The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 61: 1 Towards the end of the meal, parting and filling the hero

I haven't written for a while, I can't find the feeling, and the number of words is even less.


The Kwantung Allied Army and the Dong Army, the two armies confront each other, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The Kwantung Allied Army grew up in the states and counties, with great momentum, and was supported by the public opinion of Shilin.

Dong Jun's strengths lie in: relying on the strong gate, the soldiers are elite and general, and he controls the court and the emperor, thinking that he is "righteous".

The disadvantage of the Kwantung Allied Forces is that the princes who raised the army had their own thoughts, and most of them paid more attention to "self-interest" rather than "justice". Yuan Shao was only the "alliance leader" in name and could not truly unify the roads. It is even more impossible to command them with arms and fingers.

Dong Jun's shortcomings are: because he is at a disadvantage in public opinion, and he is "playing on the road", if time goes on, his morale will be demoralized.

In this regard, the wise men in the coalition and Dong's army can see it, and that's why Xun Zhen, Li Ru, Jia Xu and others have put forward various theories about Dong's "morale", but regardless of Dong's How will the "morale" end up, at least for now, especially when Dong Zhuo accepts Jia Xu's suggestion and once again gives great rewards to the troops, Dong Jun should still be able to maintain a relatively high battle in the short term State, in other words, that is to say, after an attack by Xun Zhen, Cao Cao and other rebels, and a counterattack by Dong Zhuo, the current battle situation between the rebels and Dong has temporarily shifted from offense and defense to a stalemate.

After entering a stalemate, the competition between the two sides is now patience and strength.

Dong Jun didn't say it, just the Rebels.

Xun Zhen was not short of patience, because he got a large amount of grain from Kong Hao, and within a few months, he was not short of grain.

But Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were not lacking, which did not mean that other rebels were not lacking. Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu might have been better. After three months, and not long after entering April, the ten or so Rebels of Suanzao could not hold on.

The first one is in terms of rations.

One is rations.

There are more than 100,000 infantry, cavalry and horses in Suanzaoji. People eat horse chews and use them daily. It has been two or three months since the army started in the first month. , Suanzao belongs to Chenliu County, which is Zhang Miao's territory. Chenliu County is not big. With the strength of this county, it is not necessary to say whether Zhang Miao is willing or not. Even if he is willing, he will not be able to support hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Another is the uniform.

In April, it was early summer, and the weather turned hot, but when many rebels came to Suanzao, they didn’t even think to bring summer clothes, only winter clothes. February and March are fine, or open their arms, or whatever, they can barely make do. In April, it was impossible to wear winter clothes, but there were no summer clothes. Many soldiers were shirtless, or just wearing underwear. Once they entered the camp, they were shirtless everywhere and had no military style. Military appearance, not good-looking, not like an army, this state and appearance will not be able to enter the battlefield.

The second one is patience.

Since the start of the army, the Suanzao Rebels have been stationed together for several months. From the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer, only Cao Cao and Bao Xin went out to fight a battle. Each lost a battle, and it could also be called a "fiasco". Yuan Shu suffered a lot, and he was killed in front of his house. Wang Kuang was like Cao Cao, and his entire army was almost wiped out. It must be counted, the entire coalition has been so many months, only Xun Zhen , Sun Jian won a little battle, but what is that little victory? It doesn't affect the "big picture" at all. Xun and Sun didn't even see the closing of the Yique Pass, they only left the county for a hundred or ten li. Once Cao Cao's side was defeated, they both retreated.

On the whole, Dong Jun seems to be "invincible", and the victory is "far away", or, let alone "victory", if they fight again, I am afraid that they will follow the mistakes of Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, and Wang Kuang one by one. Failure is possible.

Therefore, the ten or so Rebels of Suanzao have lost their fighting spirit and have no patience to wait any longer.

There was a shortage of food, salaries and military uniforms, and there was no patience. It was logical that from mid-April, the allied troops of Suanzao began to return to the county one after another.

In Yingchuan County, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian heard the news.

When Sun Jian heard the news, he came to Xun Zhen.

"Zhenzhi, have you heard? Suanzao has withdrawn."


"More than 100,000 troopers, in the name of chasing thieves, will be stationed in Suanzao for several months. Except for Cao and Bao Erjun, the rest have not fought. I heard that they only drink and meet every day, and now they have all eaten and scattered. I'm really ashamed to be in the company of them! The so-called heroes and celebrities are the laughingstocks of the world."

Sun Jian started his career with military exploits, which is fundamentally different from those who "sit and talk about celebrities" in Suanzao. To vent anger over the case.

Xun Zhen knew early on that the sour-jujube coalition would end like this, and he was "born" from a noble family. He usually interacted with all kinds of "scholars" of all kinds. He also had a much clearer understanding than Sun Jian, so he was not surprised or angry. He smiled and said, "Don't Wentai hear 'swords and swords'?"

"Lip spear tongue sword?"

"Take your lips as a spear and your tongue as a sword. This is the style of the other generation. When it comes to fighting on the battlefield and serving bravely, it is not as far as Wentai."

Speaking of this, Xun Zhen's heart moved, and she thought, "I heard the word 'mouth gun' in my previous life, didn't it actually mean 'sword and sword'?" ”, talking endlessly, holding public opinion in hand, and being “important” by the world, but in fact what he talks about is a castle in the air, unrealistic, and they are “useless” when it comes to specific matters.

Having received Xun Zhen's praise, Sun Jian's anger slightly lessened.

He drew his sword, placed it on his thigh, stroked it with his hand, flicked it with his curved fingers, and sighed: "I heard that Dong Zhuo was rebellious and controlled the court, and I was filled with righteous indignation. When Gu Qing sent a letter, I immediately raised an army to respond. , without leaving a thousand miles, come to Yingchuan to join forces with Qing, what did you do? Isn't it to eliminate Dong thieves with the heroes of the world, so as to protect the Han family? Today, Dong thieves are not destroyed, and Suanzao Xingxing is scattered, it is hard to suppress and regret ."

"Although the Suanzao coalition is there are still chariots, General Yuan, Han Jizhou, Mengde, and you and me, and there are still more than 100,000 coalition forces, you can wait for a while, until Dong's soldiers are exhausted. , and then I wait to attack it together, and it is not difficult to win."

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, they were the "first advocates" of this attack, but the "first evil". Their clan in Luoyang was killed by Dong Zhuo, and there was no way out. Therefore, even if Suanzao Xingxing was scattered, he would not be able to escape. The two also have no way to retreat, they can only hold on to the end.

"That's all it can do now."

By the end of April, the more than 100,000 soldiers and horses of Suanzao had almost dissipated. Apart from Zhang Miao, only Zhang Miao's younger brother Zhang Chao was left behind. On the other hand, the dispersal of Suanzao's soldiers also proved that The success of Dong Zhuo's "divide and strike" strategy.

If it weren't for the fact that the Kwantung Allied Forces had Sun Jian, a "little fighter", and Xun Zhen, an odd number, now Dong Zhuo only had to deal with the Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu brothers. Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were at odds with each other, so Dong Zhuo sent his elite troops to fight again. It was not impossible for him to win. It's a pity that there are Sun Jian and Xun Zhen in the coalition, so Dong Zhuo's "final victory" can only be a "possible".

In early May, shocking news came.

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