No matter what gadget is placed on it, regardless of the length of the prayer or the spell, being forcibly interrupted in the middle of the skill reading is as big a matter as being in arrears with the army's military pay. Yamei's [Silent Realm] may not be able to deal with it at all. Even if the medicine ghost causes a little bit of damage, its special silence effect that ignores the life level can be said to be the last barbell that breaks the camel's back.

I saw the illusory brilliance brewing in the ghost face of Yao Gui's chest rising up from the source in a manner that could be called an explosion, rushing left and right in its tendons and energy circuits, opening huge cracks, so that Yao Gui The body structure that has begun to become unstable is showing signs of falling apart, and colorful fog, mucus and glow are spread everywhere.

"Bone girl, skeleton. Skeleton demon."

Forty or fifty new-born skeleton demons howled and came from all directions, jumped out of Bone Girl's three-dimensional skirt, opened their teeth and claws, and rushed directly into the medicine ghost's chest, and then turned into gorgeous white bone flowers. Brilliant bloom.

Boom boom boom!

The suppressed sound and light of the explosion turned the illusory internal organs, tendons, and bone structure inside the drug ghost's chest upside down. At the same time, the strange rules and barriers that restricted the bloodthirsty, calcium absorption, and homologous link buffs were finally broken. Completely washed away.

Waves of inexplicable fluctuations suddenly rose on the battlefield. Scarlet and pale mist rose and gathered on the battlefield hundreds of kilometers around, forming strange shapes like long snakes and lightning-like hurricanes that swept towards Li Cang. High in the sky in the center of the battlefield, it condensed into a terrifying whirlpool like the eye of a storm, rushing headlong into Yao Gui's chest. Like some kind of reactor, the blazing light came alive in Yao Gui's chest.

On the battlefield, the dead walking corpses and zombie monsters were simply mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and Li Cang did not receive even 1% of his vitality and calcium energy from the beginning to the end. Now, these surging energies are in the form of The unstoppable explosive gesture suddenly returned, and even diverted part of the vitality and calcium energy that should not have been controlled by Li Cang into the big wand and Li Cang's body.

The violent and violent energy couldn't wait for Li Cang to distribute and dispose of it. The landslide and tsunami destroyed Li Cang's reason: "Oh my God, why does it always turn out like this?"

Every time, every time, I have to be forced to use myself as a humanoid self-propelled bomb. This feeling is so uncomfortable. I don’t have any other tricks to lead the magician Li Cang? I have many postures. It’s here!

Power itself has no good or evil, and naturally there is no humanized intelligent operation, so Li Cang's complaints are useless. The bloody reading bar has been pulled to the upper limit of the threshold in an instant. Fighting for the last remaining sanity, Li Cang Cang gave Bone Girl a desperate order: [Eat the Corpse]

This was not the first time. Of course Bone Girl would not refuse. In fact, she didn't care about the three-seven-twenty-one. After receiving the clear instructions, she performed oral gymnastics on the drug ghost's internal organs and broken bones, and swallowed them all. Something's wrong with my stomach.

It is foreseeable that Yao Gui's divine body is not yet something that Bone Girl can covet at this stage.

In just three seconds, Bone Girl didn't even have time to scream in pain. The white, uneven bone body was like pieces of peeling fly ash. It degraded itself on the spot and turned into wisps of light and was sent back to the soul of the big wand. The blazing light of [Immortal Halo] burst out from Li Cang's body.

Using the short attribute improvement time of the immortal aura to maximize the power limit of the blood blast while providing self-protection ability, that is, only Li Cang can come up with such an outrageous idea and come up with such an overkill idea, and he really dares to do this Do it.

The reason why a bad idea is called a bad idea usually does not necessarily mean that the thing will not work. Maybe it is just because the ideology is too stinky?

The energy hurricane ravaged the battlefield. Wave after wave of tangible and intangible fluctuations washed away the sky and the earth, tearing apart the clouds. Layers of mud and rocks were scraped off the surface of the earth, all of which were the servants of fate and the second sons of blood. The energy of the countless walking corpses and zombie monsters that were killed was not even used to awaken the Ghost Bride and Spinal Gu, so that the inside of the medicine ghost's body turned into a huge blood explosion, which suddenly erupted.

Heaven and earth were silent.

The three-color intertwined energy field spreads to the surroundings in Yao Gui's body, and then resembles a round, intricate mess, with each strand and strand rapidly rotating and retracting around the center.


The silent waves swallowed up everything around them, and all the flesh and blood turned into deep red and black flames and foehn winds.

The damage value of the Great Blood Explosion to alienated bloodline creatures is always full. Even the indescribable monsters awakened by the medicine ghosts with green mud as their limbs and white bones as their skin cannot be exempted. These knots that bind the zombies are strong. The real monsters were turned into ashes layer by layer, and bone sticks were fired in all directions like machine guns.

The medicine ghost let out an extremely shrill roar, furious and painful to the bone, but it had no time to suppress the massive blood explosion that erupted inside. Instead, it chose to pounce on the corpse weaving further away with extreme eagerness and risklessness.

The layers of strange shapes that trapped Xia Geng Zhi Zhi had completely collapsed under the ravages of the massive blood explosion. The torn remains of Zhi Zhi jumped out, raising the spear in his hand high, and the tip of the spear shone with a pale and cold light, blossoming. Tiny energy vortices formed on the surface of the knitted corpse, rolling around the flesh and bones, scraping against the bones, flowing, converging, and condensing toward the tip of the spear.

The corpse's flesh and blood gradually turned into ashes and turned into energy wrapped around the tip of the spear. Even its unnecessary bone structures, arms, and tail were dissipating. The corpse gradually became a vague outline of a one-legged, one-armed man standing with a spear.

The corpse's body was shaking and cracking. The land with a radius of nearly ten kilometers around him gradually collapsed into a funnel spider web. The entire floating land was shaking at the simple action of the corpse holding up the spear.

The spear, which was only slightly longer than the corpse's height before, has now become a structure of more than 200 meters long, with a spindle-shaped head extending out of two fixed wind wings and a shark mouth line like wings. Rather than saying that this is a spear, it is actually more like a ballistic missile with a big head and a small tail and a weird shape. Its highly concentrated force field and energy pressure distort the surrounding space. All the scenes within the field of vision fluctuate like water, flashing inexplicably strange light and shadow, as if it is a projection from another world line.

The brewing time of the Corpse Weaver's ultimate skill was incredibly long. Its body was about to collapse, but it still hadn't finished reading. The chaos still in the Medicine Ghost's stomach actually condensed into a beast-like outline at this time, rushing left and right to bite and attack the Medicine Ghost's internal organs.

The Medicine Ghost and all the accessories in the string were unable to cause any interference to the Corpse Weaver during the brewing of this ridiculously long skill. It was frozen in place with its starting action of flying hard, like a balloon filled with helium, giving people a feeling of weightlessness.


The spear moved inch by inch, separated from the Corpse Weaver's hand, and swung out with a slow and incomprehensible, but thunderous and heavy cutting posture.

The sense of distance in space seemed to have disappeared under the spear. The space around the spear tip was dragged out with layers of light and shadow folds like some kind of thin and ethereal cloth. The spear tip disappeared in it and reappeared after another layer of folds. The whole spear looked like a sausage cut into pieces, but it always maintained a relative, invisible integrity, and appeared unwaveringly and abruptly in front of the medicine ghost.


If someone is lucky enough to watch the floating land from a very far distance, they can see that the entire square building block-like floating land has actually been completely shattered. The top and bottom of the floating land are gushing with fire at the same time. Countless relatively neat and regular square disc-shaped huge fragment structures are flying in all directions, like a hot water bottle with a hole in it, with viscous juice continuously spraying inside, sweeping away endless zombies and monsters.

Then, it was not a violent explosion, but a layer of illusory light and shadow that was detached from the entity and rolled back to the center of the explosion.

Each fragment of the floating land dragged a meteor-like fire and mucus in all directions, but behind the fragments, it was as if a translucent afterimage was shed. The fragments were flying outwards, and the light and shadows that were exactly the same as these fragments were forced to retreat to the center one by one until they were swallowed up.

The space around the floating land was like broken glass, moving and colliding in a chaotic manner, but it never really affected the movement trajectory of those physical fragments. In the end, it was like a big sun rising in the center of the battlefield, and the world completely turned into a vast chaos.

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