The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 169: The whole camp embraces Zhang Yide (Part 2)

Xun Zhen dictated, Chen Yi embellished, and in an instant, the letter was written.

Xun Zhen ordered it to be handed over to the arrested man from the prefecture, and ordered the officials to ask him to bring the letter to Tao Qian.

The arrested man from the state capital escaped with his life, how dare he continue to go south? He honestly obeyed Xun Zhen's order and returned to the prefecture in Tan County with Xun Zhen's letter. The officials of the prefecture were shocked when they saw him coming back, unkempt and naked, and they asked about it. They found out that he was caught by Guangling, and they sent him back to deliver a letter to Tao Qian, so they quickly took him there. See Tao Qian.

Tao Qian was sitting on the desk in the hall looking at the map of Xiapi County. Because of his short-sightedness, his head was almost on the map. He heard a report from an official saying that the envoy to Danyang and other counties was caught by Guangling, and When Xun Zhen received a letter, she ordered it to be presented.

Tao Qian took the letter in his hand and put the seal of the letter in front of him, and saw that it was written: "Xun Zhenshu played Tao Gong, ask about daily life". There is no official name of Xun Zhen and Tao Qian on the seal, so it is obvious that Xun Zhen's letter was not written as an official.

Tao Qian thought to himself: "'Ask about daily living'? You are fighting in Guangling, can I live?" He opened the seal, took out the letter paper, and began to look at it.

But I saw in the letter: "Tao Gong's footsteps: Cui Wei test has few British reputation, money buys Stuart, and critics think it's copper. Gong has a strange watch in the past, now lives in Xufang, and has Jiahui in the mountains, what's the fault? I? Xingyi soldiers, the soldiers and the people are dancing birds, conquering the city like a sack, and half of Xiapi County in ten days. It is not because our army is prosperous. It is because of the public! The public opinion is the heart of the people, the public does not know it? Oh, it is easy to abuse the people, and not afraid of the township? Cao Hong is greedy, tyrannical, and trustworthy.

The inscription at the bottom reads "Xun Zhen worships again".

Cui Weikao was Cui Lie. He had the same name in Beidi. He served as the county governor and Jiuqing. In the second year of Zhongping, he paid 5 million to buy the position of Situ, and the people in the world suddenly turned against him. Even his son used the mouth of "the critics" to say that "it is too coppery".

Xun Zhen took Cui Lie as the opening chapter of this letter to remind Tao Qian not to "have a strange appearance in the past", but "the late name is not guaranteed". "The mountain has Jiahui" and so on, from the "Book of Songs", the whole sentence of this sentence is "the mountain has Jiahui, Hou Lihoumei, waste is a thief, I don't know how special", which means that there are beautiful flowers and trees on the mountain , There are chestnut trees and plums, they have been destroyed and mutilated, and I do not know who is to blame. Xun Zhen is obviously saying that Xuzhou is now broken and the people are not living well. Isn't it your Tao Qian's fault? Therefore, there is a saying in the back that "it is not our army that is prosperous, but the reason for the public". "Don't be afraid of the opinions of the township", this is telling Tao Qian that although you can brutalize the people under your rule, you don't care about their bad comments on you, but aren't you afraid of what the scholars in your hometown say about you? People nowadays attach great importance to public opinion, especially the public opinion of his hometown. If the public opinion is not good, it is difficult to have the opportunity to become an official. Although Tao Qian is old, it will affect his children and grandchildren.

Tao Qian was so angry that he tried to tear the letter into two pieces. When he was about to tear it again, he saw that there seemed to be words on the back of the letter. He put it together again and looked at it in front of his eyes. On the back, there were only two lines of characters: "Although the minister is currently dispatched from the north, I know the public will, and don't worry about it. I will convey it for the public."

Tao Qian's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

What is "Don't worry about the public"? He was clearly mocking Tao Qian. What is "I should convey it for the public"? It's no wonder that Xun Zhen is willing to convey it for him! Yet another sarcasm. ——In fact, these two large characters were not described by Xun Zhen, but added by Chen Yi, but Tao Qian didn’t know what was going on. He just thought that Xun Zhen was humiliating him, so he was so angry that he grabbed the letter and tore it up. a smash.

He said furiously, "Cut that useless idiot!"

The officials at the bottom did not know what he meant, and asked tremblingly, "Dare to ask Fang Bo, which idiot is he?"

Tao Qian grabbed the inkstone on the case and threw it violently, but his eyes were not good, so he didn't hit the official who responded.

He angrily said, "That idiot who was sent back by Xun Zhen!"

The officials at the bottom were stunned when they heard it, thinking that the messenger had worked hard to the south and returned to the north. As soon as he arrived at the mansion, he was ordered to be executed by Tao Qian inexplicably, which was chilling. At this time, the official did not dare to ask more questions, nor did he dare to persuade him, and replied, "Yes." He rushed to pass the order.

Tao Qian rushed up in anger, only to feel that the world was spinning, and he almost fell under the dizziness.

Holding the table, he barely steadied himself and slowly sat back on the seat.

After the energy was relieved, Tao Qian patted the table and called the officials outside, saying, "Call Cao Hong and Lu Yilai!"

Lu You was another senior officer in Danyang's army besides Cao Bao and Zhang Kai.

Outsiders should be.

Not long after, Lu You arrived, but Cao Hong waited for a while to arrive.

Tao Qian was already angry, but Cao Hong only arrived after a long time, and even more angry, he asked, "What are you doing? Why did it take so long to come here!"

Cao Hong looked bad, he held a document and presented it to Tao Qian, saying, "I just received a military document from Cao Bao."

Tao Qian caught it, opened it and looked at it. It was fine if he didn't look at it. This look made him even more angry. After reading a few words, he raised his hand to throw the military text out. He lifted it up, and fell backwards, only to faint.

Cao Hong and Lu You were caught off guard and jumped in shock. They rushed to the rescue and called the doctors in the house. The officials outside the hall also swarmed in. They were in a hurry for a long time before they rescued Tao Qian. Tao Qian rested on Cao Hong's lap, looked at the people around him, and said weakly, "Retreat, everyone will retreat." Except for Lu You and Cao Hong, everyone else agreed to leave the hall.

Tao Qian said, "I've lost my trust, none of them will be good!"

But it turned out: Cao Bao failed to counterattack Xia Xiang, was defeated by Xun's army, and withdrew to Xiapi County.

Cao Hong said: "Although Cao Bao has suffered a small defeat, Xiaqiu and Quyang are still defending to this day, and Xun's army can't be attacked. Fang Bo and Xiapi County are still turning around, and they are not yet defeated. Hope Fang Bo treasures your body. what!"

Tao Qian said, "What do you know!...Xun Zhenzhi sent me a letter asking me to kill you! He said that as long as you and Zhe Rong were killed, he would retreat."

Cao Hong was stunned. He didn't care to ask why Xun Zhen wrote to Tao Qian, so he quickly said: "Uncle Fang, Xun Zhen's words must be false. How can the death of Guangling give up halfway?"

"How can I not know that he is lying, just making an excuse for him to fight against Pi and Donghai?"

Tao Qian knew very well what Cao Hong was thinking. Seeing the losing streak in consecutive battles, Xun Zhen's army had already approached more than a hundred miles outside of Tanxian County, Cao Hong would inevitably worry that Tao Qian had listened to Xun Zhen's words and went to the hospital for a sudden illness, and really killed him.

Tao Qian said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Cao Hong sneered and said, "Yes, yes. Uncle Fang treats Hong with the grace of rebirth. Uncle Hong has only the liver and brain to retaliate. If he really kills Hong, Xun Zhenzhi will retreat. I am willing to give it to Uncle Fang.”

"You don't need to say these words. ... I just received the military report that the lower minister had fallen. Cao Bao has been defeated again. How did he lose?"

Tao Qian just read the first few words in the military newspaper, and when he saw Cao Bao's defeat, he was so angry that he fainted, so he didn't know the specific process.

Cao Hong carefully moved his lower legs to make Tao Qian more comfortable, and then said: "Cao Bao's army has reached a good position, and he heard that Xiaxiang had fallen. In order to retake Xiaxiang and the Sishui Ferry, he led his troops to turn around and rushed to Xiaxiang. ."

"I know about this, you can say how he lost!"

When Cao Bao turned to the lower minister, he sent Tao Qian a Taoist newspaper, telling Tao Qian about the incident.

Cao Hong said: "Yes.... When Cao Bao arrived at the prime minister, Zhang Fei, the cavalry general of the Xun army, had arrived. Cao Bao did not know it at the time, but he saw the banners in the city, and he assigned the names of many Xun army generals and schools. The soldiers were like ants, but they also doubted whether the reinforcements of Xun's army had arrived, so they did not attack the city, but camped outside the city and divided their troops to attack the Sishui Ferry, in order to recapture the ferry first, and then plan to attack the city."

Tao Qian said: "He did the right thing."

Lu You said next to him, "What Uncle Fang said is very true. It's time to capture the ferry first and cut off Zhao Yun's reinforcements, and then it's not too late to attack the city slowly."

Cao Hong went on to say: "The ferry port is a must for our army, and it is also a must for Zhao Yun in the city. Cao Bao originally thought that Zhao Yun would send troops from the city to help, so he was on guard and prepared elite soldiers and soldiers, just waiting. When Zhao Yun's troops left the city, they intercepted him, but he did not expect that the reinforcements from Dukou Xun's army did not come from the city, but from the field."

"From the wild?"

"It was the soldiers and horses of Zhang Fei, the cavalry general of the Xun army. He hid outside the ferry port in advance. As soon as Cao Bao's troops and horses attacked the ferry port, he rushed to the ferry port with his cavalry and covered them from behind. Our army could not resist. , rout and flee."

"This is just a small defeat for the ferry. Cao Bao has thousands of daring warriors, but why did he also lose?"

"Zhao Yun was really suspicious of soldiers in the city. He was not in the city himself, but led five hundred dead soldiers to ambush outside the city. After nightfall, when Cao Bao was intent on guarding the city and Zhang Fei's cavalry, he suddenly rushed out, shouting loudly. While advancing, they attacked Cao Bao's rear battalion, and at the same time, Zhang Fei also led his cavalry to charge forward and slammed Cao Bao's front battalion."

"Even though it was attacked at night, but the enemy attacked and defended me, if you commanded it properly, you wouldn't be defeated, right?"

"I wouldn't be defeated, but..."

"How about it?"

"But Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei were really brave. They took the lead, attacked arrows and stones, and fought from night to dawn. Cao Bao was in the front camp, set a trap, let Zhang Fei come in, and wanted to kill him, but who could Knowing that although surrounded by hundreds of heavy armored elites of our army, Zhang Fei and his followers could not drive their horses to gallop, but when they dismounted from their horses and fought on foot, they were still victorious. The rest of his main cavalry forces who were blocked outside my attacked the battalion together, scrambling from front to back. Zhao Yun also took the opportunity to break through Cao Bao's rear battalion. All Xun soldiers called Zhang Fei's name! His voice shook the ground, and Cao Bao's front and rear battalions were terrified. Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei attacked, and Cao Bao's army was defeated. Fortunately, the troops and horses sent by Zhe Rong arrived to respond to Cao Bao. went to Xiapi."

After listening to the process of the war, Tao Qian knew that it was not Cao Bao's fault, but that it was because the generals of Xun's army were too strong. He sighed: "Pan Zhang, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Xu Zhongyi is the only one, and there are so many good generals in Xun Zhen's army?" After sighing for a long time, he asked, "Is the loss of Cao Bao's department heavy?"

"About 1,000 people were lost, and after arriving in Xiapi County, there were still 3,000 soldiers."

"Send an order to him: Xiapi County, only guard, not allowed to fight!"

But he was afraid of being attacked by Xun's army. Since the field battle was far inferior, he simply came to a closed city.

Xiaqiu and Quyang were besieged by Xun's army for several days without being lost. Xiaqi County now has more troops and more grain storage than Xiaqiu and Quyang. Qiu and Quyang's defense will be high. If they only defend and do not attack, they might be able to set back Xun's army. Tao Qian can only pin his hopes on this now.

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