The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 186: Star Luo Xiongjie Manbu Middle School (Part 2)

This time, the military officials, school captains, and generals above the Sima of the other ministries gathered in the general's mansion, not only for the purpose of rewarding the meritorious ones among them, but also for the next step of military deployment.

After the reward was over, Xi Zhicai and Xun You read out Xun Zhen's general order, and gave the generals their respective jurisdictions and defense zones.

First, the five counties of Xuzhou are divided into four parts.

The first part is naturally Donghai County, where the prefecture is located, and Xun Zhen personally sits in this county.

The second part is Xiapi and Pengcheng. These two counties are under the command of the side general Xu Zhong. Xun Zhen ordered him to "command the military of Xiapi and Pengcheng". The third part is Langya County, which is under the command of Xun Cheng, who ordered him to be "the military governor of Langya". The fourth part is Guangling County, which is occupied by Xu Rong and is mainly responsible for the defense of Danyang and other counties in the south. Xun Zhen ordered him to "supervise the military of Guangling".

The so-called "dudu" originated from the "central censor to the local governor to lead the provincial governor and his subordinate officials to arrest thieves" in the former Han Dynasty. Due to the dismissal and dismissal of the county soldiers in the inner county after the rejuvenation of Guangwu, and although the governor is powerful, he has a low position and is unable to unify the command of the various counties in the state. Therefore, when there is a local civil unrest, once it breaks out, it will spread rapidly. In such a case, the imperial court could only dispatch a military governor or direct troops, or recruit state and county soldiers to lead the troops in the capacity of temporary commander-in-chief to organize and supervise the army to pacify the chaos. As a result, it became a special military officer. In addition to the censor, generals, generals, audiences, etc., can also be ordered to supervise the army.

Xun Zhen used Xu Zhong to supervise the military in Xiapi and Pengcheng, Xuncheng supervises the military in Langya, and Xu Rong supervises the military in Guangling. In the near future, what Xun Zhen imitated was the story of "the court sent officials to supervise the army". Following the example is the military system of later generations.

After abolishing, reorganizing and distributing to various ministries, Xun Zhen's current ministries have reached more than 30,000 cavalry.

Of the more than 30,000 riders, nearly 20,000 were stationed in Donghai County.

To the northeast of Donghai County is Langya, to the southwest is Pengcheng, and to the north is Xiapi and Guangling. It is bordered by all four of these counties. No matter which county is at war, it can quickly rush to help. In addition, this is the seat of the state government. Therefore, the most soldiers and horses are stationed.

Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng each commanded more than 6,000 cavalry and stationed in their own defense areas. Xu Rongtong rode nearly 6,000 paces to Guangling.

Among the generals, Xin Ai, Zhao Yun, and Liu Bei were stationed in the East China Sea from Xunzhen; in the school captain, Liu Deng, Gao Su, Chen Rong, etc. belonged to Zhao Yun and others, and were also stationed in the East China Sea. In addition, more than a thousand of Xun Zhen's personal guards were commanded by Dian Wei, the captain of the military guard school, and guarded the prefecture.

Donghai Commander Ling Cao, named Donghai Commander, was also stationed in Donghai, and Xun Zhen arranged his station in Licheng.

Licheng is just to the east of Donghai County. After Zang Ba left Langya, he settled in this county, which is very close to Langya. Xun Zhen arranged Ling Cao's residence here, and the meaning is self-evident. Although he was given the title of "Captain of the East China Sea", in fact, he did not need to take care of the security of the East China Sea. His real task was to supervise the affairs of Langya County. Taishan soldiers, blocking their way south.

Xun Cheng, as a partial general, "the military governor of Langya", the most important task is "the governor" of the Taishan army.

Xun Zhen had the prestige of a great victory, and after taking prisoners, his strength increased again, and the prefecture had more grain and weapons, enough to support him in another large-scale war, plus the most important reason. : That is, Zhou Ang, who was declared by Yuan Shao as the prefect of Yuzhou, always had the possibility of raising his army to fight for Yuzhou. Therefore, he did not care about the feelings of Zang Ba and others at all. Without concealment, he immediately deployed his army into Langya.

The school captains who followed Xun Cheng to Langya were Chen Dao, Chen Wu and Pan Zhang, as well as a cavalry led by Chen Ji, who was newly promoted to the commander-in-chief, and Huang Qian, the captain of Langya.

Chen Dao, Chen Wu, and Pan Zhang were all fierce generals, and Huang Qian was also famous for his bravery. When he was attacked by Zhao Yun, he used to step on the enemy's horse and nearly lost his life, but he recovered and fought bravely. Not healed yet. Chen Ji is also a brave general, who has made a lot of credit in this capture of Pizhong. Xun Zhen allocated these fierce generals to Xun Cheng and asked him to bring him into Langya, obviously to guard against the disobedience of Taishan soldiers.

Xun Zhen also designated Xun Cheng and others as the resident.

Xun Cheng, Chen Wu, and Chen Ji settled in Kaiyang, Chen Dao at Linyi, Pan Zhang at Dong'an, and Huang Qian at Dongguan.

At the same time, Sun Guan was ordered to change the capital of Tunyang, and Changxi, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Sun Kang were ordered to settle in Haiqu, Ju, Zhu, and Dongwu counties, but Zang Ba was transferred out of Langya, and the change was made. Tun Yin Ping.

The four counties of Kaiyang, Linyi, Dong'an, and Dongguan are all located to the west of Langya County, which is the border between Langya County and Taishan County. Xun Zhen ordered Xun Cheng to divide these counties into three counties.

Adopting Yinde and Chen Deng's suggestions to isolate Taishan soldiers from Taishan County is one of them.

There are two large rivers running north-south in Langya County, Yishui to the west and Shushui to the east.

Kaiyang, Linyi, Dong'an and Yangdu County, where Sunguan Tun is stationed, are all on the west bank of Yishui, while Haiqu and other counties where Changxi and others are stationed are all on the west side of Shushui except Ju County, which is on the west side of Shushui. To the east, in other words, that is to say, there will be two rivers between the station of Chang Xi and others and the station of Sun Guan, at least one river. After Zang Ba is transferred out of Langya, Chang Xi and others will be separated The second is to isolate Sun Guan, the second-in-command of the Taishan Army, so that he cannot communicate with each other, so that he can try to conquer them separately.

The counties to the east of the Shushui River are adjacent to the sea to the east and Beihai County of Qingzhou to the north. There are quite a lot of Yellow Turbans in Beihai. Put Chang Xi and others in this area and they can be used to block the Yellow Turbans. When Zang Ba went to Houqiu to meet Xun Zhen, he explained that the reason why he had not gone to Guangling to pay homage to Xun Zhen was "just because Langya is adjacent to Qingzhou to the north, the yellow scarves were rampant, and the bully couldn't get out of his body." One of the reasons why Guan and others are middle-ranking generals or school captains is that they "reject the Yellow Turbans from the North". Now, it can be said that Sun Guan and the others live up to their names.

These three use accidents, and the other is the purpose of making Zang Ba change the Yin Ping.

This point does not need to be said more: Yinping County is in the west of Donghai County, next to Pengcheng and Xiapi, and it is separated from Langya by several counties. Ordering Zangba to relocate here will not only weaken and divide the Taishan army, making it leaderless, but also You can drive away tigers and swallow wolves, and when the right opportunity arises, use him to attack Pengcheng and Xue Li.

Xun Zhen's military deployment in Langya can be said to be very clear.

When Zang Ba and the others were in the hall, they all changed their expressions when they heard Xi Zhicai and Xun You's announcement.

They never imagined that Xun Zhen would be so "impatient" and straightforward to move the army into Langya, and also to change their station and "drive them away" from the edge of Taishan County. , rushed to the north of the county and the east of the county, and even transferred Zang Ba out of Langya!

But what about discoloration?

They are now in Tanxian County. Although they have soldiers and horses, how many soldiers and horses can they have with Xun Zhen? Not to mention that at this time there are all the tiger generals in Xun Zhen's army. If they dare to show a little bit of dissatisfaction at this time, they are afraid that they will be killed by these tiger generals in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, despite the change of color, he did not dare to speak out against Changxi's rough temper, but when Xun You asked them, "Can you hear the military order?"

Seeing that none of them dared to object, Xun You smiled again and said to Zang Ba: "Zangfu Army, if this is the case, you can lead your troops to Yinping. The general has issued an order to ask the county magistrate of Yinping to prepare camp for your troops. The place."

Zang Ba was able to keep his composure and replied, "Yes, follow the general's orders."

He promised and thought to himself, "Why did you change my residence to Yinping?"

Things happened too fast, and he was not mentally prepared at all. When he came to the General's Mansion today, the order he received was to reward merit and deeds, but why did he immediately divide the stations of the various ministries? Xun Zhen didn't hear any news beforehand, and it really caught him off guard.

After much deliberation, the whole thing may have been fully planned when Xun Zhen decided to go north to the front line.

Therefore, after arriving at Houqiu, Xun Zhen got him a letter, so he had to lead his troops to Houqiu; therefore, after arriving at Tan County, Xun Zhen did not let him go back to Langya, but used the reason of "not yet on merit". , leaving him in Tan. So now, he suddenly issued a military order and transferred him to switch defenses.

Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng were all there, and the soldiers were like clouds. He and Sun Guan and other Taishan soldiers were surrounded by Xun's army. If they really wanted to mutiny, they were afraid that they would not be able to eat in one bite. No matter how reluctant or regretful it is, the only way to be honest is to obey.

Xun You said again: "There are still members of the Fu army who stay in Kaiyang, and the Fu army can go to the court and send them directly to Yinping."

Zang Ba replied, "Yes."

He couldn't help thinking: "When the people in Changxi heard that Yuan Benchu ​​declared Zhou Ang as the prefect of Yuzhou, and wanted to go back to Langya to sit and watch, waiting for the opportunity to fight for Xu, I also reprimanded the people in Changxi: 'You are not resourceful, I don't have enough courage, land, and fame, so I can't compete with Zhendong', but I haven't figured it out yet! Yes, why should I compete with Zhendong?

The soldiers of Mount Tai were divided without bloodshed, and after the deployment of the various troops stationed in Langya, they were followed by Xiapi and Pengcheng.

The military of Xiapi and Pengcheng used Xu Zhong as the governor, and his governor not only had Zhang Fei, Jiang Hu, Que Xuan three commanders assigned to him, and He Yi and Gan Ning, but also 1,500 Yue Jin. People's soldiers of Xiapi County, and Pengcheng soldiers of Xue Li of Pengcheng.

The main task of Governor Xu Zhong was naturally Pengcheng.

Pengcheng is not like a soldier from Mount Tai, Xue Li did not come to the prefecture, and Xun Zhen couldn't be too tough on him, so he only placed Gan Ning, the commander of Pengcheng, in the territory of Pengcheng, and ordered him to be stationed in Wuyuan.

In order to prevent Zhou Xin, the prefect of Danyang from attacking Guangling to help Zhou Ang, Xunzhen assigned powerful subordinates to Xu Rong, who was supervising the military of Guangling, and allocated to him a total of three captains and a Military Squadron.

The three captains are Chen Bao, Guan Yu, and Wenpin. The Sima of the first army was Su Zheng, and his troops were cavalry. Chen Bao, Guan Yu, and Wen Pin are all generals under Xun Zhen's account; Su Zhengze is Xun Zhen's old man from Xixiang, who has been fighting with Xun Zhen for a long time, and he is also smart and brave.

Guan Yu still wanted to go with Liu Bei, but Xunzhen told him the reason why he was sent to Guangling - that is, he wanted to borrow him to help Xu Rong settle Guangling to prevent Danyang's attack, and then he obtained Liu Bei's consent. , Guan Yu agreed to Xun Zhen's assignment.

After all, no matter how loyal Guan Yu is to Liu Bei, he is still a member of Xun's army. The interests of him and Liu Bei are closely related to the interests of Xun's army. Therefore, it is usually fair to say that at critical moments, he must obey and dispatch. . Moreover, taking a step back, he is now a school captain, and the school captain can't be by Liu Bei's side all the time.

A closer look at Xun Zhen's garrison in Langya, Xiapi, Pengcheng and Guangling. Although Guangling garrisoned slightly less than Langya, Xiapi and Pengcheng, the military rank of commander-in-chief was also slightly lower than that of Xun Cheng and Xu Zhong. , but in terms of combat power, Guangling is the strongest.

Only with this arrangement, if the future is like helping Sun Jian, Xun Zhen can also calm down and concentrate on fighting, without worrying about the rear.

Rewarding the generals, school captains, and military officials who have made meritorious deeds, dividing the prefecture into four defense zones, and dispatching various ministries to station in various places are the fourth and fifth things that Xun Zhen did after entering the prefecture.

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