"Itachi, good morning."

A young man with short brown hair and an honest appearance walked over and greeted Itachi with a smile.

He is Itachi's teammate, codenamed "Tenzo". It is said that like captain Kakashi, he was promoted to chuunin at the age of 6, and can use the wood escape of the first generation Hokage.

He is a one-of-a-kind genius.

Although Itachi is also known as a genius, compared to the dazzling captain and teammates, he is currently the most inconspicuous one in Class 6.

"Where's the captain, hasn't he come yet?" Itachi asked, nodding to Tenzo.

"If you weren't late, you wouldn't be Kakashi-senpai." Tenzo leaned against the wall with his arms folded, looking helpless.

after awhile.

"Oh, I'm sorry. After I went out this morning, I wandered at the crossroads of my life for a long time, and I accidentally ended up being late."

Accompanied by a lazy voice, Kakashi, with silver hair and a black mask, appeared from the corner and walked over slowly.

Itachi and Tenzo looked at each other.

This is their captain, a man who is often late and likes to find all kinds of strange reasons.

"No need to stand guard today, I have a new mission."

Kakashi patted the shoulders of the two team members and motioned for them to follow him to a place with a mysterious look on his face.

The three of them left the Hokage building and walked toward the southwest of the village.

Soon after, you enter a tall building.


Kakashi pushed open the door and entered.

This is a room with a wide view, equipped with several telescopes and monitoring screens. Through a row of one-way floor-to-ceiling windows, several dark units are performing surveillance tasks.

"Shift change." Kakashi shouted.

"Nothing unusual." Several ANBU stood up, handed over to Kakashi, and then retreated.

Kakashi turned around, glanced at Itachi, and took the initiative to explain without waiting for the latter to speak:

"This place is used to monitor the Uchiha clan. What should I do? Do you want to tell your clan members about this?"

Straight ball test.

Itachi didn't answer, but asked directly: "What is my job here?"

"It's very simple. Just use that thing to monitor all the time. It's not tiring at all."

Tianzang came over, pointed at the monitoring screen, and then consciously walked to a telescope and started working.

Good guy.

Either stand guard or watch the surveillance.

After working on it for a long time, isn’t this still a security guard’s job?

Itachi was silent.

This was not the same as the ANBU life he imagined, where the knife edge licked blood.

Kakashi kept observing Itachi's expression changes, and when he saw that the latter was silent, he tried again:

"It's difficult for you to monitor your clan and relatives. Do you want me to be on duty for you?"

"It doesn't matter."

Itachi shook his head and walked to the monitor screen as he spoke.

Within the Uchiha clan.

There are small children playing in groups;

There are new stores opened and crowded;

There is an old man lying on a rocking chair and basking in the sun;

There are young men and women who are passionately in love and go into the woods...

These pictures seen from the surveillance are very ordinary and very warm.

Compared with other Konoha villagers, the Uchiha clan is actually not that different.

They are deliberately demonized by some people.

At this time.

Itachi saw a familiar little figure on the surveillance screen, carrying a satchel and heading out to the ninja school.

It was his younger brother Sasuke.

Itachi couldn't help but smile knowingly.

But soon, his smile disappeared, revealing an unexpected look.


On the surveillance camera, he saw his uncle's gym - the Department of Physical Rehabilitation.

"That surveillance camera was just installed. You went to see your uncle two days ago. He seems to be named... Uchiha Dan, right?"

Kakashi's lazy voice sounded.

Hearing this, Itachi was shocked.

It turns out that my whereabouts have always been monitored?


He nodded, calmly.

after awhile.

Itachi saw his uncle Uchiha Dan and his employee Samui appear in the alley, carrying a large bucket of milk, as if they had just come back from outside.


Duan stopped at the door, raised his head, and saw the camera hidden in the tree at a glance.

He raised his hand, pointed at the camera and asked Samyi something. She frowned and shook her head.

Because of monitoring.

Itachi could only see the picture and couldn't hear the conversation between the two, but an ominous premonition had already arisen in his heart.


Duanyi bent down, picked up a small stone from the ground, and then flicked it with his fingers expressionlessly.

call out.

The stones grew larger and larger in the surveillance screen from far to near, until they filled the entire screen.

The next second.

With a snort, the surveillance screen went black.

Itachi: "..."

Kakashi was leaning on the chair with his legs crossed, and he was watching "Making Love in Paradise" with great interest. After hearing the voice, he put down the book and asked:

"Is there something wrong?"

Chapter 9, Heroes and Fools

Facing the captain's inquiry.

"One of the surveillance cameras seems to be broken. Do you want me to go over and check it out?"

Itachi replied, hiding his uncle's actions in breaking the surveillance.

The image of Uchiha was already negative enough, and he didn't want to let Suan continue to deepen this negative impression in the minds of Kakashi and others.

"No, you can stay here. Of course, this kind of laborious errands should be left to me, an old man."

Kakashi put his palm on his chest and said seriously.

He glanced at the surveillance screen, and knowing what was going on, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Tenzo on the side rubbed his sore eyes and complained: "Kakashi-senpai sounds nice, but in fact I just want to find an excuse to sneak out and play."

Itachi said nothing.

He estimated in his heart that with his uncle's perverse and arrogant character, he would probably get into trouble with Kakashi if he didn't get along with him.

If that really happened.

Itachi really hoped that Kakashi would win and give Uchiha Dan's arrogance a good blow.

Kakashi was walking down the street.

He had one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding the Kissing Paradise, watching as he walked.

From time to time, I stopped to play with the kittens on the street. I also stopped by the Shueisha Bookstore to ask the boss about the sequel to Making Love in Paradise.

It can be called the king of fishing.

"Yo, Kakashi!"

Suddenly, a hearty voice sounded from behind, and a figure sprinted in front of Kakashi at a speed of 100 meters.

Watermelon head, super thick eyebrows, plus a set of green tights.

This exaggerated style can only be easily controlled by Konoha's powerful beast, Metkai, because this guy is very nervous and never cares about the eyes of ordinary people.

Some time ago.

In order to be with his best friend Kakashi day and night, Kai applied to join the Anbu and the Roots. However, he was rejected by the Sandaime and Danzo in turn, and he once doubted his life.

Fortunately, he quickly bounced back.

"Hoo, ho..."

At this time, Kai was sweating profusely. Even when he came to Kakashi's side, his footsteps still did not stop, but he ran on the spot with his legs raised high.

"My eternal rival, Kakashi! The record between us in the past competition is 29 wins and 29 losses. Today I must be the first to win the 30th game, so... race with me to determine the outcome!"

Kai shouted to his best friend, his enthusiasm rising.

"Sorry, I have a mission."

Kakashi rolled his eyes at Kai, refused ruthlessly, and turned to leave.

"How could you treat my passion like this!"

Gai yelled behind Kakashi. His best friend's cold attitude made him look sad and angry.

Kakashi walked a few steps, seemed to remember something, turned around and asked:

"By the way, I remember you said before that you know a guy named Uchiha Dan?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Kai was stunned and stopped raising his legs.

It seems that we really know each other.

Kakashi learned from Kai.

Kai's father, Matt Day, was a member of the Body Transformation Department during his lifetime. He was friends with Uchiha Jun and often took young Kai to the gym to exercise.

But later, due to differences in beliefs and ideas, Dai and Duan parted ways and separated on bad terms.

Kai has not been to the Physical Rehabilitation Department since his father died on the battlefield.

"Wait a minute, are you going to see Uchiha Dan?" Kai came back to his senses and asked.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi was confused.

Kai frowned and his expression became unusually serious:

"Duan is a very dangerous guy. You'd better not go alone. Let me accompany you. I have to go find him sooner or later anyway."

"Why are you looking for him?" Kakashi became more and more puzzled.

Kai took a deep breath and clenched his fists:

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