Chapter 81 Teacher Cang’s Classroom

As the derailment sanctions ended, Li Cang could finally breathe a sigh of relief. He was mainly afraid of missing out on some giant floating island rich in resources. This was even more unacceptable than being attacked by the Black Mist Island Chain.

Lao Wang, who insists on calling himself a master of craftsmanship, continues to attack the parts all over the floor.

Li Cang rarely had any leisure time, so he squatted on the tallest fir tree behind the stilted building, enjoying the wind and cooling off, and instructing his brother to weed the vegetable fields on the island.

The view from the tree is excellent, and the conditions of the two islands in all directions are clear at a glance.

To say that this feeling of "going with the flow" at an altitude of unknown thousands of meters is very strange. From time to time, there are debris of different sizes and shapes passing silently around, just like an alternative space scene.


Li Cang carefully bit off a piece of beef jerky and chewed it slowly.

Beef jerky is about three fingers wide and one finger thick, half a foot to a foot long. It has extremely low water content and is as hard as a stone. Every time you bite off a piece, thin fascia and burrs will be torn out at the edge. It needs to be in It will gradually soften after chewing for a while. It has a special and unusual herbal aroma. The more you chew it, the stronger the flavor becomes.

This thing is very different. The yak meat on the plateau is hand-dried by Tibetans after autumn. When it is dried until oil drips, it is sprinkled with dry ingredients mixed with several kinds of Tibetan herbs, spices, peppers, salt, etc. Amidst the biting cold wind on a plateau thousands of meters high, the weather was blown by the sun and covered with snow, and we survived a whole harsh winter.

Of course, these were all things Qiao Shasha told him, and the yak jerky was originally a private product brought to him by his little aunt.

Because it is raw and sun-dried and it is yak meat, the meat flavor is naturally very strong. When the medicinal aroma and numbing spiciness permeate the mouth, it will directly make Li Cang, a heavy-flavor foodie, addicted.

"I don't know what's going on with my little aunt. There's been no movement for so long."

"Hetui, you are a scumbag, you don't recognize anyone when you pull up your pants."

A burst of wild laughter like a barbell came from below,

"It's done! Hahaha, Teacher Cang, look, I really made it happen!"

It was cool in the trees, so Li Cang was too lazy to move.

"Are you praying? Forget it, just kick a few times and I'll take a look."

"How can I do this? I can't come if I can't come." Lao Wang didn't feel ashamed at all. "The motor is removed from a 20-kilowatt diesel unit. Calculating the displacement, it should go up to 2.5. Basically, half a kilogram of oil should be replaced by one degree. The rhythm of electricity.”

Li Cang called Brother Big Corpse over, got up and started pedaling, and the generator started humming.

1 minute later.

"Why is there no power?"

Lao Wang was confused.

"It's impossible. I've obviously checked it several times."

Finally, Brother Corpse's legs were almost falling apart, and the lights over there suddenly turned on.

"This is totally off the mark. You, Timi, want someone to rev up the 2-cylinder diesel engine to generate electricity for me?!"

"Change, change, change, change this, change this."

Li Cang's head was covered with black lines.

Speaking of which, isn't it just replacing the diesel engine as the power source with a big brother riding a spinning bicycle? Li Cang didn't expect that this would allow Lao Wang to have fun.

Back and forth, Lao Wang put in another half coin, and the island was finally powered on. Big Corpse Brother = power supply.

Looking at the brightly lit stilted building in broad daylight, Lao Wang knocked out his teeth and swallowed the blood.

"I am sacrificing my life for justice."

Oh, you can't move anyone except yourself.

Li Cang wrote down the solar panels in a small notebook with a dark face.

Tai Xiaoyi pursed her lips to hold back a smile.

"I feel like Big Corpse Brother's sudden absence will make me uncomfortable. There are so many things it can do~"

Lao Wang began to think about it.

This big corpse brother was arranged to work in the factory one carrot after another. After that, whose head will all the heavy manual labor on the island fall on?

Good guy, cooperating with me is really sacrificing your life for justice.

"Yes, yes," Lao Wang said, "We have to find a way to get another wave of heavily armored zombies. Liberating Brother Zhi is the first responsibility of our generation!"

"Can you give your crow mouth a break?"

Li Cang had to ask the big brother to stop using his love to generate electricity and get down from the gym in the stilted building.

Okay, now Brother DaZi has a new job, a general teacher.

Li Cang was holding a big magic wand.

"Come on, I'll give you a minute to find out Brother Corpse's melee weakness."

The 189cm old Wang raised his head and stared at the 234cm big brother. The scene was quite embarrassing for a time.

"Ah this."

Lao Wang scratched his head for a long time and reluctantly gave an answer.

"Eye eyes?"

Li Cang pinched his eyebrows.

"You have to know that Qiao Shasha's island is very abnormal. Among the tens of thousands of walking zombies, there are no heavily armored walking zombies. Looking at the island I went to before, there may not even be a single walking zombie in total. Thousands, but there were more than 30 heavily armored zombies surrounding me, Brother Zhao and others at that time——"

"Brother Big Corpse, squat down," Li Cang said, pointing to the bone armor behind Brother Corpse's shoulders. "Did you see that the edges are two fingers thick? The head is like a closed helmet, and almost all vital parts are covered. Bone armor or scales, dozens and dozens of these things are rushing towards me, what do you think?"

Lao Wang scratched his head again,

"Thinking about how to die with dignity?"

"Student Wang, please correct your study attitude. The pointer in the teacher's hand does not have eyes."

"You call this thing a pointer? Ah, okay, good teacher, please continue. Continue."

"Drink some iced mung bean soup to relieve the heat," Tai Xiaoyi came over holding three bowls, "Pure defense, we now have crossbows and chain crossbows, the pressure will be relatively less, but if we go to other islands"

Lao Wang drank half a bowl of mung bean soup, took out the page hammer and looked at Li Cang,

"Can you please give me a hard time, Brother Zhi?"



The hammer hit the big corpse brother's back mercilessly, and several pieces of blue-gray bone debris flew away.

Lao Wang was staggered by the backlash. He could no longer hold the hammer and dropped it to the ground.

Big Corpse Brother’s face was expressionless.

Instead, Lao Wang grinned and covered his hands.

The bone armor on Brother Corpse's back was smashed into several deep and deep dents the size of the belly of a finger. After wiping away the residue and dust inside with his hands, he could see tiny spider web-like cracks spreading two to three centimeters around.

Lao Wang said sadly and angrily,

"I can finally understand my grandma's mentality when she saw her favorite hazelnuts when she was 80 years old."

"Brother Zombie is definitely more difficult to deal with than the ordinary heavily armored zombies," Li Cang said seriously, his face not red and his heart not beating, "its bone armor and bone spurs are relatively thicker and exaggerated."


Lao Wang raised his hand to treat Brother DaZi's injury, his expression was very melancholy.

"This is just adding men to men on top of each other, making people bald. If we don't engage in heavy armor zombies, the mill will not be able to operate. Let's do it. It seems a bit difficult to handle."

"Hey, wait a minute, that's wrong. What gave me the confidence? Now I dare to pay attention to the heavy armor walking zombies. Am I still me?"

Lao Wang felt that he was so swollen that he actually needed the person who led him astray to stop him. It was a shame and a great humiliation!

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