The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 908 What bad intentions can a kitten have?

Lao Wang suddenly came to his senses when this happened, and brought out his translator + loudspeaker combination that sometimes didn't work. "Everyone, don't be too busy baring your teeth. I would like to ask, do you really understand what we are doing?" What does the color of the name and the size of the island mean?"

Lao Wang is no longer the young Lao Wang before, Lao Wang is now a mature Lao Wang.

As a conscientious senior figure in the industry, Lao Wang is willing to give some leeway to his juniors and leave some room for those who are more ambitious, provided that his mood conditions are not so bad, especially those who are flower growers.

Well, the facial contours of Han and other common wealthy families are relatively easy to distinguish from the surrounding neighbors.

Then, these words have a hint of warning and murderous heart-wrenching flavor, meaning that you are a bastard and a mosquito with no meat on your legs. Now I will give you a step to kneel down and get out of here so that you don’t get splattered with blood.

With just such a shout, not to mention, there were really dozens of islands that just took advantage of the slope to get out of there and disappeared on the way.

Either the conscience is not up to par, or the strength is not up to par, in short, it still has a relatively clear self-awareness. There are three islands there, and the width is more than 10 kilometers by visual inspection. Such a behemoth has popped up like this again. A master with peak self-confidence shouted, "Well, let's stay away from the fight between gods and gods and don't join in the fun."

In the end, Lao Wang's taunting little combo really made the guys on the opposite side of the team feel very sick, and they were gearing up to teach these shameless young people a lesson.

"Haha, you have some backbone!"

"The bones are so hard, so the soup must be very rich in calcium, right?"

“If you don’t shed tears without seeing the coffin, you don’t know whether to live or die!”

"Be wise and leave your things to me to keep for you. Maybe I can show you a way to survive when I'm happy!"


There were so many people talking in so many different languages ​​that Lao Wang’s translator crashed on the spot and had to be restarted several times before it became responsive again.

Lao Wang sneered: "Are you worthy? If you have water in your head, why don't you pour it out quickly, but you are going to save it to water the green tree in your heart?"

Before he finished speaking, and without even giving the other party time to translate and respond, the various artillery, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, and machine guns on Licang Island began to roar, and chain crossbows rained down, locking the closest ones on the spot. A group of empty islands immediately started to be dragged back.

King Li Cang did not adjust the orbit line when he came out, so Sky Island is naturally in orbit mode at this moment.

In other words, except for the power of manpower and prayer to remove the chain crossbow at the connection, there is no island that cannot be dragged away by them. The rules of the track line cannot be questioned by any subordinates.

In almost two seconds, the accurate view of the sky clusters in all directions was completely lost. The world was filled with explosions, fires and thick smoke, mixed with many high-yield and high-obstruction smoke bombs and tear gas.

There was thick smoke billowing and ghosts crying and wolves howling.

More people in the rear vaguely heard the shouts of killing that could not be covered up by the artillery fire between the roars, and they couldn't help but have a sudden thought in their hearts - no matter who got on who first, the front had already been directly connected to the gunwale. Fight!

Ordinarily, if we are almost equal in strength, and Li Cang's side is the most popular and dominant in this kind of big brawl, and wants to snatch the goods from me, then you have to go to my island first. Why don't you just yell? I don't tolerate your bad habits when it comes to selling power rail lines.

As for now

Big Kunkun and Goudan took off, and Wuyangyang's intensive airdrop began.

People who have never even seen a wild boar run will occasionally become obsessed with self-confidence. They always feel that nothing can escape the law of sliding and shoveling. When the dog-legged magic mountain and the heavy horse of the magic mountain fall from the sky, Miss Qiu, the sword sister, the bone sister, the corpse brother and the corpse sister are all in various ways. When Sky Island was used as a springboard, ignoring Sky Island's subordinates who were still standing guard on the island and wreaking havoc back and forth, they suddenly and slightly understood a rather simple truth: awesome people really have their own awesomeness, and they always You can rise up in places you never expected.

I'm still on my own fucking island. Who's robbing whom? It's just that you, as the party being beaten by fire, don't have any consciousness. Why the hell do you want to rush to my island to beat us? ? ?

The most exaggerated thing is Lao Wang. This guy has obviously been suppressed psychologically by the sea of ​​suffering for more than ten days. The moment he takes action, he transforms into the black devil of Balala + a "resistance ring of fire" covering a radius of 5 kilometers, and a super giant. The huge evil fire halo came down, and it was hard to tell how many souls were frightened away. Those souls that were really caught in the fire must have died immediately.

You may not be injured as a result, but pain beyond the tolerable range is inevitable.

The decibel volume of the screams suddenly exceeded that of the continuous artillery fire, and it lasted less than three seconds before ending abruptly. It was not that the evil fire was not lasting enough, but that the pain of the torn vocal cords at the beginning did not allow them to produce a normal volume. roar.

The competition between subordinates can always give people a certain amount of surprises. There are several subordinates on hundreds of empty islands who perform exceptionally well. Even the unequipped Magic Mountain can't walk more than a few rounds under their hands.

Naturally, the figures of these people could not be concealed from the owl hovering in the air spreading true vision. Three evil fire bullets almost knocked down two of them at the same time, and the third bullet went straight through the body of the third subordinate, basically It had no impact on him.


Tai Xiaoyi did not fire the sop again, but cautiously threw out a dark side of the moon to hide herself. After changing her position, she said through the intercom: "Teacher Zhong, Cang, there is a person who has penetrated a group of magic mountains at a position 15 degrees ahead of you, and he took a bullet from me. Ah——"

With just a few words, Tai Xiaoyi suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Lao Wang: "What's the matter? Miss?"

Da Leizi said: "I'm here. Miss was a little injured, but it's okay."

Li Cang said: "I'll go find her."

The third person who was sniped released a very conspicuous orange-yellow beam of light to injure Tai Xiaoyi, and at the same time, he had exposed his position in front of Li Cang. Dozens of magic mountains and hundreds of lackeys gave up their opponents and surrounded the man.

Li Cang's movements were even faster, rising and falling continuously like a cannonball, blocking the guy's way.

"Are you still planning to go to my island?"

"Young man, who gave you the courage, die"


Before he finished his words, a scarlet mist-like light beam had already torn the ground under his feet and burst out. The guy moved quickly and almost instantly sensed the danger. While twisting and dodging, his body was already coated with a layer of eye-catching bright yellow, like a golden sculpture.

After all, he was half a step slower. His right hand and right arm did not have time to escape the attack range of [Fen] and were directly blown into wisps of fine powder.

"Hmm? Interesting."

Li Cang was a little surprised, because the attack logic of the small blood explosion with the addition of the burning wind component was almost the same as the big blood explosion. At least the bones would be retained, and it was impossible for the arms and legs to disappear together with the bones.

Sure enough, when Li Cang's big magic wand hit him, the man's arms and legs had recovered as before, but the man's face did not look any better because of this-

Li Cang chose to launch an attack at the cost of consuming the red bar, so the skill [Fen] would naturally not be like in Isoleye's hands, which would use mental power to drive some kind of explosion, but a double attack of burning wind and blood bar replacement.

To some extent, after this thing was transferred to Li Cang's hands, it actually became countless times more terrifying.

"Damn it!"

The guy roared, and lost his balance after being hit by the small blood explosion. He could only choose to take the big magic wand that followed.


There was another sharp explosion, and the man was directly hit by the big magic wand and rolled dozens of meters away. Before he could come to his senses, a group of heavy guns from the magic mountain were already approaching him.

More than a dozen heavy guns cut the man's body like a hot knife cutting butter, but there was no blood splashing. The wounds that were split into two parts closed automatically where the gun blades passed.

He climbed up as if nothing had happened, and a ball of light condensed like gold and stone raised his hand to hit Li Cang. At the same time, dozens of his fate servants had already followed the crowd to press to Li Cang's side.

"Naive little devil!"

Urbis Machado, the man who glowed like a gold and stone sculpture, his hands were trembling slightly.

He was too familiar with the performance of Li Cang's Earth Blast skill. It was clearly a variant of Isoleye's mental attack skill. Machado was excited and terrified at the same time. He was excited because someone could really use the skills of the monsters in the Bitter Sea Illusion to replenish themselves. He was terrified because even if he used his toes to think about it, he knew that this thing was definitely ironclad evidence that the other party could kill Isoleye!

Normal subordinates all understood how buggy and terrible Isoleye's defensive light film was. The mental power was injured, supported by the illusion itself or the person behind it, and fed back to itself by reducing the will and reason of the subordinates who were replaced in the illusion.

With multiple blessings, they almost became truly immortal. The more they fought with it, and the longer they lingered in the second or even first realm, the weaker the subordinates themselves would be.

For the subordinates, this "inconspicuous" and simple-structured monster is the ultimate meat that they would rather deal with than face the Nightmare. In the second realm, there are many super gods and even fight to the death with the Nightmare, but they absolutely do not want to believe that someone can really kill Isoleye. That thing is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not something that normal humans can expect to kill directly!

Li Cang had no time to care about how shocked Machado was by his skills. The dozens of dog-headed men who suddenly rushed up around him, wearing golden armor and holding crescent-shaped long-handled sickles, seriously distracted his attention.

By the way, this familiar thing, is it the kind that is mixed in the Egyptian area?

The ball of light that Machado threw over did not fall on Li Cang, and was directly whipped into a celestial flower by a magic wand. The scattered fireflies fell on the surrounding land and dead bodies, and burst into a fierce corrosion sound.

The soil was collapsing, and the fresh and plump corpses were quickly shrunken, revealing pale and burnt bones in the black and yellow smoke, and began to move again.

Li Cang's feet were empty: "Smash"

The land under his feet suddenly turned into dirty black and yellow quicksand, and quickly attacked the surface of the sky island, devouring everything above it as if it had life, regardless of enemy or friend, regardless of life or death.

Quicksand swirled up from the feet of those corpses, generating new organs, flesh and blood tissues, skin, eyes, ears, mouths and noses for the corpses that were only left with dry bones, and finally even the simple armor evolved into complete.

The quicksand swallowed everything within the range, but did not bury Li Cang. Instead, it restricted Li Cang's movements, imprisoning him like reinforced concrete, and extending countless tentacles to tightly bind Li Cang's entire body. The thin layer of sand spread from the contact point to Li Cang's entire body, forming a hard shell on his body surface.

Those dog-headed human-bodied servants of fate with skin as thick as black bears and the corpse monsters summoned by Machado's skills pounced on Li Cang like chicken blood, and all kinds of weapons and claws played desperately to greet Li Cang, directly submerging him in the quicksand.

Machado grinned: "Asshole! You've been fooled--"

Old Wang rumbled by, chasing after a few people without stopping: "Hey, isn't this Teacher Cang? Why are you still in a mess after not seeing you for a few days?"

Li Leisi's unkind laughter in the communicator: "Puchi~"

Machado: "???"

This scene was too much for Machado to remember, and he spent a long time thinking about it again but couldn't remember what he wanted to say just now.

Fuck, aren't you teammates?

Aren't you teammates?




The blood of Li Cang and those monsters almost turned several levels of quicksand into mud. He struggled to tear apart several dog-headed "Anubis" with human bodies. Li Cang suddenly said a particularly interesting line against the rapidly expanding yellow sand tornado in Machado's hands: "I remember it! Imhotep, right? You simulated Imhotep's bloodline? No wonder it looks so familiar! I always like that movie!"

Machado: "."

Is it, is it that obvious?

Machado was a little stunned for a while, and before he could react, the tornado had already formed and escaped from his control-sorry, my short-lived little fan.

Then, Machado heard the guy roar with interest: "Then are you afraid of cats too?"

Machado was in a period of continuous release of skills, and he didn't react at all when he was rolled up by a huge black shadow that forcibly smashed through the magic sand tornado, and his butt was rushed back hundreds of meters away.

What is this?

Cat? ?


You call this a "cat"?

How dare you call this a "cat"!

Miss Qiu is very experienced in being a punching bag for her stepfather, and it is natural for her to be thrown out. She reacts very quickly, raising her claws and slapping him hard -


Half of Machado's body was smashed, and countless tiny vortices of golden sand were raised all over the ground, re-condensing towards his body, gradually recovering as before, but the speed was obviously not as fast as the healing speed when Li Cang hurt him.

When Machado's head re-condensed and his vision recovered, what appeared in front of him was Miss Qiu's big mouth

Head and body separated!

The dreadlocks and tail on Miss Qiu's neck pierced into his body at the same time, and she couldn't wait to suck physically.

It's an old routine. Miss Qiu used it against the dragon blood rider of old Tsepesh. To some extent, this is Miss Qiu's recognition of the nutritional value of Machado.

Machado doesn't think so.

Those three tails and hundreds of dreadlocks basically ignored the physical immunity mechanism brought by his skills. It was like they were pumping his red and blue bars with water. His physical strength, power, and magic power quickly left him. The counter skill that Machado had not yet released was extinguished like a candle in the wind.

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