The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 243: Choose what you can and use it at your own discretion

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234 Shocking news of internal and external troubles

Like other prefectures, the prefecture of Shanyang County and the prefecture of Yanzhou are both in the north of Changyi City, and the two prefectures are not far apart.

At this time it was night, although the city was already under curfew, and the borders of the prefecture were heavily guarded, but Zhou Qi had an emergency military report to report, and Yuan Yi, the county governor, went to the prefecture with him, so there was no encounter on the road. What was there to stop them, and soon under the guards of some personal guards, the two went to the gate of the prefecture.

When the two of them entered the mansion and sat by the side of the hall, they found that the lights were bright, but Liu Dai, like Yuan Yi, had not rested yet, but unlike Yuan Yi, he was not studying. Instead, he is discussing state affairs with several vassals.

When he entered the room, Yuan Yi took a look and recognized several people in the room.

The main seat is Liu Dai.

Below Liu Dai, the first seat on the right is Wang Yu, who is engaged in Biejia of Benzhou, and the first seated on the left is Wanqian, who is engaged in the rule of Benzhou.

In addition to the three, there were two more, who were sitting at the start of Wang Yu and Wan Qian.

Sitting under Wang Yu was Bao Xin, minister of Jibei, and sitting under Wan Qian was Zhang Guan, the governor of Benzhou.

Wang Yu, Wan Qian, and Zhang Guan are all famous scholars in this state, all of them are from a high-class aristocratic family, especially Zhang Guan, from the Zhang family in Shanyang. Thrifty Zhang Yuan Festival.

Although Zhang Jian is as famous as Liu Biao, his age is far older than Liu Biao. He is nearly thirty years older than Liu Biao. This year, he is nearly eighty years old. During the disaster of the party, he fled abroad. In the first year of Zhongping, the party After the ban was lifted, he returned to his hometown. Since then, although he has successively obtained He Jin, San Gong, and even the imperial court, he has not resigned and has been staying at home. Although he is nearly eighty years old, his health is not bad.

Speaking of which, the elites of Zhang Jian's generation, such as Chen Fan, Chen Yu, etc., were either killed by eunuchs or died of illness. He is almost the only fruit left. Therefore, since he returned to his hometown, although he has not been able to. He was requisitioned and lived in seclusion. Especially in recent years, the world has been in chaos. Second, as he is getting older, he has rarely come out. However, his reputation in Yanzhou is still very high. It is precisely because of this. Therefore, shortly after Liu Dai came to Yanzhou as the prefect, he appointed his grandson Zhang Guan as the governor of the state.

Zhou Qi bowed down and saluted, and because Liu Dai took the opportunity to discuss Dong, he was now considered to have taken control of the military and political power in the state, but in name he was not the state shepherd, but was still only the governor of six hundred stone, and he This "military and political power that has been in charge of the state", in a strict sense, still needs to be discounted, and also because Yuan Yi has a noble birth and different identities, and has Yuan Shao as a big backer behind him, so Yuan Yi did not act. The next worship ceremony is just a bow.

The eight counties in Yanzhou, for now, all the county governors of the eight counties respect Liu Dai as the main, but this "respect Liu Dai as the main" has a premise, that is: Yuan Shao supports Liu Dai.

To put it in detail: in Shanyang County, the county governor Yuan Yi is Yuan Shao's brother-in-law; in Taishan County, the county governor Ying Shao is Yuan Shao's same county. There are many marriages; in Chenliu County, the governor Zhang Miao and Yuan Shao have an inseparable relationship. As early as the Dangsang period, the two became "running friends" because of their congenial ambitions; Dongjun, the governor was originally a bridge, and also had a relationship with Yuan Shao. It's a lot, the feudal lords were able to rise up to beg Dong and the allied army to beg Dong, so they elected Yuan Shao as the leader of the alliance. This was all due to the power of Qiao Mao. Later, he was killed by Liu Dai. At that time, he was unable to resist the attacks of the Black Mountains, Yellow Turbans and other soldiers and horses, and was deprived of the prefect by Yuan Shao. He was replaced by Cao Cao. Needless to say, Cao Cao was also Yuan Shao's henchman. Then there was Bao Xin, the minister of Jibei, who was sitting in front of him. Bao Xin's Prime Minister of Jibei was recommended by Cao Cao last year. Although he did not think much of Yuan Shao's ability, his relationship with Shenfu Cao Cao and Cao Cao was very unusual. Yanzhou has only eight prefectures and states, Shanyang , Taishan, Chenliu, Dongjun, and Jibei, at least five commanderies and states are all related to Yuan Shao, which shows that Yuan Shao's influence on Yanzhou is profound and wide.

Therefore, it is said: Although the eight counties of Yanzhou respect Liu Dai as the main force, the premise is Yuan Shao.

It was for this reason that Yuan Shao dared to put his family members in Liu Dai's place, and for this reason, when Gongsun Zan, who was in high military power, forced Liu Dai to hand over Yuan Shao's family members, although Liu Dai was careful in private. After thinking about it, I felt that in the upcoming battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, I was afraid that Gongsun Zan would have a better chance of winning, but he was still hesitant and did not dare to succumb to him rashly.

The officer on duty at the head of the city said, "If the people in my state can work together as one," and so on, this is true, but the second half of what he said is wrong. The biggest crisis facing Liu Dai in Yanzhou is definitely not "" The only reason is that Li Gan of the Cheng clan, Li Shuo of Shanyang, and others gathered in the crowd to take advantage of the chaos." It was Yuan Yi and the other governors who obeyed Liu Dai in name, but in fact they were incompatible in appearance.

Liu Dai was very respectful to Yuan Yi, got up and returned a half-salutation, and invited him and Zhou Qi to the table.

Yuan Yi and the two sat down at the table.

Yuan Yi looked at the people in the hall, and then observed Liu Dai's expression, and said, "I don't know what the public is discussing? Yi and the others rashly asked for an opinion, is there any interruption?"

Liu Dai hesitated, and Bao Xin replied, "I have nothing to do with Gongsun Bogui."

Yuan Yi said in his heart, "It's as expected!"

Yuan Yi and Bao Xin are both county governors in the central state. Compared with Bao Xin, the county governor of a foreign county, Yuan Yi is also the county governor of Shanyang County, but Liu Dai only called Bao Xin when discussing matters at night. Yuan Yi, there is only one possibility: that is what he wants to discuss is the matter between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan.

Yuan Yi said, "Oh? What? Did Gongsun Bogui send an envoy to force it again?"

Wang Yu replied, "That's not true. It's just that Fan Zonggong came to see Uncle Fang again this afternoon, and his words were quite rude."

Now, it is not only Liu Dai who is optimistic about Gongsun Zan, but also Yuan Yi. He has always been worried that when Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao go to war, he is afraid that Yuan Shao will not be the opponent of Gongsun Zan. So at this moment, Yanzhou's attitude is very important. Liu Dai sent troops to support Yuan Shao, but he couldn't let him send troops to help Gongsun Zan, at least let him remain neutral.

Therefore, after knowing that Liu Dai was discussing this matter before he came, Yuan Yi temporarily put aside the purpose of coming to see Liu Dai, and instead followed the words of Bao Xin and Wang Yu, and asked Liu Dai: "Gongsun Bogui is suffering. Forcing each other is too much. I wonder if Fang Bo has a plan?"

Liu Dai was silent.

Wan Qian said, "Even though Duke Yuan is the most important person in the world, but Gongsun Bogui's army is strong, it is indeed a dilemma for our state at the moment."

Yuan Yi was displeased, and said, "Gongsun Bogui is self-reliant on military merit, arrogant and domineering, and his relatives, Tu Xianshi, are not in harmony with Liu Youzhou. Although the army is strong now, it is only prosperous for a while, how can it be compared with the beginning? Now, I will There are Yellow Turbans in the north of the state, Montenegro in the west, Xun Zhenzhi and Sun Wentai in the east and south, which can be described as tigers and wolves on all sides. The Yellow Turbans and the Montenegro are nothing but Xun and Sun Shi. Chase Tao Gongzu, already occupy Xuzhou, Sun Wentai attacked Chen and Liang with strength, attacked Chen and Liang, and the state of Chen was already in danger..., Fang Bo, please think about it, after Sun Wentai took down Chen and Liang, in case he continued to go north and attack me Yanzhou, or Xun Zhenzhi and him join forces to advance the army and take our state together, at that time, is it Gongsun Bogui who is far away in Youzhou, or can Benchu, who is close at hand, immediately send troops to help me?"

Liu Dai replied, "It is the beginning."

Yuan Yi said: "At this moment, it's time for Uncle Fang to ask for help in Ben Chu! But I don't realize that Uncle Fang is still hesitating between Ben Chu and Gongsun Bogui!"

Liu Dai was puzzled and asked, "Is it time to ask for help? Boye, what do you mean by this?" Yuan Yi motioned to Zhou Qi and asked him to report the military situation. Zhou Qi got up and said, "Today, the Yellow Turbans from the Kingdom of Lu and the soldiers from Xuzhou have entered our county one after another. There are few soldiers in my county, so I can't stop them, so I can only let them go west."

Liu Dai was shocked.

Bao Xin stood up suddenly and said, "What? Xun Zhenzhi's troops entered our state border?"

Liu Dai was puzzled and asked, "Is it time to ask for help? Boye, what do you mean by this?" Yuan Yi motioned to Zhou Qi and asked him to report the military situation. Zhou Qi got up and said, "Today, the Yellow Turbans from the Kingdom of Lu and the soldiers from Xuzhou have entered our county one after another. There are few soldiers in my county, so I can't stop them, so I can only let them go west."

Liu Dai was shocked.

Bao Xin stood up suddenly and said, "What? Xun Zhenzhi's troops entered our state border?"

235 The enemy is expected to succeed

Wang Yu, Wan Qian, and Zhang Guan also lost their color.

Zhang Guan blurted out and asked, "How could the soldiers from Xuzhou join the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu to enter our state border? Could it be...?" He wanted to say, "Could it be that Xun Zhenzhi actually joined forces with the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu"? Before he finished speaking, he felt that it was impossible.

Wang Yu's reaction was quick, and he first guessed why Xun Jun entered Yanzhou with the Yellow Turbans of Lu, and said, "A few days ago, I heard that Xun Zhenzhi, at the request of Sun Wentai, sent troops into Lu to fight for Yuzhou. The Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu have won several consecutive battles. This time the soldiers from Xuzhou entered our state territory, is it because they wanted to chase and destroy the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu?" Zhou Qi asked, "After the soldiers from Xuzhou entered the country, can they send envoys to meet the magistrate of Guixian County and inform them of their intentions? "

Zhou Qi said, "No."

Wang Yu asked again, "Have you stayed in your county?"

Zhou Qi replied, "No. After the Xuzhou soldiers entered the country, they headed westward and never stopped on the road. ... But the Xuzhou soldiers entered the territory after the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu. The Yellow Turbans of the country collapsed in a panic, and they failed to form a team, and it looked like they had just lost the battle."

Wang Yu nodded and said, "So, the soldiers from Xuzhou entered our state territory this time to chase and wipe out the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu." After speaking, he became annoyed, "Xun Zhenzhi did not destroy the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu. Ludi, but banished his generation into our state, is this trying to beggar-thy-neighbor?"

Bao Xin said loudly, "Even if it's to chase down the Yellow Turbans of the Lu Kingdom, 'beggar-thy-neighbor', it must not come unannounced!"

Wan Qian, Yuan Yi and others all agreed.

Wan Qian said: "The story of the Han family: Two thousand stones are not allowed to leave the country without permission. The county governor is still like this, what about Yizhou? The soldiers of Xuzhou chased the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu into our state, and they didn't tell me, not only beggar-thy-neighbor, but also It’s the same invasion.” Leaving the table and bowing down, he said to Liu Dai, “Please, Uncle Fang, immediately dispatch his troops and rush to Nanpingyang, first, to destroy the defeated Yellow Turban troops, and secondly, to stop the Xuzhou troops from continuing westward!”

Zhou Qi said: "Xuzhou soldiers are probably no longer in my Nanpingyang realm...even, they are probably no longer in Shanyang County."

Wan Qian asked, "How do you say this?"

Zhou Qi replied: "As you all know, Bi County is long in the north and south, and narrow in the east and west. It is less than forty li wide from where it borders Zu County of Lu State to the west where it borders Rencheng State, just as Xia Shicai said. After the Xuzhou soldiers entered the border of Bi County, they kept chasing the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu and kept going westward. From noon to the present, I am afraid that they had left the western border of Bi County early, and they should have entered the territory of Renchengguo."

Among the people present, in terms of quick response, Bao Xin may not be the first, but in terms of military experience and insight, including his familiarity and understanding of Xun Zhen, Bao Xin is a leader.

He heard Zhou Qi say this, his expression changed, he took a deep breath, and instead of the righteous indignation of Shicai, he changed to a solemn look and said to Liu Dai: "Uncle Fang, Xuzhou soldiers have entered our state this time. , I'm afraid it's not just as simple as chasing and destroying the Yellow Turbans of Lu State!"

Liu Dai said, "What's your opinion?"

"I met Xun Zhenzhi in Luoyang in the early years. Although this person is advancing and retreating, his appearance is elegant, but he is a hero with a lofty and unpredictable meaning. ... With his usual 'advance and retreat' style, I It is expected that he will not 'unannounced', and he has done so today, which can only mean that he sent Xuzhou soldiers into our territory this time, not to chase and destroy the Yellow Turbans of Lu State, but must be 'Don't be mean'."

"What do you mean by 'no deep meaning'?"

Bao Xin turned to Yuan Yi and said, "Just now, Duke Yuan said, 'At this moment, it is time for Uncle Fang to ask for help in the beginning'. Uncle Fang, I am afraid that Xun Zhenzhi will bring Xuzhou troops into me this time. The environment, the comers are not good!"

What Yuan Yi said just now, to be honest, he was just trying to scare Liu Dai, and he said it to prompt Liu Dai to choose between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao to support Yuan Shao, but he didn't care. It's really about to become a reality.

Although Wang Yu, Wan Qian, Zhang Guan, and Yuan Yi were annoyed that the soldiers of Xuzhou "didn't come forward", they all found it unbelievable for Bao Xin's opinion.

Wang Yu said, "It shouldn't be so, right?... How long did Xun Zhenzhi take Xuzhou? I heard that there were quite a few scholars, powerful clans in Xuzhou, and Yanhao from the coast who were not convinced by him. It’s not stable yet, so how can you take care of me in Yanzhou?”

Wan Qian didn't believe it either, and said, "Yes, not only is his state not yet stable, and although he doesn't have much contact with Uncle Fang, he is quite close to Yuan Benchu, so how could he have a strong enemy outside Gongsun Bogui? Take my intention of Yanzhou?"

As mentioned above, no matter whether Liu Dai is swaying between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, among the eight counties and states in Yanzhou, at least five counties and states have close relations with Yuan Shao. At the same time, Xun Zhen, who is Yuan Shao's "close friend", does not seem to have stabbed Yuan Shao in the back.

Bao Xin made friends with Xun Zhen in Luoyang back then, because both of them were heroic and they hated Dong Zhuo, so although they met for the first time, they knew each other immediately, and the friendship was still very good. At that time, Bao Xin also advised Xun Zhen to To be able to leave the capital with him, so that we can jointly raise troops in the local area to ask Dong.

The friendship of that day was returned to the same day. First, Bao Xin is now Liu Dai's vassal, and he has to plan for "his master". Second, when it comes to the relationship between friends, compared with Xun Zhen, he has a relationship with Dong, who is also in Yanzhou. The relationship between Cao Cao, the prefect of the county, is also closer, and between Xun Zhen and Cao Cao, he also admires Cao Cao's ability even more. Questioned by Wang Yu and others, Bao Xin insisted on his own opinion and asked Liu Dai for troops.

He said: "Xun Zhenzhi, a hero, all heroes are very reasonable and can be inferred. Fang Bo, Xingan, please borrow 3,000 soldiers from the prefecture to join forces with Xinben County soldiers, leave the city overnight, and go to Rencheng immediately. The Xuzhou soldiers blocked it on the east bank of Sishui!"

Liu Dai hesitated.

Bao Xin said anxiously: "No matter why the soldiers from Xuzhou came to our state, what is their intention, we must take precautions early! In case I guess wrong the intention of the soldiers from Xuzhou, it is naturally the best, but In case I guessed it right? If because of the lack of preparation in our prefecture, Xuzhou soldiers were forced to cross Sishui and enter the west bank, not to mention other things, at least Rencheng, Dongping, Jibei, and even Shanyang. It’s going to be in danger!” After a pause, he said again, “Uncle Fang, don’t forget that Changyi is only a hundred miles away from Rencheng County!” He said again, “Furthermore, the relationship between Duke Li of Dongping and Xun Zhen is the same. People in the county, Xun Zhenzhi was highly praised by Duke Li when he was in Yingchuan, and I also heard that Li Xuan, the son of Duke Li, is now serving in Xun Zhenzhi's prefecture!"

"Dongping Prime Minister Li Gong" is Li Zan, the son of Li Ying.

Dongping State is to the north of Rencheng State, the two countries border, and further north of Rencheng State is Bao Xin's jurisdiction, Jibei State, because the Yellow Turbans have been rampant in Jibei State in recent months, so Bao Xin came to the prefecture some time ago. , to discuss with Liu Dai how to pacify the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, and because of this, he caught up with the entry of Xuzhou soldiers.

From Lu State or Xuzhou to Yanzhou, Sishui is the first natural danger. Once Xuzhou soldiers cross this water, the distant prefectures will not talk about it, only Rencheng and the surrounding areas of Dongping, Jibei and Shanyang. This county is indeed going to be in danger as Bao Xin said.

If Li Zan, the prime minister of Dongping Kingdom, really betrayed Liu Dai and turned to Xun Zhen as Bao Xin was worried, then the three prefectures of Rencheng, Jibei and Shanyang would be even more in danger. Dangerous.

Among Bao Xin's remarks, what made Liu Dai break into a cold sweat the most was, "Don't forget that Changyi is only a hundred miles away from Rencheng County." He finally made a decision and said: "Just Yiqingyan!" He called Zhang Guan, the chief clerk, and ordered him to take out the seal of the governor, write down the document for the deployment of troops, and then took out the tiger talisman for the deployment of troops, handed it over to Bao Xin, and ordered him to mobilize troops and horses to the barracks outside the city. Go to Renchengguo.

Bao Xin can be said to be decisive. He is also very fast in deploying troops, assembling, and leaving the camp. The distance between Changyi and Rencheng County is not far, but he is more than half a day behind Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai. Before he could enter the territory of Renchengguo, news came that the soldiers from Xuzhou who entered the country crossed Sishui last night, and deceived him to open the city gate of Rencheng County under the name of "Shanyang County Soldiers". Has entered the city.

236 Bao Yuncheng’s Mechanism Change

When Bao Xin heard the news, he sent an order to stop the advance and stationed on the spot.

Some of the officers in the entourage asked: "The general has borrowed troops from Fang Bo to leave Changyi overnight and head north to the city because he was worried that the soldiers from Xuzhou might be able to cross the Sishui in the west. As expected, the soldiers from Xuzhou have already crossed Sishui. He has already entered Rencheng County, and at this time, just as he was promoting the army to advance rapidly, and taking advantage of the opportunity of Xuzhou’s unstable foothold, he expelled him in one fell swoop, so why did the general restrain the army?”

Bao Xin looked at it and saw that the speaker was a captain of the state army.

When they were discussing Dong Dong, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao once jointly elected Bao Xin as a general to break the captive. He was the official title of "Jibei Prime Minister", and called him "General".

Bao Xin said: "Xu Junqing is the general under Xun Zhen's account, and Xi Zhi is the mastermind of Xun Zhen's crony. We have led the troops of Xuzhou into Rencheng County, and we will rush the army to gallop, and it will be too late when we reach the city! From what I expect, it will be extremely difficult to drive them out of Rencheng.”

After leaving Changyi County, on the way north of the army, Bao Xin sent fast cavalry to inquire about the news. Not long ago, he received a report from one of the scouts and learned that the main general who brought Xuzhou troops into Yanzhou territory was Xu Zhong. , Military division is Xi Zhicai.

The captain had a different opinion and said: "I heard the military newspaper just now that the Xuzhou soldiers deceived the Rencheng county gate in the name of 'Shanyang County soldiers'. From the following point of view, since they are 'deceived' The city gate, then it can be seen that the troops stationed in Rencheng County must be unscathed....Even if they are damaged, they must not be many. Today, the generals of Tongzhou and Jibei County have a total of more than 4,000 soldiers, and Kang is not far in front. Father, Father Kang and the two counties of Rencheng also have more than 1,000 troops. With this nearly 6,000 elite soldiers, we can attack the tired teachers who have been fighting for a long time and who have come from afar. At the same time, the geographical advantage and the people are all within me. It is Xuzhou soldiers who have already entered Rencheng, why should our army be so worried?"

Bao Xin shook his head and said: "For now, Xuzhou soldiers have been fighting for a long time and come from afar, but when our troops arrive outside Rencheng County, this 'tired division' will not be Xuzhou soldiers, but our troops. Ah!"

Xuzhou soldiers have been fighting for a long time and have come a long way. Now they have entered Rencheng County, which means that they can now rest and recuperate. In this way, when Bao Xin leads his troops to Rencheng County, it will happen to be them. The roles changed between the two. Bao Xin's team became a "tired division" after traveling for more than a hundred miles without stopping, while the Xuzhou soldiers became "waiting for work".

Seeing this captain and wanting to say more, Bao Xin added: "As for the 'place, people and people' you said, yes, if our unit can arrive in Rencheng County before the Xuzhou soldiers, then the 'place' is indeed in my hands. , But now, Xuzhou soldiers have entered Rencheng County, and the geographical advantage is no longer with me."

"How can the geographical advantage not be with me? The Xuzhou army is a guest army from afar. Even if it enters Rencheng County, the officials and soldiers in the county will not accept it. As long as our army reaches outside the city, it does not even need our army to launch an offensive. There may be chaos in the county."

"According to common sense, this is true, but the problem is that now there are not only Xuzhou soldiers, but also tens of thousands of Lu Kingdom Yellow Turbans."

When Bao Xin said this, the captain understood what Bao Xin meant.

He said with admiration: "The general sees clearly, it's far behind."

The Xuzhou soldiers entered the county seat of Rencheng County, but the Yellow Turbans of Lu Kingdom did not. They were all in the wild. When Rencheng County was in hand, Bao Xin could use Rencheng as a barrier and calmly block the Xuzhou soldiers. Rencheng County has been occupied by Xuzhou soldiers, so if Bao Xin is still in a hurry to rush to Rencheng County, the first thing he needs to face is not the Xuzhou soldiers, but the routed soldiers of the Yellow Turbans of the Lu Kingdom.

In fact, this is also the fundamental reason why Xi Zhicai urged Xu Zhong to cross Sishui, and immediately deceived Rencheng County after crossing Sishui.

Xi Zhicai wanted to use the defeat of the Yellow Turbans of Lu State to offset the geographical and human advantages of Yanzhou.

The captain asked, "So, what should our army do next?"

"There are only two strategies for today."

"Dare to hear it."

"Send people back to the prefecture immediately, and report to Uncle Fang, asking Uncle Fang to pass on Shanyang, Jiyin, Dongping, Dongjun and other counties and states around Rencheng, and order them to send their soldiers to prepare for the intrusion of the Yellow Turbans from the Kingdom of Lu. , one of these."

The captain understood that Bao Xin's so-called "preparing for the intrusion of the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu" was in fact just a pretext. It was obvious that the fundamental intention of asking Liu Dai to transfer troops to prepare for the war was for the soldiers of Xuzhou.

The reason why Bao Xin used this pretext and did not make it clear, the captain of the school also generally understood.

The reason is very simple, can be summed up in eight words: strength is not as good as others, helpless.

For those who are not as powerful as others, this time Xuzhou soldiers came without notice and deceived Rencheng County. Of course, Xuzhou "justified a loss", but compared with the strength of the two states, Xuzhou is better than Yanzhou. You must know that although there are various problems within Xuzhou, the problems within Yanzhou are even greater. At the very least, there is no Yellow Turban rebellion in Xuzhou, which means that, at least in terms of military mobilization ability, Yanzhou is not as good as Xuzhou.

There is nothing to be done, since "power is not as good as people", then it is still a step too late to hurry up and hurry up. Now that Rencheng County has been occupied by Xuzhou troops and facts, in order to better solve this problem, it is not necessary. As a last resort, Yanzhou can only think of other ways. In other words, it can only try to solve the matter by means of "diplomatic" first. In this way, it is impossible to directly say the real intention of deploying the state soldiers of various counties. , otherwise, it is not diplomacy, but only war.

To sum up the above two points, this pretext can only be used for the time being.

The captain said, "Dare to ask the general, what is the second?"

"The second one is to ask Fang Bo to send an envoy to Tanxian County, and ask Xun Xuzhou in person, and ask him what he meant by returning Xuzhou troops to our territory!" Bao Xin paused, and then said, "Except In addition, our department should also send people to Rencheng County to ask Xu Junqing and Xi Zhicai why they didn't come and lied to open my Rencheng County gate."

The captain thought for a while and said, "That's the only way to go now!"

At the moment, the plan was decided. Bao Xin first sent people back to Changyi Prefecture, and then sent people to Rencheng County. At the same time, he ordered the troops to rest on the spot and wait for half a day before continuing north.

After all these things were arranged, Bao Xin avoided Yu Ren and wrote a handwritten letter. After sealing it, he summoned two close friends and handed it over to the two of them. Lord Cao, give him this secret letter of mine." After the two received the letter and agreed, he urged, "Remember, you must hand this secret letter to Lord Cao, and you must not Give way."

The two replied, "Please don't worry, General."

"You wait."

Watching the two of them ride their horses, Bao Xin looked up at the sky, it was already afternoon, and the troops had not had a good meal since they marched last night. The smoke was lit in the song.

He retracted his gaze and looked in the direction of Dongjun to the west, thinking in his heart: "This place is more than two hundred miles away from Dongjun. When Meng De receives my letter, it will have to be tomorrow night at the earliest. If there is any delay, we will arrive later. I hope he can come up with countermeasures in time to solve the matter.”

The year before last, Cao Cao was defeated. After going to Danyang to recruit troops, he did not return to Chenliu, but went to Yuan Shao. At that time, Bao Xin was with him.

At Yuan Shao's office, Bao Xin witnessed what Yuan Shao did in Jizhou, and was moved by it. Because he said something to Cao Cao last autumn, he said at that time: "Dong Zhuo's calamity to the court, the overthrow of the royal family, the hero of the world." The reason why the army is angry and the world responds is because of the righteousness. Now Yuan Shao, as the leader of the coalition army, does not want to attack the traitorous officials, but instead uses his power for his own personal gain. A Dong Zhuo. You and I have few soldiers and have no ability to stop him, but if you join forces with him, it is not your and my will. It is better to rule the south of the river and wait for it to change.

"The south of the big river", the big river, the Yellow River, the south of the big river, refers to Yanzhou.

The reason why Cao Cao did not return to Chenliu after defeating Dong's army and recruiting troops again, but turned to Yuan Shao, was mainly for four reasons.

The first reason is: he and Zhang Miao and other coalition generals stationed in Suanzao have different aspirations. Zhang Miao and others are self-respecting and do not try to make progress. history.

The second reason is: it is also because of "disagreement of aspirations" that after his defeat, Zhang Miao no longer provided him with support, so he had to go to Danyang, Yangzhou to recruit troops.

The third reason is: the Suanzao allied army is intriguing and fighting with each other. Cao Cao expected that the Suanzao allied army would eventually disintegrate, so he did not want to stay in this right and wrong place.

The fourth reason is that although Yuan Shao also "supports his troops and respects himself", he does not think about seeking Dong, but he is eager to seek Jizhou. However, in terms of strategic vision, Yuan Shao is actually stronger than Zhang Miao and others. Zhang Miao and others proposed a battle plan such as "to make Yuan Bohai lead the people from Hanoi to Mengjin, and the Suanzao generals to defend Chenggao, according to Aocang, Sailuyuan, Taigu, and completely control their risks..." and so on. No one was willing to listen, but Yuan Shao accepted his advice and ordered Wang Kuang, who was then the prefect of Hanoi, to send troops to Mengjin.

All in all, the fundamental reason why Cao Cao left Chenliu and joined Yuan Shao was precisely because his ambition to restore Luoyang could not be realized in Chenliu, so he had to change between Suanzao and Yuan Shao and chose "slightly stronger". "Yuan Shao, but Cao Cao also deeply understands Yuan Shao's "will not to serve as a subject", so he understands what Bao Xin said "I am afraid that Yuan Shao will become another Dong Zhuo", "If you join forces with him, it is not your will and mine." "And so on, he agrees very much, and he also agrees with Bao Xin's response that "it's not as good as the south of the river, waiting for it to change".

So Cao Cao asked Yuan Shao to allow him to station his troops at Dunqiu in Dongjun.

Not long afterward, a part of the Heishan army invaded Dongjun, and Cao Cao defeated it, and then, in Neihuang, defeated Yu Fuluo of the southern Xiongnu, and thus was promoted by Yuan Shao as the prefect of Dongjun, and then Cao Cao That is to say, Bao Xin is the prime minister of Jibei.

Dongjun and Jibei are both located in Yanzhou, one is in the west of the state, and the other is in the northeast of the state. Judging from Bao Xin's remarks last autumn, the intentions of Cao Cao and Bao Xin are obvious. It is the implementation of the predetermined plan of "not as good as the south of the river".

It can be said that although Liu Dai is still the main force in Yanzhou, in the hearts of Cao Cao and Bao Xin, they are patiently waiting for the "change". , join hands to fight for Yan, - Yanzhou has long been the foundation for the two of them to plan for a long time, but at this time, Xun Zhen suddenly stepped in, which Bao Xin did not expect.

Therefore, after finishing the two official matters of sending someone back to Changxi to see Liu Dai, and sending someone to Rencheng County to ask Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai about their return, Bao Xin wrote the secret letter again, sending him to Rencheng County. People immediately went to send it to Cao Cao.

237 Lv Zike's Head Start

Renchengguo, Rencheng County.

In the hall of the county hall, Zheng Sui, the prime minister of Rencheng, was shocked and angry, and slapped the table and cursed: "The Xun family of Yingyin has always been famous in the world. Hainei, although I have never been in contact with him, I have always respected him, but now he suddenly sent troops to enter our territory in the name of chasing and destroying the Yellow Turbans of the Lu Kingdom, and even used deceitful words to coax the gate of Rencheng County and drive him away. Go straight and enter my county seat! What does he want?"

The hall bowed down and bowed to two people, the governor of Rencheng and the chief clerk of Rencheng.

The two of them had just returned from Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai.

Zheng Sui cursed and asked the two of them, "Apart from what you just said, did Xu and Xi say anything else?"

The county chief replied: "General Xu just said: In order to avoid people's misunderstanding that they are 'beggar-thy-neighbor', they had to chase and destroy the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. ... Apart from that, there is nothing else to say."

"What to avoid people's misunderstanding!" Zheng Sui scolded the table again, "I'm afraid people will misunderstand 'beggar-thy-neighbor'? Well, I'll believe it for the time being! Then I'll ask you, they deceived them by calling me 'Shanyang County soldier' ​​and coaxing me to Rencheng. What about the county gate?"

The county magistrate replied, "The subordinates also asked them the same thing."

"How did they answer?"

"General Xu kept silent, and the theater captain smiled and replied to me, saying that he didn't know about it."

"I don't know about this? I don't know about this. The gate of Rencheng County is closed. How did their Xuzhou soldiers enter the city!"

"The subordinate also asked the same question, and the theater captain replied: When Xuzhou troops arrived outside the city, the Rencheng county gate was opened for it. He also thanked Duke Ming..."

"no need thank me?"

"He said that he thought it was Duke Ming who saw the yellow turban people outside the city and took care of the friendly army, so he took the initiative to open the city gate and invited them into the city, so he thanked Duke Ming."

Zheng Sui was so angry that he didn't speak for a long time, but it took a while for him to recover. He laughed in anger, and Gu said to a few servants sitting in the hall, "I'm over forty years this year, and the past forty years have really This is the first time I've seen such a brazen person! Instead, I opened the city gate to greet him?... Someone, someone! Go and call the military marquis who was on duty at the head of the city, and let him confront Xu and Xi! Let's see if they lied to my Rencheng County gate in the name of 'Shanyang County Soldier'!"

The person sitting at the top of the hall stood up and said, "Ming Gong, please calm down first."

Zheng Sui looked around and saw that it was Lu Qian, the commander of the county who was speaking.

Lu Qian's family is a big family in Rencheng. This man is quite intelligent and brave. Since Zheng Sui took office in Rencheng, he has borrowed a lot of his strength. Seeing that he was talking, he managed to restrain his anger and said, "My son. What do you say?"

Lu Qian said, "Xu and Xi are obviously cheating, even sending the military lord who was on duty in the city head to confront them face-to-face, I'm afraid it's useless."

"What's your best plan?"

"Liang Ce dare not say it. In my humble opinion, I have no choice but to wait for the prefecture to negotiate with Xu and Xi. But before that, I would like to meet Xu and Xi for Duke Ming. People, try to see if you can get them out of town."

"Oh? Would you like to give it a try? Okay, okay! How much do you need to lead? Whatever you say! All will be allowed to you."

"You don't need a horse or a horse, it's enough for a single person to ride alone."

There are thousands of Xuzhou soldiers who entered the city, and the county soldiers and county soldiers in Rencheng County, plus Lu Qian's family soldiers, there are only more than a thousand in total. It is difficult to drive out the Xuzhou soldiers. If this is the case, it is better not to bring one soldier and one soldier.

Zheng Sui also understood this truth. If it weren't for the fact that the troops in the city were not as good as those of Xuzhou, why would he be so angry and helpless? - In fact, even if the soldiers and horses in the city were not much different from those of Xuzhou, Zheng Sui would not dare to fight with Xuzhou soldiers now. If the Yellow Turbans of Lu State take the opportunity to attack the city while fighting with Xuzhou soldiers, it will be Zheng Sui who will be unlucky in the end. Because, after listening to Lu Qian's answer, he didn't say anything else, but just got up and said to Lu Qian: "Zi Ke! You are here, if I can drive the Xuzhou soldiers out of the city, I will go to the Shuzhou Mansion and ask for help. Bo pays for you!"

Lu Qian said: "Reward for merits and money is not what the gods want. The only hope is that it can relieve the troubles of Duke Ming and protect the people of Rencheng from being intruded by Xuzhou." At the door, people brought horses, but if they didn't bring soldiers, they only brought in a few soldiers, mounted their horses and urged them to go east of the city.

After Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai brought their troops into Rencheng County, they did not force Zheng Sui too much. Because the county temple and the prefectural government were all in the north of the city, Xu Zhong strictly prohibited soldiers from entering without authorization. The soldiers were stationed in the west of the city. Therefore, in the west of the city, Xu Zhong was not allowed to enter the city. He then occupied the east of the city. Then, he divided his troops to the south of the city and controlled the south of the city.

That is to say, in the current Rencheng County, the north and west of the city are in the hands of Zheng Sui, and the east and south of the city are in the hands of Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai. The guards in the east and south of the city, Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai, also took it from the soldiers of Rencheng without a **** attack on the grounds of "assisting the soldiers of Rencheng in defending against the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu".

Lv Qian brought a few soldiers to the east of the city. Looking closely along the way, he saw that there were soldiers of Xuzhou soldiers standing guard in every "li" in the east of the city, and there were also soldiers of Xuzhou soldiers standing guard outside the "city" in the east of the city. , On several commanding heights in the east of the city, there are also Xuzhou soldiers and soldiers, and on various roads and alleys, you can see Xuzhou soldiers patrolling from time to time.

Not long after they entered the east of the city, they ran into two or three patrols of Xuzhou soldiers one after another, but after being interrogated and after Xuzhou soldiers confirmed his identity, no one embarrassed him.

Not only that, but the officers in the patrol team showed him the way and told him where Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai were now.

Lu Qian said in his heart, "Although Xu Junqing and Xi Zhicai are brazen, but since I entered the east of the city, I haven't seen any incident of Xuzhou soldiers disturbing the people. Judging from their military discipline, they can be called strict."

Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai did not requisition the houses, but set up a few tents on the field near the city wall in the east of the city, erected military flags in front of the tents, and built a fence around the outside, which should be used as a tent. When Lu Qian arrived, both of them were there, discussing military affairs in the tent.

Hearing that the soldiers came to report that the commander of Rencheng Lu Qian asked to see him, Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai looked at each other, and Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "The county chief and the chief clerk are gone, and the commander of the county is here again. ... General, If you don't want to see him, I can invite him in alone."

Xu Zhong will unconditionally implement Xun Zhen's military orders, but when faced with questions and accusations from Rencheng, he will not confuse black and white, and he will not be "shameless". When questioned, he remained silent until the end. Because of this, Xi Zhi had such a sentence to say to him.

Xu Zhong nodded and said: "Although the Yellow Turbans of Lu State have already been defeated, and most of them are blocked on the east bank of Sishui River, there are not a few people who have crossed the river westward one after another. Siege."

It stands to reason that after the defeat of the Yellow Turbans in the Kingdom of Lu, there was no rush to escape, so how could they dare to attack Rencheng County after knowing that Xuzhou soldiers had already entered Rencheng County? But after all, there are tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans from the Kingdom of Lu outside the city. Whether there are any of them who are brave enough to take risks and who are good at "soldiers and surnames" is anyone's guess. Therefore, there is no harm in being cautious.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "The general, please go by yourself. When the commander of Pengcheng is sent away, I will send someone to ask the general to return to his account."

Xu Zhong said: "Okay." Then he left the tent, brought some personal soldiers, and went to the top of the city to inspect.

Xi Zhicai instructed outside the tent, "Please invite Captain Lu to come in."

Soon, Lu Qian came to the account.

Before he could see the salute twice, he frowned and scolded his sword: "Your army came without notice, entered our territory without permission, and entered my Rencheng County with deceitful words, seized half of my city, and I dared to ask: Does the army want to go to war with our Yanzhou hostility?"

238 Liu Jun is the military assistant to Xun Xun

Xi Zhicai laughed.

Lu Qian was stunned and asked, "Why is the captain laughing?"

When Lu Qian entered the tent, even though there was only one person in the tent, Xi Zhicai was in the army, and Xi Zhicai was not wearing a uniform, but wearing the uniform of a school captain, so Lu Qian knew that he was not Xu Zhong.

The two leaders of Xun's army were not Xu Zhong, so this person could only be Xi Zhicai. Therefore, Lu Qian called him "Xu Zhong".

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "I laugh at the courage of the captain."

"how do I say this?"

"The commander is the commander, but he compares himself to Liu Yanzhou in his speech. Isn't that courageous?"

"Where can I compare myself to Liu Yanzhou?"

"The commander just said: 'Does your army want to fight against our Yanzhou'? Since the commander calls himself 'my Yanzhou', isn't this comparing himself to Liu Yanzhou?"

Lu Qian sneered and said, "I have heard for a long time that Marquis Xun has a number of men and masters under his tent, all of whom are talented and talented in the world, and the captain of the school is one of them. Looking at it now, he is famous, but it's actually hard to be a deputy! Gao Cai, pious has never seen it, and the commander's sharp tongue, pious has seen it!"

Xi Zhicai laughed again.

"Why is the lieutenant laughing?"

"I laugh at the Captain's short-sightedness."

"How am I short-sighted?"

"My ministry has entered your realm. For your land, it is a great deed. Instead of being thankful, the commander came over to ask the teacher for guilt. Isn't this 'short-sighted'?"

Lu Qian realized Zheng Sui's "extreme anger and smirk". After he just entered the account, his "cold eyebrows and scolding with his sword" was actually just a gesture, but now after listening to Xi Zhicai's words, he But he was really angry, and he laughed in anger, and said, "Your army doesn't tell me, and occupies half of my city, why? Instead, I have to thank your army for not being able to do it?"

"Captain, please calm down and listen to what I have to say."

"you say."

"In Yanbei, the Yellow Turbans are raging now, and Jibei and other counties and states cannot control them. Your county is about to suffer from them. Now that the Yellow Turbans of Lu State have entered your territory again, let me ask this question: must there be our army following the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. , How confident is the commander of Rencheng County, and even Renchengguo, that he will be able to defend it?"

Lu Qian was furious, and was about to reprimand and say, "If you hadn't driven the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu into our territory, where would the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu have come from within my territory?" Before he could say anything, Ting Xi Zhicai followed closely and said, "This is the first reason the captain should thank our army."

Lu Qian thought to himself, "The first reason? So, does he have a second reason? Well, let me first listen to what else he can come up with!" Suppressing his anger, he asked, "Then What's the second reason?"

"The second reason is not just that your county should thank our army, but Liu Yanzhou should thank our army!"

Lu Qian sneered and asked, "Dare to hear Gao Jian?"

"What is the current situation in Yanzhou, I must have a good idea of ​​​​with a single step."

Xi Zhicai paused, seeing that Lu Qian had no intention of answering, nor did he mind, and continued: "Liu Yanzhou is between Gongsun Bogui and Yuan Benchu, and he is in a dilemma. I don't know which way to go. Please ask your step, is there anything in this matter? ?"

Lu Qian still didn't answer him, and Xi Zhicai still didn't mind it, and continued: "Now that our army has entered your territory, it's just a trivial matter to protect Rencheng from the Yellow Turbans of Lu, and it can make Liu Yanzhou no longer need to It's a dilemma, but it's a big deal! Just ask your step, such a big matter that concerns the future of Yanzhou, our army has solved it for Liu Yanzhou, shouldn't Liu Yanzhou thank our army?"

Lu Qian's anger gradually subsided, and after thinking about it carefully, he roughly understood the meaning of the two points of Xi Zhicai's words, but it was difficult for him to think through it for a while, so he said: "What is the meaning of this captain, can you say a few more words? explain?"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said nothing.

Lu Qian put away his anger and asked again and again, sincerely asking for advice.

Only then did Xi Zhicai say: "I can't explain more to you what I mean in my words. You can go back to the prefecture with one step, and tell Prime Minister Zheng what I said, and ask Prime Minister Zheng to send someone to report it to Liu Yanzhou, and Liu Yanzhou will meet. Understand."

Lu Qian knew that Xi Zhicai refused to go further, because his status in Yanzhou was not high, so he no longer insisted on it, and changed the attitude of "pretending to be rude" when he first entered the account. Therefore, he treated Xi Zhicai with great courtesy, but he also bowed, and then he left the account and returned to the prefecture.

When Lu Qian left, Xi Zhi called the soldiers outside the tent to invite Xu Zhong to come back.

When the soldiers found Xu Zhong, Xu Zhong had just climbed to the top of the city and had not yet inspected much. Hearing that Xi Zhicai had already sent away the commander Rencheng who had come, Xu Zhong was slightly surprised and said to himself, "This is so much effort, but Zhicai is not. Did you send the person who came?"

He patrolled the top of the city for a while, went down to the top of the city, and returned to the tent. After listening to Xi Zhi finished sending Lu Qian, he sighed without realizing it: "Your ability to strategize is ten times better than mine, Your eloquence is a hundred times better than mine."

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "Does the general also laugh at me for being a wise man?"

"How dare you dare."

Xi Zhicai laughed again: "My eloquence is a hundred times better than a general, and I'm not proud of myself."

Xu Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Xi Zhicai was joking for him.

Xun Jun is up and down, no one knows, Xu Zhong is usually taciturn, and when there is no military affairs, he can even not say a word for a day. His few words are like what Xi Zhicai said, even if he is "a hundred times more eloquent than him", he is still "not arrogant".

Xu Zhong wasn't angry, he smiled slightly, but he was wearing a face towel, and Xi Zhi couldn't see this smile.

Xu Zhong pondered for a moment, then said to Xi Zhicai: "Although Rencheng sent officials to see you and me one after another, but until now, they have not seen any intention of deploying troops. It seems that my department is in Rencheng County, and it should be worry-free for the time being. ."

"That's right, Renchengguo is small, and there aren't many soldiers in the county, so there's nothing to worry about."

"I just don't know when the state soldiers from Yanzhou will arrive."

"I want to come to Yanzhou Prefecture and already know about the entry of our army, but now there are yellow turbans of Lu State outside Rencheng County, and it is expected that the state soldiers who come to Yanzhou will not be able to reach Rencheng County for a while... Even if they do, I dare to Assured, it will not dare to start a war without authorization."

Yanzhou has internal and external troubles, especially when Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao are facing each other. It is obvious to anyone with a discerning eye that Liu Dai has no confidence to go to war with Xun Zhen. This is why Xunzhen dares to send troops into Yanzhou. one reason.

"That's true." Xu Zhong looked outside the tent and said, "The lord should have left Tan County now, but he doesn't know when he will arrive in Rencheng."

"The most urgent task now is that you and I will firmly occupy this half of Rencheng County, waiting for the emperor."

Xu Zhong nodded, he remembered something, and said, "Calculating the distance, the letter from the lord to Dongping Li Xiang should have arrived in Dongping by now. ... But I don't know how Li Xiang will react?"

"Dongping Li Xiang", of course, refers to Li Zan, Li Zan. Even Bao Xin knew that Li Zan and Xun Zhen had a good relationship, so how could Xun Zhen forget him? Before sending Xu Zhong and others back to Yanzhou, Xunzhen wrote a letter to Li Zan and gave it to Xu Zhong, explaining that he would send this letter to Li Zan after he entered Yanzhou.

Xi Zhicai, Xu Zhong and Li Zan were all from the same county, but when Xu Zhong was in Yingchuan earlier, he was only a small town chivalrous man at first. Later, he followed Xun Zhen to get an official position, but he was also a military officer, and he was a scholar-official like Li Zan. There is no communication, so Xu Zhong is not familiar with Li Zan's character and person, let alone understand it, because he has the doubt of "I don't know how Li Xiang will react".

Xi Zhicai knew a little about Li Zan. If it was a trivial matter, he could guess Li Zan's reaction, but now it is a major event of "Xuzhou struggle for Yan", which is not only related to the future of the prefectures and county officials, but also in the prefecture and county. When the chief officials made their choices, it was also related to their own reputations. Although they had a good relationship with Xun Zhen, and their son was also cast under Xun Zhen’s account, in the end they were Liu Dai’s nominal “subject”. In such a situation, how would Li Zan react? For a while, Xi Zhicai couldn't judge.

239 Not serving in Jizhou, serving in Xuzhou

Dongping State is located between Rencheng and Jibei. Like most counties in Yanzhou, Dongping State does not have a large area under its jurisdiction. Although it has seven counties, it seems that there are many counties under its jurisdiction, but the area occupied by each county is small. It's not very big. In total, the entire Dongping country is about seventy or eighty miles in size.

Because the north borders the country of Jibei, which is ravaged by the Yellow Turbans, it is not very peaceful in today's Dongping country. Fortunately, Li Zan is not a person who can only "talk about high-level ideas and talk about boring things", and he is still a little talented In addition, he has always been on good terms with Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu. In recent years, he has received quite a few soldiers and financial assistance from Zhang Miao. Chenliu is no better than Dongping. It is said that it is also a first-class county with a rich population and a wealthy economy. In Yanzhou, Zhang Miao's strength is second only to Liu Dai. If he leaks a little bit, it is enough for Li Zan to improve the strength of this county. Therefore, However, for the time being, it can resist the invasion of the Yellow Turbans in Jibei and other places, and stabilize the situation in Dongping.

Li Zan is a man of insight. Although he can stabilize the situation temporarily, he knows that this is by no means a long-term solution.

If nothing else, just look at Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei, who was known as a military strategy. He was beaten by the Jibei Yellow Turbans and had to leave the territory and go south. He went to the prefecture to find Liu Dai to discuss the countermeasures. It can be seen that the Jibei Yellow Turbans are powerful. If they are allowed to develop like this, it will be difficult to keep Dongping Kingdom if they get Zhang Miao's support again.

Just when he was worried about this, there was news that Xun Zhen sent troops into Lu to attack the Yellow Turbans in Lu. To be honest, after hearing this news, he felt relieved.

Dongping State borders Jibei in the north, and Lu State in the east. Both counties and states are in trouble with the Yellow Turbans. For Li Zan, he is the enemy on both sides. helped him.

Not long after that, news came that the Xun army had won a great victory and that the Yellow Turbans of Lu State had been defeated and entered Yanzhou territory.

When he heard the news, Li Zan became suspicious.

Because he was in the same county as Xun Zhen, they had known each other very early, and because he appreciated Xun Zhen very much, he had always paid more attention to Xun Zhen's deeds, and he was very clear about Xun Zhen's military capabilities. Military capability, he never believed that Xun Zhen could not wipe out the Yellow Turbans of Lu State in the territory of Lu State, but now Xun Zhen's troops not only failed to wipe out the Yellow Turbans of Lu State on the spot, but also ignored "the state is different". Without saying hello to Liu Dai, he committed suicide and entered Yanzhou territory. What is Xun Zhen trying to do? There must be a picture.

Not long after that, news of Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai entering Rencheng and occupying half of Rencheng County came again. Along with this news, a letter from Xun Zhen was sent.

After reading Xun Zhen's letter, Li Zan said in his heart, "If it's what I expected! In the name of Zhen, the pursuit of the Yellow Turbans is really like Xiang Zhuang dancing the sword."

Xun Zhen's letter maintained his usual concise style, with little content. In the first half, he greeted Li Zan as a junior in the county, and briefly introduced Li Xuan's recent situation in Xuzhou to Li Zan, and then, He turned to the topic and wrote in the second half of the letter: The emperor was covered in dust and moved to Xijing. The Guandong princes did not think of the Qin king, but they attacked and killed themselves. , this dilemma. Gongsun Bogui, an arrogant man, Yuan Benchu, who had long been self-reliant, thought that instead of letting the two of them get Yan, how could he take it by himself? With this as our military resources, we can join forces with Sun Yuzhou again, gather the strength of Xu, Yan, and Yuzhou, and then we can go westward to the deduction pass, and then decide life and death with Dong thief, in order to welcome the emperor and return the capital. What is the public will of this Zhen?

Li Zan was a sensible person, and Xun Zhen could not and did not need to lie to him, so in the second half of the letter, he told Li Zan directly and without concealment the purpose of his sending troops into Yan. : He just wanted to fight against Liu Dai for Yanzhou.

At the end of the letter, the character "What is the public will?" seems to be asking Li Zan's opinion on his purpose, but in fact it is asking Li Zan's attitude towards this, asking Li Zan: You support me in winning Yan still do not support me to win Yan?

After reading the letter, Li Zan raised his head, looked at the messenger who delivered the letter, and said, "Fengxiao, is there anything else Marquis Xun would like you to bring to me?"

It was Guo Jia who came to deliver the letter to Li Zan.

Li Zan was an elder from the same county, and his father Li Ying was the pride of Yingchuan scholars. Guo Jia was very respectful towards him and replied, "No."

Li Zan smiled, shook the letter in his hand, and said, "I think you already know the contents of this letter?"

"Although Jia has not read this letter from Your Majesty, I can guess one or two of its contents."

"Oh? Well, since that's the case, let's take a look. Do I agree with what Xunhou said in the letter?"

"Before the public seat, there is no place for Jia to put his beak."

"There is no one else in the room, only you and me. It's not easy to talk. You can rest assured. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Nah Jia took the liberty to say it."

"Go ahead."

"Fang is in chaos today, and the heroes are rising together. The one who can calm the world must be the emperor of Jia. Jia believes that what the emperor said in the letter, the public can follow it."

"It's true that the world is already in chaos, and it's not wrong to have a group of heroes rising together. Perhaps the one who secures the world is not necessarily the only Marquis Xun, right?" Li Zan said, "Yuan Benchu's fourth and third princes are famous all over the world, and they want to be the leader of Dong's alliance and what they want in the sea. Now that he dominates Jizhou, he respects virtuous and useful men, and although Gongsun Bogui is prosperous, in my opinion, he is definitely not his original opponent,... Yuan Benchu, can't he be safe in the world?"

"How can there be an alliance leader who does not fight? How can there be a hope at home and abroad who is at odds with his brothers? Yuan Benchu's reputation is high, but his grandfather Yu Yin, although he is based in Jizhou, is not enough to talk about. Jiazhi Yuan Benchu ​​and the public family are related by marriage, but the world matters. , it is also a public business, but you can't talk about it personally."

Li Zan said with a smile: "Of course, the affairs of the world can't be compared to each other. .

"There are also fierce ghosts on this road, extravagant and presumptuous, You Xun Yuan Benchu, how can you mention it!"

When Yuan Shu was the commander of Changshui, he was very extravagant, rode chariots and horses, and was domineering. Because he was called "Yuan Changshui, the tough ghost on the road" by the common people, such a reputation was indeed far inferior to Yuan Shao.

"Liu Jing ascended to the Han family's clan, rode into Jing alone, and took over six counties. This hero is also a man, can't he be safe in the world?"

"It is easy to secure the six prefectures, but it is difficult to secure the world. Although Liu Jingsheng is a little arrogant, he is not brilliant, so how can he be able to secure the world?"

"In the past, when we asked Dong, the generals did not enter. Only Xun Hou, Sun Hou and Cao Dong County marched forward bravely. Now, Sun Hou occupies Yuzhou, and the army is getting more and more prosperous. How about Sun Yuzhou?

Guo Jia laughed and asked back, "Does Duke Ming think that Sun Yuzhou will be able to secure the world?"

Li Zan said with a smile, "If Sun Yuzhou could have the clan of Xunhou, he might be able to secure the world."

"Isn't that right?" Guo Jia paused, put away his smile, and asked sternly, "I wonder if Duke Ming has made a decision?"

"You know that Yuan Benchu ​​is my family's foreign relative, but you also know why I don't allow my son to go to Jizhou, but instead allow him to go to Xuzhou?"

Guo Jia was overjoyed and said, "It must be because the Duke of Ming knows that the world is safe, and it must be my lord!"

"You can go back and reinstate Xunhou."

240 In troubled times, good birds are hard to choose wood

Regardless of his background, fame, age, or his current official position, Li Zan is far superior to Guo Jia, but because he appreciates the talents of the juniors in this county, Li Zan sent Guo Jia to the door of the room and waited for him to go away. , Li Zan turned back into the room, sat down and meditated.

He thought to himself, "Zhenzhi sent troops into Yan under the pretext of 'chasing and destroying the Yellow Turbans of Lu Kingdom'. He clearly wanted to take advantage of Gongsun Bogui and Yuan Benchu's struggle for Ji, and neither of them had time to take care of Yan. He also thought, "Although Gongsun Bogui and Yuan Benchu ​​have no time to take care of Yan, but Yanzhou is by no means a weak state, Liu Gongshan, after the clan, Zhang Mengzhuo, sits in a strong county, Ying Zhongyuan, both civil and military, Cao Mengde, Bao Yuncheng, all at one time. Jie, Zhenzhi is all the power of Xuzhou, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to rectify it."

Yes, Yanzhou is indeed a domestic and foreign trouble. It is a big state, but it can't even win against the Yellow Turbans in Jibei. It looks weak, but there is a reason for this "weakness". Because Zhang Miao, Yuan Yi and others had their own calculations, although they respected Liu Dai as the state head in name, they actually maintained their strength. Because of this, the Yellow Turbans in Jibei were flooded and raging.

Once there is an invasion by an external force, it can be expected that Zhang Miao, Ying Shao, Cao Cao, Bao Xin, including Yuan Yi will no longer be "separate", but will work together to "fight the foreign aggressors together". Yanzhou is more prosperous than Xuzhou, and its population is larger than Xuzhou. Zhang Miao and others are also not weak. Once they work together, Xunzhen will indeed be able to take Xuzhou as a single state, and it will be difficult to occupy all of Yan.

Xun Zhen also saw this very clearly, so he didn't think about attacking Quan Yan right now, as long as he could reach out to Ren Cheng, and if he could draw Li Zan over, of course it would be better.

Li Zan pondered for a long time, stood up, walked to the door, and looked into the courtyard.

Twilight is approaching, the courtyard is lush with flowers and plants, and there is a faint fragrance floating from time to time.

Li Zan sighed and said in his heart, "Good birds choose wood to perch on, but now the sea is chaotic, and good wood is really hard to find."

When it comes to being clean and strict, Li Zan has the legacy of his father Li Ying. However, when it comes to the "Naixin royal family", the world has changed in the end. The royal family has been lingering late, and the heroes at home and abroad have already competed. For the sake of himself and his family, But he can no longer be like his father. He must find a way out in time for himself, for his descendants, and for his clan in a chaotic world, in order to keep things safe.

Yuan Shao was the best choice.

First, Yuan Shao had a high reputation. Second, Yuan Shao’s disciples were all over the country, and his political capital was strong. Third, Yuan Shao had already won Jizhou. Among the states in the world, Jizhou could be said to be the state with the most profound war potential and the best strategic position.

In terms of fame, political capital, and military strength, Yuan Shao is the leader among the heroes. From these superficial perspectives, it seems that Yuan Shao will be the one who will succeed in the future, but the fame of Li Zan's father Li Ying. , plus the relationship between him and Yuan Shao's in-laws, if he was cast under Yuan Shao's account, he would have to reuse it, not to mention his future wealth, at least enough to ensure the safety of the current clan.

However, after Yuan Shao won Jizhou, a political election in Jizhou disappointed him greatly.

This election is: slaughter the "place".

This dynasty established the country, relying on the power of the landlords, so since the ZTE, the local powers have always been very strong, and mergers have become common.

A few years ago, during the Yellow Turban uprising, Jizhou was the main battlefield. In order to protect themselves, the right surnames of the prefectures and counties in the prefecture built up forts and recruited soldiers. Although it was defeated, the situation of "the county is the king" has been formed. In this way, although Jizhou is rich, most of the people, money and grain have fallen into the hands of the tyrants and cannot be owned by the state capital. After enriching the military resources, he slaughtered the powerful in Jizhou. Anyone who did not obey his orders and refused to donate money and food would find an excuse for the crime, either imprisoning or killing, and even the Yi people. few.

Practically speaking, all the princes who want to make a difference and have the ability to make a difference are a thorn in the eyes of the tyrannical power in their respective territories, and more or less have done such things as eradicating the tyrants. , Xun Zhen also did this kind of thing in Xuzhou, and is still doing it now, such as eradicating Yanhao.

But because there are not strong enemies like Gongsun Zan in the north of Jizhou and the Heishan Army in the west, the surrounding area of ​​Xuzhou is relatively safe, so Xunzhen does not have the same sense of urgency as Yuan Shao, and he has not yet started large-scale operations in Xuzhou. At the same time, his main targets at this stage are still only "pure strong men", that is to say, he still mainly respects the "nobles", and although Yuan Shao also respected the scholars in Jizhou, he could In the "place" of slaughter, he even killed some scholars who were ignorant of current affairs.

Li Zan came from a noble family. Why did his father Li Ying fight the **** to the death? Among them, there are inherent reasons for the corruption and lawlessness of eunuchs, but there are also reasons for competing with eunuchs for power in order to ensure the interests of the scholar class. Yuan Shao slaughtered all over the world in Jizhou, and even some small and famous Jizhou scholars were killed by him. In Li Zan's opinion, Yuan Shao was destroying the foundation of himself. How could he not be disappointed by this?

It was not only Li Zan who was disappointed with Yuan Shao because of Yuan Shao's actions.

Li Zan had many friends in Jizhou, and I heard from their letters that the chief officials of many counties and local nobility in Jizhou have exchanged songs with Gongsun Zan. Of course, these people who exchanged songs with Gongsun Zan. Not all of them were caused by Yuan Shao's slaughter of the "locality", and there were also those who were dissatisfied with Yuan Shao's use of dishonorable means to occupy Jizhou, or were afraid of Gongsun Zan's military strength, but in any case, Yuan Shao's slaughter of the "locality" was indeed for him. Decreased a lot.

In addition, Li Zan and Yuan Shao are relatives by marriage, and they know Yuan Shao's character and ability very well. In today's troubled world, it is not enough to talk about peace in the world.

A servant in the courtyard noticed Li Zanli standing at the door, and came over and asked, "Does the head of the house have any orders?"

"No, I just came out to breathe."

The servant bowed respectfully, and stepped aside half-bent.

Being disturbed by this, Li Zan's thoughts were broken, and he stopped thinking about Yuan Shao.

After looking at the flowers and plants in the courtyard for a while, he returned to the room, sat down again, opened Xun Zhen's letter again, read it carefully, and thought to himself: "Zhenzhi is a virtuous corporal, skilled in warfare, tough in temperament, and time-sensitive. Change, right now, it seems that I tie my clan to him, so it should be safe." Then he thought, "Even so, I can't get too deep."

"Too deep" means not being able to join the family.

He made a decision: Xunzhen wanted to come to fight, then he would give Dongping to Xunzhen, and then he would leave and go into seclusion. As for the children of the clan, his son Li Xuan was alone under Xunzhen's tent. Enough, the rest of the disciples had better be secluded at home like him. In this way, if Xun Zhen can succeed in the future, their Li family can follow suit, and even if Xun Zhen does not succeed in the future, at least his Li family can have a way of retreat. , - Anyway, with their Li family's wealth and family reputation, as long as they don't get too deep with Xun Zhen, no matter who wins the world in the future, they will have the opportunity to become an official, at most it is the difference between whether they can be distinguished.

241 Who can comment on right and wrong

The country of Dongping is Wuyan County, which is located in the hinterland of Dongping. Guo Jia went out of Wuyan and returned to Rencheng County in the south.

It is about a hundred miles from Wuyan to Rencheng County, and the journey is not far. However, due to the unstable roads, there are many thieves, and because of the wars over the years, the roads have also been destroyed a lot. Therefore, Guo Jia and his party cannot do both day and night. The speed of the road was not fast. Soon after leaving Wuyan, night came. They found a pavilion by the roadside, stayed overnight, and continued their journey the next morning.

In this way, Xiaoxing stayed overnight, and two days later, Renchengjie was visible from afar.

The closer you get to Rencheng, the more thieves there are on the road, either in groups of a hundred or ten, or in groups of three or five. Some have banners, and some don’t even have any decent weapons. From the flags and clothing, it can be seen that most of the thieves who have grown up are the fallen soldiers of the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu. There is a large lake in the west of Renchengguo, which is the famous Onoze. The lake is so wide that it is almost similar to the jurisdiction of Rencheng. Shanyang County in the south of Renchengguo is the seat of the state government of Yanzhou, and it is the largest military force in Yanzhou. One of the strongest prefectures and states, these two directions are "no way forward". Therefore, the Yellow Turbans of Lu who were driven into Rencheng by Xun's army had no choice but to go north, or turn back to Lu and defect to Rencheng. The surviving Yellow Turbans in Lu County, or through Dongping, entered Jibei and reconciled with the Yellow Turbans in Jibei.

When Xu Zhong sent Guo Jia to see Li Zan, he had anticipated the dangers that might exist on the road, so he assigned him two fine rides. With these two cavalry and guards, he has encountered many thieves and yellow turbans along the way, but he has never been in danger.

After entering the border of Rencheng, Fanxian was the first to arrive.

Because no matter if the Yellow Turbans collapsed to Jibei via Dongping, or returned to Lu County to Lu County, they all had to pass through Fanxian County. Therefore, compared with the Lu Kingdom collapsed in Renchengguo, the area within Fanxian County became more and more difficult. Yellow scarves are everywhere.

Many villages and villages passed by Guo Jia and others were looted by the yellow turbans. The wheat in the fields was not yet ripe, and they were also cut away by the soldiers. The villagers who were killed by the soldiers were often seen along the road, and some corpses. There were women and children sitting next to them, crying bitterly, or with dull eyes.

It is really possible to use "sorrows everywhere" to describe the current boundary of Fan County.

Some of the entourage's elite cavalry couldn't bear it, sighed, and said, "When we were in the state of Lu, we should kill all these yellow turban thieves!"

Guo Jia listened and remained silent.

Intellectually, he agreed with Xun Zhen's strategy of expelling the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu to occupy the city of Ren.

However, this is also impossible.

Once a general success is achieved, all bones are withered, how about competing for the world? Guo Jia knew in his heart that when Xun Zhen made the decision to drive out the Yellow Turbans to occupy Rencheng, he would not have imagined that this would bring disaster to the people of Renchengguo, but what else could it be? Could it be because of the people of this county or a country that they stopped fighting for the world? Kindness does not control the army, and those who fight for the world must not be "kindness".

Xun Zhen is not the only one who is "unkind". How many of the lords of the states and counties in the world are "kind"?

Even the yellow scarves from the bottom. Under the influence of Xun Zhen, Guo Jia was not like those scholars who hated the Yellow Turbans because of the interests of his class. In fact, he had a certain sympathy for the Yellow Turbans. Most of the Yellow Turbans, especially the Yellow Turbans. If the soldiers at the bottom of the Yellow Turban Army could no longer bear the oppression of the tyrants, how could they rebel? Their original intention was just to seek a way out. But when they condensed into a powerful force, they not only slaughtered the nobles and tyrants, but also looted, burned and killed ordinary people of the same background as them. I wonder, are they right or wrong?

Today, the world is in chaos. In this chaotic world, right and wrong are black and white, and it is impossible to tell in one sentence.

A day later, Guo Jia and others returned to Rencheng County.

Compared with Fan County, or because Xun's army is now stationed in Rencheng, and because the Yellow Turbans of Lu State did not dare to stop here, the situation within the county boundary of Rencheng is much better, and there are not many Yellow Turbans collapsed. Succeeded in this activity.

When they arrived in the middle of the county, the two cavalry guards from Guo Jia returned to the station and went to Zhang Fei to pay the order. Guo Jia came to the general tent and asked to see Xu Zhong.

Xu Zhong is not in the account, only Xi Zhi is there.

"Fengxiao is back? How is this going?"

"Fortunately not humiliated."

"Li Xiang is willing to help the king?"


"Okay, now my department can finally let go of half of the worries."

Although they crossed Sishui smoothly, occupying half of the urban area of ​​Rencheng County, but Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai only had only a few thousand troops. , obviously impossible.

"What's Liu Yanzhou doing recently?"

"Bao Jibei brought 4,000 soldiers and horses and was stationed at Father Kang a few days ago. Yesterday afternoon, one of his envoys came to the camp and asked me what my troops were coming. Other than that, Liu Yanzhou has nothing else to do."

"Bao Yuncheng is stationed at Father Kang? Where is his messenger now?"

"I was sent away."

Xi Zhicai still used the same rhetoric to deal with Lu Dai to send away Bao Xin's messenger.

Kangfu County is very close to Rencheng County, and the two places are only thirty or forty miles apart. However, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia are not worried that Bao Xin will suddenly attack. The road is not easy to walk, there are many waters, and the trees are lush. The Nanyang Lake in later generations is in this area.

After asking about the developments in Yanzhou in the past few days, Guo Jia asked again: "Is there a letter from the lord recently?"

"I just arrived at a military order this morning, and your Majesty has now arrived at Hexiang."

Guo Jia was overjoyed and said, "This is really great!" Xiao said to Xi Zhicai, "Since the lord has arrived in Hexiang, the rest of the captain seems to be able to let go of his worries."

Xi Zhicai smiled, then put it away and said, "The rest of my worries are not because of military affairs."


"With the help of Li Xiang, and your Majesty has arrived at Hexiang again, even if Liu Yanzhou and Bao Jibei attack our troops now, I will not worry about it. What I am worried about now is not here."

Guo Jia understood what Xi Zhicai meant.

Military politics, military politics, military and politics are inseparable, and there is no longer any worries in the military, so the remaining half of Xi Zhicai's worries are naturally "politics", that is, diplomacy.

Guo Jia said: "What the school captain said is very true. It is easy to change Rencheng County, but it is not easy to lay a foundation in Rencheng and even expand your power." Wen Xizhicai said, "I went to the lord's army this morning. , what can the lord express to this?"

"Your Majesty didn't say the specific content, just told me to stabilize the situation in Rencheng County first, and try not to start a conflict with Rencheng and Yanzhou soldiers. He also said in the military interview: He will not come to Rencheng County for the time being."

Xun Zhen said in the previous military interview that he would come to the front line in person to sit in town, but now he has changed his opinion and said that he will not come to Rencheng for the time being. If you move troops, you won't move troops", he said: "If you don't move troops, I'm afraid not only my department can make the final decision."

Although from the current point of view, the Yanzhou side should not want to start a war without authorization, but no one can guarantee this kind of thing. If Liu Dai does not want to endure any more after the diplomatic negotiation fails, if he sends troops to attack, Xu Zhong , Xi Zhicai no longer wants to fight, but also has to fight.

242 Take Yan's Plan

Hexiang is located at the border between Donghai County and Lu State. It is the closest county to Rencheng County in Xuzhou. It travels from Hexiang to the northwest, although it needs to pass through Lu State and Shanyang in the middle before reaching Rencheng County. But the total distance is only a little over a hundred miles.

When Xun Zhen transferred his troops to Shandong, this was the transfer center for logistical supplies such as grain, chamotte, ordnance.

The chief general of the garrison in this county is Chen Rong, the captain of Anmin.

After Xu Zhong and others entered Lu, the fashion in Hexiang was good at first. Later, Xu Zhong, Zang Ba and others fought with the Yellow Turbans of Lu State in Zu County. Although most of the Yellow Turbans of Lu State were driven westward by them, there were still some. The "fish that slipped through the net" panicked, fled south, and entered the territory of Hexiang. Chen Rong really fought several battles. It was not until the first two days that he was considered to have wiped out all the Yellow Turbans who had fled to Hexiang.

Xun Zhen's departure from Tan this time was originally a two-handed plan. If the reaction from Yanzhou was intense, then he would enter Yanzhou in person. If the reaction from Yanzhou was not so intense, then he would not enter Yanzhou for the time being. At present, although Liu Dai sent the state troops to the north, Bao Xin stopped at Kangfu County, and it seemed that he had no intention of fighting Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai. Then, Xun Zhen had no need to enter Yan.

After all, he is the lord of a state. Under the circumstance that Yanzhou seems to have no intention of starting the war, if he still enters Yanzhou, then it will not help resolve the matter, but will intensify the current conflict with Yanzhou.

Xun Zhen did not have many troops and horses, only 1,500 cavalry. Xun You and Xun Yu were left behind by him in Tanxian County. There were only a few civil ministers and advisors from the two prefectures who came to Hexiang, and they were headed by Zhang Zhao, who was in charge of the state government, and Xu Zhuo, who was engaged in the shogunate.

On the morning of the next day after Guo Jia returned to Rencheng County, after a night and a half of expedited delivery, the news about Li Zan's agreement to help Xuzhou was presented to Xun Zhen's case.

Xun Zhen stopped watching, and ordered someone to call Li Xuan over.

Because of Li Zan, Xun Zhen brought Li Xuan into the army this time.

Li Xuan came soon, Xun Zhen told him to sit down, and then asked him with a smile: "Qing and Qing father, I'm afraid we haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"

Li Xuan replied, "Yes."

"It was me who didn't think carefully. When Qing arrived in Tan County, I should have asked Qing to go to Dongping first to meet your father." Xun Zhen paused, and then said, "Hexiang is not far from Dongping, so there is It’s only two hundred miles away without salt, if you see your father, I can send troops to send you there.”

Li Xuan said: "Before Xuan came to Xuzhou, he had a letter with Jiajun. In the letter, Jiajun ordered Xuan: Be diligent in doing business. Although Xuan misses Jiajun, but his teaching is in his ear, he does not dare to leave his post without permission."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You came to Hexiang with me from the army, and you left without permission!"

Li Xuan is currently engaged in the study of the prefectures, and is in charge of the culture and education of one state. Some time ago, he sent a letter to Xun Zhen, requesting to follow the example of Taixue and set up a state school in the prefecture. Before joining the army, he was busy building state schools and hiring teachers. As Xun Zhen said, since he is now in the army, he has indeed "left his post without permission".

Li Xuan replied: "The Lord has orders, how dare Xuan not obey?"

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "If you don't dare to refuse, then you can go to Dongping!" After speaking, she put out her paper and pen, pondered for a while, and wrote a reply letter to Li Zan, sealed it with the ink pad, and sent it to Left and right handed the letter to Li Xuan and said, "By the way, send this letter of mine to Father Qing."

Li Xuan received the letter and replied, "No."

"The Yellow Turbans in Jibei are strong, and they may go south at any time. When you see your father, please ask me: Are there enough troops and military resources in Dongping? If there is a shortage, I can help them."

Li Xuan got up and thanked him.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Father Qing is a great sage in my county. As a younger generation, I should do my best to help me. Why should I thank you?"

If Xun Zhen wanted to get involved in Yanzhou's plot, not many people knew about it before that, with the occurrence of Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai crossing Sishui and entering Rencheng in the west, the whole Xuzhou, whether Xun Zhen told or It was never told, all the discerning people already knew what Xun Zhen was thinking.

Li Xuan is no exception.

He knew very well that when Xun Zhen asked him to go to Dongping, he was nominally asking him to visit his father Li Zan, but in fact, Xun Zhen's real intention must be the last sentence he said: "If there is any inadequacy, I can help Of".

Li Xuan had no objection to Xun Zhen's coveting Yanzhou. He was now under Xun Zhen's account. Of course, he hoped that the stronger Xun Zhen's influence would be, the better. Therefore, he thought in his heart: "It stands to reason that my father would not object to the Lord's sending troops in, but if he does, I will return to Dongping and I will do my best to persuade my father so that the Lord will have the will of the Lord. achieved."

After talking about the business, Xun Zhen and Li Xuan made a decision that Li Xuan would leave for Dongping tomorrow. After that, the two chatted a few words, and Li Xuan left, returned to the residence, and packed up. Xun Zhen wrote down a military order and ordered outside the hall to have someone take it to the camp, and ordered three hundred soldiers to be in charge of defending Li Xuan, and to set off with him tomorrow.

When the person who sent the order left, Xun Zhen instructed the outside again, saying, "Please come to Zhizhong. Bring Xu Zhuo too."

Not long after, Zhang Zhao and Xu Zhuo arrived.

Xun Zhen invited the two of them to sit down.

Zhang Zhao said: "When I came here just now, I passed by Li Dianxue's residence and saw him packing his luggage. I asked him a question. He said that he was ordered to go to Dongping tomorrow. I dared to ask the Lord, but Dongping had a reply. already?"

This time, the civil and military officials who came to Hexiang with Xunzhen. The military officials lived in the military camp, and the cultural officials received preferential treatment. They were all arranged to live in the official residence of the Hexiang county temple. The residences of Zhang Zhao, Li Xuan, Xu Zhuo and others were all under It is very close, so Zhang Zhao will pass by Li Xuan's residence when he comes.

In the beginning, in order to keep the rumors secret, so as not to let the rumors leak out, so that Yanzhou would not be on guard, Zhang Zhao and others did not know about Xunzhen's plan to take Rencheng. Secondly, as Zhang Zhao and others were important officials of the state government, Xun Zhen could not keep it a secret from them, so it was convenient for Xun Zhen to tell Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and others about the matter before leaving Tan.

Like Li Xuan, Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong also expressed support for this.

Xun Zhen replied, "Not bad."

"What did Duke Li say in the reply?"

"Mr. Li did not reply in his own hand. Fengxiao went to Dongping a few days ago, met with Lord Li, and told Lord Li what I wanted to say...Fengxiao said in his letter to me: "Mr. Li didn't say it clearly, but he did. acquiescence."

Xu Zhuo was overjoyed and said, "With Duke Li's help, it is not difficult for our army to gain a firm foothold in Rencheng!"

Zhang Zhao agreed, nodded, and asked Xun Zhen, "The Lord sent Li Dianxue to Dongping to discuss with Duke Li about the garrison of troops in Dongping?"


The garrison in Dongping was one of the steps that Xun Zhen decided to stabilize Rencheng after several discussions with Xun Yu, Xun You and others, and at the same time further expand his power to Yanzhou.

243 If you can choose to use it, you will consider it

Xun Zhen didn't want to possess Quan Yan now.

Just like he sent Yao Sheng back to Wu County and hired wives for the Xun clan’s children, he is only making a preliminary plan. As for whether to take Yangzhou first, or Yanzhou first, or even Qingzhou, all these have to wait for Zhao Yu. , Xun Chen came back from Chang'an to see if the imperial court would grant officials to Zhao Yu and Xun Chen.

In fact, even if Xun Zhen wanted to attack Quanyan now, he couldn't do it.

First of all, objectively.

After all, although the Han Dynasty is declining, the righteousness of the court is still there. Even if it has a "heart of not being a minister", the "righteousness" must not be lost, otherwise, it will be seized by other princes. Thus becoming the "enemy of the world".

Therefore, he had to wait until Zhao Yu and Xun Chen returned before making the next decision and deployment.

Secondly, from the perspective of own ability.

Even if Xun Zhen disregarded the "righteousness" and did not care about being "raised up and attacked" by the people of the world, given the current internal situation of Yanzhou and Xuzhou, he could not launch a large-scale "state war".

Let’s talk about the interior of Yanzhou first.

Although the prefectures and states within Yanzhou are "like in appearance and delusional", as analyzed above, once Xunzhen invades a lot, for their overall interests, Zhang Miao and others will work together to resist, Xuzhou is not as prosperous as Yanzhou, and its population is not as good as Yanzhou, in other words , that is, the war potential is not as good as Yanzhou, then, even if the Xun army's troops and horses are good at Yanzhou, if they want to conquer Yanzhou, they will definitely lose their troops, lose their vitality, and take a long time. This is still in Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan. Under the premise of no time to care about Yan.

Under such circumstances, will Yanzhou be won by others? have to worry.

Let's talk about the interior of Xuzhou.

Not long after Xun Zhen got Xuzhou, the nobles and tyrants in the prefecture were not fully convinced, not to mention anything else, only Yanhao and Taishan soldiers. It was only two days ago that Xun Cheng supervised the Taishan soldiers to completely destroy the Yanhaos along the coast of Langya. Extermination, and the reorganization of Taishan soldiers has just begun, and it will take some time to complete the reorganization. Such an internal environment does not allow him to launch a large-scale war now.

Objectively and personally, Xun Zhen is not allowed to attack the entire Yanzhou now, so how can we complete the pre-arrangement of Yanzhou under the restriction of "trying not to attack as much as possible" and lay a solid foundation for Yanzhou? This is a question of wisdom.

Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xun Yu and others discussed this for many times, and finally settled on three steps.

The first is to garrison Dongping, so that troops stationed in Rencheng can get a close-range foreign aid and echo.

However, since Li Zan, the prime minister of Dongping, agreed to help Xun Zhen, why didn't he simply give up Rencheng and only station troops in Dongping?

This is for two reasons:

Li Zan is an outsider, not a direct descendant of Xun Zhen, even if he and Xun Zhen are old friends, even if his son is now an official under Xun Zhen's account, but it is involved in important military affairs, who knows if he will repeat in the future? Not to be taken lightly. One before.

Dongping borders Jibei, and the Yellow Turbans in Jibei are strong. Maybe they will go south one day. Once they go south, Dongping will bear the brunt. If all the troops stationed in Yan are placed in Dongping, at this time, Xunzhen will not be By fighting for Yan, he was "defending Yanzhou" for Liu Dai. This is the second.

The second step was to have the Rencheng garrison build two strongholds on the west bank of Surabaya outside the city.

It is not easy for Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai to occupy half of the urban area of ​​Rencheng County without moving a knife or a shot. Yanzhou didn't do anything right now, and Xun Zhen didn't want to fight if he didn't want to fight, so it would be impossible for the two of them to grab the other half of Rencheng County. Since it is impossible, it can only develop outside the city.

After all, it only occupies half of the city, which is too unreliable.

The third step is to continue to use Hexiang as the logistics base for the troops entering Yanzhou.

The most suitable logistics base is actually Zu County in the State of Lu. Zan County is only a few dozen miles away from Rencheng County, but the State of Lu is a vassal of Yuzhou. Of the. Sun Jian can be said to be his most important ally at this stage, and he must respect Sun Jian's interests.

In general, Xun Zhen's three steps can be roughly divided into front and rear.

The front line is Dongping and Rencheng. These two places are adjacent to the north and south. In Rencheng County, there are garrisoned troops in the city and two strongholds outside the city. , In this way, the nail plan laid in Yanzhou is considered to be firmly fixed; the latter convenience is Hexiang, which is mainly responsible for supplying the logistical supplies of the front line. At the same time, Xunzhen plans to add more troops here. If Rencheng and Dongping If you are in a hurry, you can quickly rush to help from this place. Although Hexiang is not as close to Rencheng as Zuxian County, it is not far, only more than a hundred miles away.

Li Zan has now agreed to help Xun Zhen, and as long as he agrees to Xun Zhen's proposal to garrison Dongping, the first step can be implemented.

Of course, these three steps do not need to be implemented one by one, and can be carried out at the same time.

Therefore, Xun Zhen asked Zhang Zhao's opinion and said: "Duke Zhang, although Liu Yanzhou sent Bao Jibei to lead his troops northward, but Bao Jibei advanced to Kang's father and stopped, it seems that Liu Yanzhou did not want to fight me. That being the case, I would like to strike while the iron is hot, pass on Junqing and Zhicai, and tell them to start building a stronghold outside Rencheng County. . What is the general will?"

Zhang Zhao stroked his beard, nodded and said, "I think it's fine."

Xun Zhen asked Xu Zhuo again, "What do you think?"

Xu Zhuo had no objection, and said, "That's what it should be." He added, "In Zhuo's humble opinion, not only can the stronghold be built, but the troops stationed in Rencheng and Dongping can also be dispatched by the lord."

At present, the troops stationed in Rencheng County include Xunzhen's direct descendants, Taishan soldiers, and Pengcheng soldiers. The composition is very mixed. An army composed of such components can be used to fight a short-term battle, but it is not suitable for long-term, or medium- and long-term stationing in foreign states.

The reason is very simple. Just as Li Zan was an outsider and could not make Xun Zhen completely relieved, Taishan soldiers and Pengcheng soldiers could not completely reassure Xun Zhen. Although Xuzhou was not far from Yanzhou, it was only a hundred miles from Hexiang to Rencheng. , but no matter what, Yanzhou is someone else's territory, and the garrison here is considered "lonely". If Taishan soldiers and Pengcheng soldiers are dissatisfied with Xun Zhen, they turn to Liu Dai, and Xun Zhen is just stealing chickens. not.

Therefore, after the stronghold is built, the troops stationed in the stronghold, including Rencheng County, need to be replaced and dispatched to a certain extent.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, then said, "Gongda suggested that I choose one of the 'three Chens' to be stationed in Rencheng. I haven't made up my mind about who to send. ... Zhang Gong, do you have a suggestion?"

Xun Zhen had a lot of generals surnamed Chen, Chen Bao, Chen Dao, Chen Wu, Chen Rong, who was stationed in Hexiang, Chen Ji, who was in the cavalry, and so on. These people were all "famous generals" in Xun's army. , each has its own strengths, except Chen Ji is now the army commander, and the other four are currently school captains.

However, the so-called "Three Chens" are well known, referring to: Chen Bao, Chen Dao and Chen Wu.

Compared with Chen Jihe, who had a lower military rank, and Chen Rong, who only followed Xunzhen in Guangling, Chen Bao, Chen Dao, and Chen Wu had been with Xunzhen for a long time, and their abilities were stronger than Chen Ji and Chen Rong.

It's no wonder that Xun Zhen had a hard time choosing. Chen Bao and the three of them had experienced so far, and although they were not able to take charge of any aspect, Xu Zhong, Xun Cheng, and Xu Rong could lead all the generals, but they could take out any one of them and let them alone. When one side, half side, all are more than enough.

Zhang Zhao was so unfamiliar with the generals under Xun Zhen's account that he didn't have any advice to offer. Xun Zhen asked him first, just out of courtesy. Seeing that he had nothing to say, he asked Xu Zhuo, "Yuanzhi, what do you think?"

Although Xu Zhuo was not too old, he had been with Xun Zhen since the first year of Zhongping, and he knew all the generals under Xun Zhen's tent, so when he saw Xun Zhen's questioning, he smiled and said: "The three Chen Xiaowei are all solid. But, in Zhuo's opinion, the captain of the Chinese army is the most suitable."

"Oh? Why?"

"The right army is resolute, the left army is valiant, and the Chinese army is flexible. Now, when we enter Yanzhou, we do not focus on military competition, but vertical and horizontal first. Therefore, Zhuo believes that the Chinese army should be chosen."

Chen Da and Shen Yi are steady, Chen Wu is strong and brave, and Chen Bao is flexible and flexible. The three have their own personalities. What Xu Zhuo said was right. This time when the troops were transferred to Yan, it was not to fight for the best in the battlefield, but mainly to stabilize one's footing. Then, it was necessary to send someone who was flexible and friendly. Among the three Chens, Chen Bao was indeed the most suitable. .

In addition, there is another reason that Xu Zhuo did not say, but Xun Zhen knew it, that is, not only is Chen Bao an old friend of Xun Zhen's Xixiang, a direct descendant in the direct line, but all the soldiers in the Liuqu under his command are from Yingchuan. Soldiers are also the most trustworthy.

Xun Zhen thought about it for a while, made a decision, and said, "Okay, I'll send an order to General Xu, and tell him to transfer A Bao to join the township. When the stronghold is built, I will send him all the troops into Yan, and replace Junqing and Zhicai. return."

Chen Bao is now headed to Guangling, under the jurisdiction of Xu Rong.

Xu Zhong was one of the highest-ranking generals under Xun Zhen's account, and it was impossible for him to stay in Yanzhou for a long time. The troops in Xiapi and Pengcheng still needed him to supervise him. Xi Zhi was the mastermind that Xun Zhen relied on, and it was impossible to stay for a long time. Also, so, when Chen Bao arrives at Hexiang, and when the situation in Rencheng County becomes more stable, Xun Zhen can transfer Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai back together with Taishan soldiers and Pengcheng soldiers.

Chen Bao's soldiers were the most numerous among the school lieutenants. Liuqu had more than 2,600 soldiers. Xun Zhen planned to add some cavalry to him so that his total strength would reach 3,000. Three thousand cavalry, as long as Yanzhou does not attack aggressively, he is enough to defend Rencheng's foothold.

Xu Zhuo asked, "If the Chinese army is stationed in Rencheng, who do you plan to send to Dongping?"

"I'm going to send Jiang Hu, what do you think?"

"This is the best policy."

The situation of Dongping is different from that of Rencheng. It is always facing the threat of the Yellow Turbans from the north of Jibei going south. This requires sending a brave and brave general to settle in. There are many brave generals under Xunzhen's tent, but at the moment it is the closest to Dongping, and it is also the same as the Yellow Turbans from the north of Tongji. The Yellow Turbans of the Lu Kingdom, who were from the same lineage, had just fought but Jiang Hu was the only one who had just fought. Therefore, sending Jiang Hu to Dongping was the best choice.

At the same time, there is another reason, that is, the number of Jiang Hu's ministries. He originally had more than 2,100 people in Wuqu. After several battles with the Yellow Turbans of the Lu Kingdom, there are still less than 2,000 people. This The numbers are too many, not too many, and it is suitable to be sent to Dongping. Although Li Zan is willing to help Xun Zhen, he is not a minister of Xun Zhen, but the prime minister of a dignified country. He has his own dignity. If Xun Zhen sent too many people, it might arouse his disgust. Too few, and it can't play any role. Therefore, an army of 2,000 people is the most suitable.

Xu Zhuo asked again, "Here in Hexiang, I don't know which department the lord plans to transfer?"

"Xuan Deshu is invited to fight. I plan to transfer him to bring in a thousand troops to increase troops here. In addition, I will transfer Chang Xi and Sun Kang's troops to station here."

The following are duplicates

Although the Tao family in Danyang was not a poor family, he was not a right surname either. Tao Qian's father only served as the county magistrate of Yuyao, with a rank of less than 600 shi. He died when Tao Qian was a child. I fancy, with the help of his wife, Tao Qian was able to enter the office later, but the official position he has always held was not high. He served as a county magistrate twice, he was appointed as the governor of Youzhou, and he was recruited to serve as a chancellor. He was not a high-ranking post, and his rank was all about six hundred stone.

Until seven years ago, when Tao Qian was fifty-four years old, when he followed Huangfu Song to seek Boyu from the Beigong Palace, he still joined the army as a district commander of Yangwu. Since the beginning of this dynasty, except for several positions such as vassal commander, cavalry commander, etc., which are still more than 2,000 shi, the miscellaneous title commander is 600 shi higher and lower is 300 shi, which also shows that Tao Qian was awarded this position. of lowness.

When Huangfu Song asked for the Yellow Turbans, he offended Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang. Soon after, he was dismissed by Emperor Ling because of their slanderous remarks. Tao Qiansui continued to fight for Sikong and Zhang Wen, who later served as Taiwei, as he joined the army at any time. . Zhang Wen is not a general, he is inappropriate in command, employs people inappropriately, does not listen to Sun Jian's good strategy, dare not offend Dong Zhuo, and is deeply despised by Tao Qian.

After the teacher returned to the court, Zhang Wen asked Tao Qian to drink wine, but Tao Qian not only did not obey his orders, but insulted him in public.

At that time, Tao Qian was fifty-four years old. He was only a small soldier with no background. Zhang Wen was the third prince of the dynasty. He was promoted by Cao Cao's grandfather Cao Teng in his early years and had a deep background, but Tao Qian dared to do it. And strong.

Afterwards, the Yellow Turbans raged in Xuzhou. Tao Qian was appointed as the prefect of Xuzhou. Soon after he arrived in the country, he hired Zang Ba and others to drive away the Yellow Turbans and control the real power of the two counties. the peak of the occasion. Two years later, Xun Zhen went to Guangling to take office. Two years later, Xun Zhen split the army into two groups, raised troops to seize Xu, and would be at the foot of Tan County in ten days. This moment was really the lowest point in his life for decades. time.

Compared with the Tao Qian who insulted Zhang Wen seven years ago, the current Tao Qian is not simply because he is getting older, but more importantly, his mentality is getting older. When he arrived at Guangling, he had a heroic sigh of twilight. When Tan County was besieged and he saw Zhao Yu and others in the prefecture who had been entrusted with important tasks by him, they all turned to Xun Zhen. It was inevitable that he was discouraged, and then he turned to the family, but both sons were not successful. He was already sixty-one years old. Even if he did not care about his old age, he would fight with Xun Zhen again. , that is, what can we do if we fight? There will be other feudal lords coveting Xuzhou, fighting over Xunzhen, and there will be a group of tigers and leopards behind them, sooner or later they will have to tear up and eat these two sons.

Therefore, in order to protect the ethnic group, Tao Qian really has no desire to become stronger at this time.

Although the Tao family in Danyang is not a poor family, nor a right surname, Tao Qian's father only served as the county magistrate of Yuyao, and he died when Tao Qian was very young. Without his father's discipline, Tao Qian was unruly and wandering in his youth. , Later, the reason why he would study at different festivals and enter the official position was because of his father-in-law, the prefect of Cangwu, Duke Gan, who took a fancy to him and made him his wife.

Therefore, with the help of Duke Gan, Tao Qian first went to Taixue to study, and then served as an official in the prefecture and county, and then he was promoted to Maocai. The official position has always been low. When his term of office as Shangshulang expired, he was released to the local area. He served as a county magistrate for two times, moved to the prefect of Youzhou, and was recruited as a minister. He was not a high-ranking official, and his rank was up to 600 stone. .

Until seven years ago, when he followed Huangfu Song to discuss Boyu from Beigong, Tao Qian only served as the commander of Yangwu. , except for the commander of Fengche, the commander of the vassal state, and the commander of cavalry, etc., the commander of the miscellaneous titles is 600 stone high and 300 stone low. This year Tao Qian was fifty-four years old, and he was arrested. The only one who was granted the post was a miscellaneous commander, and he was incomparable with Xun Zhen and Cao Cao, who were in their thirties and had two thousand stone and held real power.

Although Tao Qian's surname is small and his official position is low, he is a strong man.

Huangfu Song had offended Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang when he asked for the Yellow Turbans before, and was dismissed by Emperor Ling for the slander of the two. Tao Qiansui continued to fight for Sikong and Zhang Wen, who later served as Taiwei, as he joined the army at any time. . Zhang Wen is not a general, he is inappropriate in command, employs people inappropriately, does not listen to Sun Jian's good strategy, dare not offend Dong Zhuo, and is deeply despised by Tao Qian. After the class teacher returned to the court, the Bai Liao Gao met, Zhang Wen asked Tao Qian to drink, how could Tao Qian obey his orders? Instead, he insulted him in public, and was almost convicted and sent to the border.

At that time, Tao Qian was fifty-four years old. He was only a small soldier with no background. Zhang Wen was the third prince of the dynasty. He was promoted by Cao Cao's grandfather Cao Teng in his early years and had a deep background, but Tao Qian dared to do it. And Mi Gang.

Afterwards, the Yellow Turbans were rampant in Xuzhou. Tao Qian was appointed as the Prefect of Xuzhou. Soon after he arrived, he summoned the warriors of Danyang, appointed Zang Ba and other Taishan soldiers and commanders, smashed the Yellow Turbans away, took control of the real power of the two counties, and coerced the state. A gentleman, with tough methods, and for his own use, at that time, it can be said that he had been sinking in the Huanhai for decades, and finally he was able to show his mind, which was the peak of his life in these decades. Two years later, Xun Zhen took office in Guangling, and two years later, Xun Zhen raised an army to seize Xu. The lowest point in his life in the past few decades.

One peak, one low, one peak and one valley, appearing one after another in just a few short years, under the ups and downs, Tao Qian will inevitably sigh as a hero, and will feel discouraged that the past is nothing. This is not to say that he has lost the sturdy spirit he used to have in the past. He still has this sturdiness, but in the end, the older he gets, he is 61 years old this year, how many more years can he live? If the two sons are in good spirits, then he is willing to fight Xun Zhen again, but the problem is that the two sons are incompetent and short-witted, and there is no successor. who? It's better to stop here and return to your hometown to preserve the ethnicity.

Tao Qian didn't want to hear that the two sons were fighting to return to Xuzhou, but it was not because they had obeyed Xun Zhen.

He was strong by nature. He was only a member of the army at the time, and he dared to humiliate Zhang Wen, who was the captain at the time, because he looked down on him. He was almost moved to the border, but he never changed his attitude. Although he is sixty-one years old this year, it was only seven years ago that he humiliated Zhang Wen. Even if Xuzhou was taken away by Xun Zhen in ten months, he would feel a little heroic and twilight, but this The unchangeable nature of the country does not mean that it can be changed. The reason why he doesn't want to listen to the second son is because the second son is not good enough.

Before Xun Zhen raised his army, he was worried that there would be no successor, not to mention that Xuzhou was now lost. Even he was not Xun Zhen's opponent, let alone his second son? Even if he did not admit defeat, he did not admit defeat. In his opinion, the reason why Xun Zhen was able to capture Xuzhou so quickly was not because he was incompetent, nor because Xun Zhen was too strong in soldiers and horses. Wei, Xuzhou's gentry despised him and never supported him. This led to Xun Zhen's army, and the gentry and tyrants from all over the country offered their cities to welcome him. To be honest, his view was not wrong. To a certain extent, this was the main reason why he lost to Xun Zhen, but even so, his second son was ignorant, his clan name was not as good as Xun Zhen's, and his means could not be compared with Xun Zhen's. What could he do if he refused to admit defeat? He is over 60, how many days will he have? In the end, I am afraid that it will not leave a family business for the second son, but will harm them both.

Thinking like this, it would be better to just let it go, return to the hometown and close the household, and let it be in chaos at home and abroad. From now on, it will not be able to protect the ethnic group. Therefore, after listening to the words of Taoshang and Tao Ying, Tao Qian was completely convinced. I don't want to care.

Speaking of which, Tao Qian is also a piece of his beloved son's painstaking efforts. Although Tao Shang and Tao Ying can't understand it, since Tao Qian has died down, they have no choice but to obey Tao Qian's orders, pack up and pay their respects. On an auspicious day, I returned home from Tao Qian.

Although the state government truthfully conveyed Xun Zhen's original words, all those who sent Tao Qian off were allowed a day off, but in the end, only a few state officials went to see Tao Qian off. Tao Shang and Tao Ying originally thought about it. When arguing with Xun Zhen, the county officials in the prefecture who had received Tao Qian's old favor would definitely turn their backs. Now, seeing this situation, they all cursed in their hearts, but Xun Yue set up wine outside the city and served Tao according to the custom. Ancestor Qian's farewell, and some money to send off, made Tao Qian feel a lot of emotion, and deeply felt that they were both from the Xun family, but Xun Yue and Xun Zhen were different in heaven and earth.

Although Xun Zhen didn't come to see Tao Qian, he asked the prefectural government to send him 500,000 yuan, 100 pieces of silk and silk, and another battalion of troops and horses to **** him. Since Tao Qian no longer wanted to fight for Xuzhou, he would not refuse to accept Xun Zhen's gifts, and accepted them all. He did not let the soldiers and horses go, but let them go with them. After a few glasses of wine, they said goodbye to Xun Yue and the others, and went south to their hometown.

Xun Yue sent him away, returned to the mansion, and came to see Xun Zhen, stating that only four or five state officials had sent Tao Qian.

Xun Zhen heard this and sighed: "There is a reason why Tao Gongzu used his cronies and suppressed Lingzhou scholars, but the world's feelings are as thin as paper!" He thought, "At first, I didn't let Tao Gongzu return home, thinking that if he helped Zhou Xin, Xuzhou would be better off. The county officials who have been favored by him may respond to the opposite, but today, at least in this state, there are more people who tend to be more flamboyant and less nostalgic."

I think that Tao Qian was in charge of Xuzhou for several years. Although he suppressed the local scholars, he suppressed all the famous people. For the purpose of dividing and winning, not only did he not suppress the small officials of the prefecture, but he gave a lot of favors, but the result was only Four or five people went to see him off, which is really amazing.

He ordered to go because of the pass: "All the state officials who send Tao Gongzu back home today will be rewarded to show that they will not forget the kindness of the old officials."

Xun Yue applauded Xun Zhen's move and said, "That's how it should be."

On the day Tao Qian left Tan, the prefecture received two official documents one after another, one for presentation and the other for transmission.

The playbook is from Mi Fang.

Mi Fang's acquisition tasks in Qu County and Donghai County were successfully completed. He asked Xun Zhen for instructions: should he go to Langya or Guangling next?

Xun Zhen wrote back to the book: After taking Langya, Guangling descended.

It was agreed earlier that Mi Fang would start with Quxian first, in order to train Mi Fang. Now, through the acquisition of Quxian and Donghai Yanfang, Mi Fang has already gained some experience, and cooperated with Yao Pun more tacitly, so of course the next step It's time to enter Langya. Langya is the gathering place of Xuzhou Yanhao. As long as this place can be won, Guangling will not be mentioned.

While replying to Mi Fang, Xun Zhen sent a letter to Yao Pun and Xun Cheng each.

In the letter to Yao Ban, Xun Zhen explained that he must cooperate with Mi Fang. Langya has a lot of salt and may cause chaos, and asked him to be careful. In the letter to Xun Cheng, he reminded him to pay close attention to the movements of the camps in Mount Tai, and if there is any change, he must take a decisive action.

Xun Cheng received a letter from Xun Zhen, inviting Chen Deng and Gao Tanglong to see him.

When the two of them arrived, Xun Cheng said to them: "Duwei Mi has already purchased the salt factory in the East China Sea. Although there were some troubles during the period, they were suppressed by Yao Pun before any troubles broke out. It's going well, at most two or three days later, he will be transferred to the East China Sea." He took out Xun Zhen's letter and asked the two of them to read it, and then said, "The news that the Lord is going to use the army of Lu has recently spread to various countries. County, those Yanhao and Taishan soldiers who want to come to the local area must have heard of it, and I think they may take the opportunity to cause chaos."

Chen Deng read Xun Zhen's letter, forwarded it to Gao Tanglong, and said to Xun Cheng, "I heard that the general invited Sun Guan to the camp again the day before yesterday to drink?"

"Yes, after drinking for two days, Captain Sun returned to Yangdu this morning."

"Is there any abnormality in the general view of Colonel Sun?"

"Compared with the previous time I invited him to a banquet, this time during the conversation, I think he was deliberately trying to please him." Xun Cheng pondered for a while, and then said, "Yangdu has reported to the city for several days, saying that Chang Xi and Yin Li often send envoys into the city. , ask to see Sun Guan." He said to Chen Deng and Gao Tanglong, "Combining these two matters, I suspect that the military battalions of Mount Tai are colluding in private and have unscrupulous intentions, so I say that they may take the opportunity to cause chaos. ."

"What's the general's decision on this?"

"I was about to ask the two of you for advice."

"According to Deng's opinion, this matter is easy to solve."

"Oh? How can we solve it? Dare to hear the details."

"Although the lord will use troops in Lu, the number of soldiers he will send is only 5,000, of which 2,000 are part of Pengcheng and Zang Ba. The actual force used is only 3,000 cavalry, forgive his grandson. Even if Guan and Changxi are rebellious, they will not dare to raise an army alone. If they want to rebel, they will definitely be with Yanhao. In this case, they can be separated from Yanhao first."

Xun Cheng was quite delighted and said, "Your view is the same as me!" He asked Chen Deng for his opinion, "I would like to send Sun Guan and Changxi's troops to the county boundary to attack the Beihai Yellow Turban on the grounds of responding to the Lord's attack on the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu. , what do you think?"

Chen Deng said with a smile, "This is a great strategy."

Gaotanglong was a little worried and asked, "What if they don't follow?"

"If you don't want to be dispatched from me, you'll be out of your mind! I'll send troops to attack it."

"What if Yan Hao took the opportunity to make trouble when the general and Sun Guan were fighting fiercely?"

Xun Cheng laughed.

Gao Tanglong was puzzled and asked, "Why is the general smiling?"

Chen Deng smiled and answered for Xun Cheng, and said to Gao Tanglong: "Shengping, you have come to Xuzhou for a short time, and you have not seen the sharpness of the soldiers and armor under the master's tent. Something. This is the reason why the army will laugh at it!"

After hearing this, Gao Tanglong was even more puzzled, and said to himself, "Since he is not afraid of Taishan soldiers and Yanhao's troubles, why did the Lord send me to supervise the Taishan soldiers, and repeatedly told me to act carefully?" Zhang Zui wanted to ask , Before the words came out, seeing that Xun Cheng and Chen Deng's smiles seemed to reveal some relaxed meaning, he moved in his heart, and he immediately figured out the question himself.

Xun Zhen, Xun Cheng, and Chen Deng attached great importance to the Taishan soldiers and Yanhao, not because they were afraid of their rebellion, but because they were not sure whether they would rebel or not, and if they did, they were not sure when they would rebel, so they had to deal with them. Take a serious attitude. One day or two days is fine, three days and five days are fine, but if you need to pay attention to it every day, Xun Cheng and others will also be annoying. They are not idle people who have nothing to do all day long. They are very busy and cannot They always focus their energy on this. Therefore, if Yan Hao really wants to make trouble with the Taishan soldiers, Xun Cheng and Chen Deng will be relieved, and the things below will be easy to handle. That's why, when Gao Tanglong said that if Yan Hao took advantage of Xun Cheng's opportunity to attack the Taishan soldiers, he would also rise up and make trouble, Xun Cheng and Chen Deng not only did not worry, but laughed lightly.

Knowing what Xun Cheng and Chen Deng meant, Gao Tanglong couldn't help but said: "The general and Yuan Long have no fear of defeat at all, and they are so confident that although I haven't seen the elite of the main part of the song with my own eyes, I can shy away from it. I guessed one or two, I just hope that Taishan soldiers and Yanhao are not so stupid and don't really make trouble, otherwise, it seems that they are just giving the general a military exploit."

Xun Cheng and the others decided to deploy Taishan troops to attack the Yellow Turbans in the North Sea. In the prefecture, Xun Zhen just waited for Xu Zhong to arrive. That day in the prefecture, he received two official documents one after another, one of which was from Mi Fang, and the other was from Sun Jian. Sun Jian asked him to send troops to help Yuzhou exterminate the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. Finally, Gongwenzhou arrived. When receiving the official document, Xun Zhen ordered the already assembled troops and servants to start marching towards Lu, and at the same time urgently summoned Xu Zhong to Tan, and asked him to give him another face-to-face opportunity before he entered Lu.

Xun Zhen, Xun Cheng, and Chen Deng attached great importance to the Taishan soldiers and Yanhao, not because they were afraid of their rebellion, but because they were not sure whether they would rebel or not, and if they did, they were not sure when they would rebel, so they had to deal with them. Take a serious attitude. One day or two days is fine, three days and five days are fine, but if you need to pay attention to it every day, Xun Cheng and others will also be annoying. They are not idle people who have nothing to do all day long. They are very busy and cannot They always focus their energy on this. Therefore, if Yan Hao really wants to make trouble with the Taishan soldiers, Xun Cheng and Chen Deng will be relieved, and the things below will be easy to handle. That's why, when Gao Tanglong said that if Yan Hao took advantage of Xun Cheng's opportunity to attack the Taishan soldiers, he would also rise up and make trouble, Xun Cheng and Chen Deng not only did not worry, but laughed lightly.

Knowing what Xun Cheng and Chen Deng meant, Gao Tanglong couldn't help but said: "The general and Yuan Long have no fear of defeat at all, and they are so confident that although I haven't seen the elite of the main part of the song with my own eyes, I can shy away from it. I guessed one or two, I just hope that Taishan soldiers and Yanhao are not so stupid and don't really make trouble, otherwise, it seems that they are just giving the general a military exploit."

Xun Cheng and the others decided to deploy Taishan troops to attack the Yellow Turbans in the North Sea. In the prefecture, Xun Zhen just waited for Xu Zhong to arrive. That day in the prefecture, he received two official documents one after another, one of which was from Mi Fang, and the other was from Sun Jian. Sun Jian asked him to send troops to help Yuzhou exterminate the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. Finally, Gongwenzhou arrived. When receiving the official document, Xun Zhen ordered the already assembled troops and servants to start marching towards Lu, and at the same time urgently summoned Xu Zhong to Tan, and asked him to give him another face-to-face opportunity before he entered Lu.

After negotiating with Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and others in the military conference to agree on various military deployments for entering Shandong, Xun Zhen called Xu Zhong to Tan County to meet once. The official entry into Shandong is about to begin. Since this entry is related to whether a nail can be inserted in Yanzhou in the future, Xu Zhong must be summoned to see him again.

Xu Zhong was stationed in Xiapi, and was summoned by Xun Zhen's Fei Xu, that is, he traveled from Xiapi to Tan County again.

Xun Zhen greeted him at the gate of the mansion in person, and seeing that he had only brought two or three horses to the mansion, he knew that he must have left all the soldiers who were going to go outside the city, and rebuked him: "Your Excellency is a trooper, and you are in charge of you. Supervising the soldiers of the two counties, the safety and security are related to the Banzhou, and now entering the city, how can the cavalry be simplified like this!"

Xu Zhong bowed down and said, "Xianxuan thought that the troops entering the city might disturb the soldiers and people, so they were kept outside the city."

"He came to She to attack and destroy the Wei clan's power, Cen Peng used the power of Qianyi Jingxiang, and then died in the sword of Shu Assassin, so he said, 'Respect the small and be careful, don't miss the moment, take a hundred shots and take precautions, disaster is coming No nuisance. Disturbing the civilians is small, and the security of the minister is a big matter. From now on, the minister will enter and leave the camp and the city, and there should be no less than 100 soldiers accompanying him."

Xu Zhong promised.

Xun Zhen's rebuke to Xu Zhong is not to win people's hearts and show preferential treatment to Xu Zhong, but to think that Xu Zhong should not only bring two or three personal soldiers into the city. The Han Dynasty was not far from the pre-Qin period, and many people were close to each other. Due to the popularity of Ren Xia, there were many assassins. The two generals of Emperor Guangwu died at the hands of assassins sent by the enemy. During Emperor Huan, many loyal ministers were killed by Liang Ji. The assassin was killed. Many years ago, Cai Yong was exiled to the borderland, and he was almost killed by the assassin sent by Yangqiu. Besides, there were many cases of assassins. Xu Zhong, as Xun Zhen’s most useful minister First, the armed defense around him must not be relaxed.

Xun Zhen greeted him at the gate of the mansion, brought him into the mansion, and summoned Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Guo Jia and Xu Zhuo, ordered the topographic map to be hung on the wall, and called Xu Zhong and others to gather at the map. Before, he asked Xu Zhongdao, "After entering Lu, where do you want to strike first?"

The Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu are now mainly distributed in the northern and central parts of Ludi. In the southern area of ​​Lu, there are only some Yellow Turban soldiers in Zu County. Originally, there were two county towns of Lu State occupied by the Yellow Turbans, one is Zhuang County and the other is Bian County. There is a reason why the Yellow Turbans occupy these two county towns. First of all, Bian County is adjacent to Taishan County. If the battle is unfavorable, the Yellow Turbans can retreat eastward from here, they can retreat back to Mount Tai, or they can be scattered into the mountains of Biandong. This is a retreat route for the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. Secondly, Zu County is adjacent to Dongping, leaving Rencheng. It's not far away, ten miles to the west is the territory of Dongping County, and then ten miles to the west from Dongping is Rencheng County. If you control this, you can echo the Yellow Turbans in Dongping and Rencheng, so the Yellow Turbans occupy these two areas. A county seat. Now, Wenyang, the northernmost part of the state of Lu, has also been captured by the Yellow Turbans. However, the Yellow Turban troops that captured Wenyang were not only the Yellow Turbans in the State of Lu, but also the Yellow Turbans in the State of Jibei. The sun is adjacent to Jibei, and if you go west or north for a few miles, you will be in Jibei. If you lay down here, the Yellow Turbans of Lu and Jibei can be connected together. In fact, the Yellow Turbans not only wanted to occupy these three county towns, but they also wanted to capture Lu County. Lu County is the capital of Lu State, located between Wenyang and Zou County, west of Bian County. , then the Yellow Turbans of Lu State can form a piece at least in the northern and central parts of Lu State, but Lu County is the capital of Lu State, and the main troops of Lu State are defending here, so the Yellow Turbans attacked several times but failed to attack.

Xu Zhong already knew Xunzhen's intention to use the army of Lu, so of course he had already considered which of the three counties to attack first, and he replied: "Among the three counties of Zou, Bian, and Wenyang, Xian intends to strike Bian County first."

Xun Zhen heard this and praised: "Qing's intention is the same as mine."

Why fight Bian County first? the reason is simple.

The purpose of Xun Zhen's use of troops in Lu this time was not to annihilate the Yellow Turbans of Lu State, but to drive the Yellow Turbans of Lu State westward, to drive them into Dongping, Rencheng or Jibei in Yanzhou, then the first one. The target of the attack cannot be Zuxian County. Although Zhuang County is the closest to the East China Sea, it is reasonable to say that it should be the first to attack, but if Zhuang County is first taken down, then the Yellow Turbans in Bian County see this situation, and there are two possibilities. One of the options that appeared was to continue to stay in Bian County and defend the city, and the other was to abandon the city and escape. If they turned around and returned to Taishan County, or escaped into the mountains in Bianxi, This was contrary to Xunzhen's intention to use the army of Lu, and there was no way to drive them to Dongping County in Yanzhou, so he had to abandon the near and seek the far, and attacked Bian County first.

Xun Zhen asked Xu Zhongdao, "When you attack Bian, how do you want to attack Bian?"

Xu Zhong replied: "Xianyi surrounds Bian on three sides, and Que is on the south side."

Xun Zhen laughed at Gu Xizhicai, Xun You and the others, and asked, "What do you mean by this, Junqing?"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "I agree with the Lord!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Jun Qing's military skills are now close to an enemy country."

Why do you want to surround the east, north and west sides of Bian County, but leave the south side free?

This was still to force the Yellow Turbans in Bian County to flee westward.

Why encircle the east, north, and west sides, but leave the south side empty? This is to force the Yellow Turbans in Bian County to ensure that they will not flee to Taishan County or the mountains in the east, and secondly, to ensure that they will not flee in the direction of Wenyang, because the south of Bian County is Sishui, under normal circumstances, the Yellow Turbans in the city who fled north would never choose this route to escape first, so they had to be surrounded on both sides, so that they had no way to escape, thus forcing them to go south to cross Sishui and go to Sishui. Reconcile with the Yellow Turbans of Zu County. In this way, it is equivalent to forcing the Yellow Turbans from Bian County out of Bian County and forcing them to Zou County.

Then, chase after them with soldiers. In this way, when Zu County is also taken down, the Yellow Turbans in these two cities can be driven westward, and they can be driven into the territory of Dongping and Rencheng.

As for the Yellow Turbans in Wenyang, the northernmost point of the State of Lu, it is still the same sentence. Xun Zhen did not use troops in Lu territory to completely wipe out the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu. As long as the Yellow Turbans in Bian County and Zu County could be driven to Ren Dongping and Rencheng, enough. Then, why not even ignore the Yellow Turbans in Bian County, just fight Zhuang County and drive the Yellow Turbans from Zhuang County to Dongping and Rencheng, wouldn't it also accomplish the purpose of this use of troops?

This is not the case for two reasons.

First of all, since the banner is to help Yuzhou eradicate the Yellow Turbans of Lu State, then it would be too unreasonable to only attack the Yellow Turbans in Zhuang County. Therefore, at least the Yellow Turbans in Bian County must also be eliminated.

Secondly, if only Zu County were to be attacked, the number of Yellow Turbans within a county would be relatively small. At present, there are more than 100,000 Yellow Turbans in Lu. There are more than 30,000 people in the countryside outside the city, and 60,000 or 70,000 people in the city. It is said that there are about 20,000 Yellow Turbans in each of the three counties of Bian County, Zu County, and Wenyang. Of these 20,000 people, the number of soldiers is only a few thousand, and the number is too small. There is no excuse for Xu Zhong to continue to lead the troops to pursue the pursuit. Therefore, it is necessary to drive at least two cities of the Yellow Turbans. There are 40,000 to 50,000 people and more than 10,000 soldiers. It seems that the momentum is not small. Xu Zhong has the reason to continue the pursuit, and he can follow Enter Yanzhou.

The Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu are now mainly distributed in the northern and central parts of Ludi. In the southern area of ​​Lu, there are only some Yellow Turban soldiers in Zu County. Originally, there were two county towns of Lu State occupied by the Yellow Turbans, one is Zhuang County and the other is Bian County. There is a reason why the Yellow Turbans occupy these two county towns. First of all, Bian County is adjacent to Taishan County. If the battle is unfavorable, the Yellow Turbans can retreat eastward from here, they can retreat back to Mount Tai, or they can be scattered into the mountains of Biandong. This is a retreat route for the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. Secondly, Zu County is adjacent to Dongping, leaving Rencheng. It's not far away, ten miles to the west is the territory of Dongping County, and then ten miles to the west from Dongping is Rencheng County. If you control this, you can echo the Yellow Turbans in Dongping and Rencheng, so the Yellow Turbans occupy these two areas. A county seat. Now, Wenyang, the northernmost part of the state of Lu, has also been captured by the Yellow Turbans. However, the Yellow Turban troops that captured Wenyang were not only the Yellow Turbans in the State of Lu, but also the Yellow Turbans in the State of Jibei. The sun is adjacent to Jibei, and if you go west or north for a few miles, you will be in Jibei. If you lay down here, the Yellow Turbans of Lu and Jibei can be connected together. In fact, the Yellow Turbans not only wanted to occupy these three county towns, but they also wanted to capture Lu County. Lu County is the capital of Lu State, located between Wenyang and Zou County, west of Bian County. , then the Yellow Turbans of Lu State can form a piece at least in the northern and central parts of Lu State, but Lu County is the capital of Lu State, and the main troops of Lu State are defending here, so the Yellow Turbans attacked several times but failed to attack.

Xu Zhong knew this very well and respectfully agreed.

"When Bian County and Zou County were attacked, if the Yellow Turbans in Wenyang didn't move, then you wouldn't have to pay attention. If they came to help these two counties, then you could join one of them and drive them westward."

Xu Zhong promised.

Xun Zhen said: "When the Marquis Sun passed the book, there was also a letter with the book, in which he said: In a few days, he will launch an attack on Chen and Liang, and he intends to lead the main force to attack Chen first, and In order to prevent Liang Guo from being rescued, he needed to mobilize Han Dang and Sun He to attack Liangjing. Therefore, this time he entered Lu to destroy the Yellow Turbans. He Tong will lead you and assist you. Sun He has already left Xiao County and is coming to Yinping. After you and him will reconcile, you must unite with him sincerely and not despise him, which will lead to conflicts. "

Xu Zhong replied, "Yes."

"After you conquer Zu County, how should you enter Yanjing? I should be there in person. Before I go, I need to discuss more with Zhicai."

Xu Zhong replied, "Yes."

"This time against Lu, I will be your military advisor. ... Fengxiao, you should join the army and join Lu."

Guo Jia agreed.

Xun Zhen said to Xu Zhong again: "Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin are both fierce warriors. I heard that I will use troops in Lu and have invited them to fight several times. This time I will let them both fight with Sima Yi from Qing. When facing the enemy, Qing You can try out the military valour of these two.”

Xu Zhong promised.

Zhang Fei and Jiang Hu had already arrived in Yinping. Although Xue Li was reluctant and was forced to do nothing, he could only obey orders. The thousands of foot soldiers dispatched had also arrived at Yinping two days ago. Zang Ba was originally stationed in Yinping. No need to mobilize troops.

The servants that Yuan Sui had requisitioned had already assembled in Yinping a few days ago.

Now, we only need to wait for Xu Zhong, the main general who entered Lu this time, to arrive, and then wait for Sun He to lead his troops to arrive, and then the troops and horses can march towards Lu.

And Xiao County, where Sun He resides, is only a hundred miles away from Yinping. It is conceivable that while Sun Jian was passing on Xun Zhen’s book, he must have also given orders to Sun He. Sun He should be on his way to Yinping now. Now, he only brought hundreds of trilogy with him, with few soldiers and horses, and no luggage, so the marching speed would be relatively fast, so if it was a day or two in the early days, and no more than three days in the evening, he would definitely be able to reach Yinping.

Therefore, Xu Zhong did not stay in Tanxian for a long time. He rested in Tanxian for one night, and rushed to Yinping the next day.

The distance between Tanxian County and Yinping was one hundred and fifty or sixty miles. Because there were two literate officials, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, who were with them, they walked a little slower on the road, and they arrived at the camp outside Yinping City at noon the next day.

Zang Ba, Zhang Fei, Jiang Hu, and Peng Chengbing's generals and military commanders heard the news and hurriedly came to the commander's tent to pay their respects.

Xu Zhong didn't talk nonsense. When the generals were all together, he got up from the throne, looked around at everyone, and said, "Please read out the lord's order." After speaking, he went down to the tent, bowed down on the ground, and Zang dominated the people. People also fell to the ground.

When Guo Jia joined the army this time, one task was to be the counselor of the military aircraft, and the other task was to read out Xun Zhen's appointment documents to the generals as a shogunate in the shogunate.

Standing in front of the crowd, he took out Xun Zhen's order, and read: "Grant general Xu Xian generals, Fujun as deputy, and supervisor as counselor."

Xu Zhong, Zang Ba, and Xi Zhicai took the lead.

Xu Zhong took out the tiger talisman he received from Xun Zhen, and made a pair with Zang Ba and others one by one.

After going through the two processes of formal appointment and deed to the tiger talisman, this time into the battle of Lu, the identity of his commander was confirmed.

To stop the tiger talisman, Xu Zhong returned to the main seat and said to everyone: "Please sit down."

Zang Ba was at the top on the right, Xi Zhicai sat opposite Zang Ba, Zhang Fei and others sat down on their knees, and Guo Jia could stand in front of everyone when he read Xun Zhen's order. He is the lowest in terms of rank, salary and title, so he has the last seat.

Everyone sit down.

Xu Zhong said: "The actual numbers of troops and horses of each department will be reported one by one."

Zang Ba, Zhang Fei and others reported to Xu Zhong the number of cavalry and cavalry of the headquarters that participated in the war, and presented the books with the names of soldiers and officers. Xu Zhong is now a general, and is still above Xu Rong, so he can open the mansion. Now that his long history is Yuan Pan, he is also in the account at this time. on the case.

"Sun Hou has to use troops, so he can't send too many minions and our army to attack the Yellow Turbans of Lu State. Only Sun He is dispatched. Now he is coming to Yinping, and when he arrives, he will be sent to Lu. "

Zang Ba said, "No."

"What is your opinion about entering Lu this time?"

Jiang Hu said: "The general has been called to Tan this time, and the lord must have ordered it. Hu has no great ideas. When he enters Lu, he will all obey the lord's instructions and the general's assignment."

Xu Zhong glanced at him, ignored him, turned to Gu Zangba, and asked politely, "What do you think of Fu Jun?"

Zang Ba got his start by fighting the Yellow Turbans, and Yin Ping was close to Lu. Since receiving the order to fight, he has paid more attention to Lu's Yellow Turbans. Of course he has his own opinions on how to fight this battle, but see you at this time. Xu Zhong asked, and he thought to himself: "The supervisor is the military adviser in this battle, and Guo Zhonglang is the confidant of the Lord. They didn't speak first, but I'm not good to speak first." , only to obey the orders of the Lord.”

Xu Zhong nodded, turned to Zhang Fei, and asked, "What is Yide's opinion?"

Zang Ba was suddenly stunned, he thought that Xu Zhong would ask him again after a few words of humility, but he did not expect that Xu Zhong would directly change and ask Zhang Fei, and said to himself, "I heard that General Xu is in control of the army and is taciturn, as expected. "

Compared with Zang Ba, Zhang Fei understood Xu Zhong's temperament and knew that when Xu Zhong asked for his opinion, he must not pretend to be modest, otherwise, at least in this military meeting, he would not have the opportunity to speak again, so he replied: "There are six counties in the state of Lu, and three counties are now trapped in the Yellow Turbans. Zou is the closest to the East China Sea. From the perspective of flying, you can attack Zou first, wait for Zou to attack, and attack Wenyang in the north. These two counties are settled, and the Bian thief will take it like a palm."

Xu Zhong said: "The Lord has ordered the army to order us to take Bian County first."

"Why is this?"

"Mr. Zheng currently lives in the southern city. If you attack Zou first, the Bian thief may return to Mount Tai in the east, which will disturb Duke Zheng. Therefore, the Lord ordered to strike Bian first, and then take Zou."

For the current situation of the enemy and the enemy in the territory of Lu, those with a little common sense of military will choose to take Zou County first, so if you want to attack Bian County first, you need a convincing reason, especially when Sun He will attack from the army. Down. Zheng Xuan is now in Nancheng County, Taishan County. Nancheng is in the southeast of Bian County.

Zhang Fei always pays respects to high-ranking scholars. Zheng Xuan is one of the world's most talented scholars, and he respects it very much. Hearing Xu Zhong's words, he immediately suddenly said, "Zheng Gong, a great scholar, really needs to be prevented from being disturbed by the Bian Thief."

Xu Zhong also asked Peng Chengbing's general, the captain, who was just Nuo Nuo.

Xu Zhong asked Guo Jia again.

Xu Zhong, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia were the only ones who knew Xun Zhen's true intentions of returning to Lu. It was obvious that Xu Zhong had understated the most crucial issue, namely, which Ludi county to hit first. Now, Guo Jia has nothing else to say right now.

Xu Zhongyin said to Xi Zhicai again: "You are the military advisor, please dispatch each battalion and arrange the deployment."

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "A military advisor is a military staff officer. The deployment is a military commander, but loyal but does not dare to overstep his authority."

The relationship between Xi Zhicai and Xun Zhen is as close as one, and Xu Zhongzhi is taciturn, so he has to be polite to him.

After listening to Xi Zhicai's answer, Xu Zhongsui stopped talking, turned his attention to the generals, and began to deploy.

He said: "After entering Lu, Li Feng, Qianjun, and Pengcheng soldiers attacked Bian from me, and the Fu army was stationed in the east of Zou. If the thieves were helping Bian, the Fu army intercepted them, and if they did not defend the city, the Fu army monitored them. ."

Zhang Fei, Jiang Hu, the generals and commanders of the Pengcheng Department, and Zang Ba all stood up to receive the order.

Xu Zhong also ordered: "Changshi records the merits, Du Jiaming's military law, Xia Ming's superintendent serves the husband's food and equipment." At this point, he stood up and continued, "From now on, the battalions will follow the wartime military law. When they arrive, they will send troops into Lu."

Du Jia was the military officer of Xu Zhong's shogunate, a native of Wei County. He studied military law with Xiahoulan in his early years and was successful. He moved from five hundred generals to Sima and moved to this post. Xia Ming is an old man from Xixiang. He followed Xun Zhen with Ren Du in his early years. Later, he was assigned to Xu Zhong. He has been obeying orders in Xu Zhong's army. Su is in charge of grain and grass, and Chu Shu will be the officer in charge of the logistics of grain equipment.

The military law in wartime is definitely different from the military law in peacetime. Xunzhen brought Yang Cong and Gaotanglong into Ren Du’s camp before, and asked Ren Du how to deal with him as a battalion general according to the wartime military law. According to the military law in peacetime, corporal punishment is sufficient for this kind of situation, but according to the military law in wartime, not only the battalion general, but also the wife and son will be punished. In addition, the strictness of wartime military law is also reflected in various On the other hand, if they leave their posts without permission, both military officials and soldiers will be executed, and the blame will be on their wives, children, and so on.

Zang Ba and the others received the order in awe.

"Everyone, please return to the headquarters."

With Xu Zhong's words, this pre-war military discussion is over, and Zang Ba and the others will file out.

Zang Ba has been in charge of the army for a long time. When he was in the army of Mount Tai, he used to say one thing or another, the so-called kindness is not in charge of the army. I think at that time, when he was angry, the officers and soldiers of Mount Tai, who were more than ten thousand people at most, shuddered. Su, but at this time, Xu Zhong was out of the handsome account, but he couldn't help but feel a little relaxed. Inadvertently, he saw that Jiang Hu and Zhang Fei's expressions also showed a little lightness, and only then did he know that not only himself, but also Zhang Fei and Jiang Hu, two fierce generals who had been from Xu Zhong for a long time. It was also quite oppressive at the time.

"Everyone, please return to the headquarters."

With Xu Zhong's words, this pre-war military discussion is over, and Zang Ba and the others will file out.

Zang Ba has been in charge of the army for a long time. When he was in the army of Mount Tai, he used to say one thing or another, the so-called kindness is not in charge of the army. I think at that time, when he was angry, the officers and soldiers of Mount Tai, who were more than ten thousand people at most, shuddered. Su, but at this time, Xu Zhong was out of the handsome account, but he couldn't help but feel a little relaxed. Inadvertently, he saw that Jiang Hu and Zhang Fei's expressions also showed a little lightness, and only then did he know that not only himself, but also Zhang Fei and Jiang Hu, two fierce generals who had been from Xu Zhong for a long time. It was also quite oppressive at the time.

The day after Xu Zhong arrived at Yinping, Sun He led his troops to arrive.

Because Sun He only brought more than 300 people, it is not so much that he came to fight side by side with Xu Zhong, it is better to say that he came to guide Xu Zhong as a landlord, so Xu Zhong did not arrange any specific combat tasks for him. , but asked him to accompany the Chinese army to act with him.

The next day, Xu Zhong gave an order, and the three armies moved out, left Yinping, and headed northwest.

After traveling 60 miles a day, Xu Zhong's army marched for two days and arrived at Hexiang.

This place is one of the most northwestern counties of Donghai County, and it is the defense area of ​​Zhao Yun. The current Anmin Commander, Chen Rong, is stationed here.

Because this county is next to the State of Lu, Chen Rongping's main task is to prevent the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu from escaping into the East China Sea, but now Xu Zhong is about to enter Lu. , but small-scale skirmishers may flee north and enter the East China Sea. It can be imagined that, at least in the near future, before Xu Zhong completes the battle to enter Lu, his tasks in the area of ​​guarding against the Yellow Turbans of Lu State and entering south are all will be heavier than before.

Xu Zhong ordered all the ministries to rest in Hexiang for one night. On the second day, they headed north for several li, crossed the Nanshui River, and then traveled more than ten li to enter the territory of Lu. More than a hundred miles away is Bian County.

According to the established arrangement, Zang Ba and Xu Zhong parted ways here.

Zang Ba led his troops to fortify outside the city of Zu County to prevent the Yellow Turbans from leaving the city to aid Bian County. Xu Zhong then led the main force to Bian County.

Zang Ba's troops were all Taishan soldiers, and Xu Zhong and others were not familiar with them. In order to facilitate smooth communication between the military situation on both sides, Xu Zhong sent Guo Jia to Zang Ba's army, and assigned a cavalry to follow Guo Jia. On the battle formation, swords and spears had no eyes, Xu Zhong knew that Guo Jiaji was favored by Xun Zhen, and for the purpose of ensuring his safety, the cavalry troops assigned to him were from Zhang Fei's tentative commander.

"Captain Commander" is a fixed formation in Xunzhen's army. Those whose chief officers are at least Zhonglang generals, that is, qualified to form an army alone in wartime, all have this formation under their account, ranging from one to many. Two or three.

The number of soldiers in each division is not many. Usually, the infantry is a hundred or two or three hundred, and the cavalry is a few dozen or a hundred cavalry. Each army is dedicated to attacking the strong and conquering the strong, beheading the generals and breaking the flag, all of which are naturally selected soldiers, from officers to soldiers are the most elite in each army, and the weapons and equipment used are also the best in each army. The armor, shields, halberds, spears, and crossbows used by the infantry are all first-class weapons, and the weapons used by the cavalry are also excellent things. If nothing else, only horse armor is mentioned. Xun Zhen's army now has a total of horse armor. The rest of the collars, except a few were allocated to senior officers, and the rest were all in the trap camp.

Although Zhang Fei was still only a school captain, but because of his bravery, he also treated him differently. Xun Zhen ordered Xin Ai to assign him a group of trapped soldiers, a total of 80 cavalry, divided into two songs and four camps.

Xu Zhongba protected Guo Jia from one of them. It seemed that there were only 20 cavalry and only a small number of them. However, during the chaos of war, these 20 cavalry can be regarded as 200 cavalry. It is a very elite force, even if Zang Ba Even losing to the Yellow Turbans in Zuxian County was enough to keep Guo Jia safe.

A relatively complete unit that can fight independently must be composed of various arms. Only when the different arms are rationally combined in the most appropriate way can the maximum combat effectiveness of this unit be brought into play. When he first started his army, Xun Zhen attached great importance to the composition and formation of various arms in the army. Later, through the study of Huangfu Song and other famous generals to organize the arms of the headquarters and the practice of several large-scale independent operations, now, the infantry under his command All have formed a three-line combat system.

The first line is the assault force or defense backbone composed of heavy armored elites such as traps, hook halberds, middle bases, and armored shields. The third line is the main combat department composed of ordinary soldiers.

In addition, depending on the situation, some cavalry units are allocated to the infantry.

For example, this time Xu Zhong entered Lu, and the composition of his subordinates followed this system principle.

This three-line combat system looks very simple, but there are still many difficulties in the process of construction. First, there must be enough heavy armored soldiers and bowmen, and secondly, there must be enough weapons, armor and shields , Once again, once the soldiers and armaments are available, and the system is prepared, it will not be able to exert its maximum combat power immediately. It also needs to go through a certain amount of actual combat running-in, so that officers at all levels can deeply understand the capabilities of different arms and learn to command. They fought together, and at the same time, they had to learn how to cooperate with each other.

It has been seven or eight years since Xun Zhen started his army. After such a long period of exploration, training and actual combat, his three-line combat system did not see excellent results until the attack on Xuzhou. Seeing that his combat system was relatively mature, Xun Zhen had the confidence to face the more than 100,000 Yellow Turbans in the territory of Lu, but only dispatched 3,000 direct descendants.

After Xu Zhong entered the state of Lu, he sent Xun Zhen a military newspaper every day, and reading his military newspaper was one of the things Xun Zhen had to do every day.

On this day, on the fourth day after Xu Zhong entered the state of Lu, Xun Zhen received a military report that he "crossed Sishui today, broke through more than a thousand thieves on the north bank, and entered Bianxia, ​​surrounded by three sides". The military newspaper was written by Xu Zhong yesterday, so what this "Crossing Sishui today" is actually what happened yesterday.

The Yellow Turbans were not the only ones in the three counties, including Bian County, in the territory of Lu State. In addition to the main force in the three counties, there were also some other troops and horses in the countryside outside the three counties. Therefore, Xu Zhong, Zang Ba, Sun He and others led the way. After the troops entered the country, although they had not yet launched a major battle, they had already engaged in several battles with these Yellow Turbans scattered in the countryside.

The military newspapers that Xu Zhong sent from Lu State to the prefecture three days ago all contained descriptions of "a few thieves have been defeated today", but the Yellow Turbans that defeated the most people before were two or three hundred people, and there were even a few hundred people. , These should be the other Yellow Turbans scattered in the countryside, but in this military report, after passing through Sishui yesterday, he defeated as many as a thousand Yellow Turbans on the other side. These more than a thousand Yellow Turbans are obviously not the other Yellow Turbans, but It must be a blocking force sent by the main force of the Yellow Turbans in Bian County to try to stop Xu Zhong and his troops crossing Sishui.

Xu Zhong did not mention the casualties of the headquarters in the military newspaper, and the description of the entire battle process was only a simple sentence "breaking more than a thousand thieves on the north bank". It seems that this battle was not fierce, which made Xun Zhen. I don't think it's a little strange.

Most of the Yellow Turbans in the territory of Lu Kingdom fought in many places, and many of them rebelled in the first year of Zhongping. Among them, there are quite a few old soldiers. It is said that their combat power should not be so unbearable. It was even easily defeated by Xu Zhong. There must be a mystery in this. Xun Zhen pondered for a moment, and replied to Xu Zhong: "The Yellow Turbans of Lu have fought in Qingyan, and there are many old soldiers. They are fortified by the water, and they should not be attacked by the general. This is a plan of arrogant soldiers. Be cautious in battle." After writing, the writer sent it out immediately.

Tanxian County is more than 200 miles away from Bian County, even if it is fast, it will be a day before this palindrome is sent to Xu Zhong's army, but even so, Xun Zhen has no idea whether Xu Zhong will use the Yellow Turbans or not. do not worry. He thought to himself: "Junqing faces the enemy, is not arrogant, and has ambitions in the army. Even if this is a plan of the arrogant soldiers of the Yellow Turbans in Bian County, it will definitely be ineffective."

This is also true. Even if the Yellow Turbans use their tactics, how can they deceive Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai? In fact, Xun Zhen's palindrome can be written or not, but as the coach, since he sees that the Yellow Turbans are playing tricks, he can't ignore it.

After this palindrome was taken by the clerk outside the hall to pass on to the messenger, Xun Zhen called Yuan Zhongqing to come and asked, "Can Gongda send a secret report?"

Because Xi Zhicai had to enter Lu from Xu Zhong, in order to allow him to better understand the situation in Rencheng and other places, he was in charge of the detailed work dispatched to Shanyang, Rencheng and other places earlier, and now he has gone to the State of Lu. , the focus shifted to fighting against the enemy, and Xun You was in charge of these detailed works. After summarizing, Xun You would select the key points, copy two copies, send one to Xi Zhicai, and report the other to Xun Zhen. Because of the great importance, all the secret reports submitted by Xun You, without the hands of the government officials, were received by the former Zhongqing or Zuo Bohou, and then forwarded to Xunzhen.

Yuan Zhongqing replied: "No secret report has been sent today."

Xun Zhen nodded, and was about to turn back to the hall and sit down when she saw Xuan Kang hurried in from outside the courtyard.

Because Xi Zhicai had to enter Lu from Xu Zhong, in order to allow him to better understand the situation in Rencheng and other places, he was in charge of the detailed work dispatched to Shanyang, Rencheng and other places earlier, and now he has gone to the State of Lu. , the focus shifted to fighting against the enemy, and Xun You was in charge of these detailed works. After summarizing, Xun You would select the key points, copy two copies, send one to Xi Zhicai, and report the other to Xun Zhen. Because of the great importance, all the secret reports submitted by Xun You, without the hands of the government officials, were received by the former Zhongqing or Zuo Bohou, and then forwarded to Xunzhen.

Yuan Zhongqing replied: "No secret report has been sent today."

Xun Zhen nodded, and was about to turn back to the hall and sit down when she saw Xuan Kang hurried in from outside the courtyard.

Xuan Kang came to the hospital, saluted, presented a document, and said to Xun Zhen, "I just received an urgent report from General Xun and Prime Minister Chen from Langya, and General Xun found out that Langya salt was arrogant to cause chaos. "

Xun Zhen took the document and looked at it carefully, and saw that this secret report was written in Xun Cheng's name.

It reads: Langya Yanhao is in private connection and wants to cause chaos. According to the current information, Changxi, Yin Li and Yanhao have close contacts, and Changxi sent several messengers to see Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Sun Kangzhu. People, but in recent months, they have invited Sun Guan several times, observing his words and expressions, and it seems that there is no rebellious meaning, but it may also be a fake. Chen Dengji said: "You can ask the various generations of Changxi to attack them. If they don't attack them, their relatives will lead troops and horses out of Kaiyang, first to break the Yanhao, and then attack the camps of Mount Tai."

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, then asked Xuankang, "What do you think of the Yuanlong plan described by Zhongren in this secret report?"

Today, it was Xuan Kang's turn to be on duty, so after Xun Cheng's secret report was delivered to the shogunate, Xuan Kang was the first to read it. He had already considered the "Chen Deng's plan" in the secret report. At this time, he saw Xun Zhen asking. With his own opinion, he immediately replied: "Zang Ba has already entered Lu from General Xu, and even if Chang Xi and Yin Li want to cause chaos with Yan Hao, they will not succeed. Chen Xiang's plan, in Kang Yu's view, seems available too."

In the Taishan Army, although Sun Guan, Chang Xi, Yin Li, Wu Dun, Sun Kang, etc. are all well-known outside, each holds military power, and each has his own part under his account, but in terms of prestige, it is Zang. Pa highest.

That is to say, if the person who secretly communicated with the Yanhaos is Zang Ba, then this matter will be more serious, because Zang Ba is like a betrayal, then Sun Guan and others will obey.

But now Zang Ba is not in Xuzhou, if only Chang Xi and Yin Li are betrayal, then firstly, Sun Guan and others will not necessarily rebel together, and secondly, even if Sun Guan and others rebel together, because the dragons have no leader, it is very difficult. Easy to calm down.

Therefore, Xuankang judged and said: "Chen Xiang's plan, in Kang's humble opinion, seems to be useful."

Xun Zhen also made the same judgment.

He thought to himself, "If the people of Changxi have any objections, it is indeed possible to take this opportunity of Yanhao to create chaos and destroy them together!" He also said to himself, "The only one to be concerned about now is the people of Ruochangxi. What is Zang Xuangao's reaction in the Lu Congress?"

Zang Ba only brought a thousand soldiers and horses to follow Xu Zhong to fight against the Yellow Turbans of Lu, and there were too few episodes. Even if he heard the news of Chang Xi and others rebelling, he would not dare to echo it, but he was extremely It is possible that he would defect from the state of Lu to Yanzhou and other places because he was worried that Xun Zhen would join him.

If this happened, for Xun Zhen, there would be no actual loss. Although Zang Ba and the others in Mount Tai had many horses, they were not Xun Zhen's direct line. It will be difficult to command Ruyi, some of them are solid, and it is not a pity to lose, and there are even benefits: imagine that if Zang Ba really defected to Yanzhou, no matter if Liu Dai, the prefect of Yanzhou, took him in or not, Xun Zhen would be able to let him go. So there is an excuse to use military force.

Even so, as Xun Zhen thought about it, he still didn't want to see this scene happen.

the reason is simple:

Zang Ba and the others were "submitted generals", although Xun Zhen treated them well, promoted them in the military, and gave them generous rewards, but to be honest, Xun Zhen's intention to be wary of them does exist. , if nothing else, just talk about adjusting Zangba out of Langya and changing the village to Yinping. Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that there is no other reason to explain Xun Zhen's move except for the reason of dividing the Taishan army. When Xi and others rebelled and Zang Ba fled into Yanzhou or elsewhere, if the word spread, the fact that Xun Zhen was wary of the Taishan Army would inevitably be exaggerated by those who wanted to attack him for being "small-minded" and "not willing to surrender". , and even said that the Taishan Army was "deliberately forced to turn back" by him, which would be detrimental to future attacks.

Therefore, Xun Zhen was still very reluctant to see Zang Ba escape.

He pondered for a long time, and said to Xuankang: "Return to Wen Zhongren and Yuan Long, and order them to closely monitor Langya Yan's house, Chang Xi and Yin Li, and ensure the safety of Mi Fang and Yao Ban. Strictly order them both to get my hands on them. Don't act rashly before the military order."

Xuankang was puzzled and said, "Today, the general Yanhao is in chaos and has not yet risen. Just when he was attacking urgently, why did the general order Langya not to act rashly?"

A little Yan Hao is in chaos, even if they are ready to start the army, even if they add the battalions of the Taishan army, they are definitely not the opponents of Xun's army, or they don't even need to be transferred from outside, only Xun Cheng's troops can defeat them. It is possible to fight with the army, but in the end it is better to have as few losses as possible. At present, Yan Hao is not ready. Xun Cheng and Chen Deng were only allowed to monitor and not act rashly. No wonder Xuankang was puzzled.

Xun Zhen didn't answer him directly, but issued another military order, saying: "I will go to Junqing again to discuss the connection between Changxi, Yin Li and Yanhao, and send this secret report together to Junqing. Qing, tell him to turn it over to Xuan Gao to take a look."

Xuankang heard Xun Zhen's words, and then he suddenly realized, and said, "Is the general worried that the people like Changxi are really rebelling, and the general Tibetan may not be at ease?"

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "That's right." He said again, "Give Zilong a secret meeting and ask him to prepare two thousand soldiers and horses. If there is a change in the state of Lu, or Langya is in chaos, he will immediately rush to it. ."

Xuankang replied, "No."

Seeing that Xun Zhen had no other orders, Xuan Kang stepped down from the hall with the secret report from Xun Cheng, and returned to the seat next to the hall. According to Xun Zhen's wishes, he wrote his own writing and gave them to Xun Cheng, Xu Zhong, and Zhao Yun respectively. Wrote an order, sent people 800 miles to rush, and sent it immediately.

Zhao Yun's station was closest to Tanxian County, and he was the first to receive the order. On the day of the order, he prepared his army for battle, not to mention.

Xun Cheng received the second letter.

In the letter to him, Xuankang also wrote the reason why Xun Zhen told him to "not move rashly". After reading the letter, Xun Cheng asked Chen Deng to come to him, and he asked him to watch and wait for him to see him. After that, he said, "Yuanlong, what do you mean by the general's words?"

Chen Deng said: "The general is benevolent, so I would rather give up the opportunity to attack the thieves, but also wait for Zang Xuangao to express his stance. In this case, you and I should act according to the general's will and act accordingly."

Xun Cheng said, "I think so too. Besides, I would like to invite Sun Guan to come back to Kaiyang to test his meaning. Do you think it's okay?"

"It's impossible."

The reason why Xun Cheng had invited Sun Guan several times was only for Sun Guan, and this time, it was for three reasons.

First of all, Yangdu, where Sun Guan was stationed, was only 60 miles away from Yangdu, while other generals of Mount Tai were stationed far away from Yangdu, and two counties such as Yinli, Sun Kang, and Dongwu were also nearby. Beihai has the responsibility of defending against the Beihai Yellow Turbans. There is no suitable excuse, and it is not easy to invite them to leave the camp.

Secondly, among the commanders of the Taishan Army, Sun Guanzhi's status is second only to Zang Ba, and with the addition of his elder brother Sun Kang's trilogy, his number of subordinates is also second only to Zang Ba. Even rebellion doesn't matter.

Once again, Yangdu and Kaiyang are both west of Yishui, and they have mastered Sun Guan. In the future, if they really want to use troops to fight against the Changxi generation, then they can directly cross Yishui and go east, which will be quite beneficial to the progress of the war. .

Xun Cheng and Chen Deng discussed it, Xun Cheng immediately sent people to Yangdu, and once again invited Sun Guan to Kaiyang.

Sun Guan was invited and arrived in Kaiyang two days later.

Xun Cheng held a banquet to invite him, and carefully observed his words and deeds at the banquet, and realized that he was not concealing his appearance, as if he really had no objection.

Even so, Xun Cheng invited Sun Guan this time, but he did not send him back to Yangdu in a short time like the previous few times.

On the front line of the state of Lu, Xu Zhong was the last to receive the letter.

After reading the order, Xu Zhong ordered his ministries to pay attention to the rear, to prevent Zang Ba from pulling out the camp from Zu County and attacking his army from behind, while sending someone to send Xun Cheng's secret report to Zang Ba.

Zang Ba was shocked when he received the secret report.

On the front line of the state of Lu, Xu Zhong was the last to receive the letter.

After reading the order, Xu Zhong ordered his ministries to pay attention to the rear, to prevent Zang Ba from pulling out the camp from Zu County and attacking his army from behind, while sending someone to send Xun Cheng's secret report to Zang Ba.

Zang Ba was shocked when he received the secret report.

When he received the secret report, Zang Ba was stationed outside the city of Zu County, and had already fought with the Yellow Turbans in Zu County.

Although he didn't bring many soldiers and horses, because this was his first battle after he was put under Xun Zhen's tent, he had the intention of making meritorious deeds, so the parts he brought were all the elites selected from the headquarters. It was just to defend against the enemy, not to take the initiative to attack, so although the Yellow Turbans in Zhu County went out of the city several times to attack and tried to rescue Bian County, which had been besieged by Xu Zhong, they could not succeed in the end.

Zang Ba read the secret report and felt uneasy, got up and walked back and forth in the tent.

At that time, there were four or five officers close to Zang Ba in the tent, and they were all surprised to see him like this.

Because of this, someone asked: "But General Xu's war in Bian County is not good?"

These officers only knew that the secret report came from Xu Zhong, and did not know the content of the secret report, so they had this guess.

Zang Ba said: "General Xu has raised his elite soldiers and surrounded the tired bandits. Although Bian County is still stubbornly resisting, Kecheng is just around the corner."

"It's not that General Xu is unfavorable in the battle, why does the general look startled and seem uneasy?"

"This is because I'm afraid that Langya will change!" After speaking, Zang Ba handed the secret report and the cover letter that Xu Zhong sent with the secret report to the officer who asked the question.

After the officer read it, he passed the secret report and the cover letter to others.

Everyone looked at it, and like Zang Ba, they were all shocked.

The person who asked the question earlier was shocked: "This, this... Yanhao wants to be in chaos, but Captain Chang and Captain Yin have close contacts with them? ... General, General Xu said in the attached letter that this secret report was issued by the shogunate. It was sent to the general and he was specially ordered to pass it to the general for viewing, which means that this secret report was sent to the general by the lord and the lord.

Zang Ba said: "If Junhou suspects me, he will not let General Xu transfer this secret report to me."

Some of the officers said, "That's right. The general is currently leading his troops in Lu, and he is out on an expedition. If the monarch suspects the general, he will definitely not transfer this secret report to the general, but will call the general back to the prefecture."

The person who asked the question earlier asked, "What do you mean by that Junhou?"

The person who agreed with Zang Ba's judgment replied: "The meaning of Junhou has already shown very clearly." The person then turned his eyes to Zang Ba, and said to Zang Ba, "Junhou is waiting for the general to express his position. ."

If Yanhao along the coast of Langya is in chaos, Xunzhen will have to quell the rebellion, and if Changxi and Yin Liguo are really involved and make a riot with Yanhao, then Xunzhen will not be polite to both of them. Therefore, Xun Zhen is now forwarding this secret report to Zang Ba for two purposes: first, to inform Zang Ba of the incident in advance, and second, to see how he will react.

On the one hand is the Taishan Army's own people, and on the other is the new master, Zang Ba is really difficult to choose between the two.

Therefore, with his decisiveness and ability to make decisions, at this moment, he couldn't help but go back and forth, unable to make a decision.

Another of the officers said: "The general has said many times before, saying that Jun Hou Mingren, a son of the Gao clan, and a famous general today, really has the appearance of being a Since the emperor, Captain Chang has ignored Jun Houen. In the past, there were many complaints, and the generals persuaded them many times, but now it seems that they are all useless, since this is the case, ... generals, the following officials have a bad opinion, and simply let the captain of Chang go!"

Why "simply let Captain Chang go away"?

The meaning of these words is naturally: Zang Ba has already done his best and has persuaded Chang Xi many times, but to no avail, then at this moment, for the sake of his own future and fame, he can only give up this same commander in Taishan. Love, give up Changxi.

Zang Ba sighed: "The world is in turmoil, and there are many heroes. We are neither from a famous family, nor are we officials and dignitaries, so we can stand in the world, first to be favored by Tao Gongzu, and to be valued by princes and lords, there is no such thing, only righteousness That's the reason! Just as you said, the lord, the lord of the Ming Dynasty, I should be loyal to myself, but..."

"But how?"

"But I'm worried!"

"What are you worried about?"

"Now if we abandon Changxi, then we will abandon righteousness. Once righteousness is abandoned, then if we abandon Changxi now, we will abandon righteousness. Once righteousness is abandoned, if we abandon Changxi now, it is me."

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