The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 69: The Valley of the Bad Years became famous

Letters were sealed, and Xun Zhen sent messengers to various counties.

Xun Zhen never mentioned borrowing grains, cattle, and farm implements at the beginning of the letter, but of course, she had to first describe her "feelings" and develop relationships, such as Li Zan, Chen Ji, etc. The most important thing is to talk about feelings, and people such as Yuan Zhong, Zhou Xin, Lu Kang, who have never met or know each other, naturally focus on pulling relationships. From another perspective, Xun Zhen this time. The act of sending messengers to the neighboring counties was not only for the purpose of borrowing food and crops, but also an action to "seek potential political allies".

Compared with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao and others, Xun Zhen's political foundation was too weak after all.

Not to mention the brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, even if compared with Cao Cao and others, because the Xun family was harmed by the party, and before Xun Zhen, no one in the clan had served in the court or local government for many years, so they had no political influence. Xun Zhen is also unable to compare with them.

With the imminent meeting of Dong and the imminent chaos in the world, Xun Zhen urgently needs to find several state ministers holding real power to be his "allies". Even in the early stage, because of their own strength, they may not get the initiative to rely on any of these governors and state ministers, but at least the preliminary work that should be done still needs to be done. Near-term worries", this can be considered a "long-term" consideration. With the correspondence, they are on the line with each other. With the development of the current situation, the two sides may find that each other and themselves have some differences in the "continuous communication". The viewpoints on important political issues are the same. If the viewpoints are the same, if they can reach consensus on certain political issues, the relationship of "allies" will naturally be formed, then maybe at a critical moment, there will be some of them. A person plays an important and even turning-around role in something.

The messengers left the county one after another, and Qin Song also went to the prefecture to meet Mi Zhu.

Although the Mi Zhu family is one of the most powerful people in Xuzhou, from the prefectural governor to the county magistrate, they have to give their family some face, but their family is "ancestral goods", not "ancestral two thousand stone." ”, but it was a giant merchant family, not a gentry family.

However, since their family is so rich and wealthy from generation to generation, of course they have learned and accumulated culturally, although they are far from comparable to the Confucian family like Yingyin Xun, there is no "family learning", but the Mi family His children came out of the house, but they were all well-mannered, like scholars. From their appearance, behavior, and speech, they didn't look like people from a merchant's family.

Mi Zhu is the leader of the Mi family.

Mi Zhu is in his prime, and he is now the person who speaks to the Mi family, that is, the "parent". Although the family is extremely wealthy, the clothes are not luxurious, like jade, restrained, graceful and graceful, if a person who does not know him, meets him for the first time , will only think that he is elegant in appearance, but definitely can't see the slightest bit of copper stench.

The relationship between him and Qin Song, as Qin Songzhi said, is a long-time friend.

Qin Song was a resourceful man, and Mi Zhu respected him very much.

Hearing that Qin Song had come all the way from Guangling, Mi Zhu hurriedly went out to greet him and invited him in.

Mi Zhu's family is in Qu County, but in Tan County, where the prefecture is located, the Mi family also has a house, but since Mi Zhu is now working in the prefecture, he does not specialize and does not live in his family's house. He lived in a house arranged for him by the state government.

Although the house arranged by the state government is good, it is of course much worse than his family's house, and it cannot be compared.

Qin Song entered the courtyard, looked left and right, and said with a smile, "Brother Zizhong, the Qing family owns their own house in Tanxian County. Compared with this courtyard, what a world of difference! Why does Qing have to be so self-disciplined?"

Qin Song was right. The Mi Zhu family had their own house in Tanxian County. Even if he went to live, he would live in his own yard, not someone else's yard. Speaking of which, he really didn't have to live in the prefecture. The "shabby dormitory" arranged for him.

Mi Zhu smiled slightly and said, "The current situation is not good. Every time I think about the situation, Fang Bo often sighs with worry. At this time, it is time for me and other officials to work together to relieve Fang Bo's worries. I don't have any talents. If you can't help Fang Bo anywhere else, you can only work on self-discipline."

Qin Song laughed loudly and said, "Brother Zizhong, Qing's family has a huge fortune, just for this point, even if Qing really has no talent, he can still help Uncle Fang! ... I heard that Uncle Fang Last year, it was mostly due to the strength of Qing’s family, but so far this year, the results of the farm have been good, Brother Zizhong, this is a great contribution you have made for the state!”

Mi Zhu did not speak in a hurry, he said slowly: "This year's results in the prefecture's field are really good, but this is the work of Fang Bo's management, and the second is the work of Chen Xiaowei's supervision. What does it have to do with me?"

Commander Chen, he was talking about Commander Diannong, Chen Deng.

Qin Song said with a smile: "Fang Bo's operations are indeed credited, and Chen Xiaowei's supervision is indeed credited, but I want to ask you one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"The field needs grain, cattle, and farm implements. When Fang Bo began to build the field last year, if there was no minister to prepare all these things for Fang Bo, how could Fang Bo and Chen Xiaowei manage this field?"

"I did lend a little of grain, cattle, and farm implements to the state, but this is only the last part, and I can't claim credit."

"No, no. What's the end? You're doing great work."

While speaking, the two had already arrived in the hall and sat opposite each other.

Mi Zhu stopped the conversation, changed the subject, and said with a smile, "Cousin Wen, the last time we parted, you and I haven't seen each other for more than half a year, right?"

Qin Song stretched out eight fingers and said with a smile, "It's been eight months."

"I heard that Prefect Zhang of Gui County has left office and a new Prefect has come."


"I also heard that this new prefect is a member of the Yingyin Xun family, and now he is very famous!"

Qin Song nodded and said, "Exactly. Although the current new prefect of my county is from the Xun clan, he started his career with military exploits. The soldiers fought against the 100,000 Yingchuan Yellow Turbans and advanced and retreated freely. Later, he fought under the general Huangfu. He made great achievements in battle and forced Zhang Jiao to death. Because he was worshipped by the court as the Marquis of Yingyin, a few years ago, he moved from the position of Lieutenant of Zhao State to the Governor of Wei County. He ruled the county for one year, and the county was greatly transformed. His political performance was the second in Jizhou. Because he was in office, he killed the Ye Zhao family without passing the imperial decree. General Lang, he has only been in Beijing for a few days, and Xuan was appointed as the prefect of my county."

As the prefect of Guangling, Qin Song must be clear about Xun Zhen's resume, but when facing Mi Zhu's face, he briefly explained Xun Zhen's past achievements and achievements, but there is a bit of deep meaning in it.

At present, clear talk and discussion are popular among scholars. Although Mi Zhu is not a scholar, he has long since become a scholar, and he has long been accustomed to the "clear discussion in the countryside". After listening to Qin Song's words, he turned After brushing his beard, he naturally said, "Wen Qing said that this new ruler of your county is a 'hero of the world'."

"More than a hero in the world!"


"I don't know if you want to come here. When the lord of Xunfu in my county was in his twenties, he was attacked by the Yellow Turban from Duke Huangfu.

Runan Xu Shao is known for his "Knowing People", and his "Yuedan Commentary" is well-known all over the world. All scholars in the north and south are eager to get his praise. Guangling is not far from Runan, and Xu Shao's famous name Mi Zhu is even more like thunder. When I saw it, I just missed the chance and couldn't get anyone to recommend it. Hearing that Xu Shao had commented on Xun Zhen when he was young, Mi Zhu became very interested and hurriedly asked, "What comment is it?"

"Xu Zi will say: Lord Xun of my county is the 'valley of barren years'."

"Valley of barren years, valley of barren years." Mi Zhu murmured, savoring the meaning of these four characters.

Qin Song glanced at him, let him savor it for a while, and then said, "Brother Zizhong, what do you think of this four-character comment?"

"...If you say 'Valley of Desolate Years', does Xu Zijian mean 'the hero of the country in troubled times'?"

Qin Song did not answer him directly, but talked about Xun Zhen's past achievements, political achievements, and achievements, and said: "Yingchuan Yellow Turbans rose up, and the ruler of Xunfu in my county was the county soldier Cao Ye, and he used thousands of soldiers to kill him. I tried my best to keep Yingchuan from being lost; because of the merits of the Lieutenant of Zhao State, there were many giant thieves in Zhao State, and the people were struggling to survive. The king of Xunfu in my county fought to pacify all the thieves, and the people of Zhao sang songs for them; 100,000 troops were threatening the state governance. At that time, Jizhou was terrified. Lord Xunfu of my county sent troops out of the county. He was able to protect it; he moved to the prefect of Wei County again. Wei had giant thieves who were poisoned by poison, and the half-Wei city was in his hands. When the king of Xunfu of my county arrived in office, within ten months, he actually made the poison to surrender, within a year, and He actually made Wei County govern!" He clicked on the case with his finger, and praised, "Xu Zijiang is really a person who knows people! 'Valley of Barren Years', the Lord of Xunfu in Chengwu County!"

Qin Song's words may be a bit unreal, such as "reposting good news in ten days", such as "suicide in ten months", etc. It may be a bit exaggerated, but the exaggeration is only "the length of time" in the specific achievements. He didn't make any exaggerations in the past, Xun Zhen's merits were placed here, and anyone who saw it could only be convinced. Mi Zhu nodded again and again, and said repeatedly, "Exactly, exactly."

"Brother Zizhong, you just said 'the hero of the world', the so-called 'the hero of the world' is also the hero of the whole world. The 'world' is divided into 'governance' and 'chaos', this 'the hero of the world', there are heroes who rule the world. , there are heroes in troubled times. In my humble opinion, heroes who rule the world are heroes for a while, but how can they compare to heroes in troubled times? So I say that the lord of Xunfu in my county is more than 'the heroes of the world'!"

"Wen Qing said that the Lord of Xunfu in Guijun is indeed not an ordinary 'one-generation hero', I was wrong."

"Haha, haha!... Although the Lord of Xunfu in my county is not an ordinary hero, I will not hide it from you, but now I am also encountering difficulties."

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"That's what I said about the farmland just now."

"Your Majesty Xunfu also wants to settle the fields?"

"Last year's Yellow Turban Rebellion, Guangling also suffered from it, but now Qing and Yan Yellow Turban are on the side, although there are Fang Bo in the state, but the military affairs of the county must not be unprepared. Second, if something happens in the prefecture, if there are soldiers in the county, you can help each other, and if you are preparing for the army, the first thing is to have food. The situation in Guangling, brother Zizhong, you are well aware that after the Yellow Turban Rebellion last year, There is not much food left in the treasury, and most of the remaining ones have now been requisitioned by Fang Bo to the state. To be honest, my county is so poor that it is almost impossible to open the pot! The current situation, not to mention the preparation of troops The common people can’t live any longer! So, it is a last resort, and it must be done!”

Mi Zhu nodded and said, "That's true."

"But if you want to settle the fields, as I said just now, you must have grain seeds, cattle, and farm implements, all of which are lacking in my county. Therefore, Brother Zizhong, I will take the initiative to the Lord of Xunfu in my county. Please Ying, come and beg you!"

"Please? This is serious."

"No one in Xuzhou does not know that the Qing family is rich enough to rival the country, and a little exposed between the fingers is enough for my county to farm fields for a year."


"Brother Zizhong, you and I have known each other for many years. You know me and I know you. My brother has always been generous and arrogant. Who does the people in the state disapprove of? I am in trouble in my county today. , why did brother show such an embarrassing state? If it is because you are unwilling to help our county, please say it bluntly!"

After hesitating for a moment, Mi Zhu replied sincerely: "I am not abandoned by Fang Bo, and I have been promoted to work in the state, so I should be loyal to the emperor. Although the king of Xunfu of Guijun is a hero in the world, I also respect him, you and I have known each other for many years, sir. There are difficulties in the county today, although I should help them, but there seems to be a feud between Xun Fujun and Fang Bo in Gui county. ... Cousin Wen, to be honest, it's not that I don't want to help your county, it's really embarrassing! "

"It turned out to be because of this...Brother Zizhong, I have always admired your long-term vision, but why are you so ignorant on this matter?"

"how do I say this?"

"Now the state is in embarrassment, and the Qing family is very rich. It's like a young child walking in a robbery forest with golden cakes. If someone in the state has a desire to covet the assets of the Qing family, let me ask: what is the best way to do it?"

It is a good thing and a bad thing that the Mi Zhu family is very rich, especially in such a chaotic world, it is a double-edged sword.

"Every husband is innocent, but he is guilty of jade", and his family property is this "bi".

It's good for his family to have money, but he doesn't have enough strength to protect his family's money. Qin Song is right. If someone in the state covets his family's property, he really won't get it right, and he will suffer from it. Got ruined.

In fact, Qin Song does not need to say, he has been worried about this matter for a long time, so last year Tao Qian started to farm, and he helped him vigorously. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to find a backer to protect his family property, and more importantly Yes, to keep the safety of the clan.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Song's words came out, it poked into his heart, and his heart skipped a beat.

He held his heart and smiled slowly: "Cousin Wen, what you said is a bit too much."

"Yes or no, Brother Zizhong, you know it yourself. Yes, you were promoted by Fang Bo to work in the state because you helped Fang Bo to plant the fields last year, but like you said, in the end, you are Fang Bo's minister. ', if you want to really keep your property, in my humble opinion, you have to find a 'friend'."

By helping Tao Qian to settle the fields, Mi Zhu became a state employee and gained a little political status, but compared to his family's wealthy assets, this political status was far from enough, and he could not use this to keep his family's home. Zi's, or simply said directly, if it was not someone else, but Tao Qian coveted his family's Zi, what would he do? Therefore, if he wants to keep his family, as Qin Song said, he must find a "friend" with real power and strength, that is, an "ally" who can help him.

Mi Zhu rubbed his beard and remained silent.

Qin Song observed his expression, and then said: "At this time, Dong Zhuowei is in chaos in the imperial court, and bandits and thieves are rising in all directions. This is a sign of great chaos! You can't even be a fool!"

"Cousin Wen, what do you mean by that?"

"Don't you hear it? 'Those who know the current affairs are those who change all the time become heroes'. Taking out a little family wealth and taking the prince of Xunfu in Zhuwu County, for Qing, there is no loss. If you can get a 'foreign friend' because of this, why not do it? ... If Qing is worried that Fang Bo may be blamed on Qing for this, in my opinion, it is unnecessary."


"The Qing family is not only extremely wealthy, but also trades in the north and south. At the moment, the state not only needs food and wealth, but also the circulation of goods. That is to say, Fang Bo not only needs to borrow the wealth of the Chongqing family, but also needs to borrow the business routes of the Chongqing family. And if Qing can get the prefect of my county Xun as a 'foreign friend' again, then the left is wealth and business, and the right is external support. Let me ask, how can Fang Bo blame Yu Qing? In my opinion, not only does he not I'll blame you, but I'll pay more attention to you because of it!"

Tao Qian would be angry if he got Xun Zhen as a "foreign friend", but now the state cannot do without the help of the Mi Zhu family's financial resources and business routes, then it is useless to be angry, not only is it useless, but also As Qin Song said, in order to prevent Mi Zhu from being pulled over by Xun Zhen, Tao Qian might really "value" Mi Zhu more because of this, giving him more benefits and a higher political status.

Mi Zhu was silent.

Qin Song said with a smile: "I have said everything I need to say. What should I do? Brother Zizhong, make your own decision!"

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