The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1781 Lao Wang: This shit is still shit after all

A group of bloated flesh and blood veins that fill the entire galaxy and subspace are criss-crossed and arranged in a certain established pattern, moving slowly like a star ring.

The majestic energy ripples are constantly transmitted from the scarlet and dim mother nest in the center, which is like a dying sun, emitting shimmering light into the void. Each tidal wave of energy pulses can light up the densely packed tiny nodes in the endless deep space until they are invisible. domain.

Lao Wang saw a lonely, unresponsive, dead node. The tissues and energy channels around it were dry and decayed, but the center shone with a glow that was incompatible with the entire world, like The dark green fire of evil energy is gleaming and moving, weak but persevering.

His field of vision suddenly and sharply collapsed, and the mother's nest composed of endless flesh and blood gradually receded into the distance, dim, yet as if it had been materialized.

In the end, his perspective was on his own island.

The colorful Zerg black etched with eye-catching Fel Fire inscriptions surged out from the collapsed pits and every crack on the sky island like a volcanic eruption, blocking all light in the entire airspace.


Lao Wang burst into tears.

But the next second, a violent, greedy, hungry, and irresistible terrifying will was like a giant hammer in his mind. His skull was hammered with a roar, and his reason was quickly swallowed up by it.

Amidst Lao Wang's inhuman roar, the ferocious dragon robe turned into a pool of metal solution and flowed down his body as if running away. The skin was ablated by veins and blood vessels to form winding lines, and the bulging muscles were torn from The skin gushed out, accumulated, and blackened, while the hard and proliferated bones once again tore the dark muscles, billowing smoke, and burning with the fire of evil energy.

In the end, it completely transformed into a giant beast with a height of tens of meters, with dense horns on its head, back, and joints. It had a stooped body, a long tail dragging the ground, and its eyes were spitting fire and smoke. There was no sense at all, and it spread all over its body. A vicious and violent aura.

Lao Wang roared like thunder.

Crawling on all fours like a wild beast or some kind of Zerg, several quasi-domain-level behemoths standing in front of him were instantly torn into pieces, and all evil energy chains were interrupted, just like missiles dragging flame tails. An anchor to a unified point on the empty island.


The evil fire erupted like a volcano, causing the island to tremble violently, accompanied by roars that shook the entire airspace and made all creatures hold their heads and howl in pain.

This is obviously not a transformation in the conventional sense, so much so that Lao Wang's form has become alienated. In his eyes, there are no longer strange tides and so-called high-level quasi-domain-level behemoths, but his own sky island. Some strange will in his mind was suppressing his spirit, making him painful, angry, and crazy.

As soon as they arrived at the empty island, those completely indescribable Zerg, with no structure in their body that was reasonable and no parts in the place where they should be, came to attack them immediately.

Lao Wang waved his hand and struck, and the evil fire was like a long whip, wrapped in some kind of dragging sword. The explosive energy body instantly tore thousands of insects into pieces, but their life energy after death was Being completely imprisoned within the sky island, it formed an energy beam visible to the naked eye, taking root into the surface of the sky island and deeper.

In the crisp explosion, Lao Wang's second wave of the evil energy chain did not work, but was directly held in the claws of a thin and weak insect.

The insect slowly shed its dark outer shell, and its complicated and unclear organs and pendants were gradually absorbed. In the mist of energy light, its figure became more slender, turning into a naked female body.

Dense flesh and blood tentacles tore through the ground and connected with the slender female body, weaving into an abnormally shaped skirt and becoming the crown behind her head. Her arms were in the style of a typical arthropod, and her head was in the same proportion as a normal human. Not close, he looked slimmer, with sunken cheekbones. Behind his four pointed ears, there were sixteen groups of grate-like gaps breathing smoke, and a pair of surprisingly large blue-green compound eyes flashed with indifference.

A simulated human voice came out of her mouth, like the sound of insect wings, hoarse and beguiling: "Submit to us. Understand us and become us to join the glorious evolution."

One sentence shut down Lao Wang's frantic mind, and he suddenly regained consciousness for a moment: "You are still making fun of me at this time! Don't you have any other words in your mind?"

"We give you power!"

"We make everything possible for you!"

"We will satisfy all your desires!"

"Tell me to say it."

"You" the compound eyes of the naked woman suddenly flashed in confusion, "No? No! I have been observing you for a long time. I have seen your greed, your lust, your laziness, your rage. Why are all your desires of lower creatures? .It seems that nothing exists deep in your mind. Why is it that all this has left no trace?”

"Get out of! Fucking! My! brain! Get out!" Lao Wang pressed his head. "I am a fucking pure person! A staunch materialist warrior who has escaped from vulgar taste! Don't fucking try to use you That uncivilized insect brain understands my beauty! You know what a hammer you are!”


The majestic sword energy and evil fire ignited the huge evil beast Lao Wang, and the huge surge of energy destroyed everything. None of the Zerg that emerged from the huge pit on the empty island was spared, including those in the nest. The female body condensed by the Lord.

Lao Wang leaped towards the cenote like a meteor, but a large number of insects suddenly emerged from the cenote, sweeping him back layer by layer, and another naked female body took shape on the insects.

"You can't destroy it." She pointed at herself and continued to speak in that weird tone and sentence that made people's heads hurt. "We are close, we are one beautiful body. Endless joy. You look at me. Look at me carefully. In the end, we will replace everything. Become everything. Evolve forever and we will all be perfect."

One after another, the female bodies were constantly destroyed in Lao Wang's attack, but more incarnations of the nest master would condense again, everywhere, telling and whispering like multiple Sanskrit sounds.

After she finished speaking, the manic and sometimes rational Old Wang calmed down, pointed at the nest owner's strange and alternative naked figure, then pointed at his nose, and said with disdain and extreme disdain: "My fucking surname is Wang! Bah! My fucking surname is Zhong! Look at me! Look at me carefully! You are so stupid that you are qualified to seduce me? My face looks like the damned Li? You stupid thing!"


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