at this time.


Shizune knocked on the door, shouted softly, and slipped in from outside.

Tsunade remained calm and put away her Sharingan.

Forget it for now.

Konoha Village.

After a whole day of fermentation, what happened last night has spread throughout the village.

On the Uchiha side.

After successfully transplanting Hashirama cells with the power of San Magatama, the tribesmen were greatly encouraged. They all plunged into the flesh modification department and exercised their bodies passionately.

No one cares about those things in the village.

But the people in the village cared about Uchiha very much.

Dan and Shisui defeated the Red Sand Scorpion and killed Orochimaru. This achievement shocked the entire Konoha.

In contrast, the current police department's series of operations in this matter, whether it was blocking Shisui or going to Uchiha to investigate.

In hindsight, it was simply a disastrous clown performance that made people laugh.

After this incident.

The Hyuga clan's attempt to surpass the Uchiha's ambitions by taking over the police department was considered a failure.

The status of the most powerful family in Uchiha Konoha is still unshakable, which one has to admit.


The Sandaime then made an exception and promoted Uchiha Dan to Jonin. In the eyes of many people in the village, it also sent a strong signal.

The higher-ups wanted to ease the relationship with Uchiha.

This made many ninjas in Konoha reconsider their stance towards the Uchiha clan.

Talk about it.

The Uchiha clan was hated in the past, mainly because of problems with the police department.

Now that Uchiha has voluntarily given up on the police department, the source of conflict between the two parties no longer exists, and the once fierce and antagonistic relationship has been quickly and unknowingly eased.

After all, we are all from the same village, so there is no real hatred.

The villagers suddenly felt.

As long as Uchiha can reform to a certain extent and no longer be as arrogant and arrogant as before, he will accept these guys...

It's not impossible.


If the current Uchiha clan knew what the villagers were thinking, they would probably think that the people of Konoha were somewhat self-indulgent.

Does the arrogant Uchiha need Konoha's recognition and acceptance?

Of course not.

It's getting late.

The nightlife of Konoha Village has begun again. Under the flashing neon lights, pubs, casinos, bathhouses, barbecue restaurants...everywhere is crowded with villagers laughing and chatting.

People immersed in happiness are unaware that a huge crisis is quietly approaching.

Just tonight.

Chapter 115, Chaos in Konoha

In the east of Konoha, a few miles away, there is a huge lava lake.

Under the pitch-black night, red magma rolled and bubbled in the lake, screaming like boiling molten steel and emitting bursts of heat.

Such a sight makes people feel intimidated and dare not approach it.

In fact, this is indeed a forbidden area.


In the center of the lava lake, there is a steel prison, connected to the outside world only by a long suspension bridge.

This is Konoha's ANBU prison.

Different from the police department prison where ordinary prisoners are held, this place is called the Special Criminal Prison for Serious Ninjas.

As the name suggests.

They are all serious criminals, including murderers, leakers of confidential information, traitors, and spies from other ninja villages.

All of them are talented people, and none of them can save fuel.


On a hillside outside the prison, three uninvited guests quietly appeared from the darkness.

It's Obito, Scorpion and Zetsu.

Zetsu popped out half of his body from the ground, opened his flytrap shape, and told Obito the information it collected:

“This prison was built on top of an iron mine, and the prisoners sent here had to perform heavy manual labor in mining iron ore every day, working for more than ten hours from morning to night.

Due to the existence of the lava lake, even ninjas cannot tread water because the temperature of the magma is too high to melt any escapees.

Even if the prisoners unite to riot, as long as the prison guards cut off the suspension bridge in time, the prison will instantly become an isolated island, reducing the possibility of escape to zero..."

Thanks to the natural danger and the ANBU guards, no prisoner had been able to escape from here before.


In the eyes of the three Obitos, the many stringent measures in this prison were just in name only.

"let's start."

Obito said lightly, and the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

Jue heard the words and immediately sank into the ground. From a thousand meters deep underground, he quickly approached the prison in the center of the lava lake.

Inside the prison, it is dark and damp, and the cells are low.

The prisoner who had been digging all day was already so tired that he collapsed on the bed, snoring one after another.

A few ANBU ninjas were yawning and patrolling symbolically.

A cell deep in the prison.

A pair of twin brothers were imprisoned.

Unlike other prisoners, the two did not seem to be exhausted by the heavy mining work, but were still energetic and had fun in the prison.

These two guys were big and round, both were over two meters tall and weighed over three hundred kilograms. They looked like two mountains of meat.

Although they look cheerful, they have two domineering names, namely "Wind God" and "Thunder God".

If you stop here, your eyes will definitely shine.

Both brothers are good at fitness and have unrivaled talent.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, are born with divine power. They do not need to rely on chakra. They can threaten the Jounin of Konoha with only the power of their bodies.

But they have a shortcoming, that is, their brains are not very good.

It's like when playing the reincarnation game, all the points are added to strength, while intelligence is completely ignored.

Almost like an idiot.

Such as this time.

The two brothers were discussing some surprising issues.

"Brother, why is the little finger short and weak?" Thor raised his little finger with a puzzled look on his face.

When Fengshen heard this, he scolded his brother seriously:

"Idiot, that's because...if the little finger is long and powerful, where does the face of the thumb go?"

"That's exactly what it is."

Thor suddenly understood and imitated a lizard crawling to please his brother Fengshen, making the latter laugh.

Played for a while.

Gu Gu.

Thunder God touched his head in embarrassment and said to Fengshen with a frustrated look on his face: "Brother, I'm hungry."

Although they had already had dinner, the two brothers' appetites could not be measured by ordinary people's standards.

Because they are called brothers.

They were also Konoha ninjas. When performing missions, they killed all their companions just because they had no food to eat.


It was Tsunade who took action herself and used strange strength to subdue the two.

For the two brothers, not having enough to eat would drive them crazy.

at this time.

A strong aroma of food suddenly drifted in from outside the prison, making the two brothers hunch their noses.


Fengshen jumped off the bed, walked to the door of the prison, stretched out his hands and used force to bend the iron bars of the cell to make a big hole.

Such a cell cannot trap two people at all.

They had escaped from the prison more than once and begged for food from the prison guards, but the guards had nothing to do with the living treasures.

"Eat, eat, eat..."

The two brothers followed the aroma of the food and ran all the way to a corner of the prison.

Under the curious gazes of the two people, Zetsu, who looked like a flytrap, slowly emerged from the ground.

"What is this?" Thor was startled.

"Idiot brother, this is a human being."

The God of Wind patted the God of Thunder on the head, and regardless of the origin, he unceremoniously asked for food from the latter, "You guys, when facing our God of Wind and Thunder, don't you prepare any offerings?"

"What two rare beasts."

Jue sighed, and like a magic trick, he took out two plates of steaming buns.


The foodie brother immediately drooled and pounced on it like a dog. He stuck out his butt and started eating intently.


As long as you lure them with food, the two will become very obedient and quiet.

Less than a minute.

The two brothers finished eating the buns and felt their stomachs that were not yet full. They were still satisfied.

"Do you want to eat something more delicious?" Jue asked.

"Where is it?" When the two heard this, they quickly looked around.

Jue shook his head and said with regret: "Outside the prison, you can eat whatever you want, but it's a pity that I can't bring it in."

Da da da.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps. It was the prison guard who heard the movement and hurried over.

"Wind God, Thunder God, why did you run out again?"

Just as the guard was about to open his mouth to teach the two brothers a lesson, he saw Jue on the side. His expression suddenly changed and he asked sternly, "Who are you?"

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