The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1048: Yuanbomb Incident (Please vote!)

Situations like the previous 11th and 13th battalions that were several times overnumbered are very common among the three major defense armies. After all, in such a big environment, combat effectiveness is capital and confidence. With 23,456 people, how can you be sure that your superiors will be happy and bartering their teeth?

Even if we are treated specially in special times, even if many things are no longer allowed,

Sooner or later, we will have to suffer the blow of disarmament.

If something like this hadn't happened, the three major defense forces would have had enough time to carefully select and cultivate their own teams from several times the number of personnel. After they were laid off, it would be easy to convert them all into private companies in the name of resettlement. Isn't it enough for the Armed Forces to continue to build up a family fortune for themselves? The discipline and tacit understanding are better than those temporarily induced from outside, right?

Wang Shifei placed a blame on Coast Defense, but Pang Yuanliang was not the only one to shoulder the blame. From Coast Defense to the R\u0026D technical support unit, the Academy of Sciences, and the various units in charge, they all had nothing to do with it.

A change of blood at the middle and lower levels is inevitable, but the top management

It's hard.

With Pang Yuanliang's status, there is no way to climb up the ladder. Boss Bei will be the concubine until he dies. On the other hand, it also means that his current position will be very stable.

This kind of thing can't be compared with Luo Zhen's monkey trick. It seemed that he was slapping Pang Yuanliang in the face, but in fact, he was slapping the base's butt. It's easy to destroy Liang with ruthless hands, but how do you let the outside world see it?

Oh, I have endured and endured the early days of the disaster until now. Together with your base, we can share the joys and sorrows together!

This kind of hard-working and meritorious main force team can't escape from the situation. If something goes wrong, they will immediately take the blame. Why do they still want to be the flag of civilization in the post-disaster era?


Where is the face?

The base family has a great cause, and they have to stand at the forefront of the storm at all times to withstand the open and covert attacks of the torrent of public opinion. If you don't want to, it's easy, just like Li Cang and others, just give up recruiting troops and buy horses to ensure that nothing will happen in the future.

Since you want to compete for the vitality of population resources development, you can't just rely on self-production and self-marketing. [Zuoju Chengyang] Cows are cows, and they also work on a ten- to twenty-year cycle. If you miss these ten or twenty years Years, maybe it will take a hundred or two hundred years to check and correct the deficiencies.

This is not to say that all Chinese bases are trying to create a spotless sage character, but today, some things and settings that some people insisted on at the beginning of the disaster cannot be changed for no reason. If a single move affects the whole body, the price to be paid is often greater and more outrageous than imagined.

The base did not choose to use water force to eliminate the impact this time and settle the matter. The day after the "Yuan Bomb Incident" broke out, the 3/7 base announced a shocking news through the official forum account: on January 4, 2028, a total of 905 people he wanted to A total of 7,316 members of the base were executed, while a total of 7,316 other "quasi-believers", active and passive participants, and base staff suspected of dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, and accepting bribes were publicly tried.

This is definitely a first for the forum!

The entire forum surged like a thunderbolt in a fish pond, not to mention the joint signatures of all Chinese bases below.

Amid the raging public opinion, the Forum Advance Justice, which is dominated by America's major bases, did not light up the light of the beacon immediately. To be precise, it was surprisingly silent.

In the posts of many well-known American settlements and bases with a population of millions, you can't even see relevant discussions. It is as peaceful and peaceful as a paradise.

This seems very unbelievable to many people. On current forums, from the large, medium and small island chains in the base settlement area to the orbital lines and non-orbital bad employee organizations, there is no such thing as America and there is no condemnation. Wherever they go, they are always good at finding new ways to launch advance justice in places that seem inexplicable at first and seem reasonable upon closer inspection. But why do they suddenly stop?

America, something is wrong with you!

Are you not your father's father? You are treasonous and forgetful of your ancestors! Bring Ying out and take care of this vulture!

The younger sister has English, but the younger sister has everything else.

In fact, there has never been a decent island chain base for those Europeans to live in on the forum. Maybe they are used to living like crumbs, so they are now very comfortable and content, maybe they are busy. Who knows what kind of disruptive instincts can be unleashed if others are unable to do so?

Just like this, I watched inexplicably in vain until more than 2,000 heads fell to the ground on the 4th, and the base's annexation was completed, and then I suddenly came back to my senses. Some people took the lead and encouraged others to respond loudly, and the forum began to talk about human rights and peace. Free, he didn’t mention anyone by name, but his posture was as if he wanted to take a bite of meat from someone and give it to someone with an American Iai.

In a word, if you want to get salvation, be forgiven by all mankind, and give the earth a chance, there is only one way: you can do it~

The base looked up at the colors of its own flag.

The other party was very calm: Oh, it’s already cooked. It doesn’t matter. Let’s cook it once raw and twice cooked again. Let’s learn from our American cooking. Let’s start by releasing all the zz rice including the Yuanbang incident. Give everyone a good start.

As we all know, America's dishonesty under certain circumstances is tantamount to suicide. Anyway, this is not the first time she has done this. The other party is very skilled in her business.

The base can be said to be familiar with the response. When they raise their hands, there is a nine-square grid, with the familiar style and taste, such as hospitals, schools, mines, inspection areas, airports, and military camps. There are only two different pictures, one is a panoramic view of the base, and the other is a picture of the resumption of work of the national defense formation.

Are you greedy?

I just want to ask you if you are greedy?

Let’s not talk about whether the other party is greedy or not and how they react to this. The 3rd and 7th bases, which are almost connected, are really making normal subordinates drool.

There is no need for the official to explain the national defense formation plan. Just ask on the forum and you can pull out millions of posts to tell you clearly.

Oh, all-round three-dimensional defense against air strikes?

What, even his strange skills can withstand it?

Anyway, the more you talk, the more awesome and fantastic it becomes. However, no matter how fantastic something is, people are willing to believe it these days. No matter how much you slander him, no matter how much you say, people who are willing to launch such a Zenith Star project for ordinary people have more serious business than you who are good at talking!

Do you have the nerve to complain here?

Aren't you bullying the honest people? jpg!

As for the trivial logic that he doesn't have time to think about you if he is not on a large base, no one is willing to think about it. From the beginning, the forum has been afraid of talking about him, and it has never changed. It's really a serious sense of personal security, okay?

(I, Hu Hansan, am back again, reporting the battle situation: Facts have proved that the immune system is still very useful. The main reason is that I am relatively amateur and have held him back. If the body temperature is raised to 43 degrees, wouldn't the battle be resolved in minutes? Damn it.

I have basically no problem, except that I can't speak and my throat is like a waste. I can't walk more than a few steps without shaking. I am weak, probably because I haven't eaten anything in the past few days. The whole process took only three days, which should be considered relatively fast, right?

But Guan's wife is still not fully recovered, and her sense of taste has not recovered. When she is better and can go out in a few days, let's go take a lung film together.)

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