The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 535 Things are starting to go in a strange direction: 24K

"Hey? Those 24Ks are still alive?" Li Cang interrupted Xu Gong's thoughts, "They are really strong."

The so-called 24K is actually the failed material of the last human experiment. Because they can only make 24 kHz noise, they are nicknamed 24K by the people in the Academy of Sciences. They are raised as pets, and staff often feed them with unfinished lunch.

"Well, I thought they would die, but they survived in that state," Xu Gong glanced over and said, "But it's useless now, just consider it as a special human observation sample."

Li Cang suddenly slapped his forehead and searched for those lackeys used to smuggle items.

"Remember the earliest 'scavenger' I told you about, the one who retained his sanity and showed some characteristics of a zombie? I found it, this is it!"

"Hiss!" Xu Gong took a breath, "This is..."

"Leg muscle tissue," Li Cang threw a bloody mass into the large tray on the table, "I just got it a few days ago. Their alienated blood concentration is so high that even if I don't kill them, they will die suddenly in a few days. Maybe I can use this thing to soak it in the promoter and inject it into 24K to try?"

"That makes sense. 24K can survive once, so there must be something special about it!" Xu Gong immediately made arrangements. Soon, two azure green promoter vaccines were injected into 24K's body. "Wow, is there really a chance?"

Looking at 24K's skin without a bloody mass of skin began to heal itself, Xu Gong was shocked. This indulgent behavior that seriously violated scientific rigor and tried to save a dying horse actually produced positive results?

"Nutrient matrix, they need nutrients, quick!" Xu Gong roared loudly: "Give them all the nutrient matrix in the cabinet!"

With both injections and force-feeding, 24K's bloody body healed significantly faster. Although the skin did not regenerate, it was no longer the tragic image of being covered with pulp and juice. The strands of tough muscle fibers spontaneously gathered, and the height rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few minutes, 24K stopped eating, but the dark green nutrient matrix that submerged to the knees seemed to climb from the legs to the upper limbs through their exposed muscle fibers, forming a bunch of dark green fluorescent lines between the grooves of the muscles.

At this moment, their image is very similar to the Red Skull, of course, it is the Plus version

Over two meters tall, reproductive organs completely degenerated, mouth, nose and ears completely sealed, leaving only a sunken shape, eyes are particularly huge, dark green, chest, back, arms and legs muscles are so developed that it is frightening, two completely skinless muscle monsters.

The most important thing is that the violence, bloodthirstiness and madness in their eyes have obviously faded a little. At this time, they are observing their hands, bodies and everyone outside the closed glass culture tank with a confused look.


Race: humanoid, alienated life form

Height: 203cm

Weight: 171kg

Life: 100%

Physical strength: 93%

Strength: 28.2c

Agility: 6.6c

Status: Alienation stage 2, controlled mutation, alienated blood can be extracted

Ability: sonic attack, low-level energy absorption

Evolution method: eating, blood supplement, higher-level pan-human growth promoter

"Oh!" Lao Wang exclaimed, "28.2? This thing can run into stage 3 soon!"

After seeing the detection attributes, Xu Gong was not very excited, and even frowned. What the Academy of Sciences wants is vaccines and pan-human growth promoters. It doesn't matter to him whether these two things have combat effectiveness or how strong their combat effectiveness is.

Until someone next to him whispered a series of reminders: "Xu Gong? Xu Gong! The blueprint! This is the living promoter blueprint!"


Xu Gong's expression suddenly became vivid and alive.

"Hey, buddy~" Lao Wang lay in front of the glass cover, "Show me a smile!"

A group of researchers and assistants laughed kindly.

As a result, the throats of the two 24Ks shook,


The harsh noise almost sent away the researchers, who were more fragile than each other, and many of them began to bleed from their ears and fell to the ground!

"Fuck." Lao Wang covered his ears, chiseled the glass wall, and roared: "Shut up, you guys shut up, stop, STOP!"

The 24K staggered back, tilted his head, with fear and confusion in his eyes, and looked a little aggrieved.

Xu Gong didn't care about the pain in his ears, and shouted: "It was just imitating your pronunciation! It was the sentence 'Hi, buddy'! Did you hear it? Did everyone hear it?"

Old Wang thought to himself, I heard nothing, my ears are going deaf!

After a brief test, Xu Gong was so happy that his teeth were almost turned over his ears.

"So smart! They are imitating us! And they have no hostility towards humans! They are well-behaved and obedient! Oh my God! Teacher Cang! Did you see it! Oh my God!"

The whole academy was in jubilation. These crazy guys even wanted to release 24K for face-to-face communication. Fortunately, they were stopped in time by a few rational people, otherwise who knows if the comedy would turn into tragedy.

"Test whether there is air transmission, contact infection, blood infection and other transmission. Well, don't do the experiment directly. Their brains are theoretically human, and their intelligence should be quite high. Let them learn instructions, maybe they can actively cooperate with us, and"

After a series of instructions, Xugong finally breathed a sigh of relief, and rarely remembered that he needed to celebrate and thank these two great gods.

"Teacher Cang, the food in the cafeteria of the Academy of Sciences is very good. The chefs are all executive chefs in big hotels. Let's have something to eat together and take a rest before continuing?"

Lao Wang quickly waved his hand to express his refusal on Li Cang's behalf. His mother-in-law was about to give birth and the situation was urgent and she had to run away. He had been watching the corpses and plasma bombs all morning. He didn't spit it out because he felt sorry for the cleaning lady.

Have a meal?

Eat your second uncle!

"Well," Xugong asked reluctantly, "when will you come next time? I always feel like I have no energy to do experiments without you!"

Lao Wang's feet felt windy. He ran outside the Academy of Sciences, took a few breaths of rare fresh air, and then looked back at the Academy's gate with lingering fear.

"My mom, I have never been afraid of anything in my life. Really, Teacher Cang, I will never say your SAN value is low again. Compared with them, you are just like a younger brother!"

"Oh?" Li Cang asked, "Are you afraid of chipmunks? Are you afraid of centipedes? Are you afraid of two-legged tadpoles? Are you afraid of wasp pupae? Are you afraid of corpse tides? Why are you so embarrassed? Write about the things you are afraid of. On paper, you can circle our empty island for two and a half weeks and six months!"

It's OK to kill people, but you can't kill your heart.

Lao Wang swore that if it weren't for Li Cang's bad mood today, he would definitely make this guy pay the price!

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