Great, then we will randomly select the next lucky audience member to make a friendly guest appearance on stage.

This time, Li Laixi prayed for Xiaobi Zaizi to take the photo in person. She tried her best. Soon, both the GIF and the video were attached. She also prayed that the moment of punching could be broken down into a 30-second video. Frame-by-frame video.

The price of the video on the forum is 1,500 destiny coins, which can be filmed for 30 seconds, and the two videos total 3,000 coins.

This made Lao Wang keep complaining that Li Laisi's brewing time was too long, and the first 25 seconds were spent brewing, otherwise the two videos could be combined into one.

Li Leisi was so angry that she wanted to hit him with the Holy Sword of Physics: "Full force! Do you know what full force means! Even if it were Rao Qifang, it would be impossible for him to throw this punch casually without any preparation! He knows a hammer!" Go to hell!"

However, after recording it again, several people on the stage finally attracted the attention of more "supervision teams" from behind, so they had to jump off the stage and run away.

The so-called running away is nothing more than killing with open arms and wide open the door to the most conspicuous building that contains the most zombies.

As expected, there are more heavily armored zombies and scythe-hands guarding here, which is quite formidable.

In order to save energy so as not to disturb too many zombies (mainly those who had fallen into the sea on the battlefield), a few people rushed in and spent a lot of effort. Fortunately, Dalei Zi and Lilith came to the rescue, hoping that Li Li Cang and Laowang are probably equivalent to launching a full-scale war in Jian'ou?

After entering, things become very simple. Even if a little movement is spread, there is no need to worry about attracting the zombies, unless the zombies can clearly interpret their roars as language in a certain sense——

Well, at present, this possibility is infinitely close to zero.

The building was not damaged and had not been repaired. Almost everything had been emptied or piled in special corners. A wet and bloody trail extended from the stairwell to the negative floor.

Li Cang swung his big wand and touched a few minions at random before entering the stairwell. The scene on the first floor made the three people's expressions wonderful.


A small nest for hatching walkers!

Everything within reach of the floor, walls, and ceiling is covered by a layer of flesh-like material. There is a simple skin film on the surface, but it is not tough. Even if you step on it, you may break it, and a sticky and fishy juice and grease will leak out. .

This layer of flesh and blood seemed to transform this place into the internal organs of some huge creature, squirming and twisting, making slippery and cold dripping sounds from time to time.

After the guards outside were killed, there was not a single zombie on the entire negative floor. There were piles of capsules hanging from the ceiling everywhere, large and small, as small as chickens. Countless capsules were gathered together and hung there. The human body exists alone.

With a light on, you can see through the membrane of the capsule the curled, twitching, pink torso and toes, as well as the piled-up and coiled black and red blood vessels.

Many small blood vessels are twisted into a bundle and extend from the belly button of the zombie cub in the capsule. They gradually spread and are connected to the surface of the capsule. More are connected to the tough tissue that pulls the capsule to the ceiling. together.

Li Cang looked at the flesh-like objects on the ground and the corroded and mottled skeletons of strange beasts and walking corpses piled everywhere, and thought thoughtfully: "Is this layer of things providing unified nutrition? It's hard to imagine."

"It's not like they were born. I want to see what claws the pregnant woman looks like~" Lao Wang showed indescribable disappointment.

Li Cang and Li Lei were shocked on the spot. They were simply dumbfounded!

"Um, King, could you please restrain yourself? It's quite scary."

"What?" Lao Wang didn't realize the problem yet, "Why should you restrain yourself?"

Li Laisi was unable to complain.

Waving her hand, Lilith dragged a walking corpse down and threw it on the ground. The layer of flesh and blood digested the corpse at a frightening speed.

Well, the word digestion is obviously not suitable to be used here. Li Cang thinks it is more like "assimilation". The whole corpse quickly peeled off and disintegrated, and the dripping flesh, fascia and internal organs evolved into the same texture as flesh and blood, as if the interior was full of Connective tissue, thick fruit peel.

Just five minutes later, only the bones remained on the corpse, and even the surface of the bones was covered with fine pores, and the bone marrow fat inside continued to leak out.

There are almost no traces of the corpse's existence. The only traces that can prove its existence are the pile of bones that are no longer hard, and the human-shaped flesh-like objects that are slightly raised than the surrounding parts.

"I'm not telling you, Teacher Cang, what have you been doing for a long time? Wake up, I'm wondering if this thing can be of any use to your career?"

"The energy conversion rate is pitiful compared to that of a mill. I can learn from a hammer. Is there anyone who can learn from it in the opposite direction?"

"Good guy, you are really considering it seriously, right?"


Sensitive and studious, he is not ashamed to ask questions. Teacher Cang is an apprentice of membrane magic with a keen sense of smell. The road to becoming a great summoner is long and difficult, and it is not a coincidence that he dies in the middle.

Li Cang said: "Protect the nest, don't let any zombies escape, and touch a few more strange beasts by the way!"

"Protect the nest? Why does this sound so weird? I suggest the zombies get a paternity test for their baby."


The big magic wand was summoned on the spot, and [Kun] was airdropped simultaneously. The overwhelming doglegs mixed with the magic mountain quickly swept in all directions, using the lair in the ruins of the city as a benchmark, and seized the lairs and retreats of the zombies caught in the fierce battle.

The zombies were stunned and beaten to pieces

The zombies outside had very human expressions when they saw their nest was blocked. They were so excited that they fought to defend their nest!

The lackeys received death orders and were unwilling to let these guys rush in. Together with the Mountain, they beat the zombies who were eager to protect their children inhumanely!

The nests for hatching zombies must have been very difficult to build, because all the zombies from ordinary to third-level zombies could not even take care of the monsters that were killing on the battlefield, and returned to the court without hesitation.

Then of course, the monsters followed with joy and screams!

It was all a mess!

In this regard, Li Cang expressed his stable mood and laughed secretly: "Tsk, I have never fought such a fat battle in my life."

Tai Xiaoyi, who was fishing on the big Kun Kun, saw it most clearly. All the nests were guarded by the lackeys and the magic mountain, like reefs in the sea, standing still. The outside was full of zombies, and at the outermost edge, behind the zombies, there were huge numbers of alien beasts trying to fully exchange opinions with them.

"Zombies. It's over."

Well, it's only a matter of time for the alien beasts.

Even if Li Cang doesn't have time to kill them all, the alien beasts can no longer find alienated food that is as sufficient as the zombies and can be fed by eating soil. The ecological chain in a relative sense is broken. Without competitors who support each other, the winner will only gradually wither.

Today will be their last carnival dinner!

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