The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1526 Lao Wang: Sir, times have changed!

A place of right and wrong like the base is obviously not livable. What is truly livable is Teacher Cang’s empty island.

Under the premise of Lao Wang's unremitting efforts to update and vigorously save his own money, he finally explored the geology and landforms of Li Cangkong Island through patchwork on the forum, and was subsequently voted by the majority of "netizens" as the track line with the most viscosity One of the most livable islands.


One of the most livable islands.

Then I wonder if the subject is targeting human beings? Aren't there walking corpses, alien beasts, and all kinds of strange fantasy-embodied bloodlines and even Zerg and alien gods?

Have a question?

No problem!

Therefore, Teacher Cang is well-deserved for receiving this honor.

After landing safely, Li Cang stretched out his arms, relaxed his frown, and said with a relaxed expression, "I'm home. The sun is shining and the breeze is blowing. It's a good day for opening a business~"

"Could it be that when you say sunny and cool breeze, you mean the temperature of minus 49 degrees 6? Then riding a horse is really like the sun!"


The thick ice layer on the surface of the island, frozen like steel, shattered under the graceful arches of the bone girl's feet and flying skirts. It passed directly over Lao Wang's head and rushed towards Li Cang. A small group behind him ran and made a loud clicking sound. The screaming Skeleton Demon managed to avoid smashing Lao Wang's face.

"Okay, okay, good boy, let's see what good things I brought you, a total of sixty live prism fish, use them to make yourself new clothes!"

"Sister Sword? Sister Sword! Your rations! Have you tried the passion fruit and citrus flavored meat jerky of exotic animals?"

"Yes, yes, this is yours. Your Aunt Lily said this is the purest purgatory style outfit. I had someone make it for you. Please try it on quickly!"

"Who asked you to come here? Get out!"

Miss Qiu was kicked so far that her hair was blown. She stood up whimpering and stood in line with Lao Wang, looking even more lonely.

Lao Wang: "."

This silky feeling of family indulgence is very subtle, even more subtle if you consider that none of these children are purely humanoid.

Of course, even if all these things were taken away, the island would not necessarily look very normal.

Li Cang was wearing my mother's super beautiful shirt that has never changed for thousands of years, casually put on a pair of jeans, and it looked very casual; Lao Wang was wearing flip-flops and a beach shirt given by a bathing center in a foot bath city. Tai Xiaoyi wore shorts; Tai Xiaoyi had her head tied up and was wearing an elegant and casual Suzhou embroidery cheongsam; while Li Laixi was covered in a bloated and round red long-haired fox fur, suede leather pants, and suede boots.

Just four people, the four seasons are clearly distinguishable, and then they stand together in the freezing cold weather of nearly minus 50 degrees.

Li Cang gritted his teeth and said, "Daleizi, what's going on with your 80s-style lady outfit?"

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Li Laisi proudly tweaked her pose, "How can I match this ice and snow? I'll be like a goddess on earth!"

Lao Wang muttered: "She's like the wife of some local cannon and bandit who ran away to suppress the village."

Li Cang squinted at this guy: "Why don't you please evaluate the young lady?"

Lao Wang's face was bright and sunny: "She looks like the concubine of a warlord and tyrant's family. Oh no, it's a slip of the tongue. She's the wife of the head of the family. At first glance, she looks like a lady from a scholarly family~"

Tai Xiaoyi said angrily: "Then do I still have to speak Wu Nong's soft language, speak softly, and open my mouth like a Jiangnan water town?"

"No need at all. My little lady looks like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. She's not like some people who are chained to Ninggu Pagoda and have to leave with their tails between their legs when the pack of jackals comes~"

"If you, surnamed Wang, were screwed up, you wouldn't have to choose to end your miserable life in such a tragic way."

The mutual quarrel between Li Lai Si and Lao Wang gradually evolved into a full martial arts exercise. Li Cang, who successfully captured the key words, wandered thoughtfully between Li Lai Si's slender neck and fox fur for a long time.


Don't you have any style? But if you want to play this kind of creative program with a tough girl like Li Lei, it seems too difficult to implement.

Niang Xipi!

Why did you lose the remaining bag of half-golden melon seeds? It’s all because of this guy. Wang, you really deserve to die!

Lao Wang trembled in excitement and turned around to stare at Li Cang inexplicably.

"What are you doing?"

The kind of grinding teeth and sucking blood on Li Cang's face was obvious, or in other words, it was barely concealed. Lao Wang had no idea what the fault of this guy was. Who was he provoking? In short, he was so embarrassed by this The feeling of being obsessed with something is very bad.

Li Cang had just thought of an excuse and was about to give this guy a crazy meal to relieve his fatigue and hatred, warm his heart and stomach, but his eyes couldn't help but look past Lao Wang and drifted into the distance: "Huh??"

In the far distance, under the cloudless sky was a vast expanse of blue and black, as dark as clouds and storms lingering in the low altitude. If you listened carefully, you could hear the sound of lightning and thunder.

Li Cang and Li Laixi smacked their lips, with the words "Sure enough" written in big bold letters clearly engraved on their faces.

Tai Xiaoyi also had an indescribably complicated look on her face, and her tone was dull and confused: "Is it really so clever?"


Lao Wang was so angry that his Dantian was chatting with Chun Lei. This is called a perfect tone.

Cursing, he spread out the Marauder's Map and compared it with the radar. The guy became arrogant again: "I'll tell you there's no such thing! I'm so lucky! Did you see it? Did you see it? It's not an island, it's just him. Damn it’s not an island! The radar and map are blank! Maybe it’s just a simple dark cloud or storm!”

Li Cang threw out the big Kun Kun: "Master Wang, please die~"

Oh, you are still struggling now, and you don't even bother to hit you with a hammer. Go away and feel how it feels to hit yourself.

The wind was rustling and the water was cold, and the young man was in trouble when he left home. Old Wang turned around step by step and walked on the back of the big Kun Kun with great difficulty and tragedy. The whale song was distant and ethereal, and Old Wang felt that his face was about to disappear.

Li Leisi watched the big Kun Kun go away and said, "It's impossible for the Marauder's Map and the radar to go wrong at the same time. In fact, they never seem to go wrong?"

Li Cang frowned but had no idea: "Such a thing has never happened, but I don't need to explain the reason for Lao Wang's bad mouth, right?"

Li LaiSi shrugged.

She is a Neo-Confucian, not a metaphysician, and this is obviously not her area of ​​expertise.

"If it's not an island, then is it possible that it's ice?" Tai Xiaoyi said hesitantly, "Isn't this extreme weather strange?"


There are ready-made examples of this.

The original Tranquility Sea and several floating oceans were indeed mostly blank on the Marauder's Map and radar, because they were not floating islands in the first place, just like there was only endless ice and snow on the Green Island, but farming could be done on Iceland. , this is an issue of injustice and naming rights.

Li Laixi was a little unconvinced: "The temperature has only dropped for a few days, and besides, the color and painting style are not right, right?"

"We'll find out when that big bastard comes back. Well, even for us, it's probably not much better to have the cold air of 50 degrees below zero blowing on the back of Gou Kun, who is traveling at hundreds of kilometers per hour in the freezing cold~"

"Then I'll go make some hot soup. There hasn't been any cooking on the island for a long time. In my hometown, you have to worship the Stove Lord. That's serious!"

"Hey, I'm talking about Li Cang, it's quite sudden. How did he offend you?" In normal times, the two of them have been making do together for the past half of their lives. They only need a pat on the butt to change their posture and wink. Understanding the revolutionary friendship that should enter the room, Li Laixi looked at Li Cang and pointed at herself: "Me?"

"Can you still have a relationship with me?"



Li Laisi's style is quite wild and fierce in some aspects. She spends all day thinking about operations such as letting herself fly and leading Li Cang into the woods. Her understanding is super high and her sensitivity is extremely high. After a flash of inspiration, her eyes instantly become stern. , his interest increased greatly: "You are so polite to me, you are so vain, tell me, what are you craving for?"

Li Cang seemed very passive, quite passive.


"Shh, stop beeping, let me think about it, what was Lao Wang talking about just now?" After a few seconds, Li Laisi suddenly raised her head: "The Silence of the Lambs?"


"You Li Cang! You usually look so serious and look like a human being! Why are you so perverted?" Li Laisi continued to look at her with relish, "You are hypocritical! You are despicable! What are you thinking about! You are so stupid!" No! That’s not what I’m looking for. I’m going to do this for you, she’s just as perverted as you are!”

Li Cang was speechless.


"What you said is somewhat of a personal attack."

"It's the food guard's fault!"

"Before this, you have never drank too much, never driven at too high a speed, have never been addicted to the Internet, and have never been violent and hurt anyone?"

"So what, it's all right, I'm just an ordinary person, I have emotions."

"So is she."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Mr. Lu Xun once said that there is only a thin line between pain and pleasure, and these are normal."

"Bullshit! Sophistry! Substituting concepts!" Li Laixi curled her lips in disgust, "I'm not discriminating against her. Besides, I'm a couple with other people, so how dare you assume that I'm not good at this? of?"


"Li Cang~"


"You turned pale just now!"


Li Laixi became more and more courageous as she fought, while Teacher Cang was exhausted.

For Comrade Dalei Zi now, this kind of thing seems to be worth talking about. He has been on the front line of planting and eating melons all year round, jumping repeatedly on the edge of the melon fields and plums. After all, Mr. Lu Xun once said: If you don’t explode in silence, you will become abnormal in the explosion.

Li Cang couldn't quite understand how Li Laixi's dangerous thinking was distorted and purified, but no matter how you put it, he, the initiator, could not escape the blame.


Work hard to pay off your debt!

There is no guilt at all, no humility at all. I have always risked my life to pay for it, focusing on the dignity of being unrepentant!

"Li, come here. The buttons on my back are knotted and I can't untie them!"

"Coming, coming~"

Graceful Guifen bah. Graceful noble lady bah. Under the graceful girlish red long-haired fox fur, she wears cowboy-style suede leather pants, a huge girdle and a reverse-buttoned equestrian waistcoat with a white shirt and small and exquisite suede boots. It's sassy and girlish.

Sometimes even Li Cang had to admit that, leaving aside some of the slightest details and facts, Li Laixi was really decent and quite decent in all aspects. In her own words, whether it was getting into a small A wild boy jumping around in the woods has the dignity of having a long face.

"What are you doing standing still? Don't worry! I don't have any other clothes inside!"


I'm the only one who doesn't worry about this. The bitch surnamed Wang will come back later, and he and the young lady will laugh about it for the rest of our lives!

Then, when Lao Wang came back in a state of despair, Li Lai Si smacked her lips with unfinished content, her expression was like a wolf-like tiger breaking bones and scattering ashes, and she didn't know whether she wanted to eat someone alive or not.

Lao Wang said weakly: "Me! I'm right! Then it's not an island!"

Li Cang calmed down: "Ah, yes, yes! So what? Then what?"

Lao Wang tensed up for a long time and finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Damn it, these bird things are really good at rushing into the scene. It's only been a few days. How on earth did they get there? Even the modern wild monsters are already so confident. Is it this level? The boss still has a flash, right?"

Not just wild monsters, it can be seen that contemporary teammates are also like this.

Win the group and lose the stolen goods

Tower with line points?

Doesn't exist!

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Li Cang was too lazy to deal with Lao Wang. Compared with his previous decadence on the empty island, he was looking up and down. "Don't you need to open a channel over there? Take the time to blow a wave. It's a great time for the New Year." Now that I’m here, it’s better to go back empty-handed, I can’t afford to lose that person.”

"Oh, Ning Timi, are you going to buy new year's goods online?"

Li Cang corrected him seriously and without humor: "It's for the mill."

If there is one thing that can minimize time-consuming and labor-intensive benefits while maximizing fatigue and irritability, opening a waterway must be at the top of the list.

In the past, I was worried about the wear and tear of the sky islands, and opening up channels could be regarded as another form of scraping the land. After all, what I brought back was still soil. It could not be regarded as growing up a wave of sky islands, but it could also be regarded as catching up. But this time

water! All parallel imports! Really parallel imports!

A vast expanse of floating glaciers, ice caps, and ice meteorites intertwined with cracks breeds poisonous insects here. The air currents collide with each other in such a way that it’s heart-wrenching. The big dog and the two little dogs have to be counterweighted to avoid being blown away on the spot. It is already extremely difficult to dig a channel in the ice, not to mention that these things are neither stationary nor fast-moving, just like a giant celestial-level slow-motion meat grinder.

Li Cang looked at everything in front of him, frowning, and then Old Wang came. Old Wang was also numb, but he still held on to the slightest chance of luck, trying to use his own metaphysics to enlighten his mouth and get some cause and effect.

"If you go up there, you can't count it as a station for us, right?"

There is a time limit for independent orbit adjustment, but the adjustment and selection of orbit lines after parking are not under the control of the subordinates themselves. The previously blocked road was also found in this way.

"Standing? Even if we are stationed, we are probably still in Jinghai fishing with Sister Whale!"

"Then what should I do? Do you want to kill me alive?"

"Try poking, poking, and poking first. If it doesn't work, then you can only let the dog-kun fusion and the Silver Ridge behemoth act as nature's porters!"

"They are both big in size, but compared to this one, it's not just the foolish old man who moved the mountains and the spirited guards filled the sea!"

"How about you do it?"

Lao Wang tentatively punched the ice, which cracked open a large piece of broken ice. The deep pit wound was pale and cracked. He expressed that he was quite satisfied with the effect, and his smile gradually became full of fire: "Don't say that! You really are. Don’t tell me! I’m really good at this! My lord, times have changed!”

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