The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 72: Cao Mengde solves Yuan Nu and Xun Youruo wants to return home

Dong Zhuo's military deployment was basically the same as when Xun Zhen and Sun Jian sent troops last time. They still used Hu Zhen to guard the front lines of Yique and Taigu, Xu Rong to guard Hulao, and other generals to guard Mengjin and Xiaomengjin. It was slightly different from before. Yes, now there is one more Lu Bu on the front line of Hulao Pass.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian agreed on a strategy for sending troops. Before sending troops, the two signed a joint signature and wrote a letter of order, which was sent to Hanoi and Luyang respectively, and spread to the world at the same time.

The scripture was drafted by Chen Yi, and it probably has three meanings.

The first level of meaning is: Dong Zhuo's chaos and chaos in the dynasty, the emperor was forced to move westward, so Xun Zhen and Sun Jian rebelled with loyalty and righteousness, and now they are going to attack Dong Zhuo twice, in order to first recover Luoyang, then take Chang'an, and welcome the emperor's return east.

The second level of meaning is: This time the princes asked for Dong, which was originally the name of the Yuan family, so they asked Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu to raise troops together. .

The third meaning is: Cao Cao, Bao Xin, etc. are all loyal and good men. They fought against Dong Zhuo first, but unfortunately they were defeated. They were more excited when they heard that Cao Cao and Bao Xin were defeated. , In fact, there are many people with lofty ideals who are incompatible with Dong Zhuo. They have heard that Tao Qian has been fighting fiercely, and he has organized his army for a long time.

These three layers of meaning are progressive, one step at a time.

On the surface, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian respected Yuan Shao very much, and also respected Cao Cao, Bao Xin, Suanzao army, Tao Qian and others, but it was not the case. Under the surface praise, the praise for Cao Cao and Bao Xin was sincere , because the two of them have real combat experience, but the praise of Suanzao Zhujun and Tao Qian is open praise and secret curse.

Not to mention the Suanzao armies, who had been in Suanzao for a long time without a battle, and eventually dispersed, whether they had "serving the country" and whether they were "incompatible with Dong Zhuo", anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance, but that Tao Qian It has never meant to join the discussion of Dong's war. Tao Qian is good at fighting horses, but everyone knows that his real intention is to take advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains and take Xuzhou, but Xun Zhen praised him for "having organized the army for a long time, and he has long been willing to fight against Dong Yingjia". In confusion, he looked like praising him, but actually pointed at his nose and scolded him: "I fought hard for the Han family, but you old boy copied my back in Xuzhou. It's too bad. Authentic."

For Suanzao Zhujun and Tao Qian, it is a clear praise and a real downgrade, and the same is true for Eryuan.

Yuan Shao was the leader of the alliance against Dong this time, but Yuan Shao's achievements are well known. He stayed in Hanoi without leaving the Yellow River at all. That's fine. In the end, he was attacked by Dong Zhuo, and his troops were destroyed. Wang Kuang, who was loyal to him, almost annihilated his entire army. This "competition" is really unplayable, how can he be worthy of his title of "leader"? To Ruo Yuan Shu, not to mention, huddled in Luyang, and was beaten by Dong Zhuo, and he did not dare to come out to fight. He suffered a big loss and still refused to fight.

These two Yuan are really incomparable to the active battles of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian.

Therefore, although Xun Zhen and Sun Jian showed great respect to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shao in particular, and claimed to be their pawns and obey their orders, in reality, this was just a gesture, and it could even be said that these Yuan Shao's words fell into Yuan Shao's ears, and Yuan Shao would be furious, thinking that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were mocking him.

In fact it is.

After receiving Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's words, Yuan Shao was furious, rolled it up, threw it on the ground, and said angrily, "I thought Xun Hou was Wenliang, but I didn't realize that he was actually here. Are you making fun of me?"

Among the people sitting in the tent were Shen Pei, Feng Ji, Xu You, Cao Cao, Wang Kuang, Brother Xin Ping, Guo Tu, Xun Chen, Chunyu Qiong and others.

Seeing Yuan Shao's rage, Xun Chen wanted to pick up the text and see what Xun Zhen said in the text, but because the atmosphere was not low, it was difficult for him to get up for a while, so he turned to the seat and looked at Cao Cao, who was sitting on the top. Trial two people.

Shen Pei was upright, but not in a hurry, suddenly seeing Yuan Shao's fury, he was stunned, didn't think to pick up the text, and didn't notice Xun Chen's wink.

Cao Cao stood up calmly, walked to the tent, bent down and picked up the letter, unfolded it a little, and laughed.

Yuan Shao said angrily, "Did Meng De laugh at me too?"

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Why would I laugh at you?"

"Then what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at Zhenzhi!"

"Zhenzhi? What's so funny about him?"

"Small belly chicken intestines, it's really funny."

"Small belly chicken intestines?"

"I heard that Sun Hou passed by Nanyang before entering Yingchuan. Yuan Gonggong invited him and asked him to stay, but Sun Hou refused. Yuan Gonggong thought he despised him, and the two had a grudge. When Zhenzhi entered Luoyang, Yuan Gonggong tried to send him. When people go to see Zhenzhi, they are polite and polite, and they are willing to be friends with Zhen. If he refuses to save him, Zhenzhi and I often exchange letters with me, and he has mentioned this matter several times in his letters, saying that Yuan Gonggong has broken his promise and abandoned the alliance, and he is not allowed to make friends, and that he will avenge this sooner or later." Cao Cao said He gestured to the letter and laughed, "Look, won't this revenge be avenged?"

Cao Cao talked and talked a lot, Yuan Shao was confused by him, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"In the beginning, look at Zhenzhi and Marquis Sun's words, talking about Qing and Yuan Gonggong, but the focus is on Yuan Gonggong, and when talking about Qing, he is respectful, saying that he is willing to be the forerunner of Qing's horse. . . . This is clearly mocking Yuan Gonggong, how could it be mocking Qing?"

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were at odds. Yuan Shu thought that Yuan Shao's mother was cheap and always looked down on Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao held a grudge against this for a long time. Hearing Cao Cao said that Xun Zhen refused to befriend Yuan Shu before in Luoyang, Yuan Shao's anger dissipated a lot. , At this time, I heard Cao Cao say that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian intended to satirize Yuan Shu, although I thought Cao Cao's words were far-fetched, but because his anger had dissipated a little, second, he saw Shen Pei and Xun Chen at the table, and third, he thought about it. Now that the big event has not yet taken place, and Jizhou has not yet started, it is really impossible to hold any foreign grudges, so he climbed down Cao Cao's pole, turned his anger into joy, and laughed at himself: "I think too much! Meng De, if not Qing reminds me, I can't blame Zhenzhi!"

Cao Cao laughed again, shook the letter, wiped the dust on the letter with his sleeves, returned it to Yuan Shao, and took his seat.

Yuan Shao looked at the people in the tent, and said, "Zhenzhi and Sun Hou are determined to seek Dong, and their loyalty is evident. Now that the two of them have communicated to my county, what do you think?"

Guo Tu only hated that he hadn't seen the content of the oath just now. He couldn't take advantage of Yuan Shao's anger to sow discord, and was robbed by Cao Cao. Now that Yuan Shao's anger had dissipated, it was useless to talk about the oath, but he never wanted to. Xun Zhen achieved world prestige by attacking Dong Zhuo again, so he scratched his beard, pretended to think for a moment, and said, "The left and right sides of the tent are all the confidants of the public, so I will speak directly."

Yuan Shao said, "Speak up, sir."

"Today we are discussing Dong, and the Duke is the leader of the alliance. It is reasonable to say that he should help Xun and Sun Erhou, but now the situation in Jizhou is seen by everyone. A stumbling block, how can this make our army feel at ease? In my opinion, at the moment, Dong Zhuo is only suffering from scabies, while Jizhou is the confidant’s worry: Although Dong’s army is prosperous, it will decline when it is prosperous, and sooner or later will die. , as long as you can get Jizhou in hand, use the power of one state to attack it in the south, why not win?

At this time, if he responds to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian and raises a large army, with Yuan Shao's reputation, he will definitely become the main target of Dong Zhuo's attack. , it would be a tragic victory if you think about it, and in the same way, you don't have to think about taking Jizhou anymore. Wise people can see that the world is in chaos, so compared with the "false merits and false names" of arguing and attacking Dong, Jizhou is the "real".

Yuan Shao pondered.

However, Shen Pei disagreed with Guo Tu's opinion and said, "I heard that Xun and Sun Erhou got some of the soldiers and horses of Kongyu Prefecture, and now the army is strong and strong. If the army responds, then the two lords will go out of Liangdong and our army will attack Mengjin in two ways, and Dong's army will be defeated. This is an unworldly merit of helping the court. With the reputation of the public, if this merit can be obtained again, Han Jizhou will be defeated. What is the use of being jealous of the Duke again? Relying on the world's reputation and returning to the army of great victory, Jizhou is easy to gain!"

Yuan Shao asked Feng Ji and Xu You, "What do you think I should do, Er Qing?"

Feng Ji and Xu You either agree with Guo Tu or agree with the trial match.

Yuan Shao couldn't decide what he wanted, so he asked Cao Cao and Wang Kuang, "Meng De, Gongjie, what are your thoughts?"

Wang Kuang was defeated and his troops were almost exhausted. He returned to Mount Tai and recruited thousands of brave soldiers. Only then did his vitality recover a little. He had just returned to Hanoi two months ago. Wang Kuang was loyal to Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao treated Wang Kuang superficially, but he was actually very stingy. When he was defeated, he was reluctant to give him a single soldier or horse, so Wang Kuang also wanted to change his mind. After returning to Hanoi, although still respectful to Yuan Shao, he wrote letters to Zhang Miao and formed a covenant. At this time, he heard that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were going to send troops. It was not only a shame before the snow, but also to take this opportunity to strengthen their relationship with Xun. The connection between Zhen and Sun Jian was to consolidate his own position in Hanoi, so he responded: "What Jun Chen said is very true, and I also thought that I should send troops to cross the river and attack Luoyang in the south, in order to respond to the two princes, and take the merits of the world!"

However, Cao Cao knew Yuan Shao's intentions, and said to himself, "Although it seems that his attitude is difficult to decide at first, if he is willing to send troops, he will not be furious when he sees the words, much less listen to him. After the trial and distribution, come and ask me again."

Cao Cao knew that Yuan Shao was only thinking about Jizhou at the moment, and if he wanted him to abandon Jizhou and take Dong Zhuo first, it would be even more difficult, and it could be said to be completely impossible, so he laughed: Yes, what Guo Jun said is very true."

Yuan Shao gave an "oh" and asked, "Then, in Qing's opinion, what should I do?"

"You are the leader of the alliance, and you must not respond; Han Jizhou is a hindrance, but you can't use your troops."

"Is that supposed to be?"

"Choose a good general, and unify the divisions, look at Mengjin from the river, and wait for the opportunity to fight. In this way, not only will you respond to Zhenzhi and Sun Hou, but you will also be able to keep Jizhou safe. If there is an opportunity, it will be enough to fight."

Cao Cao's words went into Yuan Shao's heart.

Didn't Yuan Shao respond like this to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian last time?

Of course, Yuan Shao still wanted to do the same as last time, so he told the case: "Meng De's words are mature and prudent. Good! Just as Meng De said, I will choose a good general, send a partial division, go south to Linhe, and find an opportunity to fight! "

Wang Kuang got up and left the table, bowing down and saying, "Kuang wishes to go south!"

Yuan Shao, however, refused to send him there, and said kindly, "Your Excellency is the prefect of Hanoi, and all the affairs of the county depend on you, so how can you leave the county without authorization?"

Cao Cao said, "I would like to lead my troops to the south, but my troops are short of troops, so I may need your lord to give me two thousand cavalry."

Yuan Shao also refused to send him. Cao Cao had fought against Dong Zhuo before, and although he was defeated, his reputation had increased a lot, so how could Yuan Shao sit back and ignore him, so he said, "Recently, the thieves from the Black Mountains have recovered, and they are going to rely on them. Qing Li, defeat this thief, you must not leave me."

When Xun Zhen was in Zhao State and Wei County, he fought several battles with the Black Mountain killed several Heishan Army leaders, forced Zhang Feiyan into the mountains in the west of the state, and surrendered. Yu Du and other generals, but in today's chaotic times, the people are difficult to survive, but the Montenegrin army is killing endlessly, killing one crop, and another crop. In the past few months, many people who could not survive have invested in it Zhang Feiyan's men, Zhang Feiyan's army not only regained strength, but even surpassed the past. Just after the autumn harvest, in order to grab food, the Montenegrin army frequently appeared these days, attacking the city and looting the county, Yuan Shao used this as an excuse and did not let Cao Cao go out.

Wang Kuang refused to let him go, and Cao Cao refused to send it. Yuan Shao had already had a choice in his heart, and he said, "The last time we went south, Colonel Chunyu was the commander. This time, in my opinion, Colonel Chunyu should go!"

Chunyu Qiong got up and took orders.

After the selection was completed, Yuan Shao sent 5,000 troops to Chunyu Qiong and told him to choose another day to go south. Then Xun Chen, who was in the seat, asked with a smile, "Youruo, what do you think of my arrangement?"

Of course, Xun Chen had nothing to say, and said, "The public arrangement is very good, as it should be."

He said so, but in his heart he thought: "I came to join Yuan Benchu ​​because of the name of the Yuan family. Later, when I joined forces, Yuan Benchu ​​was the leader of the domestic alliance. But looking at it now, Yuan Benchu ​​doesn't seem to be someone who has achieved success!" The meaning of leaving Yuangui County. --4527+dpataioin+4008055-->

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