuxin nodded in understanding, waved his hand and sternly ordered: "Bring the people up!"

The words fell.

Two prison cars were escorted over by people from the police department. Inside were the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen. Both of them had their hands and feet shackled and were feasting.

The people from the police department also discovered that as long as they gave the two noob brothers something to eat, they would become honest and stop causing trouble.

When Fugaku saw this scene, he frowned and finally said:

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