The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 174: Xun Cheng will save Zi Yongran (Part 2)

Yin De is the prefect of Langya County. In addition, he has another identity. He is from the Yin clan of Nanyang, but he is of the same clan as Yin Xiuben, who was the prefect of Yingchuan, while the Yin clan and the Yingyin Xun clan are related by marriage. Relationship, - Xun Cai, the daughter of Xun Shuang, married into the Yin family in her early years.

Not long after Xun Zhen went to Guangling to serve as the prefect, Yin De got in touch with Xun Zhen, and they were quite close. Every time Cheng Jia went to Kaiyang to see Zang Ba, he would drop by to see Yin De. The county seat of Langya was in Kaiyang, so it was very convenient for Cheng Jia to visit Yinde after seeing Zang Ba.

At the moment when Xun Zhen's attack on Xu entered a critical moment, Zang Ba left Langya County on the front foot, and Yinde's back foot was in Langya "chaos". For Zang Ba, he would doubt that this was Xun Zhen's advice. He really had a misunderstanding because of this, then the situation in the next East China Sea battle might change, at least it would make Xun Cheng and Xu Zhong more difficult.

Therefore, Cheng Jia did not go to Licheng after hearing about it on the way, but immediately returned to the camp to report to Xun Cheng.

Xun Cheng knew in his heart that this matter was of great importance, but he held down his nervousness because of it. He took it easy on the surface, and entered the account with Cheng Jia first. When Xu Rong and others arrived, he slowly opened his mouth and asked Cheng Jia to tell the matter again. once again.

Everyone in the account, including Xin Ai, who has nothing to do with military affairs, government affairs, etc., has no interest at all in peacetime, and he can't help but change his face.

Gao Su was the first to shout, and he shouted: "This wicked virtue! The good prefect of Langya should not be taken care of, but at this time, he will cause trouble for the general!"

Wen Pin, Gan Ning, Yao Ban, etc. also frowned, but they were only Sima of other ministries, with low rank and low rank. Pay attention to Xun Cheng, Xu Rong and others, and wait for them to discuss.

Xu Rong frowned and said, "Why did Yin Xiang suddenly attack the Taishan Barracks in Kaiyang?"

He didn't know Lang Ya's inner story, so he asked this question.

Cheng Jia was very clear about this, he said: "Zang Ba is domineering with his troops. He is called Cavalry Commander and exercises the power of prefect, such as Sun Guan and Changxi generals in Mount Tai, but he doesn't take Yin virtue in his eyes. No less bullying. Yin De has been humiliated for a long time. Every time I saw him before, he complained more and more. Now it must be that he saw the soldiers of the monarch and lord entering the East China Sea, and Zang Ba led the main force out of Langya, so he gathered his troops to attack him. Kaiyang Camp."

Facts are like Cheng Jia's guess: Zang Ba's army is in Kaiyang, and the county government in Langya is also in Kaiyang. Zangba has soldiers in his hands, but there are no soldiers in yin virtue. Therefore, although the prefect is yin virtue, the real power lies in Zang Ba, and yin virtue hates this. It’s been a long time, but I’ve always been weaker than others. I had no choice but to endure. Now that Xun Cheng’s army has entered the East China Sea, and Zang Ba has left Langya again, Yin Deyin has moved his mind and gathered his troops to attack the camp and troops that Zang Ba left in Kaiyang. , Who knew that Zang Ba sent troops back to help quickly, and before the camp was laid, he was defeated and captured.

Xu Rong said: "If Zang Ba changes his attitude of 'sitting and watching' because of this and turns to Tao Gongzu, it will be a little tricky for our army."

If Zang Ba sits and doesn't move, he can attack Tanxian County if he has conquered Houqiu and Quxian County. If Zang Ba moves his troops because of this, he still needs to fight Taishan soldiers again. Although he is not afraid of defeat, but what is Fighting a war, delaying time and not speaking, will also result in loss of troops.

Cheng Jia said: "The top priority is that I should come up with a countermeasure to minimize the impact this matter will have on our army."

Xun Cheng nodded and said, "Junchang's words are exactly what he said. ... What do you guys do to deal with it?"

Qin Song said: "This matter is very important, and you should immediately write to Junhou and ask Junhou to make a decision."

Qin Song, a native of Guangling County, is quite famous. After Xun Zhen arrived in Guangling, he promoted him to use it, and is now the "du branch school captain". Because Guangling and Donghai are adjacent to each other, he is familiar with most of the scholars in Donghai County. Therefore, this time, Xuncheng went north to attack the Donghai.

Many of the people present agreed with Qin Song's remarks and said, "Not bad!"

There was one person in the seat, but he disagreed, and said vigorously, "My camp is 400 li away from Guangling, and the round trip is 800 li. If I report to the prince, it will take four or five days to go back and forth without stopping. Tao Gongzu may also be He already knows about this, even if he doesn't know it now, he will soon receive news. I expect that after he hears the news, he will send someone to see Zang Ba to try to persuade him. Moreover, don't forget to wait. , Tao Shang is now in Zang Ba's army! He will not let this opportunity go. Life has changed! ... To protect the army, the monarch entrusts the army to the public's hands, and assigns heavy responsibilities to the public body, at this very moment, when it is time to 'follow the authority', how can it be reported to the monarch to stand by?"

Everyone looked and saw that the speaker was Sima Xuzhuo.

Xun Cheng was also in his thirties, but because Xu Zhuo was young, and Xun Cheng became the main general, Xu Zhuo was called "gong".

Xun Cheng agreed and asked, "So, what do you mean by that?"

"There is only one strategy for today. That is to immediately send people to Licheng to meet Zang Ba, so that he can believe that this matter has nothing to do with the prince."

Xu Rong, Xin Ai, Chen Bao, Chen Wu and others all nodded and agreed with Xu Zhuo's opinion.

Xun Cheng said, "Xu Sima's words are justified. .

Qin Song said, "You should treat each other with sincerity and honesty."

Xu Zhuo disagreed and said, "At this moment, no matter how much honesty you say, Zang Ba won't believe it."

Xun Cheng asked, "What do you think should be done?"

"Gongke can write a letter to Zang Ba, no explanation is needed, just write in the letter: Gongzu and the Yin clan are relatives by marriage, and now I hear that Yinde has been captured by Zang Ba, I am willing to pay to redeem it. That's all. ."

When Xun Cheng heard this, he meditated for a moment, and then complimented: "Your Majesty, this is a wonderful strategy!"

It's useless to explain to Zang Ba at this time. No matter how much you say, the hype will fall. Who knows if Zang Ba will believe it? He simply didn't explain a word, wrote letters in his personal name, and used his in-laws to redeem his virtues. In this way, it is easier to convince Zang Ba that this matter has nothing to do with Xun Zhen. In addition, it also showed the virtues of the Xun clan, and for the sake of marriage, they were willing to take money to redeem Yinde. This is far more brilliant than just "treat each other with sincerity and tell each other with sincerity". If Zang Ba just "speaks honestly", not only will Zang Ba probably not believe it, but it also appears that Xun Zhen and Xun Cheng are eager to make peace with Yinde. Leaving aside the relationship, it would inevitably hurt the name of the Xun family.

No one in the account admired it, and no one objected to it.

Xun Chengsui wrote a letter in his own hand, looked at the people in the tent, and finally his eyes fell on Cheng Jia: "Junchang, only you have seen Zang Ba, I was reluctant to let you go to Licheng before, now, this is the case. Ren Fei is impossible for you!"

Cheng Jia said sullenly: "Don't worry about the army, you will not be humiliated if you go here."

After receiving Xun Cheng's letter, Cheng Jia put it away close to him, and could not take a rest, so he immediately left the camp again and rushed to Licheng.

The camp that went out in the afternoon did not stop all night, and the next day, Cheng Jia arrived outside Zang Ba's camp in Licheng.

Although he hadn't slept for two days and two nights, Cheng Jia was in high spirits. He came to the camp, reported his name, and asked to see Zang Ba.

Not long after, Sun Kang came out to greet him and took him to Zang Ba's tent.

Cheng Jia presented Xun Cheng's letter, Daoming's intention.

Zang Ba didn't say much, accepted the letter, read it, and asked him to rest for a while.

Then, Zang Ba summoned the generals and believed Xun Cheng's words to all of them.

Everyone has seen it.

Chang Xi asked, "Where is Cheng Jia?"

"I saw that he was in the dust and his eyes were red. It must be because he was on the road and couldn't sleep, so I let him go down to rest."

Chang Xi pressed his sword and stood up and said, "Where did you go to rest?"

Zang Ba frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill him!"


"This Shuzi had to pay homage to Yinde every time he visited Kaiyang before. Who knows what they said? In my opinion, this yinde disturbance must have been under the orders of Xun Zhenzhi. Fortunately, I returned quickly to help, so I didn't When there is a big mess, this Shuzi has the guts, and he dares to see you again, and dare to say that he wants to buy back the yin and virtue, I really don't know how the word "dead" is written!"

After the news of Yinde's rise to the army reached the camp this time, Zang Ba sent Chang Xi to come back to help. Chang Xi arrived in Kaiyang and captured Yinde in the first battle.

Zang Ba sank his face and said, "Nonsense! Sit down."

Although Chang Xi was reluctant, he still sat down.

Zang Ba asked the rest of the generals, "What do you think about you?"

Yin Li said: "The Taoshang said: The Yin clan is the marriage clan of the Xun clan, and if Yin De is in chaos, it must be Xun Zhen's intention. ... Now Cheng Jia took Xun Cheng's letter to redeem Yin De. What happened? I really don't know if Xun Guangling intervened."

Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Sun Kang and other generals all agreed and said, "I don't understand it all at once." They asked Zang Ba, "What does the captain think?"

Zang Ba said, "I thought that this matter must have nothing to do with Xun Guangling."

"Oh? How do you say this? Why did the captain say that?"

"Three reasons."

"Appreciate further details."

"Although I have never met Xun Guangling, but I have heard his name for a long time, he is definitely not a person who does not agree with his words and deeds. He will not show good intentions to me while instigating evil spirits behind his back. Also, although I have never seen Xun Guangling, I have met Cheng Junchang, and some of you have seen him. He is a man of high commitment and righteousness. He is a member of my generation. Since he is loyal to Xun Guangling, it can be seen that Xun Guangling's For people. One of them."

"What about the second?"

"If Xun Guangling's instigation was really the yin and moral chaos, Xun Cheng would definitely not have written a letter, he would not have explained a word, but only talked about taking money to redeem people. The second."

After listening to Zang Ba's words, the generals thought carefully, and all felt that what Zang Ba said was reasonable, even Chang Xi.

Sun Guan asked, "If that's the case, what are the plans of the commander?"

"Since Xun Zhongren took money to redeem people, I will give him the yin virtue."

Chang Xi couldn't help but spoke again and said, "But I need more money!"

"I don't intend to ask for any money."

"Why is this?...Although Yinde was captured by me, he burned several of the camps I was waiting for in Kaiyang, destroyed a lot of military resources, and damaged a little bit of soldiers, no matter how many Xun Guangling If you want some money, how can you make up for the loss I've waited for?"

"Xun Zhongren has already entered the East China Sea, and Xu Junqing will soon enter the East China Sea. The governor of Xuzhou will be replaced. The governor can be replaced, but Langya cannot. ... Where is the reason for a subordinate official to ask his superior for money?"

The prefect can be replaced, but Langya can’t move. After Xunzhen takes Xuzhou, if Zang Ba and the others want to stay in Langya, they have to formally submit to Xunzhen’s account, and then they will become Xunzhen’s subordinate officials. , As a subordinate official, it is indeed difficult to take the boss's money.

Chang Xi was still muttered: "It's up to him to replace the governor, as long as I have soldiers on hand, it's not the same who is the governor!"

Zang Ba had analyzed the difference between Xun Zhen and Tao Qian before. Seeing that Chang Xi still had this attitude, Zang Ba didn't bother to tell him any more, and said to Sun Guan and others: "Also, you think that Cheng Jia came to Licheng, but it's just that For redemption?"

"Does he have any other purpose?"

"Xun Zhongren has already reached Houqiu, but he didn't attack. What did he do? It's precisely because I don't know if I will help Tao Xuzhou! I mean."

When the generals heard this, they all said, "The commander is brilliant!"

At the moment, when Cheng Jia rests well, Zang Ba summons him to meet him.

Cheng Jia was a smart person, and he understood what Zang Ba meant, so he bid farewell to Zang Ba with a smile on his face, and returned to Houqiu with yin virtue.

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