The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 1: The scenery is very different in Jiangnan

Jingzhou is located between the north and the south. Nanyang County is in the northernmost part of Jingzhou, next to Yingchuan County. It can be regarded as the "North County" in Jingzhou, and it can also be regarded as the Central Plains. At the same time, it is also an imperial hometown. It was one of the largest counties in the empire. When he was in Nanyang County, Xunzhen didn't feel that it was too different from the north, but the further south he went, the more obvious the difference between north and south.

The first is of course the difference in accent.

There is also an accent difference between Jizhou and Yuzhou, but Xun Zhen can still understand most of the dialects of Jizhou, but most of the dialects in Jiangnan, such as Wentianshu, are fortunately prepared for him. , the righteousness of the selected belt has been in Jiangnan in the early years, but it is possible

To be a "translator", of course there is the official language of "Luoyang Zhengyin", but apart from the officials and some scholars, who would ordinary people learn this?

The second is the geographic difference.

Compared with the north, Jiangnan has more hills and more rivers. After entering Nanyang, all the way south, there are gradually more hills and more water.

Again, it's a difference in customs.

Scholars and Confucian scholars are better. The rural people's clothing, daily food, and even the habit of naming their children are different from those in the north.

Another, the most important, of course, is the cultural and economic differences.

The culture and economy of the south are not as good as those of the north. Until the time of the former Han Dynasty, the "lands of Chu and Yue" were still "large and full of people", and there was no "city and city". Among the bamboos, the ground is deep and ignorant and there are many dangers of water."

There are many pit vipers and beasts in the forest, and every midsummer, because of the low and humid climate of the earth, "the disease of vomiting and cholera is accompanied by it", and even the lifespan of the southerners is affected by this, which is not as long as the northerners. Desperate, the husband dies prematurely.” All the males who died early are everywhere.

Since entering this dynasty, one is because the capital of the empire has been moved to the Central Plains, which is closer to the south of the Yangtze River, and the other is that the economy of the north has developed to a certain extent, and the country has increased the development of the south. Jiangnan's economy has developed rapidly, not

Although it has achieved rapid development, the development is still uneven.

Some states and counties are developing rapidly, while others are developing more slowly.

The good thing is that the Jingzhou that Xunzhen came to this time is one of the fastest-growing states in the south of the Yangtze River.

As early as the early years of Andi Yongchu, Jingzhou and Yangzhou had been developed very well. Now, some counties in Erzhou are even more prosperous. Although they are still insufficient compared with the north, they were not affected by the "Yellow Turban Uprising". "Because of too much influence, to a certain extent,

Compared with the north, the land of Jing and Yang at this time has instead become a land of "fertile fields and thousands of miles, the people are rich and the soldiers are strong".

Of course, the so-called "fertile fields and thousands of miles, the people are rich and the soldiers are strong" is also relatively speaking, one is relative to the situation of these two states before development, and the other is relative to the northern states and counties that have been severely stricken by war, in terms of economy and culture The background is still inferior to the north.

It is the end of September, and the weather in the north is already cool during this season, but the land in the south of the Yangtze River is different from the north. Soaked, once soaked, it is not easy to dry.

"Junhou, I heard that it is raining in the south of the Yangtze River. Since I entered Jingzhou, the rain has not happened a few times, but the weather is really unbearable. Taishi Gong said that 'Jiangnan is wet and humid', it is true."

Cheng Jia opened his clothes, followed Xun Zhen on a horse, picked up the water bag, and gulped a few mouthfuls.

Sima Qian's "Historical Records" was called "Tai Shi Gong Shu" in the former Han Dynasty, and was named "Historical Records" during the reign of Emperor Huan of the current dynasty. Later, although it was disseminated, the disseminated version was still

However, it is not complete, it has been edited and edited, but sentences that have nothing to do with secrets such as "Jiangnan Beishi" are not included in the list of deletions and changes.

In the past life, the transportation was convenient, Xun Zhentian had indeed been to many places, but in his impression, although the Jiangnan in the later life also had hot flashes, it seemed not as good as it is now. Of course, this may also be a relationship with The past life is too far apart, and the memory is biased.

Traveling back to this era and up to now, under the objective conditions, apart from joining the army and going to Jizhou, Xun Zhen rarely traveled far. Therefore, despite the hot flashes in the south of the Yangtze River, although he was fleeing, he was in high spirits and pointed before the whip. , and said: "After passing Suixian, it is Jiangxia.

I have heard the name of Yunmengze for a long time, and I have always wanted to come and see it. Thanks to today's "desperate", I finally got what I wanted. "

Both Yunmengze and Julu's Continental Marsh are one of the "nine marshes". With the passage of time, the vicissitudes of life, the Continental Marsh disappeared in later generations, and Yunmengze became Dongting Lake, but compared to the later Dongting Lake, the Yunmeng Lake at this time is vast and boundless, in the pre-Qin period,

Its circumference is nearly a thousand miles, and even at the end of the Han Dynasty, it has a circumference of several hundred miles, spanning Jiangxia and Nanjun counties.

When Xun Zhen was studying in her previous life, she had seen the three words "Yunmengze" quite a few times, but she often regretted not being able to witness the magnificent scene of "steaming Yunmengze, waves shaking Yueyang City".

Although Cheng Jia, Xun You and others could not understand his feelings, but because they were mostly from the Central Plains and seldom saw Dahai Da Ze before, it did not prevent them from having the same expectations for Yun Mengze as Xun Zhen.

Xun You smiled and said: "In the past, when I asked for a yellow turban from the prince, I watched the mainland marsh in Julu, and I was amazed. I heard that Yunmengze is far bigger than the mainland marsh, and I don't know how magnificent it is!"

While talking, a Mercedes-Benz came in front.

But it is the righteous obedient who was sent to the front to find out the way.

This Yi came to Jiangnan in the past and knew Nanyin, so he was sent to the front to inquire about the road conditions. He galloped close to Xun Zhen, restrained his horse, then controlled the reins with one hand, and rode the horse around in a beautiful circle, from galloping head-on to chasing Xun Zhen side by side.

"Junhou, there is a wild pavilion in front of you. After passing that pavilion, and then going more than ten miles, you will be within the boundaries of Jiangxia County."

"Is there a picture of me on the pavilion?"

The so-called "the head of the pavilion can see my portrait", Xun Zhen said of course that there was a document that the court wanted him.

The Yicong shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, but I heard something."

"What's the matter?"

"I chatted with the patriarch in the pavilion. He heard my words with a northern accent, so he asked me if I knew about the rebellion of the southern Xiongnu."

"Southern Huns Rebellion?"

"Yes, the patriarch said that a group of merchants from the north stayed in their pavilion yesterday. He listened to what that group of merchants said."

"Why the rebellion?"

"It was said that it was a civil strife in the southern Xiongnu, and the Hutu and Zuobu gathered a crowd of 100,000, killed the southern Xiongnu Shanyu, and then established another Shanyu, rebelled and rebelled, joined with the white wave thieves, and Kou Hedong."

Xun You, Cheng Jia, Liu Bei, and Luan Gu heard it, and they all sighed.

The Southern Xiongnu is a branch of the Xiongnu. During the Jianwu period of this dynasty, there were serious natural disasters in the Xiongnu area. Yu Jianwu twenty-four years

It was split into two divisions, the south and the north. The southern Huhanye Chanyu became a minister to the Han family, and he led his troops to migrate to the Great Wall, thus becoming the Southern Xiongnu.

After the annexation of the Southern Xiongnu, the current dynasty imitated the story of the former Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty and gave Nan Shanyu a high degree of preferential treatment. ”, restricting and supervising it, and rewarding the Southern Xiongnu huge sums of money every year

The South Xiongnu became the actual "vassal state" of the Han family. Since then, they have undertaken the task of defending the northern Xinjiang for the Han family. Since then, Beidi, Shuofang, Wuyuan, Yunzhong, Dingxiang and Yan in northern Xinjiang Men, Dai, and Xihe counties were all inhabited by tribes of the Southern Xiongnu.

The Southern Xiongnu played a big role in preventing the northern Xiongnu from invading the south, but with the passage of time, contradictions arose within the southern Xiongnu. From about the time of Emperor Shun's Yonghe period, there were constant internal struggles and rebellions from time to time. .

Last year, Zhang Chun, the former prefect of Zhongshan, rebelled and led the Xianbei Kobian County. The imperial court ordered the Southern Xiongnu troops to be sent to you, and Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, begged them. The imperial edict sent Zuo Xian King to ride to Youzhou, but some of the southern Xiongnu clansmen

Many worried that Nan Shanyu would send troops endlessly, so in March of this year, after killing Zhang Yi, the prefect of Bingzhou, Xiutu joined forces with the southern Xiongnu's left side, and the two joined forces to attack and kill the southern Xiongnu Shanyu.

——Xiutu is a tribe of the Xiongnu, but it has no affiliation with the Southern Xiongnu. In fact, Xiutu belonged to the Han family much earlier than the Southern Xiongnu. There was a famous minister in the former Han Dynasty Emperor Wu and Emperor Zhao. His name is Jin Riju, who was the prince of Xiutu earlier.

According to the succession system of the Xiongnu, after the death of Shanyu, the Zuo Xian Wang should be succeeded. If the Zuo Xian Wang of the Southern Huns is currently leading his troops, then Yu Fuluo, the then You Xian Wang, should succeed him. It was the son of the dead Chanyu, and the troubled Southern Huns were afraid of Yu Fuluoyin's death.

He took revenge for his father's enmity, so he rebelled again, and simply appointed another person as Shanyu.

The newly established Shanyu is named Xubu Guduhou. Although Xubu is a "famous family in the country" and is a famous family of the Xiongnu, it has a different surname and is not a royal family. Since the qualifications are not enough, it is not enough to suppress the various ministries. Seeing the military chaos in the Central Plains, the Southern Xiongnu are very envious, so they rebelled again and invaded the mainland. Not long ago, they joined forces with the Baibo Army and entered the east of the Kou Hedong.

Xun Zhen and others knew about the civil strife in the Southern Xiongnu and Lao Shanyu was attacked and killed, and they were still in Wei County at the time.

As early as at that time, Cheng Jia and Xun You judged that as soon as Lao Shan died, the southern Xiongnu might be in chaos.

It now appears that their judgment is correct.

The Xiongnu Hutu was one of the most powerful soldiers in the frontier. Many years later, Zheng Tai "touted" Dong Zhuo, saying that "the Huns killed Ge, Huangzhong Yicong, and eight kinds of Western Qiang, all of which were feared and obeyed by the common people." Now, the slaughter of the slaughter and the rebellion of the southern Xiongnu will undoubtedly add to the troubles in the already turbulent northern part of the empire.

Xun Zhen looked back to the north and saw green mountains and distant trees and river nets, but he could not see Beidizhou County, where the war was raging and the chaos was getting worse.

Xun Zhen and others are all people who have state affairs in mind. Because of this sudden news, they suddenly lost their interest in traveling to Yunmengze before. Liu Bei's family was in Youzhou, and he knew more about Xiutu and Nanxiongnu. Even more sighs.

Although Jiangnan is relatively stable compared to the Central Plains and the North, it is also chaotic. The counties and pavilions along the way are strictly controlled. When they reach the wild pavilion at the front, Cheng Jia stepped forward to show the talisman. People rushed out of Nanyang County and entered the river on the same

Xia County, within Jiangxia County for three or four days, is in front of Yunmengze.

Although there is no mood to appreciate the scenery of Yunmengze, Xunzhen is still full of happiness when crossing the boat. Standing on the head of the boat, she can see water on all sides. Looking at it, the water and the sky are the same color, and fishing boats are occasionally seen in the waves.

The hot flashes of the past few days were also dissipated by this cool water vapor.

After a few days of boating, I was in Jiangxia County when I got on the boat, and I was in Nan County when I got off the boat.

Further ahead is Changsha County.

After getting off the boat and walking less than ten miles, there is another pavilion in front.

Yijian, who was inquiring in the past, quickly turned his horse back. Cheng Jia raised his eyes and looked at it for a moment, then smiled and said to Xun Zhen, "Junhou, your appearance is probably already hanging on the pavilion in front of you."

Liu Bei asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Look at the righteous servant who inquired about the return. He used his sword to guide his bridle, galloped like a fly, and when he left, he returned calmly and swiftly. He didn't see the appearance of the prince on the pavilion, and why could it be?" - 1, Yu Furore.

Liu Yuan, the grandson of Yu Fuluo, was the founding monarch of the "Qian Zhao" during the period of the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms, and destroyed the Western Jin Dynasty.

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