Of course Shisui would not let the other party get what he wanted.


He drove Susano towards the Sand Iron Barrier and raised the spiral sword in his hand, spinning at high speed and stabbing at the Sand Iron Barrier.

Susanoo is known as the power of God.

In the face of this power, even the Magnetic Escape Blood Succession Boundary seemed so vulnerable.


The sand-iron boundary method was shattered into pieces by Susana in an instant, and then completely collapsed.

Xie was shocked, and retreated violently along with the three generations of Feng Ying puppets.

Shisui took advantage of the victory and pursued, opening Susana's breastplate, revealing an orange magatama.

Susanoo ninety-nine.


Countless green chakra arrows were fired from the magatama and headed towards the scorpion cage.

Iron wall!

The Third Kazekage immediately condensed the sand and iron, forming a solid wall in front of him in an attempt to resist.

But to no avail.

Puff puff.

The powerful chakra arrows easily penetrated the sand-iron wall, just like piercing a piece of paper.

Is this the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan?

The majestic figure of Susanoo was reflected in Scorpion's pupils, and he was deeply shocked in his heart.

Compared with such great power, the art of human puppetry that he had always been proud of seemed to suddenly become worthless.

this moment.

The artist doubted himself.

The next second.


Scorpion and the third generation of Kazekage puppets were overwhelmed by a large number of chakra arrows, causing a big explosion.

After the dust has settled.

A huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared on the spot.

Shisui dismissed Susana and went to check, and found the broken third-generation Kazekage puppet, as well as some stumps of the scorpion body.

The other party still managed to escape by chance.

"Hurry up!"

Those ANBU were finally able to play some role. After a sentient ninja locked onto Scorpion's chakra, several people quickly pursued him into the forest at the back of Konoha.

Shisui didn't pursue it himself because his shadow clone's chakra was about to run out.


He turned around, quickly returned to the Sandaime, and explained to the latter:

"Lord Hokage, when the Uchiha clan received your order, Dan was in seclusion and it was difficult to escape. Chief Fugaku also had to lead the clan to guard against Akatsuki's attack and could not leave the clan. Therefore, I could only come to support alone. I hope you can Don’t blame.”

"Shisui, what are you talking about?"

The Sandaime looked moved and said with emotion, "If it weren't for you, I might have to be handed over here tonight with this old bone."

Shisui finally felt relieved, then stumbled and swayed.

"Shisui, what's wrong with you?"

The Sandaime was shocked and quickly stepped forward to help him, only to see the other party turn into a ball of white smoke and disappear from his eyes.

It turns out...it's just a shadow clone.

The third generation was stunned.

After a while.

The Sandaime returned to the Hokage Building and immediately summoned the injured Tenzo.

"Lord Hokage, we failed. The enemy is the masked man who calls himself Uchiha Madara. Team Six is ​​no match for him."

Tenzo saved his life, and now wearing a bandage, he reported the status of the mission to the Sandaime with lingering fear.

"What, Uchiha Madara?!"

The Sandaime was shocked when he heard this and was also shocked by this terrible name.

A long while.

"Where's Kakashi?" He came back to his senses and asked.

When he learned that Kakashi was caught in Madara's illusion and had his Sharingan taken away by him, his expression became more solemn.

The Sandaime frowned.

He kept thinking, trying to see through the appearance of tonight's turmoil to see the truth hidden behind it, but he found out in vain -

There was a fog in front of him.

In the village.

Although the crisis facing the Third Hokage has been resolved, Konoha as a whole has not. The escaped prisoners, Bai Jue and other spies who fished in the troubled waters of the Ninja Village are still causing chaos everywhere.

food street.

The two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, entered the store to rob the food, and after feasting, they used their terrifying power to injure a large number of police officers.

For a time, everyone in Konoha was helpless against them.

"Look at the eyes of these two guys, they are actually Sharingan eyes."

"They were manipulated by Uchiha's genjutsu. Go and ask for Captain Hizu."

Everyone discovered the clues and quickly went to notify the main force of the police department.

It wasn't until Hinata Hichizu, Akimichi Donto, Nara Suzaku and others arrived and swarmed up, that they took down the loser brothers with a lot of effort.

The God of Wind and Thunder was tied up with iron chains, and the Sharingan in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he returned to his usual not-so-smart look.

"What happened, brother?" Thor asked, looking curiously at the people around him who looked unkind.

"I don't know, but my stomach feels so full." Fengshen said, and burped with a satisfied look on his face.

The two brothers looked at each other with silly smiles. After eating and drinking enough, they actually fell asleep in front of everyone.

Hinata and Hinata's eyes were sharp.

Including him, everyone present saw the Sharingan of the two brothers, and Hizu had every reason to suspect that it was the Uchiha people who were behind it.

But the top priority is to eliminate this turmoil first.

So Rizu temporarily turned his eyes away from the God of Wind and Thunder, and ordered in a cold voice:

"First take these idiot brothers and lock them up."

The good news is.

The remaining White Zetsu in the village, as if they had suddenly received some kind of order, sank collectively into the ground and retreated on their own initiative.

Seeing that the situation was over, the escaped prisoners also fled in all directions, unable to make any trouble again.

The spies in each village even died down.

The night passed.

At dawn, Konoha, which had been in chaos all night, finally restored order without turning into a bigger commotion.

But after preliminary statistics of casualties were made, it was still shocking.

Hundreds of people were killed and thousands were injured. Ruins of ruins could be seen everywhere in the village, with smoke billowing and fires everywhere.

Even the Hokage Building was severely damaged during the battle between the Sandaime and Scorpion last night and was in urgent need of repairs.

On the rooftop.

The Sandaime looked at the devastated Konoha Village in front of him with a heavy heart.

Danzo came to the rooftop with a cane and saw that the Sandaime was safe and sound. Deep disappointment flashed in the depths of his eyes.


The Sandaime noticed someone behind him, turned around and found that it was Danzo, and immediately frowned and asked:

"The village was attacked by the enemy last night. Where are your people? Where are their roots?"

Danzo was not in a hurry and had already prepared his words:

"I discovered clues about Akatsuki, led the elite elites to chase out of Konoha, and successfully repelled the enemy. Hiruzen, do you think you are the only one protecting Konoha?"

The Sandaime knew that Danzo was lying, but he couldn't expose the lie for the moment, so he could only give up with a cold snort.

Danzo became more energetic, his eyes flashed, and he accused the Sandaime of his fault:

"There have been so many casualties in the village. As the Hokage, can you bear the blame?"

"So, what do you want?"

The Sandaime stared at Danzo and could see through his mind at a glance.

It's just that he covets the position of Hokage and wants to oust him as Hokage.

From the Sandaime's perspective, the most important thing at this time is to unite all Konoha villagers closely and work together to overcome the current difficulties.

"But some people may not think so." Danzo said sarcastically.

"Who do you want to say, it can't be yourself." The Sandaime sneered lightly.

Danzo stretched out his hand, pointed at the Uchiha clan in the distance, and said coldly:

"The whole of Konoha was attacked, and only the Uchiha clan is fine. Isn't it strange? And I heard that the prisoners who escaped from the ANBU prison last night were controlled by the Uchiha Sharingan."

The third generation frowned when he heard this.

Although he also felt strange, he remembered that Shisui saved him last night, and finally gave Danzo a stern warning:

"I advise you to stop staring at Uchiha."

When Danzo heard this, his eyes darkened, and he turned and left without saying a word.

He has learned that it was Shisui who ruined his good deeds this time.

Then I thought about the fact that the Sandaime had just made an exception and promoted Uchiha Dan to Jonin, and also gave Uchiha 100 million ryo in the name of a bounty.

The Sandaime and Uchiha are getting closer and closer.

Danzo realized that this was bad for him and he had to do something.


As soon as Danzo left the Hokage Building, he ordered his men to spread certain information, and then went directly to the police department.

Uchiha clan land.

Although Tsunade told herself to stay out of the matter, she finally relented and walked out of the Uchiha gate with Shizune.

On the streets of Konoha, wounded people were being carried out from the rubble and taken to the hospital.

I heard that the hospital was full and many injured people were unable to receive timely treatment and unfortunately died.

not far away.

A tall wall collapsed, burying a mother and her son underneath. Everyone worked together to rescue them, but they were still unable to lift the heavy broken wall.

Tsunade saw this and walked over.

In the surprised eyes of the villagers, she reached out and lifted up the rubble, rescuing the mother and son.

Subsequently, the two were treated on the spot and helped escape their life-threatening danger.

"Mr. Doctor, thank you."

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