What you think is beautiful!

Xu Hongfeng cursed in his heart, no matter how hard you jump over the wall, I will remain unmoved. Do whatever you want. My instructor lives inside, and he has personally taught me. How can a leader like you not understand the principle that one day is a teacher and one is always a father? Bar?

There is a reason for the boss's rage, because the base has been really unstable recently. Every large-scale population relocation will always lead to an imbalance in the fragile humanistic ecology of the base. However, due to previous incidents such as Santa Catana, Fermentation is something that everyone is becoming more and more accustomed to.

Population is valuable, but manpower is worthless. As long as life gets slightly better, most ordinary people won't care that much about a little turmoil.


It can only be said that the attitude of the people in the base towards outsiders is still too optimistic. They don't really understand what kind of people they are. The composition of the survivors who moved their families to the base this time is unexpectedly complex. They We don’t come to the base just to see our families farewell and warm the global human unity. To put it bluntly, we come here to get some benefits. It is a rare year that both the natural environment and the safety index of the base’s airspace are maintained at a very high standard. It is a livable area with calm weather all year round. In addition, the base does not engage in alliances or aggression in principle. It is easy to enjoy the shade with a big tree at its back!

But with more people, there are more problems.

Scenes of people eating and sucking each other's blood outside are rare to see in the base. A large number of people in the base still uphold quite kind and simple concepts, but the various settlements, resettlement camps, and large and small forces that have been relocated this time Don’t think so.

In particular, there are several island chains dominated by Americans. In line with the principle that it is better to disturb others than to develop oneself. If someone is willing to stir up shit, I will never let them lack sticks. The base has not stopped in the past two months, with various developments. Conflicts, demographic conflicts, and institutional conflicts have caused countless troubles, and some of them are getting worse.

It’s hard to say that this is not the work of some unnamed powerful forces on the forum. After all, in the current situation, no one except the flower growers themselves wants to see these bases like a huge magnet, eating up a relatively limited population. .

If you develop, doesn't that mean I'm weakened?

Xu Hongfeng himself doesn't pay much attention to these intrigues. He is a rough man who can cut through a mess quickly with a knife rather than slowly with a small knife. According to his opinion, the base is still too indecisive and too kind. To those people, either get out or die. Kneeling and licking or surrendering, being able to pick out these four options has already exhausted his life's efforts.

As for the current hot and noisy situation, this little guy, how dare he dare to take the lead?

Xu Hongfeng was distracted and walked far away. He didn't come back to his senses until there was a loud busy signal in his ear. He bared his teeth and sneered disdainfully: "Hey~! You're stupid sitting in an office, you idiot!"

As far as his job is concerned, even in a feudal society, he has to be regarded as a close minister of the emperor. He usually goes out to run errands for the instructors and others. It cannot be said that he is arrogant and domineering, but it must be said that he is a fake and a tiger. In the past, none of the leaders and colleagues have seen him. It's not just a laugh and a cigarette and a drink or two, but this office veteran who has never even fought in a war still wants to take advantage of our position, unless I die!


As soon as the four people entered the door, they felt that the whole villa was shaking, and the 200-thick secondary load-bearing walls were buzzing. Kong Jingqiao frowned and was studying an old cookbook on the sofa, looking very annoyed.

"Aunt Kong, is my mother practicing kung fu again?"

"Huh?" Kong Jingqiao heard it after shouting twice. Her expression was really joyful: "The little ancestors are back. If they don't come back, the violent maniac will torture us to death. When she comes home every day, she does nothing but practice kung fu." What to do—Rao Qifang? Rao Qifang!”


Rao Qifang rushed out wearing a white coarse cloth training suit and said, "Mom, you are such a big boy, I miss you so much, please make me smell good!"

Pouting, he leaned towards Li Cang's face.

In fact, Rao Qifang is half a head shorter than Li Cang. As a result, Rao Qifang, who is just over 1.7 meters tall and has the face of a girl, hugging Li Cang, who is just over 1.8 meters tall, can make people feel like a gangster choosing a concubine on the spot. illusion.

"Eh~" Li Laisi rubbed her shoulders, "Aren't you two disgusting? How old are you and still doing the same things as when you were kids?"

Rao Qifang raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, when you were a child, you must have been one-tenth of Li Cang's, who was so popular that I wouldn't touch you even a hair all year round. You are such a big girl, why don't you have some self-awareness? "

Li Laisi was choked to death and became silent in anger. She really couldn't vilify Li Cang at that time without her conscience, emmmmm, but it's much better now. She has already cheated me, let alone the housekeeper's wild flowers. What comes from your own garden is the food.

"How long can you stay here when you come back this time?"

"It's time to relax for a while." Lao Wang took the cold kettle from Kong Jingqiao's hand and poured a cup of herbal tea for everyone: "Hey, I placed a big order, and now the airspace over there is so clean that I can't even find any dirt." No, by the way, Godmother, Li Cang is injured again. I tell you, you can’t let him go. He will definitely sneak back and confront Xiaobi Zaizi. You know his temperament!"

"Injured again? I'll find a rope to tie this kid to his waistband later!" Rao Qifang looked around, "I'm telling you, can you stop walking around like a powder keg and blowing up? I always feel like you are The ability is not acquired in the right way. Although I can’t see anything now, there is no guarantee that there will be sequelae. Come here, Mom will take your pulse first!”

Li Cang smiled bitterly.

It was difficult to explain clearly the reason why he treated his red stripe harmlessly and technically, and Rao Qifang did not listen to his "sophistry" at all, so he could only sit there and let Rao Qifang take his pulse.

Rao Qifang held up her chin with one hand and put her other hand on Li Cang's wrist. Her slender and nimble fingers seemed to be doing a finger dance, which made Li Cang a little itchy: "Well, your heartbeat is less than twenty times per minute now, right? Yes, your physical fitness is getting better, but your body temperature still seems a bit high. Damn girl, you said you had a high fever for no reason? You need to pay attention. Why is your pulse so mixed and irritable? Qi, the Chengjiang River is as pure as practice. Ordinarily, with the physical quality of people like us, we should be able to see the great river entering the sea from a distance, the sea and the Yan River, and the clearness and majestic waves up close."

"Ahem! I may have been a little angry recently. I just came back to eat the food cooked by Aunt Kong. I need to take care of myself. Well, my mind will naturally cool down!"

Rao Qifang's brows knitted into a knot: "You're not allowed to do anything these days, do you hear me? I'll take your pulse in the morning and evening. Something's wrong. There's definitely something wrong with your pulse."

Li Cang: "."

It feels a bit guilty.

No, let’s just say, how can something like Raushizi’s abnormal canceration without any display on the panel still allow my mother to take a pulse signal?

It’s unscientific!

However, it is difficult to say. After all, Rao Qifang is an unconventional unit. If Li Cang's ability itself and its source are now an obvious science, then the components that make up our mother's combat effectiveness are complete metaphysics, so she can Isn't it unusual to sense something that ordinary people can't detect?

Just as Li Laixi was about to open her mouth, she was glared at by Li Cang, and she immediately stopped and narrowed her eyes. However, to Rao Qifang, such a small gesture was basically the same as blatant: "What kind of riddles are you two playing with me!"

Li Cangzhang said bluntly: "Oh, I just agreed to go to the hot spring to give her a bath. No, this is what I'm doing~"

"Don't you have any hands?" Rao Qifang gouged out Li Lai Si, then said to Li Cang with a smile: "Then you go ahead, soaking in the hot springs will really relieve your fatigue. After you have finished soaking in the vegetables, you can have a good meal, you damn girl. Don't bother Li Cang for a few days, you hear me, let him rest well!"

Li Laixi fiercely waved her fist at Li Cang and said, "You are dead". Of course, this guy has a conscience. At least it is not an excuse to serve my mother in the hot spring: "Then I will change clothes, little lady, let's go." , haven’t been back for a long time, let’s go take a dip!”

"Me?" Tai Xiaoyi, who was choosing dishes, was confused for a moment, "Isn't it... you two?"

Kong Jingqiao and Rao Qifang immediately smiled like aunts watching the fun. Li Laisi blushed a little and shouted: "It's just the two of us, let's go, let's go together!"

As usual, it was a big pool, the one with the highest temperature. There were fruit plates and cold drinks floating on the water. There were a bunch of people lying around in the water. The hot spring was a bit deep for the three little ones. They were holding on to the bank with their hands, and only three little heads were exposed. On the surface of the water, the little mouth opened slightly, hissing and shouting that it was hot.

Lao Wang plopped into the water, and it took half a minute to float up. He leaned to the side and exhaled a long breath: "Taking a bath is indeed the most enjoyable thing in the world."

Tai Xiaoyi held Li Laisi's arm a little shyly, as if she wanted to hide it, but the swimsuit was actually not conservative at all: "The water here is really good, Zhong, tell me, there are so many natural hot springs in Yanchuan, how can you still do it?" There is a bathing center where you can take a bath. Wouldn’t it be nice to take a hot spring bath?”

Lao Wang: "."

Any normal person would choose to refuse to answer this question. After all, the meaning of bathing among northerners is quite broad.

But Lao Wang is Lao Wang after all, and he said with a playful smile: "Let's pick out the serious items and the non-serious ones. The hot springs actually overlap with the bathing center. You should wash and rub, and then Have a BBQ buffet and sing songs on the hour. The main thing is that it may still be far away. Hot springs are limited and people in the north have unlimited demand for bathing. The hot springs in Yanchuan are either in the ravines or on the top of the mountain. Go there to play. It's a bit like a hot spring hotel. It takes at least a weekend, including food, entertainment, and accommodation. As for ordinary bathing, the process can be completed in a few hours! "

The young lady said angrily: "Are you saying the right thing and the wrong thing the other way around?"

"No objection!"

Good guy, co-author, your definition of seriousness and non-seriousness is slightly different from that of ordinary humans, right?

"The base is better. You can soak in hot springs and access the Internet. When will we build a hot spring under the insect nest?" Li Leisi said, "Hey, I mean Li Cang Ha?"

The three people glanced over and found that Li Cang, who had not moved for a long time, had fallen asleep on the edge of the pool with his golden knife forked. Lao Wang suddenly looked shocked and his expression was quite solemn: "Shouldn't we let our mother say it? Is something going to happen to this guy again? "

Six faces came closer together, lowering their heads to study fiercely.

Li Leisi said: "Isn't he already dead?"


"No response when I poke him!"

“Very scary”

"Sure enough, this guy only looks like a human being when he's asleep!" Lao Wang chuckled, "As long as he opens his eyes, I feel like this guy is either scheming someone or trying to kill someone, just by rolling his eyes. Eight hundred thoughts rolled over, damn it."

Tai Xiaoyi said: "Yes, yes, it looks good, but I always feel that Teacher Cang's eyes are too fierce. When he looks at others, he looks like he wants to skin them alive."

"He used to be like this!" Li Leisi said with a silly smile: "In the first few years after I met him, he and your man were isolated by the boys in the school. What do kids know? Good and evil are the purest. Anyway, they were a bunch of little brats who didn't even grow their hair and always fought. Often they fought in pairs. I happened to meet them once and saw that they were beaten badly. I wanted to show mercy and help them settle it, but the gangsters that the little brats found stopped fighting and left in a hurry after swearing and saying a few harsh words. I feel that they should have been scared by the look in his eyes. His eyes at that time were really emmmm, just like when he dissected the zombies. One more!"

"Oh my god, how old was he at that time!"

"Third grade? Fourth grade?"


"Is this kind of thing born with you?"

"Maybe, anyway, Rao Qifang took him to see a psychologist before, and he said there was nothing wrong with him. Who knows?" Li Leisi spread her hands and said, "Yes, it's a miracle that a person who has grown up so big in that situation has not grown crooked. It was difficult for him to live before, and he just had a slightly normal life and then he got a serious illness. He was neither dead nor alive. Maybe his psychology is more or less...slightly flawed."

Slightly flawed, a magical word, Tai Xiaoyi has heard this word more than once.

Her thoughtful eyes suddenly drifted to Lao Wang, and Master Wang was horrified and exploded instantly: "Why are you looking at me! I'm normal! I'm fine! I grew up in the spring breeze and under the red flag. I have healthy limbs and don't know the difference between grains. I'm different from this guy!"

Tai Xiaoyi: You know, there is a reason why you three can be friends!

She didn't dare to think about what would happen to Li Leisi if these three people didn't meet together and if she didn't have a reliable mother. To some extent, these three guys can be regarded as restraining each other. Well, and Li Leisi is probably the relatively safe and harmless one among them!

Li Cang opened his eyes and saw six faces on his head. He was so scared that he almost summoned a big magic wand and threw it at them: "What's going on? What are you doing?"

"Study when you die." Li Leisi said softly and sweetly: "Dear, you are really handsome when you don't speak, you know, so handsome that people can't close their legs. Really, when you die, I will definitely cry when I look at this face, and I will cry for a long time!"

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