The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 100: The hero is more than Ban Dingyuan

w Today, I wanted to take a break, one more update, after seeing everyone's monthly tickets, support, and red envelopes are so powerful, then two more updates. []Thank you for the red envelopes, cheers, monthly tickets, and second more of your classmates, such as the sun is white, the sweet tooth, Genting Moon, zxz, z119, moon rage, feng wave e, Beidou leaning on a railing, chasing summer, blazing wind, etc. send.


Xun Zhen pulled the horse back from the camp gate and looked back. There were no Yellow Turban soldiers chasing them behind them. From a distance, the fire in the Yellow Turban barracks could be seen blazing into the sky, and the noise could be heard in the Han army barracks several miles away. He couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Xin Ai asked, "Mr. Xun, what are you sighing for?" Following Xun Zhen to look back at the bandit camp, seeing the chaos of the bandits, he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Xun, how did you sneak into the bandit camp and then stay in the bandit camp again? What did you do here that caused the thieves to panic?"

Xun Zhen answered his first question and said, "It's a pity, it's a pity, if I had known it would lead to chaos in the bandit camp, I should have asked General Huangfu and General Zhu to send more troops to ambush outside the bandit camp, or they might be able to put the bandit camp in an ambush. Break it in one fell swoop.” Now it is impossible. One is that there is a distance of seven or eight miles from the Han army barracks to the Yellow Turbans barracks. After gathering good people and rushing over, the chaos in the Yellow Turbans barracks may have been alleviated. Xun Zhenyao saw that the gate of Xihua city opened, and a fire dragon came out, which should be the troops sent to the military camp in the city. At this time, if they attacked the Yellow Turban army camp again, it would only turn into a chaotic battle. A night battle involving tens of thousands of people is very dangerous, and no one is sure of winning. If something goes wrong, it will be very bad for the Han army to collapse at night.

Xunzhen ordered Xin Ai to send the knights in the song to rest in the camp, and brought Xu Zhong, Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Chen Bao, Chen Dao, and Xin A to see Huangfu Song. Xu Zhong and others were very excited. Dian Wei and Liu Deng were the vanguards of Xun Zhen's escape from the Yellow Turban camp. His clothes were covered in blood, and his faces were bloodstained, but they couldn't hide their excited expressions. Even deep people like Xu Zhong and Chen Bao revealed a bit of excitement that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Xin Ai couldn't help but ask Xun Zhen again: "Xunjun, didn't you go to find out the truth of the thief camp? Why did the thief camp suddenly become in chaos? Did they discover it?"

Liu Deng's eyebrows danced, and he repeatedly said: "Tonight is really happy, happy!" Yuan Zhongqing boasted to everyone: "When I killed the thief camp just now, I killed at least 20 thieves! Alas, unfortunately I was in a hurry at that time. If you leave the thief camp, you don't have time to take the head, otherwise this will be a big reward." His tone was triumphant, not because the reward was a pity, but to show off how many enemies he killed this time.

Chen Bao knew him well and said with a smile, "Old Yuan, what you said is wrong! I was by your side when you came out of the thief camp. Where did you kill twenty yellow turban thieves?" Yuan Zhongqing rose He blushed, pointed at the night sky, and swore, "If I haven't killed twenty thieves, my surname is yours!" Chen Bao smiled and said, "You must not have killed twenty thieves, you should say less. Thirty people have to be killed!"

Yuan Zhongqing turned his anger into joy, and everyone laughed. Chen Bao looked at Dian Wei and Liu Deng who were walking in front with admiration, and said again: "If it is said that the most thieves are killed, it must be A Deng and Dian Jun! If it wasn't for them tonight, we might not be able to get out. "

When they came out of the Yellow Turban barracks, Liu Deng and Dian Wei rushed to the front and no one could stop them. Yuan Zhongqing said that he killed twenty Yellow Turban soldiers, which was bragging, but Liu Deng and Dian Wei were real Everyone on the ground had to kill dozens of Yellow Turban pawns.

Dian Wei did not speak, but Liu Deng had an undisguised smug look, his head held high, and he strode beside Xun Zhen.

They talked lively, which made Xin Ai even more itchy. He asked again and asked, "Xun Jun, did you alert the thieves?...Hey, by the way, didn't you go on foot when you went? Come out? Why did you ride a horse at that time?" Chen Bao pointed at the horse that Xun Zhen was leading with a smile, and said, "The horse I waited for was snatched from the thief's camp, the horse Xun Jun rides looks familiar to you. Is it?"

When he was responding to Xun Zhen just now, Xin Ai's attention was all on the chasing soldiers behind him, walking while fighting, but he never paid attention to the horse that Xun Zhen was riding. Colt! I saw that the horse's hair was all black, only the four hooves were snow-white, eight feet high, and the length from head to tail was more than ten feet long. He exclaimed: "This, this, this is not?"

Gao Bing hurriedly said: "Yes, this is the horse of the thief Qu Shuai Liu Pi."

Xin Ai was surprised and delighted, and asked Xun Zhen, "Xun Jun, how did you get it?" When he led his troops into battle, this was the horse he rode. Xin Ai had seen it from afar.

Looking back on what happened after entering the Yellow Turban camp tonight, although Xun Zhen's face was calm and Yan Ran's calm look, it actually had a lot of post-war excitement and aftertaste. He smiled, looked ahead, and said, "The handsome tent has arrived. Come and meet the general with me. Yulang, I will report your question to the general later."

Arriving outside the tent, Xun Zhen handed over the mount to the guards outside the tent to take care of him temporarily, and after the personal soldiers informed him, he led everyone inside.

Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Zhao Qian, several captains of the Fifth School of the Northern Army, Fu Xie and other important generals in the army knew that Xun Zhen was going to visit the enemy's camp tonight. When the people came in, a captain of the Fifth School of the Northern Army couldn't wait to lean over and asked, "Xun Sima, are you back?" return."

Huangfu Song asked, "I heard the noise from the bandit camp, what happened?"

Xun Zhen said lightly: "The subordinate officers and Jiang Xian, Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Chen Bao, Chen Dao and other warriors sneaked into the bandit camp at the end of the Hai Shih tonight. Shuai, Jiang Xian, Liu Deng, etc., pretended to be my soldiers, such as night patrolmen, and walked in the thief camp. It took more than an hour to roughly find out what was inside the thief camp. The servants, who were cooking fire with fire, happened to be hungry, so they went over to eat something, and just as they were talking, Liu Pi's tent was not far away, and the servants found the thief again. Outside the tent of Liu Pi, the commander of Qu Shuai, crossed swords and killed more than 50 people. He wanted to break into the tent and kill Liu Pi, but after breaking in, he found that Liu Pi was not there. I don't know whose camp he went to. He then seized Liu Pi's horse and the cavalry of his personal soldiers, and when the bandits were disturbed, he drove the horse out, and after leaving the bandit camp, Xin Ai helped him and returned to our army."

His words were very simple, but when he thought about it, his taste was shocking: a total of ten people went deep into the enemy camp, and the night police team disguised as the enemy patrolled the camp. He even went to the yellow turban soldiers who were cooking on the fire and had a meal. Finally, before leaving, he found Liu Pi's tent and killed more than 50 people and grabbed ten horses. Only then did Shi Shiran leave. He regarded the more than 30,000 soldiers in the Yellow Turban Barracks as nothing, and regarded the Yellow Turban Barracks as his own back garden.

The crowd couldn't believe it and were stunned. Zhao Qian, the prefect of Runan, said in shock: "Now I know what it means to be in danger and come and go freely."

Xun Zhen paused for a while, then smiled again: "Although I didn't expect to find Liu Pi's handsome tent, which caused a great chaos in the thief camp, so I couldn't prepare the next army earlier, and attacked it while the chaos was happening. After all this disturbance, the subordinates concluded that if our army goes to battle tomorrow, it will not only be able to defeat the bandit army, but also destroy the bandit army's camp!" Huangfu Song asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "When the officers were patrolling the bandit camp, I saw many thieves soldiers who did not observe the military discipline. Several of the bandit soldiers who did not observe the military discipline were whipped by the subordinates! Such a loose military discipline, although the thieves The generals are brave, and the bandits are not afraid of death, but what they are fighting for is nothing more than one breath. Tonight, the subordinates killed more than fifty subordinates of Liu Pi's tent, causing chaos in the bandit camp. Win and break the camp."

After hearing what he said, everyone looked at each other more and more, dumbfounded. It's just a matter of patrolling the camp as a police night, and it's just a matter of eating food. When you find Liu Pi outside the tent, he kills more than 50 Liu Pi's corporal officers, causing chaos in the Yellow Turban Barracks. Flogging Yellow Turban soldiers who violated military discipline? Two captains thought, "This Xun Zhenzhi is so courageous, does he really think of himself as a thief guarding the night?" The torches in the tent swayed, and the night in the camp was dark. Everyone in the tent thought about the daring and bravery of Xun Zhen and others in the Yellow Turban Barracks, and the danger they faced at that time, and a cold sweat broke out behind the cowardly.

Everyone looked at Xun Zhen and Xu Zhong, Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Chen Dao, Xin Ai and others who were kneeling behind him, and they all thought in unison: "What is this son's courage made of? These guests are all warriors who are not afraid of death!" Looking at Xu Zhong, Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Xin Ai and others who were kneeling behind Xun Zhen, they only saw a group of real warriors. Although these people did not wear armor or weapons, they were still wearing the clothes of the Yellow Turban soldiers, kneeling quietly on the ground, but the bloodstains on their clothes seemed to be telling the story that just happened. Lie's murderous aura came, and shivered in this warm spring night.

In fact, although Xun Zhen's visit to the Yellow Turban Barracks tonight was dangerous, it was not as dangerous as everyone in the tent imagined. Before Xun Zhen made this suggestion, she had also analyzed the dangers of the trip before she invited him to the Yellow Turban camp for a night visit. He believes that although this trip is dangerous, if it is considered as ten points, the danger is only five points. Why? First, after several days of observation, the Yellow Turbans' barracks looked neat and tidy, but there were actually hundreds of loopholes; secondly, if there were loopholes, they could be exploited. There were more than 30,000 soldiers in the Yellow Turban barracks, and these 30,000 soldiers were among each other. It was impossible for them to know each other, which gave him a great opportunity; thirdly, he only brought nine people into the camp, which was convenient for coming and going, and it was not easy to be exposed; thirdly, the nine people he brought, Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Xu Zhong, Chen Dao, etc., were all brave warriors. Even if they were discovered by the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, and Xin Ai and 200 knights were there to respond, they would have a chance to kill them.

Therefore, he felt that this trip was only five points dangerous. Five points of danger can be done.

He was brave, otherwise he couldn't do anything to destroy the third clan and keep his hands tame. After the chaos of the Yellow Turbans, he first fought to defend Yangzhai, and then took hundreds of people to dive across the Rushui. He went deep into the "enemy" and tried to lure troops, and then he rescued Sun Jian on the shore of Shushui River, and then he took the lead in the south of Wuyang City to fight against the main force of the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans. After this series of incidents, he became more courageous. Increase, so people think it's dangerous, but it can be done in his opinion. What's more, he read ancient books and history books. How many heroes recorded in history books have not personally committed any danger? Don't waste your life in doing great things. The more daring you are, the greater your rewards. Sun Jian is brave to expose himself, but he is brave to hide it. This is because he has studied Confucian classics from Xun Qu since he was young. He is full of poetry and literature, and he has read a lot of Confucian classics. And if something happens, he can fight for his life. Gentle on the outside, brave on the inside.

All the generals in the tent were one spoke, only the sound of the soldiers outside the tent gathering, walking, and the collision of armors. Although the spring breeze was warm, this sound was extremely loud in the night. Xiao kills. Everyone recalled what they had just heard, like hearing a legend.

After a long time, Huangfu Songfang came back to his senses and said, "Good, good, good!" He said three good words in a row.

Xun Zhen said, "The subordinate officials have seized the horse of the thief Qu Shuai Liu Pi. It is really a good horse. It is now outside the general's tent. I would like to present it to the general."

Huangfu Song said with a smile: "This horse was taken by you with blood and danger, so how can I take love? You should leave the horse and ride a good horse, so that you can make great contributions to my great man. In the past, Ban Dingyuan said: No. Entering a tiger's den will not get a tiger's son. Tonight, you enter the thief's camp and seize the thief's horse. The imperial court, ask for a reward!"

Zhu Jun looked at Xun Zhen with admiration, smiled at Huangfusong, and said, "Zhenzhi's words are reasonable, the army of thieves is not strictly disciplined, and those who rely on it are also angry. After two or three days of fighting with our army, the thieves The strength of the troops has already declined again, and it will be nearly three times exhausted after tonight. General, I will send troops tomorrow to attack the bandit camp with all my strength?”

"I will send troops tomorrow and attack the bandit camp!" m

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