The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1528 Li Cang: Oh, they are all good-looking but useless stuff

The expressions of the five floating giant beasts were so angry, and their eyes so fierce, that Li Cang had a very familiar feeling of déjà vu——

Emmm, isn't this Timi what he looked like when he just got up from the bed?

I can’t say that it is both physical and spiritual, I can only say that it is lifelike!

They were setting off firecrackers and digging mountains to save their lives. It was understandable that people would be a little more angry when they woke up. It was reasonable and reasonable. Li Cang also took advantage of the situation and sighed: "It is indeed a good start."

"What the hell is round and flat? Hurry up and give me a hard time. The workers here can't wait to create value for the capitalists!"

Lao Wang was squealing excitedly over there, maybe because this thing looks sweeter and more aphrodisiac, but the five dogs looked down at these skinny uninvited guests with disdain. You can't even squeeze out a few ounces of water, how can you be worthy of talking in front of me?

Hundreds of feathered bone spears took shape in an instant, and there was a series of sounds of glaciers collapsing.

Five giant beasts riddled with holes were nailed to the glacier cliff. A light blue glow spread out from the wounds all over the body. The surrounding temperature dropped a lot in an instant, and even the red ground behind them was covered with thousands of miles. The pale and loose ice cliffs that had greeted me with the fake armor-cut bows all became solid and crystal clear again.

Well, definitely the best quality ice maker.

Lao Wang was stunned: "What the hell?"

Li Cang showed a true expression: "Ah, just like you, they are all useless things!"


However, it was obviously a head-scratching thing for Wu Gouzi to cause damage to this thing. The five heads were almost shot into a sieve and looked like they were about to be torn apart. The body of the giant beast twitched, and a large amount of blood exploded. It seemed to melt and seep into the ice cliff behind him. The blue light in the ice flashed out, and the huge body fled far away at a very fast speed, leaving only a large number of feathered bone spears stuck there or dropped out of thin air.

Li Cang: "."

Well, he really didn't expect this.

"Okay then, who is that? Your health care product has run away. Go chase it."

"I'm chasing you @#¥%..."

Li Laixi clicked her tongue and marveled: "Bet fifty, if the three of us do it ourselves, these things will definitely not be as smart as just now!"

There is a generation gap between people, and there is a huge difference between subordinates and alienated bloodline creatures. These big guys can easily judge the strength of Wu Gouzi just by taking a beating and decisively improve their tactical position. It already belongs to a version with a high degree of matching between perception and brain, but if the one facing them is replaced by a slave, it will probably be confused for a while.

"Becoming stronger for the sake of food and working for the sake of becoming stronger will indeed evolve into completely different versions." Li Cang was still mourning his poor 30,000-year-old son of a bitch. How could he think about the problem of 50 golden melon seeds at this moment? , angrily shouted: "Damn it, these despicable beasts, evil thieves!"

Wu Gouzi was also furious. It was simply a shame for his career that a mere trash fish was easily moisturized under their noses in such a crude way.

However, anger is ineffective. After all, they are not big Kunkun. The big Kunkun uses the floating force field with great proficiency. It can not only control itself but also control others. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a strong floating force field in the human realm. If The giant Kun Kun was present at the first moment, so the giant beast would never be able to shake the constraints of the Kun brand floating force field.

It wouldn't work if it were Wugouzi. Their floating force field can only act on themselves to maintain floating and flying postures, and there is basically no residual value.

Taking a step back, the situation is the same for those giant beasts. If they had a Kun-level strong floating force field, they would not just watch and let hundreds of thick and long feathered bone spears sustain themselves. Go deep and simple within your own body.


A soft sound.

First, a few big beautiful paw prints appeared in the ice and snow, and then the little lady with a flowery body appeared out of thin air like ripples in the water. Tai Xiaoyi was wearing a sassy split black corset dress. Wearing black trousers, holding a heavy sniper, and blowing large clouds of white steam.

"What's going on? What's going on! He suddenly disappeared! I didn't even have time to pull the trigger!"

"Perhaps you found that your posture when getting up was not right, so you went back to sleep again?"

Tai Xiaoyi was really choked by Lao Wang and was speechless for a long time. He swung the gun head, lit a few dog legs, and fired two moonfalls at the ice wall that were no less than a natural disaster. The glacier collapsed like the sky was about to collapse, and large chunks The large kilometer-sized ice floe hesitated in the air for a long time before gradually losing its floating properties and falling slowly and crookedly downwards.

"It's almost twelve o'clock, and the skills will be refreshed soon. Do you want to have some midnight snacks first?"

"That's a good feeling!"

Li Cang waved his hand: "I want to watch from here."

Li Lei opened a bag of dried meat and said, "I'm going to lose weight!"

After Lao Wang and the young lady returned, Li Laisi showed off her yak jerky flavored with smoked soul pepper and asked, "What are you thinking about again?"

"Lao Wang's flying mount, pick a suitable evolution template and think about the entry."

"Why don't you let that guy think for himself?" Li Laixi curled her lips and said in a hiss, "You can live for many years. The number of human brain cells is limited. Don't live long before your brain cells have already died. , then you won’t even have the chance to sit in a wheelchair!”

"I mean, why do you always think about things from such a strange angle?"

"What a joke! How can I follow you if you don't have a hole in your brain?"

"What you said seems to make sense." Li Cang pinched his chin, "Lei Zi, what type of mount do you think Lao Wang is suitable for?"

"Didn't we approve the funds for him to operate it himself?"

"Him?" Li Cang grinned in disdain, "I think it is necessary to make a backup plan first, so that when that guy comes to threaten me crying and screaming, I won't be able to come up with a plan. Do you really want to use that kind of brain as a brain?"

"It can be used occasionally." Li Leisi held up the meat "Do you want to eat it or not? Forget it, if you don't want to eat it, you can't eat anything else after eating this~"

"Then I'm going to lose a lot of money?" Li Cang curled his lips and said casually, "Anyway, the plan is certain, driven by the evil fire, at least one long-range precision attack or a skill that empowers transformation. I have been browsing the forum for several days, and I haven't found any particularly interesting stories or templates. I can only say that it is just average. And Ignis's body must be put on the agenda. If I keep feeding it, I'm afraid it will be oversaturated and explode. There have been so many messes recently that I haven't been able to figure it out."

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