The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 93: Coming to Xihua (Part 2)

w The third update is added for the first time that the sun is shining and the white classmate has become the first champion of the book. [Ask for a red ticket and a monthly ticket.


Xun Zhen, following the plan of Xi Zhicai, killed Huang Shao in the first battle, breaking through the Yellow Turban army who had left the city.

There were only a thousand defenders left in Zhaoling City, and they saw the process of Xun Zhen's plan to break the 2,000 people of Huang Shao's clan at the head of the city. At first, they also wanted to go out of the city to reinforce Huang Shao, but in the distance they saw a Han army armored soldier with double iron halberds beheading Huang Shao, and punched the horse under Huang Shao's crotch that was running around because he lost control. After he fell, he was so frightened that he gave up the idea of ​​leaving the city.

They did not dare to leave the city, so Xun Zhen took the initiative to attack the city.

After defeating the Yellow Turban soldiers who had left the city, Xun Zhen ordered Xin Ai to lead the cavalry to continue the pursuit, and at the same time gathered up all the infantry and marched to the bottom of the city.

Last night, Xun Zhen's group of 1,200 people walked for more than thirty miles and arrived outside Zhaoling City in the second half of the night. Although they rested for two hours, after the fierce battle just now, Xun Zhen's usual training was strict. The 1,200 soldiers were selected from among the 3,000 soldiers, who took the initiative to march from Xunzhen, and were high-spirited warriors. I was afraid that they would not be able to hold on long, but now, they still have enough strength to attack. city. This level of bravery and skill made the Yellow Turban guards in the city terrified. How have they ever seen such an elite force? Just like a wolf.

Dian Wei slaughtered Huang Shao, the yellow turban guard, in the first battle. Liu Deng gritted his teeth secretly, and wanted to compete with him. He was wearing double-layer heavy armor and the soldiers who were trapped in the battle were attached to the city first.

Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others pulled the war drums outside the city, and Xun Zhen played the drums to help out. The drums are high, stirring the sky. Facing the arrows of the guards at the head of the city, Liu Deng took the lead, climbed the ladder, and ascended with his sword in hand. He was protected by two layers of heavy armor. The arrows of the guards had no effect on him. The defenders were terrified and had no intention of defending the city, but he easily climbed to the top of the city.

Leaping to the top of the city, he shouted, slashed left and right, attacked the enemy with his sword, invincible, protected the crenel where the ladder was placed, and assisted the soldiers who were trapped in the formation to go up the city.

He didn't want to fight, and after receiving dozens of people to go to the city, he left half of the guard ladder, and took the remaining twenty people to kill the city. There were only a thousand guards left in the city, and the city wall had four sides. The wall that was attacked by Xun Zhen was the front of Xun Zhen. Although there were many guards, there were only four or five hundred guards. How could they stop Liu Deng? These bears? The soldiers who were trapped in the formation all wore fine armor and used sharp knives. More than 20 people formed a triangular offensive formation. Under the leadership of Liu Deng, they killed the city and opened the city gate.

Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, and Xun Cheng each led this song and rushed in. The guards in the city either knelt down and surrendered, or abandoned the city and fled.

Arrived outside the city last night, and took down Zhaoling before noon today. At this time, Huangfu Song's main force had just entered the Runan territory.


Huangfu Song received the good news from Xun Zhen, and he was amazed by his sword, and said to the generals around him, "How fast! How fast!"

But he didn't know that Xun Zhen's account was full of talented people. Wen Youxizhicai, Xun You, Wu You Dianwei, Liu Deng, Xu Zhong, etc. were all outstanding people. They used this group of military officers and generals with careful and careful attention. The elite soldiers who have been trained and experienced many **** battles in Yingchuan, against the three thousand Yellow Turbans, and attacked a small Zhaoling, are not yet easily captured.


Xun Zhen's team rested in Zhaoling for a day, buried the dead, treated the wounded, imprisoned the prisoners, checked and captured them, and appeased the people of the county.

In the evening, Huangfu Song's military order came with only four words: "Attack Zhengqiang." With this order, there were 2,000 military horses.

Huangfu Song sent Xun Zhen to Zhaoling. In fact, he did not expect Xunzhen to take down Zhaoling with just over a thousand men. His original plan was to wait for the troops to enter Runan. To help Xunzhen attack Zhaoling, a group of 3,000 people went to attack Qiang, and he took the main force to station outside Xihua City, but he did not expect Xunzhen to go to Zhaoling in the first battle, and the plan had to be changed accordingly. He decided not to send another person to besiege Zheng Qiang, but simply to increase Xun Zhen's troops by 2,000 and still let Xun Zhen attack the city. He himself brought the main force to Xihua.

Xun Zhen received the military order and let the soldiers rest for the night. Early the next morning, he selected 500 troops from the additional 2,000 troops that Huangfu Song had sent to him, and ordered them to "stay at Zhaoling, take care of the wounded, and take care of the prisoners", and bring the remaining troops and horses, a total of 2,000. More than 600 people were sent to fight against the Qiang.


Zhengqiang is in the east of Zhaoling, more than 30 miles away. It was originally a township, called Dangxiang. In the early years of this dynasty, he was successful in expedition to Qiang, but he was stabbed to death. Emperor Guangwu presented him with the seal of Qiang Hou, and built a city here, which was renamed the Qiang Hou Kingdom. Sun Jian said that Xun Zhen had the legacy of Fan Pang, and Fan Pang was a native of Qiang County.

In Qiang City, there were 2,000 Yellow Turban guards, and the main commander was Liu Xiang. Compared with Huang Shao, Liu Xiang was not brave enough, but he was quite resourceful.

When the news that Zhaoling City had been captured by Xun Zhen within a long time came, Liu Xiang was shocked. He originally thought: If the Han army attacked Zhaoling, he would lead troops to rescue it, but he did not expect that the front foot received the military report of Xun Zhen's soldiers approaching Zhaoling, and the rear foot received the military report of the fall of Zhaoling City. He summoned the generals and told them about this, and the generals were also horrified.

Someone said: "Xunzhen is good at fighting and brave, and with just over a thousand men he defeated Huang Shao's 3,000 troops and captured Zhaoling City in half a day. Now Huangfu Song has given him an additional 2,000 troops, but I only have two guards in the city. Qian, he is definitely not his opponent. General, hurry up and send people to Xihua for help!"

Liu Xiang frowned and said, "How could I not know that I am not an enemy of the Xun thief? It's just that according to the military report, the thief will take Huangfu Song and lead more than 20,000 people towards Xihua. Xihua is now unable to protect himself, how can he do it? Come rescue me and wait?"

All the generals said, "How should this be done?"

Liu Xiang thought hard and said, "The only way is to close the city gate and defend the city."

The generals of the Yellow Turbans did not know much about the art of war. Liu Xiang was famous for his ingenuity among the Yellow Turbans in Runan.


Xun Zhen led his troops to march outside the Qiang City, set up camp, and gathered all the people to discuss the matter of attacking the city.

Xun You said: "The day before yesterday, our troops entered Runan, and yesterday we took Zhaoling, slashed Huang Shao, and defeated thousands of thieves. The thieves in Qiang City would be terrified, and they would not dare to go out of the city to fight with me. According to reports, Although the thieves in Qiang City are fewer than Zhaoling, there are still 2,000. If they keep their doors behind, it will be difficult for our troops to attack."

Xun Zhen said, "What Gongda said is very true." Seeing the smile on Xun You's face, he knew that he had a plan, so he asked, "Gongda, you must have a plan, dare to ask what the plan is?"

Xun You smiled and said, "It's just the words 'arrogant soldiers attacking secretly'."

Xun Zhen asked, "What do you mean?"

"Our army has conquered Zhaoling and came with the power of a great victory. When a strong enemy is approaching, the thieves in the Qiang City will be full of energy and want to fight me to the death. At this time, if you attack the city, you will have nothing to do. Casualties may not be able to capture the city, and the gains outweigh the losses. Instead, I think our army might as well pretend to be arrogant soldiers to vent the anger of the thieves.”

"To vent the anger of thieves?"

"The Book of Changes says: 'Kanglong has regrets, and profits can't last long.' The thieves wanted to fight me to the death, but after our army came to the city, they were arrogant and indulgent, and there was no move to attack the city. When his anger is vented, my department chooses to attack him bravely, or it may be able to break the city in one fell swoop!

Xun Zhen praised: "Good plan!" asked Xi Zhicai, "What does Zhicai think?"

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "Cao Gui greatly defeated the Qi division, and since he was overcome, Duke Zhuang asked him why, and Cao Gui replied: 'Fighting is a matter of courage. Once you get stronger, you will decline again, and then you will be exhausted. Gongda's plan is in tacit agreement with Cao Gu's theory. By doing this, at most four or five days, you will be able to capture Qiang."

Everyone had no objection, and Xun Zhen acted accordingly.

After building the camp, he selected five hundred elites, and Liu Deng led them to the city to show off their power and recruit them to surrender to the city.

Liu Deng was stationed under the horse city and shouted loudly into the city: "My family Sima has fought with you and other thieves for more than ten years, first defeating the Yingchuan thieves, then destroying the Zhaoling thieves, and defeating the attack. Man and Huang Shao have given their heads, and now they are in the city of Er et al. You are waiting for a few soldiers, the city is small and difficult to defend, and if you don’t descend quickly, when will you wait?”

Liu Xiang ordered the guards to shoot arrows.

Liu Deng rode his horse back, pointed at the head of the city, and cursed: "Good thief! After my Sima captures the city, the general will smash the corpse into ten thousand pieces!" He led his troops back to the camp.

His arrogant attitude made all the defenders angry.

Someone scolded: "Who is this thief? Such arrogance, underestimating us, hateful and hateful!" Please order to leave the city, but Liu Xiang stops him. Liu Xiang said thoughtfully: "Xun's thief has many tricks. This is his method of aggressive generals. I can't be fooled. Our troops are not many, so we can't divide our troops out of the city, just guard the city well."


Liu Xiang thought it was Xun Zhen's aggressive tactics, but what happened in the next two days puzzled him.

For two days in a row, he watched Xunzhen's camp from a distance on the top of the city, and saw that Xunzhen could not go out of the camp. He selected a hundred and ten soldiers from the soldiers, divided them into several teams, and played Cuju in the camp. Cuju is played for fun during the day, and the lights are raised at night to feast the generals. Although they could not see the scene of Xun Zhen drinking and having fun with the generals at night, they could hear the sound of drinking and laughter from Xun Zhen's camp at the head of the city in the silent night.

Liu Xiang couldn't help but be suspicious and said to himself, "I thought it was his aggressive plan to recruit the thieves that day, but from the perspective of these two days, he was really so arrogant? He stationed troops outside my city for two days, not once. Attacking me, against drinking and having fun with Cuju day and night, it’s like seeing nothing in my city.”

The Yellow Turban guards in the city were like a great enemy, but Xun Zhen did not attack the city for two or three days after arriving outside the city, but just made fun every day, and the guards could not help but relax.

Although Liu Xiang felt that it was wrong, he repeatedly urged the generals to guard the city head, but the guards were also human beings. The strings were tight for two or three days, and they were inevitably mentally tired. They also lacked sufficient training, and the military discipline was not strong. Inevitably gradually relax.

That night, Liu Xiangcai came down from the top of the city to inspect and returned to his residence in the city.

He was suddenly startled and cried out, "Oh no! Xun thief has attacked the city?" He hurriedly grabbed his saber, rushed out the door, and led his personal soldiers to the end of the city. There was a big fire in front, and a group of collapsed soldiers fled from the direction of the city wall.

He grabbed a fallen **** with his hands and asked, "Why is there chaos in the city?"

The collapsed soldier was panic-stricken. He wanted to flee, but he did not dare to break free from Liu Xiang's hand. He hurriedly shouted, "General, the Xun thief has attacked the city!"

Liu Xiang was angry and annoyed, and scolded: "Since the Xun thief attacked the city, why didn't you wait at the front of the city? Instead, run away?"

The collapsed soldier shouted: "The thief general who came outside our city to persuade surrender a few days ago was too brave. He climbed to the top of the city first and killed ten or twenty people in a row with a pair of iron halberds. There was another thief general who also used double iron. A halberd is just as brave as it is!" He said about Liu Deng and Dian Wei, both of whom were good at using double iron halberds.

Liu Xiang was furious, pulled out his sword, stabbed the fallen soldier to death with one sword, and scolded, "Are you afraid of the bravery of thieves, but not of the sharpness of my sword?" He took his personal soldiers and rushed towards the city wall, trying to organize The guards were guarding, and the further forward they went, the more soldiers they encountered collapsed. When they were still fifty or sixty paces away from the city wall, they heard a loud bang. Looking up, they saw two Han soldiers each holding a double iron halberd. The Jia soldier took a group of Han soldiers to kill the yellow turban soldiers who were guarding the gate, and opened the city gate. The two hundred Han cavalrymen who had been waiting outside the city for a long time rushed into the city under the leadership of a beautiful cavalry general.

Liu Xiang watched in despair as the Han army knights broke into the city, knowing that the Qiang City could not be defended, and guarded by his own soldiers, he turned around and fled to the north of the city.

The beautiful cavalry general who led the cavalry of the Han army into the city was Xin Ai. After Xin Ai entered the city, he saw Liu Xiang at a glance. There is no way, Liu Xiang is a sword of fine armor, and he is surrounded by personal soldiers, and he had fled from the city head to the city before, but he went from the city to the city wall.

Xin Ai rode in hot pursuit, rushed into Liu Xiang's personal soldiers, swung his spear, stabbed left and right on the horse, killed several people in a row, chased Liu Xiang, and stabbed him from the back, killing him.

The previous attack on Zhicai offered a plan to lure the enemy out of the city, and Liu Deng killed Huang Shao in an array.


Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Xun Cheng, Zhuqu and Huangfu Song entered the city and fought all night. The Yellow Turban defenders died, surrendered or fled, and the Qiang City changed hands.

Early the next morning, Xunzhen passed the good news to Huangfu Song, just as Zhu Jun’s good news was also delivered, Huangfu Song put the two good news in one place to see: Xun Zhen’s one said he won the Zhengqiang, Zhu Jun’s this one. It is said that since Sun Jian entered Runan, he was invincible. He even broke the Yellow Turban. He successively executed several Huangjin Xiaoshuai and Qu Shuai, and captured thousands. He has entered Wufang and will reach Pingyu in a few days.

Huangfu Song showed these two good reports to the generals to watch, and exclaimed: "Xun and Sun are two Sima, tigers and leopards are hard to fight for." In reply to Zhu Jun, he said that he had already led his troops outside Xihua City, and only waited for Zhu Jun to arrive, and then But he launched a general attack, and then returned to Wen Xunzhen, and ordered him to bring his troops to meet under Xihua City.

Xun Zhen received a reply from Huangfu Song, packed up the yellow turban goods in the Qiang City, and the whole army left the city and went to Xihua.


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