The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 124: 3 Battle of Fudong County (9)

Li Xiang said sullenly: "I have a plan, if I can follow it, it will be enough to destroy this rogue!" Bu Ji was overjoyed and asked, "What is the plan?"

Li Xiang said: "Huangfu Song sent Fu Xie and Xun Zhen to attack Baima, and brought his own troops to stay in Wei Township, in order to threaten our army, so that I dare not go out of the city to help Baima. Come on! We can also be like him. We can divide our troops into two groups, with more troops on the one road, and deliberately pretend to send fewer troops and rush to help the white horse; Wei Township."

Bu Ji said: "There are many soldiers along the way, act like there are few soldiers, and help the white horse; when there are few soldiers on the road, act like there are many soldiers, Xu goes to Weixiang?"

Li Xiang nodded and said, "Of course." He was very content with the strategy he had come up with. He looked around the tent proudly, and said with his sword, "The Art of War says: 'What is true is what is true, what is true is what is false'. Huangfu Songbing Divided into two ways, one attacked the white horse, and the other stayed in Wei Township, using a false and real plan, we also used a 'false and true plan' to pay him back! In this situation, you must not dare to stop my aid to the White Horse Department!"

Everyone in the hall thought about it carefully and felt that what Li Xiang said was reasonable. Putting oneself in their shoes, they were Huangfu Song. When an enemy with "many soldiers and great fanfare" was aggressive and attacked head-on, I am afraid that they would not dare to leave the camp easily, and rush to block the yellow turban soldiers who were assisting the white horse. Huangfu Song stayed in Weixiang to contain the Yellow Turbans in Puyang City, but if Li Xiang's plan was followed, Huangfu Song would be restrained by the Yellow Turbans who "Xu went to Weixiang". -.- Everyone was overjoyed, and some people slapped the table and praised: "It's a brilliant plan!"

Bu Ji said: "Your plan is very good, but if Huangfu Song ignores my 'Xu to Weixiang' department, or he sees that I am the main force to help Baima, what should we do?"

Li Xiang said: "It doesn't matter if Huangfu Song sees it through. If he blatantly leaves the camp and stops me to help Baima's troops, then I can go to Weixiang's troops and attack them from behind. The main force in my city can also take the opportunity to rush out of the city. , and directly attack the army in the middle. In this way, in the front, there was the department that I helped Baima, and then there was the department that Xu went to Weixiang, and there was the main force in my city, and the three forces were deployed. There is nothing to do.”

One person asked, "There are ten thousand people ruled by Fu Xie and Xun Zhen outside the White Horse City..." Before he could finish speaking, Li Xiang interrupted him and said, "That's right, but inside the White Horse City there are also Han Li's five Thousands of soldiers! When my three-way attack is on Huangfu Song, if Fu Xie and Xun Zhen dare to move lightly, Han Li can lead his troops out of the city and attack Fu Xie and Xun Zhen from behind."

A few people in the hall closed their eyes and imagined what the situation would be like if this happened: Han Li, Xun Zhen and Fu Xie, the Yellow Turban Army who aided the White Horse, Huangfu Song, the Yellow Turban Army who went to Wei Township, and Puyang's army. The main force of the Yellow Turbans in Dongjun, the six enemy and allied troops and horses will form a chaotic battle. -.-The 5,000 soldiers of Han Li in the far west, followed by the 10,000 soldiers of Xun Zhen and Fu Xie, then the Yellow Turban soldiers who aided Baima, then the 10,000 soldiers of Huangfu Song, and then the Yellow Turban soldiers who went to Wei Township, The main force of the East County Yellow Turbans in Puyang was on the flank of Huangfu Song's department, facing the army. If this chaotic battle unfolds, it is obvious that the Yellow Turbans of Dongjun will have the upper hand.

Bu Ji made a decision and said: This plan is really foolproof. Huo Ran got up and looked at the generals, "Just follow Yuan Qin's plan!" "


In Weixiang, Huangfu Song received a military report: Two troops and horses came out of Puyang City. Looking at them from a distance, the flags were like a forest, and there were about 5,000 people. They came slowly to Weixiang. There were fewer flags and the scale of the march. It is also small, there may be two or three thousand people, and they are eager to go to the white horse.

After listening to the military report, Huangfu Song burst into laughter, smiled and said to the generals in the account, "Children's tricks."

Among the people in the tent, a military officer frowned worriedly and said, "The thieves in Dongjun have divided their troops into two groups, which is obviously aimed at the general's previous division of troops. There are only 20,000 horses in his city, and it is impossible to separate 8,000 people out. One of the two groups of people must be bluffing."

Another person said, "That's right. If he really dares to send 8,000 people out, then the defenses in Puyang City will be empty. Once the thieves who leave the city are defeated by our army, Puyang City will be at your fingertips, and Bu Ji will not dare to take such a risk. In the humble opinion of the following officials, although the two groups of people he sent out of the city claimed to be eight thousand, in fact, at most five thousand people were not a lot. That way is false, that way is real, and it is also a trouble for our army!"

Another person said, "That's right. What if he came to my Wei Township this way? If my unit rashly leaves the camp to intercept the White Horse thief, wouldn't it be possible to lose ground?"

Several people asked Huangfu Song, "The thief's tactic is so poisonous, why did the general call it a 'child trick'?"

"The way of the art of war is special, and it is not to make mysteries."

One of the people in the tent said: "Sun Tzu said: 'Soldiers are devious', why did the general say that the art of war is the only way?"

Huangfu Song said with a smile: "It is true that my grandson said that 'the soldiers are also deceitful', but this deceitful way is not a tricky way! What is a deceitful way?' To be far, to be far away, and to be near. To lure them with profit, to take them out of chaos, to prepare for reality, to avoid them when strong, to obstruct them in anger, to be arrogant and humble, to work them out when they are lost, and to leave them in person. Surprisingly, this is a tricky way. Looking at the Yellow Turban thieves in Dongjun today, they are neither 'if they can but show what they can't', nor 'use but show they don't use it', nor do they 'take advantage to lure them in', or 'prepare for reality' ', just as the gentlemen just said, there are only 20,000 defenders in his The maximum number of people sent out to the city this time is 5,000, but they are divided into two groups. Isn't this weakening himself? If he I still think it's a little troublesome to join forces all the way, splitting them into two groups? They are killing themselves." Gu Pan said to the generals with a smile, "The 'strange way' of the art of war is one thing, but the strength is another. It's one thing. If you don't have enough strength, it's not a trick, it's because you haven't learned the art of war, you've only learned the skin."

Hearing what Huangfu Song said, everyone in the tent was stunned, and one person asked, "Does the general mean strength?"

"Yes, looking at the wars of ancient times, there is inherent division of troops to win, but more relying on superior troops to defeat the enemy. In the battle between Chu and Han, Emperor Gaozu lost to Pengcheng because of Xiang Yu's surprise attack, and in the end, the next battle, Xiang Yu cut the Wujiang River by himself, why? At that time, there were 100,000 troops from Chu and 600,000 troops from Han, and Xiang Yu was unable to fight. It is a strange plan to cut off the food supply of Wu and Chu, but the ultimate victory depends on the pursuit. When marching and fighting, it is the fundamental, and the strange is only an auxiliary. Therefore, the Dongjun thieves divided their troops and went out of the city, thinking that It's a trick, in my opinion, it's just a child's trick."

As Huangfu Song spoke, Zhu Jian stood up, his face straightened, he looked around the crowd, and said, "Military order!"

Everyone got up one after another, saluted and said, "Please make an order from the general."


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