The scavengers escaped from the floating island one by one through the grappling hook.

Lao Wang clenched his fists,

"Just let them go like this? This group of people is so annoying"

"It's not worth it," Li Cang said with a gloomy face, "There is no point in wasting coins on them. In terms of value, they are not even as good as the lowest-level ugly zombies."

"I agree," Li Lasi said, "Although I still want to peel off their scalps and cover them with drumheads."

"Then your hobby is really special," Lao Wang shook his hands painfully, "What should I do to Mr. Cang? I can't even lift the hammer."

Li Cang rolled his eyes and said,

"Don't look at me, the price of praying to replenish your stamina bar is enough for us to get so many lackeys out, otherwise do you think I want to let them go, but unfortunately, the big magic wand doesn't work on you."

After the number of No. 1 lackeys increased, the hundreds of ferocious zombies outside the defense line formed by them were actually difficult to make any waves. The current stalemate is only temporary.

For humans, they are extremely dangerous.

But for the No. 1 lackey, who is also a zombie and has better physical strength than them, the damage caused by the biting is like a joke.

The lackey has only slightly increased his IQ, but the strength and methods of the two in battle are already worlds apart.

The No. 1 lackey never pounces on and bites, because they have no desire to eat.

The fighting method can be summed up in one word: tearing.

All the zombies that fall into their hands have only one end in the end, being pressed by a pile of claws, digging into the fragile bone joints, and being torn into several pieces.

There is no one-on-one fighting, they just rely on the strength of 2.2c to withstand the impact of the zombie group, ignoring all the biting and pushing, catching one and tearing one.

Simple and crude, but extremely efficient, the defense line formed is like a lawn mower.

"What a loss"

Looking at the messy sky island, Li Cang looked melancholy.

The explosive tactic has been established, and there is no reason for accidents to occur.

However, even so, hundreds of zombies still tossed around on the island for 6 hours.

Finally, two short, muscular black-skinned lackeys sandwiched a struggling and roaring zombie in the middle, dragging it into the skeleton gate like a dung beetle pushing a dung ball, and the cleaning work of the floating island was barely completed.

The mill was closed with a bang.

In total, Tai Xiaoyi and Li Cang produced a total of 376 No. 1 lackeys, consuming 4512 pieces of alienated bone fragments and 3760 pieces of destiny coin matrix.

Harvest: 110 dead zombies and 309 alive ones, all of which were dragged into the mill.

It is a bit troublesome to catch them alive. As we all know, live fish are more expensive than dead fish.

As a result, the mill gave a very unexpected tip:

[Branch 1, destroy and recycle immediately]

[344 No. 1 lackeys, recycle immediately, it is expected that 2,200 alienated bone fragments and 1,800 destiny coin matrices can be extracted]

[419 zombies, no material extraction estimate yet]

Excluding those lackeys that were directly torn apart by the zombies because they did not have time to pray for repair of their injuries, the loss ratio is so high that it is suffocating.

[Branch 2, do not perform any operations for the time being]

[344 No. 1 lackeys have entered a dormant state, and 1 destiny coin needs to be paid for every 100 daily to maintain the loss]

[There are 309 zombies in total, and their movable areas need to be manually demarcated]

Li Cang was confused at the time.

“There is such a good thing? Choose branch 2!”

The green light projected a three-dimensional image of the underground part of the mill.

From the projection, the corridor generally has a spiral shape, but each main corridor has hundreds of smaller branches.

The densely packed, tiny and curved corridors, like roots, almost hollowed out the interior of the floating island, and finally converged into a cavity in the center of the floating island.

Li Cang discovered that not all of these corridors could be selected.

For example, the main corridor connecting the gate and the central cavity of the mill and dozens of main branches were not selectable, and those that were too close to the gate or the cavity itself were not selectable either. In the end, only an area could be marked out at the messy branch corridors.

He didn't know how big this area was. If the main corridor seemed to be only 2 to 3 meters high, those tiny corridors would be difficult for a zombie to crawl after being stuffed into them.

[The movable area has been demarcated. Should the material library be opened to generate a feeding mechanism for some zombies? 】


[Please manually define the feeding mechanism interval. There are 309 zombies in total. The recommended interval is 15.45~61.8kg of meat per day, 10~50 pieces of alienated bone fragments, and 10~50 pieces of destiny coin matrix. This feeding mechanism can be selected once a day]

"All minimum values."

[Tip: The zombies will be active and not completely controllable. All minimum values ​​may lead to a sharp decline in population]

[Tip: The mill space environment will have a catalytic effect on the blood of the alienated life and life-like bodies in the dormant/active state, which may cause their blood to collapse, mutate, and continue to alienate; this does not apply to the blood of the second son (fake) produced by the mill, that is, the No. 1 lackey]

Li Cang: "I just want to apply for a C language traffic package."

It's more than a surprise, it's simply a shock.

Li Cang said,

"Old Wang, Dalei Zi, please be sure to call me in the future: Li Earth Splitting, the most physical wand owner, the sky island slave, the entry, the challenger, the activation code, the distributor, the magic apprentice, the gu keeper, Cang!"

"It's really like raising gu,"

Lao Wang always feels that something is not right.

"Where's your big wand? Wait a minute? You don't need a big wand to open and close doors for you?! Then why do you slam on the ground every time?"

Ah this

This person asked curiously, why is his focus not on the length of my title that continues to grow steadily?

"I was thinking that it looked handsome and imposing," Li Cang's expression stiffened, "No, I have to find a way to silence you, you know too much!"

"Hey, don't you never leave that thing behind?"

Li Cang said lightly,

"I asked Brother Zhi to take him away."

"Huh??" Lao Wang suddenly reacted, "Following those guys?"

Li Cang nodded,

"Brother Big Corpse has a very good nose and won't lose track of you."

Li Laisi frowned,

"Isn't there a distance limit when you give mental instructions to Brother Big Corpse? Moreover, there is no way to get feedback information, so you can't do anything like in the past."

"You don't need to do anything. Brother Zhi can perfectly use the magic wand's skill effects. My last instruction is to bring back only one or two alive."


Lao Wang almost created a vacuum around him.

Li Leisi was stunned for a moment.

"I respect you like a man."

Li Cang:?

What does it mean to be like? If you have the ability, say it again!

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