The city-state of Tili and the surrounding airspace are indeed the hometown of Goudan's predecessor, the feathered dragon beast - emmm, should this be regarded as a return to hometown in glory, or a return to hometown in spirit?

The meaning Goudan replied was quite plain and simple: it doesn’t taste good.

Li Cang was delighted: "That's right, that's right. This treacherous son is more or less at his will."

Count Minsk looked confused and shocked, and his outlook was in danger of collapsing at any time.

It’s not that I’ll figure it out later. According to what you said, what on earth did you do to our Tili city-state to give birth to such a thing? Are you polite, are you moral, are you civilized?

People say that the three concepts follow the five senses. Minsk felt that it was time to give up thinking, right, now!

What kind of evil intentions can this young hero, who is second only to me in beauty, have? XP is just a little bit different from ordinary people. People's private property is sacred and inviolable, and XP is free!


It's just pity for our beautiful lord, I guess it is inevitable that there will be a little extra freedom on the road to pursuing love.

Below, people from both sides gradually made real contact.

Of course, it mainly refers to Estelle's people sneaking through walls and buildings for sneak attacks.

Even if the total number of combat units on Estel's side has reached more than 40,000, including the vast number of people, strange beasts, and servants of fate, no one is stupid enough to want to have a head-on conflict with the sly Magic Mountain. Try to avoid it.

Well, the key point is that the remaining three dogs are not easy to mess with either!

The Demon Mountain and the heavy-riding Demon Mountain, who were unable to charge due to the terrain, no longer considered the issue of face-mounted output. Those who could not even enter with men and horses directly guarded the outermost area of ​​​​the crystal barrier to seal off the escape route, without riding a horse. They are no longer in groups of five, but spread out to carry private goods to the henchmen.

First of all, Estelle's tactics are not designed for this kind of undead guy. They build favorable terrain and environment just to kill Qiao Shasha and some people who hold slave contracts; secondly, Magic Mountain has never They are not really offensive players, they are representatives of extreme defense. Now they have added a layer of skin. No matter how confident the subordinate is, they may not dare to think that this thing is afraid of sneak attacks!

As for San Gouzi, let alone him. I think he is the one who is better than Dao Mei. Although he is more than a star and a half worse than Dao Mei, it is just a street fight. He can still come and go like the wind. No one can No one can sneak attack San Gouzi in a complex environment, and only the knife girl who comes and goes high and low can assassinate others!

No, as soon as the battle started, under the crystal barrier, there were two flying servants of destiny with special shapes and colorful shapes. They scattered blood in the sky and died suddenly. It’s not that the sword girl is picky about colors and has other pursuits. She is not a bone girl, but Simply because she felt that these two fancy things might be more delicious.

Dao Mei is the most picky eater among Li Cang's destiny servants. Even if she basically doesn't eat like Ya Mei, Li Cang won't be so melancholy. Dao Mei is really picky about food. Well, it’s not without reason that I can become friends with Bone Girl. One is a picky eater and the other is a beauty contestant. In a sense, they are a perfect match.

Under the horrified gaze of a group of flying dragon knights, Dao Mei did not continue to kill. Instead, she mobilized a few teams of bastards who didn't look very smart and struggled to drag the two giant beasts out of the street fighting battlefield and ran away. He came to Li Cang's side and shouted "Oh oh oh".

Li Cang: "."

Damn it, this child's food-protecting behavior is a bit evil, so he should just give him a good beating.

The old father's words of shame and integrity were really unbelievable. While he was cursing and disgusting, he smoothly arranged for the knife girl to save her trophies first.

The battle below is quite difficult. The "advanced" escape skills that shuttle through the obstacles can frustrate Sangouzi and the Magic Mountains. The destructive power of the Magic Mountain can even destroy some buildings and walls. For Sangouzi, , this requirement is actually a bit excessive and overwhelming.

The restrained fighting style made Li Cang very unhappy, and Estelle's side felt that it was not much better.

From the beginning, the power in their hands was not even enough for the little aunt to resist, not to mention the water meter was shamelessly stolen at three o'clock in the morning. It seemed that tens of thousands of pairs of eyes had a big business, but in fact, they took off their mounts and became the servants of fate. It was barely possible to gather 10,000 living people, and Tili was a publicly owned orbital island, so private prayers were restricted, so they had to rely on the few cards in their hands to survive.

Just like Estelle said, although his plans and preparations were simple or even rudimentary, they were definitely pragmatic enough and could definitely hit the heart. In Tili, there are few servants of flying destiny, and there are no armed transformation islands or ships. As well as retro city-states with energy matrix cannon technology, ground techniques and traps are already the most effective means of killing.

But the medicine doesn’t work

Can a fisherman really catch anything but fish?

Estelle looked at the servants of fate who were living and dying all over the world, and recalled the fear of being dominated by the same scene. This guy seemed to be stronger!

In the early days of the disaster, the entire Tilly force of the Catechism was beaten to the ground. Now history is repeating itself. Even if there are special inert alloy buildings as trenches, they will be eroded sooner or later in the face of the impact of such a large number of powerful servants of fate. Almost exhausted

Instead of closing your eyes and waiting for the hammer, it’s better to give it a try!

Estelle gave the guards and those despicable outsiders no less than ten buffs in one breath. Her voice was filled with holiness, nobility, and inexplicable bewitching: "God will not allow such blasphemers to continue to exist. Justice may be late but will never be absent. Charge, kill the devil!"

The slogan was shouted very loudly, and it was simple and antique.

The language was not the point. The point was that this thing seemed to be a skill similar to confusing the mind and increasing combat effectiveness through violence. The guards around Estelle and most of the knights were affected. Even the teams of foreign subordinates and their people were covered with a layer of golden light, but there seemed to be a little dark red in the golden light.

All the people who were stained with golden light had bulging muscles and bloodshot eyes. They were no longer timid, but rushed towards Li Cang without hesitation. Various flying mounts that were half floating on the surface and fighting wits and courage with the three dogs and the demon mountain soared into the sky.

In theory, Estelle's idea was not wrong.

But the actual situation was still slightly different from his imagination. For example, he should never forget how Goudan treated the winged corpse monsters and the flying units of the Tili people in the underground nest when he saw Goudan last time.

Almost at the moment when those flying dragons and birds broke away from the inert alloy buildings, they all lost the ability to control themselves. They were like rag dolls in the hands of a naughty child, and they fell to the ground and crashed into a ball in the air. The sharp teeth and claws of each other, the giant shields, spears, swords and armor in the hands of the knights were crazy about the friendly forces.

Under the deliberate guidance of the floating force field, such as adjusting the direction and stepping on the accelerator, in just a few seconds, at least more than one-third of the casualties were caused, and the blood flowed and gathered into winding streams in the air.

As for the short-handed axes, arrows, and various large and small hidden weapons and non-hidden weapons that flew over, they were completely useless. Only a few of the hands-off skills hit Li Cang, who was extremely perfunctory and symbolically dodging.

Estel's eyes were red: "Guard! Holy light guard! Healing breath!"

The holy light was a shield, rising from the knights, resisting the collision damage and trying to isolate the influence of the floating force field. The emerald green light soothed everyone's wounds at the same time, making them heal quickly.

To be honest, a large part of the knights who were blessed by Estel's overlapping buffs had definitely surpassed the three dogs with 0 buffs in terms of pure panel attributes, but they had some indigestion and could not fully transform the skyrocketing attributes into actual combat power. Some knights with weak control ability and unskilled business would even become as stiff as a puppet.

Li Cang sighed in disappointment: "God's priests like to do addition, while my priests are used to doing subtraction. Obviously, there is no reference value. You can go on your way with peace of mind. Good luck - Bone Sister?"

When Bone Sister heard her old father calling her name, the action of swinging the sledgehammer was filled with a sense of joy and full of motivation.

Wherever the chain hammer and sickle go, the metal sparks and mushroom clouds of plague clouds are comparable to high-explosive bombs. It doesn't matter if the enemy density on the battlefield is not enough or the level exceeds the standard. There are still free No. 1 and No. 2 lackeys. Plague servants are not picky about materials. They will explode anyone.

The entire battlefield is in a solid and narrow alley. This skill with extremely high coverage is like a cheat. Holy light and black clouds are mixed and intertwined into a surging wave, which shuttles through the alleys and washes the flesh of living people and hard walls.

The rock layer on the surface used to hide inertia and gold itself is burned and corroded to become mottled and fall off. The inert metal inside is twisted and deformed due to the heat and the impact of waves of corpse explosions, and groans of being torn apart, and gradually turns into a scorched red under the extremely abundant evil energy fire. Even the heat waves of the air rolling and rising in most areas covered by the crystal barrier have distorted the vision.

After all, the subordinates are still human beings, and they are not suitable for developing business in the iron jungle. They even dare not use escape techniques to pass through high-temperature obstacles. Facing the lackeys and the magic mountain who are indifferent and only have killing in their eyes, it can be said that there is no way to heaven and no way to earth. Some people's mentality is directly broken.

Li Cang frowned, thinking that this is not very elegant. There are so many buildings damaged with such a big noise. Isn't the compensation all the hard-earned money that the aunt has worked hard to save?


The internal conflict between Esther and a group of foreign subordinates is going on simultaneously with the battle. In just a few minutes, the first six or seven subordinate main teams that gathered together have more than ten people killed by zombies. As for the large group of subordinates who followed later, it can only be described as horrible.

"Retreat, while there is still a chance!"

"Damn it, a whole year of preparation, a perfect plan, this damn guy!"

"It's over, even if we retreat now, our people are all finished, they can't get out"

"Ha!" Estel looked at these despicable outsiders and sneered: "Retreat? This is my hometown! This is my family's ancestral land! Why should I escape? You guys who have no sense of honor and faith have never understood the simplest truth, people who have no spiritual belonging, no matter whether they escape or not, and where they escape to, can only live in fear and wandering!"

Estelle's words did not resonate with anyone, but the things in his hand calmed down a group of disunited teammates a little.

Three sweat hairs, one head, and a small piece of tender, red, wriggling flesh wrapped in silk and sealed with holy light.

Just now, when Esther's people were bombarding Li Cang with their skills, there was an inconspicuous, soap bubble-like dim light ball that floated back to Esther's hand from Li Cang in the opposite direction of the skill. They saw it.

"This is..."

"He's not injured, where did this piece of flesh come from?"

"Old Ai, do you have any tricks left?"

Estelle took a deep breath: "The sweat and hair were just obtained, but this piece of flesh and blood tissue was left last time."


"Doesn't that mean this thing has been active for more than a year? Is it really a person?"

"Fuck! What the hell is he!"

"Although I deliberately cultivated it, I have to say that this person's physical strength, cell activity and vitality have reached an incredible level." Estelle put the three things in a rusty cross-shaped old iron box, "But now, I hope that the activity of this piece of flesh and blood is as high as possible, and it would be best if it can be strong enough to maintain some mysterious and considerable connection with the main body - protect me!!"

Estelle embedded the iron box on the top of the staff, raised her arms high, and prayed loudly.

At the same time, Li Cang felt that something inexplicable enveloped him, full of hatred and malice, as heavy as an ice knife and snow sword mixed in the biting cold wind. The empty blood bar, which had plummeted to the baseline due to forcibly passing through the homologous channel, actually gave him the illusion of being forcibly deprived. To be honest, he was too lazy to participate in the battle in person. In fact, a large part of the reason was that the blood bar was not full and the strong physical labor in the past two days.

Ahem, it was a kind of laziness from the depths of the soul, just like someone described the horror of "laziness" when someone suddenly regretted cutting their wrists in the middle of the process, but was too lazy to move and powerless to turn the tide. Obviously, they had realized it, but just wanted to let it go.

Until now!

Li Cang suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the rusty metal box on the top of Estel's staff.

Ha, I said that everything was wrong today!

Obviously, he came to clean up the sneak attack, but he dragged his feet and let it go. This is not in line with my character and personality at all!

"So, that inexplicable, strange sense of intimacy comes from this thing?" Li Cang looked at Estelle, whose body was covered with blood and green gas, and frowned and muttered: "Tsk, no wonder."

Estelle's hunched body gradually became straight, and the staff seemed to be dissolved into his palm inch by inch. The muscles all over his body were wriggling disorderly and disgustingly, as if some indescribable tentacles and living things were growing under the skin and were about to burst out. The holy robe was gradually propped up and cracked by the explosively proliferating muscles.

Hearing Li Cang's words, his face, which had been distorted beyond recognition, flashed a moment of surprise: "You, you can actually still sense it?!"

After a whole year, he can still sense a strand of flesh that fell from his body, which is not much thicker than a hair. What kind of concept is this? This devil may have long been out of the human category!

In a dozen seconds, the old Estel swelled up like a puff of air into a muscle giant over three and a half meters tall. Every inch of his skin was blood-red and veiny. Under the thin skin, one could even see the liquefied muscle tissue swimming like tadpoles.

The people around him couldn't help but stay away from him. Estel's current state looked too scary and too evil. Even though the holy robe woven with gold thread and inlaid with gems was still barely hanging on his body, even though the holy light was surging, even though they were grasshoppers on the same rope, the subordinates still instinctively felt the threat and ominousness. In short, they were terrified and extremely uncomfortable.

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