The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 60: The zombie tide is approaching and they are busy with internal affairs

Qiao Shasha only had one thought in her mind:

Bad dish!

There is no way such a strange coincidence can exist in the world. This is definitely an organized and premeditated encirclement.

What's the reason?

Could it be that the "population" of zombies was reduced to less than half as a stress response?

Qiao Shasha didn't even dare to think deeply about how the zombies did it, not because those things touched her blind spot of knowledge, but because

If the walking zombies can grow from flesh-hungry humanoid beasts to a level similar to group intelligence in just twenty days, then if this process continues, how long will it take for them to learn more sophisticated cooperative hunting? How long does it take to control basic physiological desires? How long does it take to master the tool again? How long does it take to learn the language again?

These ideas are baseless and seem very absurd, but they just linger in Qiao Shasha’s mind——

After all, the zombie’s head is still a genuine human brain!

Then there may be such a dialogue method in the near future:

"We are clearly, at least once, human beings. Why do you call us zombies? I will sue you for racial discrimination! We demand equal rights!"

Qiao Shasha's face turned pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Cang asked.

I am conquering myself and even the entire human race.

"No." Qiao Shasha rubbed her brows feebly, "Suddenly I felt a little tired."

As the corpses advanced toward the center of the city's ruins, the originally sparse net began to shrink.

This is different from the fourth wave when they actively made noise to attract living zombies. At that time, the number of walking zombies counted was only 1,975. Even if most of them escaped in the end, the original number of walking zombies would never exceed 5,000. .

But now, the bustle outside is comparable to that of a train station during the Spring Festival travel season, and it is only much more than the 20,000 they expected.

After shrinking to form an impenetrable ring, the walking zombies' advancing speed increased exponentially, and they could reach here in less than half an hour.

And before that.

After the three of them returned downstairs, they faced this scene:

"Let us in!"

"The walking zombies, the walking zombies have become a zombie tide!"

"Please, because we live in the same city, we might have been neighbors before."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to"

Li Cang was shocked. Where could there be so many people!

Except for some wooden, iron, and ancient horse-like obstacles covered with sharp thorns on the periphery of the embankment and the truck circle, as far as the eye could see, there were all people, all survivors.

The transportation they used to escape here, including cars, motorcycles, electric cars, bicycles and skateboards, etc., blocked the back, and the road for hundreds of meters was covered with these messy things.

The hundreds of people from the "Ghost Fire Youth League" who were guarding the embankment were in a state of confusion, their weapons pointed outwards, and they made no move.

They thought that most of the survivors lived in this commercial building, but it turned out.

The number of people currently blocked outside the embankment is at least a thousand and may even reach two thousand, which is several times their number!

The putrid smell of zombies a few kilometers away lingered in their nostrils, reminding all the survivors, making them increasingly agitated. Some of them had already tried to climb over obstacles such as horses and run into the building behind the embankment.

The building is in a hurry.

"Get out! If you move again, I'm not welcome!"

"When I asked you to join us to deal with the walking zombies, we looked at us like we were stupid. Now you want us to protect you. Bah, go ahead and have your wildest dreams!"

"Where's your face? You guys are really awesome."

Theoretically speaking, it seems unrealistic for a few hundred people to stop one or two thousand people from doing anything, but what's ridiculous is that they were stopped.

It cannot be said that the survival philosophies of both sides are similar, but they can only be said to be completely opposite.

Many of these people have been hiding in the ruins for months and have never even faced off against a 90-year-old walking corpse. They live like mice.

Let’s talk about the Will-O-Wisp Youth League. Jian Tian’er rode a motorcycle and tried every means to torment himself and the walking corpses. Who hasn’t had a few ounces of blood spattered on their hands?

In fact, there is a gap between the two sides of a fan who rushes through the home court with an eagle——

A whole cent!

How big is this?

There are so many people over there, well, they talk a lot.

The vast majority of people did not dare to do anything anymore, and acted out a picture of all living beings across the defensive circle:

"Why don't you tell us how many innocent people like you have died because of you?"

"That's right, you are obviously the most ruthless in searching for resources. You have tried every means to get any good things."

"What else can we do? We are just a group of old, weak, sick and defenseless ordinary people!"

"It's over. We're dead."

"We're going to die together! The zombie wave will rush up in less than 10 minutes. There are only a few hundred of you. If we leave, will you hold your head?"

"It's too late, come with me and charge, they really dare to kill people!"

"Let us go in. Together we can definitely hold such a high embankment!"

Although the embankment is a circle, there are other buildings on the left and right sides of the commercial building, and only the main entrance can be accessed from one direction.

As the tide of corpses approached, the crowd gathered became increasingly frightened and excited.

A particularly burly man stood out from the crowd. Compared with the pale-faced people around him, his face was even rosy.

The man took advantage of the people on the embankment to rush up and pushed the two closest people away.

Then he raised his arms like a hero and shouted,

"Don't waste time talking to them. Let's rush in together. It will be safe if we rush in!"

The crowd burst into a roar of cheers or something else, and chose to follow closely.

The barbed wire was pushed away, the barbed wire covered with thorns was trampled down, and the surging crowd tore a hole in the defense circle.

The young man who was pushed away wanted to stop him, but a group of red-eyed guys pushed and shoved him, causing him to stagger. He stepped on the air and fell off the embankment. Coincidentally, he just hit the barbed wire pushed below the embankment by the crowd outside, and a sharp triangular iron pierced his chest.

The young man vomited a large mouthful of blood, his pupils dilated, his vitality rapidly drained away, and he died with his eyes wide open.

"It's over." Qiao Shasha closed her eyes in pain.

The people on the building side went crazy at that time, picking up heavy and spiked maces and sharp machetes specially made and welded for dealing with zombies and rushed towards the gap.

Instantly, the bright red color spread like an infection, and the terrified cries and howls were heartbreaking.

"Let me go in and hide, what are you doing."

"No, no, help me"

"You will not die well!!"

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