The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 112: Demanding Dong County to leave Runan (Part 1)

w I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival. Today is the last day of the red envelope giving event. I just read the list of red envelopes, and I am actually on the list. I am ashamed and ashamed of everyone's support. The sun is full of white. The monthly pass of my classmate is too powerful, but yesterday I was unable to update due to personal affairs, and I feel even more ashamed and guilty.


The edict ordered Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to divide their troops and go all the way to fight against Dong County and all the way to Nanyang County. Although the edict came down, it was not possible to set off immediately, and there were still many things that needed to be dealt with.

The Runan County soldiers were all killed and wounded, and the prefect Zhao Qian has no soldiers and horses on hand. He needs to help him rebuild the county soldiers. Otherwise, when Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, etc. leave, maybe Runan will be in chaos again.

You must know that only a part of the more than 100,000 Yellow Turbans in Runan were captured and captured, and many Xingsan escaped to other places or hid in the people. They are still eager to move. Chaos. In order to prevent the situation in Runan from recurring, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun distributed part of the captured armor and weapons to Zhao Qian. Like Yingchuan, Runan originally had a Hyogo, which was in Pingyu County, but it was looted by the Yellow Turbans long ago.

After getting the weapons and armors assisted by Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, Zhao Qian immediately issued a bulletin and recruited troops to the whole county.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion made the people of Runan either destroyed or displaced. There were many refugees. In order to beg for food, thousands of people applied for the recruitment within three days. Zhao Qian ordered the officers of the county to screen carefully, only selecting good family members, not rogues, especially paying attention to the screening of Taiping Dao believers and Runan yellow turbans who slipped through the net, and finally selected 3,000 people and re-formed a county soldier.

When Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Xun Zhen, Sun Jian, Fu Xie and others divided their troops to conquer the counties, the powerful gentry of the counties took the opportunity to form local armed forces of different scales and sizes, some hundreds of people, some 100 people, each of them. There are all counties, and these armed forces together have four or five thousand people. In this way, there are 3,000 county soldiers in the county, and there are "county soldiers" in the local counties.

After the war, the Runan Prefecture was very embarrassed. Not only did they have no weapons, but they also had no money or food. The food and money in the previous government treasury were taken away by the Runan Yellow Turbans. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun sent the Buddha to the west, and they helped Zhao Qian with some money and food. Speaking of which, the things that aided Zhao Qian, whether weapons, money, or food, were actually Runan County's own things, but they were snatched away by the Yellow Turbans from Runan, and then recaptured by Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. Even so, these things are now considered seized. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun led tens of thousands of Han soldiers to fight and also needed supplies. When they were in Yingchuan, because the counties in the northern part of Yingchuan were not lost, the prefect Wen of Yingchuan could organize the people to send supplies to them. After entering Runan, the prefect Wen Although it was ordered to continue to send food supplies to them, the distance was long and the loss was huge, and it was far from enough. Many of the supplies for the army led by Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were obtained by themselves. how to do? Huangfu Song is a famous general, cherishes feathers, and rules the army very strictly. He will definitely not do anything to rob people, so most of them are from the capture of the Yellow Turbans in Runan. It is not easy to give some to Zhao Qian. . Zhao Qian is very grateful to Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun for this.

Although the civil and military affairs of the two Han Dynasties have been separated, there have been civil official families who have studied Confucianism for generations and military families who have been generals for generations, but they are not as distinct as some later dynasties, and there is still the legacy of the former Qin Dynasty. When there is a war, he leads his troops on an expedition, and when the war is over, he enters the dynasty and becomes the prime minister. For this reason, although Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were generals leading the troops, they got along pretty well with civil ministers like Zhao Qian. In fact, Zhao Qian is not a scholar who is powerless. The prefect is also known as a county general and a general of a county. He is also on the battlefield when needed. He fought against the Runan Yellow Turbans earlier. Not hiding behind, but also charging forward.

To be honest, Xun Zhen likes the current trend very much. The Han style is simple and sturdy, which suits his taste very much, but in modern times, perhaps because of the freshness of the softness, or the yin and the yang, it has become popular in addition to this simple and sturdy mainstream. The trend is to infuse incense with powder, such as Xun Yu, like incense. This ethos, coupled with the current style of clear discussion, has developed into the romantic style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Sex is acceptable, but this kind of feminine aesthetic and empty talk is really unbearable. Xun Zhen didn't like this new trend very much, but now he's soft-spoken, but he doesn't care about it.

These are all digressions, but they speak for the moment. When Zhao Qian rebuilt the county soldiers, Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and other Han soldiers were also reorganizing their training.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun took in nearly 10,000 Yellow Turban prisoners and needed to be properly trained.

The first general order from Huangfu Song that Xun Zhen received was: reorganization of various departments and collective training.

Xun Zhen's group got 2,000 prisoners. When he got these prisoners, he initially organized them. Except for the 300 people who were organized into the headquarters, the remaining 1,900 people formed an army alone. He gave a name, It is called "Runan Camp", the nine hundred people brought by He Yi are "Runan Zuoying", and one thousand people brought by Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Yuan Pan and others are "Runan Right Camp". From then on, Xun Zhen had three battalions under his command, which could be divided into three armies.

After receiving the general order of Huangfu Song's reorganization and training, he spent the whole day in the camp and refined the organization of Runan's left and right camps.

He has few people on hand, although there are a large number of Xixiang Qingxia and Li people, but these are the foundation and backbone of his headquarters, and it is impossible to transfer all of them to the left and right camps in Runan. The central army, that is, the combat power of the headquarters, is the first, and it is better to maintain the reliability and combat power of the headquarters rather than equalize the combat power of the three troops. Therefore, he did not recruit too many people from the headquarters, only a few dozen people, and all these dozens of people were incorporated into the Runan Right Camp to strengthen Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Yuan Pan and others against the Runan Right. He had no control over the battalion, but for Runan Zuoying, he didn't put it in alone.

After refining the organization, the three thousand people under his subordinates formed such a situation: the central army is the backbone, loyal and reliable, and has the strongest combat power, followed by the right army, which cannot be guaranteed to be very loyal, but at least it can be controlled, and the left army is again After all, loyalty and combat power all depend on He Yi.

This kind of organization seems to let He Yi go, but in fact it is the only and best choice at the moment. The so-called "strong and weak branches" is precisely after Emperor Guangwu's rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty. The method of the forbidden army to control the army of the world's prefectures.

The Chinese army is reliable, strong in combat power, and the best weapons. With such a force in hand, even if He Yi rebels, there is no need to worry. Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, and Yuan Pan were able to control the right army. Even if these thousand people followed the chaos, they would have a buffer time. The strength of the 1,200-strong Chinese army could completely control He Yi's army during this period of time. The rebellion was extinguished.

In fact, "He Yi's Rebellion" is just the worst assumption. Huangfu Song, a famous general in the world, since he has made the decision to take in and reorganize the prisoners of the Yellow Turbans, it shows that he is confident enough to ensure that these prisoners will not cause chaos.

The reason is very simple: Runan County is very large, with 37 counties and more than 2 million people. On the one hand, the number of people in Runan Yellow Turbans is much larger than that of Yingchuan Yellow Turbans. On the other hand, it also makes Runan Yellow Turbans more powerful. There are many internal factions, and there are far more hills than the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans. There are factions, there are hills, there are conflicts with each other, and there are conflicts that can be exploited. The Yellow Turban prisoners Huangfu Song collected were carefully selected. There was not a single steadfast believer in Taiping Dao, and most of them were fish in troubled waters. The two thousand prisoners he allocated to Xunzhen were mostly Peng Tuo, Gong Du and others. The old department of He Yi, rarely He Yi's old department. Most of Huangjinqu's subordinates are from his own village. Peng Tuo, Gong Du, and He Yi are not from the same place. He Yi is not familiar with Peng Tuo and Gong Du's subordinates, and Peng Tuo and Gong Du's subordinates I don't know him well either, so I don't have to worry about them being able to hug together right away.

As long as they didn't form a group right away, with Xun Zhen's means, they would have enough confidence to divide and draw them together. Among the prisoners were many former yellow turban young marshals. During the reorganization and training in the past few days, Xun Zhen tried to win over these people, and he used the method of "shoving clothes and clothes, pushing food and food, and sleeping in the same couch". Take it out, set up a banquet, take care of small things, and promise them that as long as they fight loyally and don’t have two hearts, Huangfu Song will write to the court to forgive their sins, and promises that as long as they make military exploits, they will be rewarded with money. The rewarding officer is the rewarding officer.

These young marshals were not followers of Taiping Dao, and the reason why they arose from chaos was the same as He Yi, but they were only greedy for money, but now they were defeated and captured. And getting the promise, even the first one who was a little uneasy gradually let go.

Xun You and Xi Zhicai also signaled Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Yuan Pan and others to pretend to be casual in normal times, and tell more about Xun Zhen's past deeds, military exploits, and Xun Zhen's promises and gold, and they were faithful to their words. Chuan's fame.

With a two-pronged approach, before Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun decided to leave the camp, the two thousand Runan Yellow Turban prisoners who had been allocated to Xun Zhen did not dare to say that they all returned to Xun Zhen. At least 60% of them stayed in the army with peace of mind. situation. The human heart, as long as it is fixed, it will no longer be suspicious and frightened, and it will be difficult to incite them to cause chaos.

After five days of reorganization and training, the eunuchs who passed the decree repeatedly urged, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun no longer delayed. On April 25th, the two of them went to the camp and assembled their headquarters. Tens of thousands of troops left the camp.

Zhu Jun went to Nanyang, Jingzhou. After leaving Pingyu, he went south, passing through Yang'an and Langling, and after traveling for more than 100 li, it was the boundary of Nanyang County. Huangfu Song went to Yanzhou Dongjun County. After leaving Pingyu, he went north. The journey was long. He had to pass through Chen State, then Chenliu County, and then Dongjun. The whole journey was about 500 miles. There are no major Yellow Turban activities, but there are also small groups of thieves. On the way, we have to march and suppress thieves. It will be a tiring journey. Sun Jian followed Zhu Jun, Xun Zhen and Fu Xie followed Huangfu Song.

Zhao Qian led Runan County officials and Pingyu elders to send them out of the camp. The **** who passed the decree, the courtiers who came with the eunuch, including the friend of Huangfu Song, also went out of the city to see them off. After they were sent away, these people would return to Luoyang.

Nearly 50,000 Han troops left the camp with great fanfare.

Sun Jian took Zu Mao, Wu Jing, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and others to wait for Xun Zhen on the side of the road, and the two said goodbye.

Sun Jian looked at the soldiers and horses of Xunzhen's army that were heading north, and said with a smile: "Zhenzhi, when you came to Runan, your army only had more than 1,000 people and made great achievements. Now you have 3,000 troops. When you go to Dongjun, you must I can make more contributions! I am waiting for your good news in Nanyang."

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Isn't my brother's subordinates also three thousand tigers now? Brother, Nanyang Zhang Mancheng is called 'God's Envoy'. He has 100,000 troops, and he has a great momentum. He has no advantage in attacking and conquering, and even Wancheng was captured by him. , is a big thief like Yingchuan Bocai and Runan Pengtuo, brother, when you go to Nanyang, you must be careful and do not fight in waves."

The commander of the Yellow Turbans in Dongjun was named Bu Ji. Although he had 20,000 to 30,000 horses under his command, his achievements were far from that of Bo Cai, Peng Tuo, and Zhang Man. Xunzhen went from Huangfu Song to Dongjun. At most, the journey was a long way and it was tiring, but defeating Buji was definitely not a problem, but Zhang Man's achievements were different. Nanyang was a large county with a large population and rich output. He responded to every call, with a solid foundation, with a force of 100,000 troops, and his momentum was enormous. Sun Jian laughed and said, "Okay! Thank you Brother Xian for your concern."

Although he agreed, it could be seen from his ignorant face that he didn't take Xun Zhen's advice to heart. It is no wonder that he was a fierce and brave man. Although Xihua suffered a little loss in the battle and was seriously injured, he immediately captured Peng Tuo. The two counties of Chuan and Nanyang, with their military exploits topping the list twice, would certainly not take Nanyang Zhang Mancheng in their eyes.

Xun Zhen was a little worried when he saw that he was being careless, but he also knew that Sun Jian's nature was like this. Fake. Wentai’s nature is like this, so it’s useless to say more.  …, I remember that he died in battle after begging Dong. Now that Dong Zhuo has not yet entered the capital, it should be no problem for him to go to Nanyang.” Then he stopped persuading him.

The two are separate. Zu Mao, Wu Jing, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and other generals bowed to Xun Zhen, turned their horses, and followed Sun Jian to chase the headquarters.

Xun Zhen watched them go away, and said to Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and others, "Let's go too!"

Everyone mounted their horses in unison, turned their horses, returned to the road, followed the soldiers of the headquarters, and merged into Huangfu Song, a large army of more than 20,000 people. More than 20,000 people left the people, horses, and baggage, stretching for more than ten miles, with flags and flags like forests, spears and swords like mountains, and went along the official road to Chen Guoxing. Xun Zhen walked for a while, then turned to look back, Zhao Qian and others had returned to the city, and Pingyu County was pulled behind, gradually moving away.

The world is not at peace, and it is difficult to gather dust. After only a few months of fighting, Xun Zhen felt exhausted both physically and mentally. The suffering of the battle was really not as romantic and passionate as the scholars imagined in the bookstore. If nothing else, the march was boring and repetitive. Extremely, riding a war horse for a long time, the thighs are sore, which is not bad. Soldiers who walk on foot have to carry soldiers, armor, and dry food. They walk down for dozens of miles a day, covered with dust and grinding the soles of their feet. He was exhausted and exhausted. After the daily march stopped, he had to set up camp again, which was even more exhausting.

Now in April, when Mengchun and early summer, the weather is still good. If it is changed to the cold winter, the twelfth lunar month or the dog days, it will be even more suffering.

These are just tiring and suffering. When encountering the enemy, going into battle to kill the enemy, and risking life all the time, it’s okay to die in battle. The most fearful thing is to be injured. Minor injuries are fine. Legs can't die for a while, but nine times out of ten, they can't be saved. Watching the wound fester, the high fever is unbearable, the pain is piercing to the bone, lying down and waiting to die, that's the real suffering.

After only fighting for a few months, Xun Zhen couldn't stand the day, but the world was just in chaos, and the chaos was still to come. m

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