The air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur, and red sparks appeared and floated in and out of the clouds of blue-black and soy-yellow smoke, turning into blisters when they landed on the body.

A huge amount of flocculent volcanic ash, like dirty feathers, covered the entire world. Even the brilliance of the sun was blocked by it, turning it yellow and dark. Wisps of mottled and sticky ash were splashed on the huge, gloomy, and endless world. Live on billowing independent clouds.

Hot updrafts rushed from the foundation of the floating island to high altitude, and the fierce hurricane split the island foundation, making a sharp sound. The small floating island was drifting like a small boat, and it seemed that it might capsize at any time, and the flocculent Dust and flickering sparks rise with the wind, like an upside-down waterfall or a slowly flowing galaxy hidden in the darkest place of the universe.

Weird and terrifying, yet inexplicably majestic and beautiful.

Anyone wandering alone in such an environment, who has time to look at the scenery, will become anxious and even collapse.

Li Cang took out a cigarette, flicked it on Mars, and took two puffs.


Luckily, the cigarette was lit!

"Cio. What the hell did you ask someone to do?"

It was only three days, and it seemed like three years.

Li Cang has begun to learn to talk to himself. According to this development trend, it is not very difficult for him to talk and laugh with himself.

The fear of loneliness and the threat of death are never the most terrifying things. The most terrifying thing will forcefully swallow you after three days of starvation.

The hunger like a savage beast made Li Cang move quickly——

However, in fact, he does not need to be so hungry, but this involves another problem. You have no idea how outrageous things a hungry person will do.

A few hours ago, after eating everything he could eat, in line with the principle that mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are, after weighing for a long time, he chewed a board of Jianweijiasi tablets.

It's sour, sweet, and delicious. Why doesn't the old man in the bed next door prepare a few more boxes of such good stuff?


Li Cang felt that he could eat a cow alive.

What's the point of drinking poison to quench thirst?

I was so hungry that I even dared to eat Jianweixiaoshi tablets!


Unfortunately, the search value of this 16×16m irregular floating island is limited to the naked eye.

Before it was broken, it should have been in a corner of the wilderness. A few wild shepherd's purse trees looked sickly in the temperature of about 40°C and the seriously abnormal air composition. However, the wild roses next to it seemed full of vitality, clusters of them. The leaves covered with gray and white flocculent dust actually embrace dozens of small pink and white flowers.

Rose flowers, stems, roots, leaves and fruits can be used as medicine and food. The content of protein, crude fiber, carotene, niacin, vitamins and other ingredients is not low. It tastes sweet and cool, relieves heat and dampness, relieves dysentery, smoothes qi, suppresses vomiting and relieves oral and tongue irritation. Sores, just right for this damn weather - and it's worth mentioning that briar can even treat bleeding from trauma when crushed.

This is good stuff.

Li Cang dug out the entire wild rose with broken wood and left a head-sized ball of earth to protect the heart. The rotten plastic bag hanging on the branch of the wild rose could just hold a handful of shepherd's purse.

He tied the plastic bag around his waist, not caring about the thorny branches of the wild rose, and bundled it on his back with his belt. He glanced around and saw that there was really no value in searching, so he left decisively.

Following the jet-black cloth rope made of torn sheets, Li Cang quickly crawled back to where he was, and withdrew the cloth rope with steel bars tied to the top and twisted into a hook shape.

Without the link of the rope, the plundered "Wild Island" drifted away, slowly disappearing in the thick smoke.

The floating island belonging to Li Cang is much smaller than the wild island he just searched. It is only 8x8 in size and shaped like a peach.

The floating island is just like that, suspended in the middle of the vast smoke and clouds. The surface is flat and the island base is cone-shaped. It is like a fairy mountain described in ancient books. It is very magical.

But the overall environment here is far from that of a fairy mountain. The ambient temperature is often upwards of 40 degrees. The whole world outside the floating island is gray and yellow, with a hot and evil wind blowing, and the thick smoke smelling of sulfur is lingering. There is another "surface" at an inestimable depth below the island, where criss-crossing rivers of lava can be vaguely seen flowing freely, and billowing smoke columns as thick as mountain peaks hit the sky.

Li Cang used a jagged "knife" ground from a broken piece of iron to trim off the thin branches of the wild rose to reduce the width of the crown, and planted it in a hole dug in advance on the ground.

It stands to reason that under such a large environment, the floating island is so small, and it will soon be dried out and burst like chestnuts in a charcoal fire.

But the fact is that the land on the floating island always maintains a relatively low temperature, is cold and moist, and seems to be protected by unreasonable rules that can make countless scientific giants and powerful people lift the coffin boards.

After burying the soil, Li Cang tilted a large trash can into a bucket and poured some water down with a distressed look on his face.

The water was collected when it rained the day before yesterday——

It’s unbelievable that it rains in this environment.

The color of the rainwater is dark yellow, and you can taste the suspicious sourness just by looking at it. If you drink it in one gulp, half of the periodic table of elements will probably be in your stomach.

After doing all this, he washed the wild shepherd's purse a little, threw it into a rusty iron can, and cooked it in the embers of the charcoal fire.

After the pruned branches of the wild rose peel off the dark brown skin, the tender stems of watery green are exposed.

Li Cang threw it into his mouth without hesitation and chewed it, his expression even a bit greedy.

Tender and tender, with a fresh and numbing green taste.

When you chew it for a long time, it feels a bit like inferior chewing gum.

It tastes good!

For Li Cang, who hadn't had a proper meal for a few days and whose mouth was dry, this thing was no less than nectar.

Except for a little irritation in the throat, there was no other problem.

After swallowing it with effort, Li Cang couldn't help but exhale the fragrance,


Mr. Lu Xun once said that when God closes a door, he often welds the window shut.

Is there anything more fucked up in the world than you opening your eyes in the ICU and finding that the world is over?

As it turns out, there is.

Because Li Cang had just paid the down payment for a large flat before he was admitted to the hospital.

And this floating island that belonged to him was the intensive care unit on the first floor of Building B of Yanchuan Second Hospital, which Li Cang had contracted for several months before it was broken. The hospital building, which was said to be earthquake-resistant with a degree of 9, now only has a corner of the ruins.

He used the remaining steel bars and wooden boards to cover the L-shaped broken wall for living. There was a tile floor less than 2 square meters higher than the surrounding ground between the L corners. The surrounding ground seemed to have been scraped off, and it was blue-black soil. Opposite was an apple tree as thick as an adult's thigh.

This tree was once lush and leafy, but now only half of the crown is left, crooked and sickly, with a few buds on the tree, and it is unknown whether it can still bear fruit.

The wild rose was planted one meter away from the apple tree, and it should be able to borrow a little shade during the hottest time of the day.

The heavy rain the day before yesterday saved Li Cang and the apple tree. Otherwise, Li Cang would not even have grass roots to chew, let alone climb over the rope to search for supplies on the wild island that floated over.

There was more than half a bucket of water, which was enough to drink for more than three days. The problem now was that there was no food. The branches of the wild rose were said to be rich in nutrients, but they obviously could not provide enough calories.

There was only a tiny bit of it. Even if they ate all the ones they had just planted, they would not last more than two meals.

Li Cang waved his hand, and the ground in front of him suddenly steamed with dots of green light, from being almost invisible to wisps, becoming more and more, and gradually converging into a vortex.

The vortex flickered twice, and a dark green crystal-like coin jumped out of the vortex, floating in the air above the vortex, about a foot above the ground.

The misty light bands that emanated from the crystal coin, like the aurora, were finally projected into a three-foot-square virtual interface in front of Li Cang, and began to play the most realistic "cutscene" ever:

In the intermittent news footage, the city was instantly overturned in the bottomless abyss, the mountains collapsed, the ground cracked, the magma flowed, the mushroom cloud mixed with lightning went straight up into the sky, and the tsunami of tens or even hundreds of meters high was accompanied by a hurricane

"At 4:56 am on May 29, 2026, the six major plates of the earth, including the Pacific Plate, the Eurasian Plate, the African Plate, the American Plate, the Indian Ocean Plate and the Antarctic Plate, as well as more than 20 Small and medium-sized plates are moving away from each other and splitting rapidly at a speed of about 0.9 meters per second, which is 5000~75000 times the normal drift speed of the plates."

". The mother planet on which we depend for survival is falling apart. Violent and intensive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activities are occurring at the edges of the major plates. No relevant casualty data is available yet."

"The relevant departments call on the public to take shelter in the nearest earthquake-resistant fortifications. Localities should actively save themselves and prepare to accommodate the evacuated people from coastal cities. The emergency plan for major natural disasters is applicable nationwide. The specific situation will be determined by the actual situation in various places."

Not only are there pictures, but there are even sounds.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that this was the last emergency news of mankind before the disaster projected by a damn coin.

The picture turned and came to outer space, with the perspective facing the blue pearl of the solar system.


The earth exploded.

But it didn't explode completely.

A great planet with life suddenly expanded dozens of times, and the plates shattered into countless tiny fragments like dust.

Then, a huge humanoid light and shadow swept out from the broken planet, stood on the planetary belt of "Jupiter", looked back deeply, and disappeared.

The survivors on the floating islands all over the world are the same as the mother planet -

Their mentality collapsed!

What is this?

Our mother planet is an egg?

I didn't see what the hatched thing was!

Please, no matter what kind of big baby you are, please take us to conquer the stars and the sea together!

What happened to the promise that if one person succeeds, the whole family will rise to heaven?

Technically speaking, we are all children of the mother planet!

The cutscene is over, without any extra explanation, the screen returns to calm, and a mysterious text that has never been seen before and cannot be described in words flashes,

[Sky Island Subordinate: Li Cang (Cang)]

[Sky Island Area: 8.03*8.56]



The meaning of the text automatically emerges in the mind.

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