The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 71: Capture Zheng Xiang and escape Lu Wei

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But it turned out: Shiren fought very smoothly. Similar to the front door, he also easily broke through the back door of the county house, but he encountered dozens of soldiers when he pushed inward. These dozens of soldiers are different from ordinary soldiers. The armor and blade are fully equipped, and they are all brave. Although there are only dozens, they can be hundreds. This is beyond Shiren's expectations.

Both Liu Bei and Chen Bao knew the combat effectiveness of Ren Chengbing. It could be seen from a few armed fights that they were by no means elites. Even if the people stationed in the prefecture were the best among them, it would be difficult for Shiren to lead the elites of Liu Bu. The pawn's opponent received an urgent report from Shiren asking for help. Liu Bei felt strange. While dispatching soldiers to the back door for support, he said to Zhanqian, "There are such elite soldiers in the prefecture?"

Zhan Qian also felt puzzled. First of all, the combat effectiveness of Ren Cheng’s soldiers was not as good as that of Liu Bei’s army. Second, Liu Bei was attacking at night. Ordinarily, the prefecture should not be able to organize decent resistance, but how could Liu Bei’s famous warriors be attacked? Ren is blocked?

Soon, another soldier sent by Shiren to report the letter solved the doubts of Liu Bei and Zhanqian: it has been detected clearly, and the stubborn resistance at the back door is not the part of Zheng Xiang, but the home of Lu Qian, the commander of Rencheng. Soldiers, in which Lu Qian personally commanded.

Only then did Liu Bei and Zhan Qian suddenly understand.

Lu Qian was a native of Rencheng. According to the Han family system, he could not be an official locally, but in order to defend against the Yellow Turbans, he was worshipped by Liu Dai as the commander of Rencheng. In addition to the army soldiers, he led a series of works. And some of his family soldiers. Generally speaking, the family soldiers are more capable of fighting than the county soldiers. Whether it is clothing, armor, weapons, or martial arts, they are stronger than the county soldiers. When Zhu Jun went to Hanoi, he used his family soldiers to defeat the robbers. Zhang Yan's army of the Black Mountains, based on this, it is not surprising that Lu Qian's dozens of soldiers were able to block Shiren's offensive.

Liu Bei was overjoyed and said, "I didn't expect Lu Zike to actually come to the city!" The soldiers on the left and right, "Quickly help the back door, don't hurt the life of Captain Lu. It is important to capture him alive!" Once again, he sent reinforcements to assist Shiren. , After giving the order, he turned his head to look in the direction of Renchengying outside the city, and said to Zhanqian with a smile, "Lu Zike is in the prefecture, and there is no owner in Renchengying outside the city, justice is easy to get!"

It was really easy for Chen Bao to take the enemy's camp outside the city. He rushed down and searched the camp, but could not find Lu Qian. He ordered the soldiers to bring the prisoner's camp to ask. Only then did he know that Lu Qian had entered the city last night.

Chen Bao climbed to the watchtower in the camp and looked into the city. He saw the location of the county house in the city flashing light from a distance. He listened to it and heard the sound of killing. Watch the captives, and bring the rest back to the aid city. When Fang went outside the city, he saw a small number of soldiers and horses in the distance, about 30 or so, rushing to kill and rushing, breaking through the defense of the city gate, and guarding one person to the south of the city, Chen Bao did not know who this person was. , worried that it might be Zheng Sui, because he immediately sent the cavalry in his department to chase him.

Entering the city, Chen Bao ordered the chief secretary Shi Jue to supervise the military judges of various ministries, and ordered them to patrol the city separately, not only to prohibit soldiers from harassing and looting, but also to prevent tyrants from causing chaos. . When he arrived at the county house, Liu Bei had already taken down all the front yard, official residence, and back house. Hearing that Chen Bao was back, he hurriedly ordered Zhan Qian to greet him and invited Chen Bao to the hall of the county hall.

At this moment, the sky is already slightly bright.

Entering from the front door of the county mansion, the mansion is in a mess, the corpse has not been cleaned up, there are bloodstains everywhere, and the ruins are broken. Under the leadership of the chief and the chief of the village, they either fetched water from the lake in the house to put out the fire, or dug up the floating soil from the garden, put it in a basket or bag, and threw it onto the fire.

The city that came out of the second watch, galloped for more than ten miles, attacked for a while, and returned to the city without stopping. Although Chen Bao was riding a horse, he was also sweating. Shivering, he ordered the soldiers who entered the palace from him: "Go and help put out the fire."

This Rencheng County will become the Rencheng County of Xuzhou in the future. Everything in the prefecture must be preserved as much as possible. If the fire is extinguished for a while, more things will be left, and it will save a lot of time and effort to rebuild in the future. The personal soldiers took orders, leaving more than ten people to continue to follow Chen Bao, and the rest rushed to help put out the fire. Under the guidance of Zhan Qian, Chen Bao came to the hall of the county house.

After entering the hall, Chen Bao saw Zheng Sui at a glance.

When Liu Bei attacked the prefecture, Zheng Sui should have gone to bed. At this time, his hair was not in a bun, his hair was messy, his clothes were disheveled, he had no belt or accessories, his face and clothes were slightly stained with blood, and his clothes were rotten several times. mouth. Despite his embarrassed appearance, he tried his best to remain noble when he sat down on the seat. Liu Bei took a big cloak, leaned over beside him, and draped it over his shoulders with his own hands.

"Zheng Xiang, victory or defeat is a family matter, since you were caught off guard. General Liu and I were attacking at night. The defeat in this battle is not your fault." Chen Bao came to Liu Bei and Zheng Sui's side to help As Liu Bei put a thick cloak on Zheng Sui, he said to Zheng Sui with a smile.

Zheng Sui could not match the strength of Liu Bei and Chen Bao alone. He couldn't struggle, so he had to let the two of them dress him. He snorted, turned his face away, didn't look at Liu Bei and Chen Bao, and didn't say anything to Chen Bao's words. answer.

Chen Bao didn't care, and turned to Liu Bei and said, "How about Renchengying in the city?"

"Until the prefecture was attacked by our troops, none of the Rencheng camp in the city was rescued. After taking down the prefecture, I sent Zhuo Ying and Shiren to lead the troops to the Rencheng camp. The soldiers and generals are all under control." Liu Bei replied, and after speaking, he asked Chen Bao, "How about outside the city?"

"There were almost no casualties, and it was defeated in one battle." Chen Bao recalled the scene he saw outside the city gate and asked, "I just returned to the city. When I was outside the city gate, I saw dozens of city soldiers. Brave, guarding one person and killing him to the south of the city, is the guarded person Lu Zike?"

Lu Qian was in the city, and at this time, only Zheng Sui was seen in the hall, but Lu Qian was not there. Then there were only two possibilities. Either Lu Qian died in the chaos, or he saw the guard outside the city gate just now. The one who broke through was Lu Qian.

Liu Bei replied, "That's right, that person is Lu Zike." He sighed, "Captain Lu's family is really brave, I even sent two reinforcements, but I couldn't keep him, and they just killed him by surprise. out."

Chen Bao said: "It's okay. I have sent cavalry to chase I want to come here for at least half an hour, and there will be good news."

Liu Bei nodded and said, "It's fortunate that the school lieutenant arrived at the city gate, otherwise, Lu Zike would have escaped."

From Chen Bao and Liu Bei's point of view, Lu Qian's family soldiers, no matter how brave they were, fought fiercely for half a night and lost most of them. An hour later, the chasing cavalry came back and reported that Lu Qian's family was divided into two groups, one was riding on foot to delay the cavalry's pursuit, and the other was protecting Lu Qian and fleeing, perhaps hiding in the woods on the outskirts of the city. Perhaps they escaped into the river and escaped along the waterway. In short, after breaking through the intercepting troops of Lu Qian's family, the cavalry chased for more than ten miles, but they were unable to find any trace of Lu Qian. Liu Bei and Chen Bao looked at each other.

After a while, Chen Bao scratched his head and said with a shy smile, "I underestimated Lu Zike."

Liu Bei said: "This is my responsibility. I will be the master of the book and I will ask for punishment."

"I also sign my name and share the punishment with the general."

Compared to being escaped by Lu Qian, the next thing they learned was even more surprising to Liu Bei and Chen Bao. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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