The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 114: Walk and Fight 500 Miles (Part 1)

w As soon as he entered Chen State, he saw a group of people stopping on the road ahead. [br/>

Huangfu Song passed the order, and the entire army slowly stopped. This group of people came out to ride a few horses and galloped.

Xun Zhen looked away from the army, and saw that one of the leaders was wearing a black official uniform, a high crown, a leather belt with a blue ribbon and a silver seal, and a long sword inserted, but a pair of The dress of the prime minister of the two thousand stone counties. Xun You said, "This must be Luo Jun, the prime minister of the state of Chen." Luo Jun, courtesy name Xiaoyuan, was from Kuaiji County and was Zhu Jun's hometown.

Xun You said: "The yellow turban suddenly rises, the world is in chaos, and the states of Yu, Jing, Yan, and Ji are particularly vulnerable to thieves, and I have heard that the state of Chen was only preserved, because of the prestige of Chen Wang's good crossbow, but he also has the merit of governing the people! "Luo Jun is talented in both civil and military affairs. He is less of a county official, and he is filial and honest. Later, he was replaced by Shang Shulang, and then he was promoted to Chen Xiang. He is only in his thirties this year, but he is only a high-ranking official of 2,000 stone.

Xun You paused, then said, "He must have heard that my Master Wang entered the country, so he came here to greet him."

Huangfu Song led Wang Shi to cross the border, and Chen Guo could not remain silent. Chen Wang Liu Chong was the sixth grandson of Emperor Guangwu, the Han clan, the princes of the vassal, and his status was distinguished. There was no need to greet Huangfu Song in person. It is most suitable for him to come out to meet.

Sure enough, just as Xun You had said, a few cavalry came out of the Central Army soon and greeted him.

The cavalry that came out were actually Huangfu Song and the two captains of the Fifth School of the Northern Army who had joined the army to fight in Dongjun. Huangfu Songguan worships Zuozhonglang, controls tens of thousands of troops, and is the commander of the first army. It is reasonable to say that he is higher than Luo Jun. It is enough to ask a captain to go out to meet him, but he took the initiative to go out from the central army to meet him. When Luo Jun met, he didn't put on airs at all, which made Xun Zhen very impressed.

Huangfu Song came out of the Central Army, and the two met in the middle of the road. They dismounted from their horses and saluted each other. Because of the distance, I don't know what they were talking about. I saw them talking for a while. Luo Jun looked back and waved to the team parked on the road. The cattle came out of the team, and Huangfu Song also waved to the central army. The clerk under his tent and a Sima who was in charge of the baggage brought people out to meet the hundreds of people. Needless to say, the load carried by Ding Zhuang must be food, and the cow must have been given to Huangfu Songlao's army. .

The process of welcoming the army to the army was not long. First, Luo Jun was the prime minister of the state, and today there is a great chaos. Although the state of Chen has been saved, the prime minister cannot leave the capital for a long time, and more importantly, it is precisely because the state of Chen has been preserved, the neighbors A large number of people in the county have been displaced here. Now there are tens of thousands of refugees in the territory of Chen State, and these need to be properly accommodated. It is not easy for Luo Tong to take time out to greet Huangfu Song. , going to Dongjun to ask for the yellow turban, you can't stop in Chen Guoduo, so the ceremony of welcoming the Laojun on both sides is just a passing scene. Soon, Huangfu Song bid farewell to Luo Jun and returned to the Central Army.

Luo Jun took his own people out of the way, and watched them leave by the side of the road.

Xun Zhen's team followed closely behind the Central Army. When they passed Luo Jun, they turned their heads to look at him. They saw that he was about thirty years old and had three long beards. A bit pale and haggard, but there is a sense of fortitude between his brows and eyes, standing on the side of the road holding a horse, his waist is straight, like a green bamboo. Zhu Jun also gives people a sense of fortitude, but Zhu Jun's fortitude is sharp, like a sharp sword, one can tell that he is a brave man at first glance, while Luo Jun's fortitude has the taste of a literati.

Xun Zhen came from later generations. After traveling to this era, he has never been to Jiangnan. His impression of Jiangnan comes from later generations. In his impression, literati in Jiangnan should be elegant and delicate, with the charm of a water town, and a cup of fragrant tea. Two volumes of ancient books, romantic and beautiful, and the few famous Jiangnan people he had met, Zhu Jun, Sun Jian, Luo Jun, were either resolute or fierce. This was completely different from his impression of later generations, which made him amazed. But if you think about it carefully, this is not surprising. After all, Jiangnan today is not the Jiangnan of later generations, and the prosperous area of ​​Jiangnan in later generations. Today, Jiangnan is far inferior to the Central Plains in terms of economy and culture. There are many ethnic minorities and the natural environment is poor. , the inhabitants are martial and brave. In the past, when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Li Ling went deep into the hinterland of the Huns, and fought **** battles with more than ten times the number of Xiongnu cavalry for ten days and thousands of miles. Didn't he bring five thousand "Jing-Chu warriors and swordsmen"?

Xun Zhen and Luo Jun looked at each other, Luo Jun didn't know who Xun Zhen was, but seeing his extraordinary valour, his eyes lit up, he nodded with a smile, Xun Zhen also smiled back. It was only the first sight that Xun Zhen had a good impression of this person, but he did not know that this first meeting was almost the last. The news I heard was Luo Jun's death.


After saying goodbye to Luo Jun, Huangfu Song continued to lead his troops forward.

Going forward, what you see on the road is completely different from what you saw in Yingchuan and Runan. On both sides of the road along the road, the wheat in the fields is green and green, with a height of more than a foot, and the growth is gratifying. From time to time, there are farmers working in the fields. Compared with Yingchuan and Runan, this place seems to have never heard of war, like a paradise outside the world. This makes Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xi Zhicai and others were very surprised. Xi Zhicai said, "Although I also heard that because of King Chen and Prime Minister Luo, there were no riots with the Yellow Turbans, but I didn't expect it to be such a peaceful scene!"

The wheat in the field is gratifying, and there are more pedestrians on the road. There are young men walking with knives, old people with grandchildren, and women with water urns. These are all local indigenous people, and there are many people who help the old and bring the young. Refugees from other counties. Seeing the army passing by, the farmers in the fields stood up and watched, while the pedestrians and homeless people on the road were fleeing.

Xun You left the team, rode his horse to the side of the road, went to a group of refugees, dismounted and asked a few words, then came back and said to Xun Zhen: "Luo Jun has taken out all the grain from the warehouse of the county government, distributed it to the counties, and sent the county officials to supervise it. , Urge the counties to take in refugees, cook porridge for relief, and resettle them on the spot.”

Xun Zhen sighed: "The world is plagued by military disasters, and Chen State is alone, what is it? One has the military equipment of King Chen, and the other has Luo Jun's care for the people. Lao Tzu said: Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, this is like cooking a small fish. Governing a country is like cooking a small fish. The strategy is nothing more than civil and military.”

Xuankang said: "Xunjun, with your martial arts, after the thieves are pacified, the court will reward you for your merits, and you will be able to be the prefect of a county. In my opinion, the ruler's ability to govern is not inferior to Luo Xiang, the ruler's martial arts, Not inferior to King Chen, until then, you will definitely be able to do better than the two of them."

Xun You and Xi Zhicai couldn't help but laugh. Under the influence and guidance of Xun Zhen, Xuankang was much more capable than before, but he was young and ignorant of the world. Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Prefect of a county? How could it be so easy for two thousand shi to be appointed?" Xiaoxiao said to Xuankang, "Uncle Ye, I will accept your blessings! If I can be the prefect, I will use you as mine. Master, how?"

Xuankang waved his hands again and again and said, "The talents of Xun and Xi are far superior to Kang, and Li Jun's talents are far superior to me. How can I be qualified to be the master of the emperor?" Xun Zhen asked him with a smile: "Then I If you are the prefect, what do you want to be?" Xuankang thought about it for a while, and replied, "If you can be the head of a house, Kang is enough."

The city gates and gates of the prefectural government mostly have pavilions, and the pavilion of the prefectural gate is the pavilion of the gate of the prefecture, which guards the main gate of the prefecture. Xun Zhen laughed and said, "You are our young talent in Yingyin, how can you only be the head of the house? How can you be the chief secretary of the history!"

Along the way, accompanied by a young and simple youth like Xuan Kang, the boring marching road seems to be relaxed and happy.


After walking forty miles, the sky was dusk, and the county seat in front was Changping.

Huangfu Song Chuan ordered to go and camp outside Changping County tonight. This Changping is not the Changping that Qin Zhao Changping fought in the Warring States Period, that Changping was in Shanxi, this Changping belonged to Wei State at that time, and the Qin army also fought here. Ping", that is, this Chang Ping. In the former Han Dynasty, this place belonged to Runan County, which was the Houyi of the general Wei Qing, and belonged to the Chen State.

After setting up the camp, Xun Zhen took Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Li Bo, and Xuan Kang out of the camp, and rode on the road outside the camp to observe the surrounding geographical mountains and rivers. Xun Zhen had a good habit. Whenever he went to an unfamiliar place, he had to personally investigate the local human geography, especially geography. Xun You, Xi Zhicai and others thought it was his hobby, but in fact it was because Xun Zhen knew that the world was about to be in a real chaos, so he seized every opportunity to familiarize himself with the geography of the mountains and rivers in various places, so that he might use it in the future.

Huangfu Song chose to camp ten miles to the southwest of Changping County. After leaving the camp, he went not far to the west. There was a narrow river in front of him, which was a tributary of the Yingshui River. Yingshui flows from Linying into Runan territory, and the first section of the river basically flows to the southeast along the dividing line between Runan County and Chen State. Xihua and Ruyang are on the south bank of Yingshui, and after Ruyang and Yingshui is the border of Chen State.

This small river is not wide, the moonlight sparkles, and it looks like a silver-white belt in the distance. Willow trees hang down on the shore, and there are large fields not far from the shore. Now the night is getting darker, there is no one in the field, the distance is quiet, the night wind in early summer brings water vapor and the fragrance of wheat, and I hear night frogs croaking in an unknown place from a distance. Xun Zhen was stationed by the Ma River, looking up and down. Through the misty night, it can be seen that there are remnants of the old city walls that seem to be undulating for a few miles to the south, and there is a pavilion on the other side of the river.

Xuankang pointed to the ruins of the city wall to the south and asked, "Mr. Xun, where is this place? How come there are ruins of the city wall?"

Xun You interjected and smiled, "Uncle Ye, as soon as I heard your question, I knew that you didn't study hard."

Xuankang said: "Ah? How do you say this?"

Xun You said: "The "Biography" says: 'In the 21st year of Duke Zhao..., Duke Wei rescued Song Dynasty, Bingxu, and fought against Hua Shi at Zheqiu.' The ruins of the city wall are the ruins of Zheqiu City." During the Spring and Autumn Period , This area is the Song Dynasty. The Hua Shi and Xiang clan of the Song country launched a rebellion and drove the monarch Song Yuangong out of the Song country. Song Yuangong asked for help from the Wei country. , and the famous "Battle of Ochre Hill" broke out with Fahrenheit. After a difficult **** battle, Fahrenheit was defeated.

Xun You looked south at the ruins of the city wall under the night, and sighed: "'The Duke of Yuan does not believe in it'. Duke Yuan of Song did not keep his faith and listened to the words of the villain. Rescue, the country will not be protected. It is wise to read history. If you look in ancient books, you can know why the three generations ruled, and you can also know why Xia and Shang died!"

On the surface, he was talking about Duke Yuan of Song, but Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, and Li Bo all heard it. What happened to Yang Ci, Lu Qiang, Xiang Xu, and Zhang Jun not only caused Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and others to die, but also made Xun You and other scholars feel sorry for them. Xuankang was young and grew up in the countryside before following Xun Zhen, and had little contact with the outside world. He seemed to understand Xun You's sigh, but he was not very interested, but he was more interested in war, and suddenly said: "So This is Zheqiu! I used to study Zuo Zhuan, and when I learned this, my teacher told me that the battle of Zheqiu was the first time in the history books that one side won the battle by abandoning the long soldiers and killing the enemy with short soldiers. Sir, is that so?"

In the battle with Hua Shi, Duke Yuan of Song suffered a major defeat and almost abandoned the city to escape. Later, with the help of the Qi army, he adopted the advice of the generals of Qi, selected elite soldiers, abandoned long weapons, and used all short swords. Fahrenheit's rebels fought fiercely hand-to-hand and won, but Fahrenheit was defeated in Xinli. Whether or not this is the first time in the history books to kill an enemy with short arms, Xun Zhen doesn't know. After a moment's pause, seeing Xuankang's fascination, he added, "Uncle Ye, the art of warfare says: the brave who meet in a narrow way wins. Killing the enemy with short arms is certainly 'courage', but this strategy cannot be abused, and must be determined by the soldiers under his command. They are all brave, not afraid of death, and only when the war is at a stalemate can they defeat the enemy.”

Xuankang replied, "Yes."

There are still some villagers in the pavilion on the other side of the river who have not slept. In the distance, the lights are sparsely shining, and the barking of dogs and **** can be heard from time to time.

Xun Zhen was stationed by the Ma River, standing on the bank of the weeping willows, looked into the distance for a moment, asked Xun You and Xi Zhicai, and said, "Gongda, Zhicai, when camping tonight, I heard from the guide in the army that the pavilion on the other side is called Chen Ting, is it named after Chen Ling?"

Xi Zhicai is not as familiar with literature and history as Xun You, Xun You replied: "If you want to come, it should be."

The area of ​​Ying, Ru, and Chen countries is located in the Central Plains, and there were many stories and wars during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The Chen Mausoleum that Xun Zhen asked was the Chen Mausoleum in the Spring and Autumn Period, where Chu Zi, Chen Hou and Zheng Bo were allied with each other. The two Han Dynasties are not too far from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and many place names are inextricably linked with the ancient place names of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The Chenting on the other side is the old place of Chenling.

Xun Zhenyao recalled that in those days, when various countries were at war or in alliance, a hundred schools of thought were competing for the best, and heroic heroes were born in large numbers, and he felt agitated without realizing it. Whenever there are wars, heroes are born in large numbers. Thinking of what Xuan Kang said in the daytime, "You must be the prefect of a county", although he knew that this was unrealistic at the moment, he was only in his early twenties. The highest position in the past was only Cao Ye, a county soldier. He was neither filial and incorrupt, nor had he ever ruled the area, and he had no background in the court. Although his military achievements were high, it was not easy to become a prefect, but he still couldn't help thinking: "Maybe for a few years. After that, I can also compete in the world." The war with the Yellow Turbans not only made him grow up, but also completely inspired his ambition.

In the past, Yingchuan County was only one county. I didn't see many heroes from other counties, nor did I see a few high-ranking officials and generals from the court. Whenever I think of the world, whenever I think of those heroes from other counties, The high reputation of the famous officials in the court will inevitably give rise to a sense of awe, just like "Wei Qing is in power, Huainan is planning". Song's subordinates were all high-ranking generals in the court, talented people from all over the country, such as the captains of the Fifth School of the Northern Army, such as Fu Xie, Sun Jian and others. But so.

Fu Xie's ability is not as strong as that of Sun Jian, but he also has strengths that Fu Xie and Sun Jian don't have. Zhu Jun was known as a famous general, Xun Zhen thought to himself, if he was right, he might not win, but there were Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Dian Wei, Le Jin, Chen Dao, Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Jiang Qin, and Chen Bao. Waiting for the minions, but it will not fail miserably. As for the captains of the five schools of the Northern Army, there is no need to mention them. The five schools of the Northern Army have a great reputation, but they did not make any significant contributions in the two months of battle. The infantry soldiers of the Fifth School of the Northern Army They only have excellent weapons, but they lack the courage to fight to the death.

Heroes and celebrities in the world are like this, the so-called "elite troops" in the DPRK are like this, and they know that the world is going to be in chaos, and they have made one of the best military exploits in the battles of Yingchuan and Runan counties, how could Xun Zhen not breed because of this. What about bigger ambitions?

However, Huangfu Song is good at fighting and resourceful, using his troops like a god, attacking and conquering, and conquering everything, but it is a high mountain that Xunzhen looks up to and admires. More importantly: Huangfu Song was loyal and loyal to the court. Xun Zhen looked back at the barracks in the distance at night. The torches in the Chinese army were bright. Huangfu Song was probably dealing with military affairs now, right? He thought to himself: "One day Huangfu Song is here, and one day I will be a loyal minister of the big Han."

Looking back, perhaps Xun Zhen didn't realize how quickly his ambitions grew.

Just a few years ago, he just wanted to save his life, and then he had some ambitions, but those ambitions were only vague, and he hadn't thought about it carefully, but now he has clearly determined his goal. Maybe this is the magic of war. When you don't go to war, you feel terrible, but after participating in it, you will fight more battles and kill more people, and your courage will increase, and your ambition will increase. It is no wonder that there was a famous saying in the Five Dynasties: the Son of Heaven, who has strong soldiers and strong horses. The military flag points, thousands of people bravely point their swords, and the city will be destroyed by the enemy. He now has only 3,000 people under his command and has this feeling of "taking life and death for me". If he has 30,000 people under his command, what kind of happiness will the 100,000 people feel?

However, even though he felt this kind of pleasure, Xun Zhen did not forget his earlier ambitions. The Han Dynasty will fall, the world will suffer, and war is only a means to stop the war. To be more than ten thousand people is too "low taste". How many emperors and generals have been there since ancient times, and how many will be remembered and commemorated by future generations? Before he crossed over, he had seen a sentence that said, "What that person wants to be is not an emperor, but a saint, an emperor, an emperor of a generation, a saint, an emperor of a hundred generations." If you have the opportunity to seize it, do it, and be the emperor of the hundred generations. Compared with the honor of ninety-five, who raises one person with the world, uses his own knowledge and ability to educate the world, so that China will always stand on the top of the four seas, and worship for all nations is more in line with the mind of a person who has traveled from later generations.

This complicated mind and the passion in his arms made him uncomfortable, but his ambition and ambition could not be confided to outsiders. The night was silent, weeping willow fields, he looked south at Zheqiu, west at Chenting Pavilion, and looked back at the military camp. He hesitated and stayed by the river for a long time, until the crescent moon rose, and it was about to reach the mid-heaven. In the midst of the sound, they returned to the camp with Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and others.

Back in the battalion, the soldiers have rested. Except for the night patrol, no one in the battalion was moving, it was quiet.

Stepping into the moonlight outside the central army tent, an official on duty greeted him, smiled and said to Xun Zhen, "Sima, it's a good thing!"

Xun Zhen handed over the mount to the personal soldiers, and explained to the personal soldiers: "Take care of them with good life"—he is now riding the Taxue Wuxian obtained from Liu Pi. It is really a good horse. Wen, he liked it very much, and asked the official, "What's the good thing? I'll make you happy."

The official said, "General Huangfu Fangcai sent someone to send a hundred strong crossbows to my department."

"Hundreds of strong crossbows?"

"Isn't it?"

"Where are you now?"

"Just in the middle army, the subordinates ordered them to be moved outside Sima's tent and wait for your arrangement."

Xun Zhen thought of the origin of these hundred powerful crossbows, which must have been sent by Luo Jun on behalf of Chen Wang and Liu Chong. When I saw Luo Jun in the morning, Luo Jun's army's supplies included meat, wine, and some carts. Now that I think about it, those carts should contain crossbows. King Chen was known for being good at crossbows. There were thousands of crossbows in his private library. Although he formed a strong crossbow army, it was not unusual for him to send some to Huangfu Song. Xun Zhen was one of the best generals under Huangfu Song. Huangfu Song had obtained a crossbow, and of course he would not forget him. Xun Zhen was overjoyed and said, "Let's go and have a look."

With this official leading the way, Xun Zhen and others came to the place where the strong crossbow was stored.

These crossbows are placed in painted wooden boxes, the lacquer boxes are neatly placed, and bundles of crossbow bolts come with the crossbow.

Xun Zhen personally opened a box and took out the crossbow inside. It was made of fine iron and had been properly maintained. Even in the night, a cold light could be seen on the surface, and the arrow grooves were smooth. Xun Zhen held the hanging knife and pulled the crossbow string.

Crossbows are big or small, the big ones need to be placed on the ground to use, and the small ones can be picked up with one hand. This repeating crossbow can be picked up with one hand and held with one hand. As long as the hanging knife is pulled, the front "teeth" will retract, and the crossbow arrow will be shot out of the box. Compared with the crossbow in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the crossbow of the Han Dynasty has one more device, which is the crossbow, which is the receiver of the crossbow machine. Increased crossbow arm strength.

At the same time, the crossbow of the Han Dynasty has added a scale to the "Wangshan", that is, the sight, to make the crossbow more accurate. After the crossbow is shot, it will fall due to gravity. The longer the range, the greater the falling range. Therefore, the crossbow machine needs to be raised when shooting the crossbow. Experience has determined that after there is a scale on Wangshan, the height of the crossbow machine can be determined according to the distance of the target, which improves the hit rate and simplifies the operation.

Xun Zhen held the hanging knife, raised the crossbow machine horizontally, put it in front of her eyes, faced Wangshan, looked forward, gave it a try, and said, "Bring a crossbow bolt." Xuan Kang took two out of the crossbow bolt bundle. .

Xun Zhen filled it into the arrow box, raised the crossbow machine, aimed it at a wooden pole dozens of steps away, raised the crossbow machine slightly according to the distance and the scale of Wangshan, and pulled the hanging knife~www. crossbow bolts. The arrow of the crossbow shot out, hitting the wooden pole in the middle, and penetrated deep into it. Shoot again, hit again.

Xuankang, Li Bo, etc. praised: "Xunjun is a god!"

Xun Zhen took back the crossbow machine with satisfaction, and played it with love. He smiled and said, "It's not that I am a good shooter, but King Chen's crossbow machine is very good. I have heard that King Chen is good at crossbows, and all of them are good crossbows. I tried it tonight, and sure enough." Looking around at everyone, he smiled and said, "With these 100 strong crossbows, our division will be more confident in the battle of Dongjun." Xun Zhen originally had 200 strong crossbows in his division, but now he has obtained these 100 excellent crossbows. , a few rounds of salvos of three hundred bolts can defeat thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers. Xun You and Xi Zhicai agreed.

Xi Zhicai asked: "Zhenzhi, how do you plan to distribute these hundred strong crossbows?" Xun Zhen pondered for a moment, then said, "It's better to gather them together instead of being scattered. Pass my order to select good archers from each battalion. Hundreds of people, allocating to Chen Dao, all these hundred good crossbows will be given to Defeating the Enemy!"

Everyone promises.

Chen Dao's "Breaking the Enemy" originally had 200 people, and adding these 100 people, it would reach 300, and it would become the most lethal song under Xun Zhen's command. Xun Zhen has always acted resolutely. He selected a hundred people that night, and the next morning, he matched them with a hundred good crossbows and handed them all to Chen Dao. Stayed outside Changping County for one night, and the next morning, the whole army set off and continued marching. m

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