The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Destroying the Enemy's Camp (Part 1)

w Thank you all for your support. It was the first time that I was in the top ten of the monthly pass. It seems that the cold is also a little lighter, ha. [] In the past two days, especially the sweet tooth, the little feet, the seven-day fish, the sun is white and other students, the red envelopes and monthly tickets are too powerful. The second is more offered.


The enemy and our army collided.

The soldiers in the first few columns of the Han army and the Yellow Turban army were already fighting, and the soldiers at the back were still rushing forward.

Xun Zhence followed Xu Zhong and Chen Baoqu with a sword and charged with Xun Chengqu. He didn't ride Liu Pi's mount, which he snatched from the Yellow Turban camp last night. Liu Pi's mount was a snow-treading black horse. The horse was unusual and easy to identify. The Yellow Turban soldiers might all recognize this horse. During the melee, if he rode this horse, wouldn't it be like wearing a 10,000-watt headlight, constantly saying to the Yellow Turban soldiers: I was the one who broke into your military camp last night and robbed your commander's horse! This was no doubt about dying, so he still rode his original mount.

He controlled the horse, kept an eye on the battle in front of him, and kept an eye on the formations of the soldiers in front of him.

At this time, I have just come into contact with the enemy, and the formation cannot be scattered. Once scattered, it will be divided and surrounded by the enemy. Once it is divided and surrounded by the enemy, no matter how brave the individual is, he will inevitably fall into death, unable to return to the sky. The more than 1,000 soldiers under his subordinates were selected after many battles and after he eliminated the old and the weak, so although the war had already started, they could still maintain their formation under the restraint of the officers.

The war between the two armies did not turn into a melee all of a sudden, it took a process. For example, now, there are only a thousand people in the small square formation in the first column of the Han army. After these thousand people meet the enemy, they will kill each other, and it is impossible to break into the enemy's formation soon. You need to slow down appropriately so as not to overwhelm the soldiers in front of your own army. There was no need for Xun Zhen to issue military orders. The officers of Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Xun Cheng, and Xin Ai were all giving orders to adjust the speed of the attack according to the battle situation ahead.

Xun Zhen was relieved to see that the officers of each Qu were orderly, and the more than 1,000 soldiers in the headquarters were commanded in an orderly manner.

He looked to the left and right, because he had just come into contact with the enemy, and the progress of all the friendly forces was similar, and they were advancing side by side. However, Xun Zhen knew in his heart, wait a little longer, and when the battle situation becomes incandescent, it is time to show who has the sharpest troops. pulled behind.

Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other guards held spears and knives in their hands, and guarded Xun Zhen tightly.

While Xun Zhen rushed forward with the big team, he looked forward again, only to see Liu Deng taking the lead, rushing to the front of the phalanx of the headquarters, holding a long iron halberd, slashing left and right. After knocking down five or six enemies, he took the lead in breaking into the enemy's formation with the soldiers of this song. The enemy, a leader dressed as a handsome boy, brought a dozen people to block it.

This young handsome man was wearing armor and using spears. The dozen or so people he brought were probably ng Rui among the Yellow Turban soldiers. Huangfu Song knew that he should put the sharpest troops at the forefront, and Liu Pi would naturally put the sharpest troops at the forefront. The dozen or so people formed an arc-shaped semi-encirclement, trying to surround Liu Deng.

Liu Deng didn't wait for the soldiers behind him to catch up at all, and rushed forward, while rushing forward, he shouted: "You are not my enemy! I only take Liu Pi and Wu Ba!" How could these people be willing to let go? open? More than ten spears pierced out, Liu Deng struck left and right, used the small branches on both sides of the iron halberd to put the enemy's spear tips into it, and then pulled hard, destroying all the more than ten spear tips.

The iron halberd is a weapon with a spear tip at the front and a crescent-shaped sharp blade on one or both sides, which is connected to the spear tip through two twigs. There is a gap between the twig and the crescent blade, which can be used to hold the enemy's spear. This is a use of the halberd. Liu Deng not only made good use of the double iron halberds, but also made good use of the long halberds. He shattered the spears of the more than ten enemies at once, and then stepped forward, attacking the left and killing the right. He is powerful, and the long iron halberd he uses is heavy. With a stab, the enemy's armor will be pierced by him if it is not an armor. He vomited blood, and in the blink of an eye, half of the dozen or so people were knocked down by him, including the little handsome.

The little handsome was hit by him with the iron halberd, staggered back seven or eight steps, the armor on his chest shattered, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The two soldiers who were trapped in the battle looked at the cheap and dashed towards him. One of them stabbed his arm with a spear. The force of the impact made the young handsome lose his footing and fell to the ground. The other was caught in the battle. The soldiers jumped on top of him, chōu pulled out a knife, cut his throat nimbly, and shouted at Liu Deng: "Liu Jun, do you want a head?" On the battlefield, the enemy and I are fighting, and it is impossible to kill an enemy with its rank. If it was an ordinary Yellow Turban soldier, just cut off his left ear. After all, he is a handsome man, looking at his armor and weapons, and he should be a warrior in the Yellow Turban Army, so this soldier who was trapped in the formation has this question.

Liu Deng dismissed it and shouted: "The nameless rat, it's not worth it!" He slaughtered the remaining Yellow Turban soldiers, strode forward with a long iron halberd, and the enemy who came up like a tidal wave. Fight hard.

With the help of Xu Zhongqu and Zhang Shi's arrows, Liu Deng was savage, attacking and beheading the enemy, and marching forward bravely. In the formation of the Yellow Turbans.

Xun Zhen counted the time, and after a while, he ordered, "Let Liu Deng step back and Jiang Qinqu come forward!"

Long-term fierce battles will consume a lot of physical strength. When rushing into the formation, you can't use only one Qu **** in the front, especially when facing a brave enemy like Liu Pi, you need at least two Qu to rush into the formation. Xun Zhen's order was passed down, and Liu Deng led his troops to retreat and replaced Jiang Qinqu, who was in the second row, to go into battle. Jiang Qin is known as the hero of Yingyin, and he is also very brave. Although his personal strength is not comparable to that of Liu Deng, he has the most light heroes in this song. They are all brave people. But not afraid, shouting and fighting. Jiang Qin's younger brother, Jiang Huchong, was in the first row. Jiang Hu was brave and ruthless. When he fought against the Yingchuan Yellow Turban, he was also famous for his bravery. In every battle, he never let go of the enemy.

Uncle Zuo looked into the formation from afar and said to Xun Zhen, "First A-Deng, then Slim-eyed. With the two of them taking turns rushing into the formation, the thieves will not be able to stop me!" . Jiang Qin, Jiang Hu, Liu Denggu fought bravely, took over to kill the enemy, and led their troops deeper and deeper into the enemy's line. Following in their footsteps, first Xu Zhongqu, Chen Baoqu, then Xun Chengqu, and then Xin Ai's cavalry entered the Yellow Turban formation one by one, and started a full-scale battle with the enemy.

At this time, Xun Zhen was the most leisurely person. He was guarded by Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and others, as well as the tiger warrior of Xun Cheng's song, and behind him another mounted on a horse. , Knight Song of Xin Ai, who has been ordered to disperse the strings to kill the enemy, under the firm guard of these hundreds of people, although there are yellow turban soldiers who are not afraid of death, they can't reach him at all. .

Xun Zhen looked back, and saw that the Han army formations behind him were also following up one after another, and they followed them into the formation, but the friendly troops on the left and right were now a little distanced from him. Falling behind, one was chased in from the middle by some yellow turban soldiers, separating them from each other. These are common occurrences in combat. From the point of view of Xun Zhen, it was the Yellow Turban soldiers who cut off the close ties with the friendly forces, but from the Yellow Turban soldier's side, it was not the Han soldiers who cut off the connection between their own ministries. So don't worry too much, as long as the distance from the friendly army is not too far, you don't have to worry about falling into the siege.

As time went by, the sun sank, and the two armies penetrated into each other's formations. The drums of war in the central army of the Han army were incessantly heard, and the drums of war in the central army of the Yellow Turbans on the opposite side were also non-stop. The drums of war are like thunder, shouting and killing the ears to stop the clouds, the enemy and I are fighting, the spears and halberds intersect, and the dust covers the sky. The war has entered a white-hot situation.

There are constantly enemy and our soldiers falling to the ground, and there are constantly enemy and our soldiers taking up their positions, fighting endlessly. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army hugged the soldiers of the Han Army and rolled on the ground. The soldiers of the Han army raised their spears and pierced the chest and abdomen of the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans. The comrades fighting side by side can't care about anyone else. If they are distracted, they will be killed by the enemy. They only have their own opponents in their eyes, and they fight each other. Xun Zhen didn't have the time to look at other friendly troops. In fact, until now, he couldn't see the friendly troops at all, and there were only enemies in all directions.

Jiang Qinqu rushed forward twenty paces to kill, because he had already rushed into the enemy's formation, the pressure was greatly increased, and there were successive casualties of soldiers, and Jiang Hu was also slightly injured. Xun Zhen ordered in time: "Change to the battle array!"

Liu Deng followed Jiang Qinqu after eating the dust for a long time. He couldn't bear it any longer. He couldn't wait. , waved a long iron halberd, stabbed and smashed the Yellow Turban soldiers on the opposite side, and there seemed to be endless Yellow Turban soldiers facing forward, shouting: "I only take Liu Pi and Wu Ba, others are not my enemies!"

Even if the Yellow Turbans on the opposite side were endless, he couldn't stop killing him all the way, leaving blood on the ground and the corpses of the enemy. With a bang, he bravely took fifty steps forward. Xun Zhen ordered Jiang Qin to sing again.

In this way, Liu Deng and Jiang Qin took turns rushing towards the formation.

Liu Dengsan rushed to the enemy line and was invincible.

It's just that he couldn't find Liu Pi's whereabouts among the ten thousand armies. There were many yellow turban young marshals who beheaded, but he was never able to fight against Liu Pi. His long iron halberd was covered in blood, the halberd was almost dyed red, and the blood slipped on his hands. He tore off the jacket of the iron armor and wrapped it around his hands. Like a sharp sword, every Yellow Turban soldier who meets him will be smashed to pieces. While rushing to kill, he noticed that the Yellow Turban soldiers on the right were dodging one after another, and dozens of cavalry rushed from here.

His task was to make a surprise attack. This enemy came from the right flank and was not under his control. He had Xu Zhong, Chen Bao, Xun Cheng, Xin Ai and others to deal with. Without hesitation, he ignored the cavalry that came from the flank, and continued to charge forward, before four or five steps forward, when he suddenly heard hundreds of people in the rear shouting in unison: "Dian Wei Zhan Kill Wu Ba!" m

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