The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Conquering Runan (middle)

Xun Qu went to Xun Shuang the next day and told him Xun Zhen's suggestion.

Xun Shuang was very happy and said: "The teacher preaches the preaching, and the merits of Qianqiu. Zhenzhi can have this thought, very good, very good."

He immediately took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, wrote a letter to Xun Qian, handed it to Xun Qu, and said, "I have a public job, and it is inconvenient to go home. You can report this to my brother when you go back. I am very concerned about this. If you agree, my brother will not object if you want to come." Xun Qu replied, "Yes." He put away the letter, said goodbye and left, and when Xun Zhen came to see him again in the evening, he relayed Xun Shuang's words and said with a smile: "Zhen Zhen After all, it's eighty percent."

Xun Zhen said, "You can't run a school without money. Let's not hide it from Brother Zhong. I got some money from thieves and soldiers a while ago. I'd like to buy land and build a house to support the family's school."

Xun Qu looked at Xun Zhen and said with a smile, "'I got some thieves' money'? Is it just 'got some thieves' money'? A few days ago, Gongda and Zhongren went to your house and Xixiang together. The house you bought sent dozens of cars with goods, right? Although you kept it secret, you couldn’t hide it from me.”

Xun Zhen didn't hide it in front of Xun Qu, he smiled and said, "Brother Zhong should know that I am a person, I am not a person who is greedy for money, the reason why I withheld so much money and not handed it over to the county government is not for the sake of my family, nor is it for the sake of my family. It's not for the sake of the land and the house. I hid these treasures privately, but for the sake of the future. If the world is in chaos in the future, with these treasures in hand, at least some people can be recruited to keep our clan safe."

Xun Qu covered his mouth and coughed a few times, and said, "Of course I know you are a human being. You have not been a greedy person since you were a child. When you were in Xixiang, you almost spent your wealth in order to hand over the Qingxia warriors. Zhenzhi, at that time There are quite a few people in the clan who don’t take it seriously, but from today’s point of view, the reason why you have been able to break the yellow turban so many times, in Megatron County, you can get these credits and fame because of the light warriors you called in the past. You have foresight.” Regarding Xun Zhen's foresight, he was a bit self-conscious about it. Xun Zhen was so ashamed, but couldn't tell Xun Qu why he had "prescient".

The matter of running a private school was settled here, and it could be done after Xun Qu returned to his home after the scripture meeting was over.

In the next two days, many scholars came, including many acquaintances of Xun Zhen, such as Li Zan, Li Xuan, Li Jian, Du Xi, Fu Hong and so on. Li Zan and the three did not say that Du Xi was from Dingling, and Fu Hong was from Xiangcheng County. Both of them had also cultivated in Chunjun from Yin. Like Zaozhi and Fanqin, Xunzhen met in Xixiang. of them. When old friends met, Xun Zhen entertained them in the house, accompanied by Xun You, Xun Yu, and Xun Cheng, and introduced Xi Zhicai, Shi Shi, and Xuan Kang to them. At the banquet, everyone talked about the Yellow Turbans in this county, and they praised Xun Zhen. They also talked about the "Zhang Zhi Case" which is the most interesting at the moment. It was Li Yan, who felt that Xun Zhen was "inexperienced", to Xun Zhen. Zhen also changed her face to like each other. Li Yan and Li Xuan were of the same clan, and they were also descendants of Li Ying, so they hated the eunuchs very much. Then I talked about the emperor's release from the party ban and Wang Yun, Xun Shuang, Kong Rong and other new state officials. Everyone was very excited and happy. Most of them were children of famous families, and most of them suffered from the party. Banned by the party, Wang Yun, Xun Shuang, and Kong Rong are all their fellows, and their careers are not far off. Xun Zhen is also looking forward to this. In the past few years, he has worked hard in Yingchuan County, not only recruiting warriors such as Xu Zhong and Jiang Qin, but also extensively interacting with scholars from various counties. If Li Xuan and Li Jian can enter the office, then he will be There are also more cronies available.

At the banquet that night, it was just mentioned that the scholars in the counties who suffered from the party's imprisonment were not far away from their official positions. The next day, Xun Zhen heard a good news about this matter: Xun Yu was promoted by Zhong Yao as the county head. Cao Ye and Zhong Yao also recommended more than 20 scholars, either as county officials or as county officials, many of whom had dinner with Xun Zhen last night.

These days, Xun Zhen, Du You, and Guo Jun have organized the big event of arresting Zhang Zhi, and Zhong Yao has not been idle. When the Yellow Turbans broke out, many county officials fled. Prefect Wen ordered him to elect talents to fill the vacant positions. He took this opportunity to not only elect such a group of fellow Taoists, but also wrote a letter to impeach some people who usually have no good reputation and a bad reputation. County officials, county officials, and drove out a group of officials. Xun Yu was recommended as Cao Ye of the county household. This is how the position of Cao Ye of the county household came from. The former household Cao Ye was greedy and filthy, and Zhong Yao had long disliked him. There is a backstage, so it can't be settled, and now I use the war and chaos to rectify the officialdom, and I use the arrival of Wang Yun, and then I use the absent-mindedness of the Prefect Wen,

Worrying about being convicted and no longer caring about authority as before, he finally expelled the impeachment.

After receiving this information, Xun Yu came to Xun Zhen and said to Xun Zhen, "Brother, Yuan Chang recommended me as Hu Cao Ye, I don't want to take the post."

Xun Zhen asked, "Why?"

Xun Yu said: "I want to go out of the county with my brother." Compared with being a county official, Xun Yu also has the blood of a young man, and he wants to make contributions to the outside of the county with Xun Zhen, and make military achievements.

If Xun Yu hadn't been named Cao Ye of the county, Xun Zhen would certainly not be able to ask for this request. In his previous letter to Xun Yu, he had asked Xun Yu for his opinion, asking him if he would like to leave the county from himself. However, now that Xun Yu was named Cao Ye of the county household, Xun Zhen changed his mind again. County household Cao Zhang "people households, sacrifices, farming mulberry", and prison lawsuits. People take food as their heaven, and the county cadres are in charge of households, farmers and mulberry, and sacrifices. It is an extremely important position among the cadres in the county and is often ranked ahead of other cadres. Xun Zhen had already mastered the military cadres of the county, and if he could control the county household cadres again, then he would have military power and civil power in one hand, plus Du You and Guo Jun's county thieves and county judges, and judicial power. With the help of power, three powers in hand, plus Zhong Yao, who is in charge of the county's personnel power, befriended him, plus Xun Shuang's farewell to this state, Prefect Wen will leave his post sooner or later, and a new prefect will come, no matter who it is. , can no longer shake his position in the county, at least in the county court.

For this reason, he persuaded Xun Yu, saying: "Wen Ruo's words are bad!"

Xun Yu asked, "Brother, what do you mean?"

Xun Zhen said: "It is as important to fight the thieves as to keep the people safe. Yingchuan was just hit by the army, and the people urgently need to be appeased. Since you have been named Cao Ye by Yuan Chang, you should take this opportunity to benefit the people of our county."

Xun Yu lowered his head and thought for a while before accepting Xun Zhen's advice.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If I go out to the county from General Huangfu and General Zhu, maybe I still need your help!" water.

After Xun Yu left, Xun Zhen stood under the pomegranate tree in the courtyard, looking up at the lush branches and leaves, and said to himself, "I have operated for several years, and now I am famous in the county, with more than a thousand elite soldiers in my hands, and most of the county officials are for me. Friends, the foundation is solid. When the private school is established, I think there will be no shortage of available people in the future. Congratulations."

Chen Zhi came out with the tea, saw him smiling under the tree, and asked curiously, "What is your husband thinking?"

Xun Zhen took the tea, took a sip, pointed to the branches and leaves hanging from the tree, and smiled: "The spring breeze is warm and the pomegranates are lush. I think that maybe the time when the flowers bloom and bear fruit is not far away."

Chen Zhi didn't know what he meant by this, and said with a smile: "Pomegranates bloom in April and May, and it will take several months!"

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "Yeah, it's still a few months away, but when spring comes, will it be far away from the flowers and fruits!"


Famous scholars and scholars from the counties in the county gathered in Yangzhai, and the city was full of well-dressed people. Xun Zhen was on the way to the top, and most of what she saw were Confucian scholars with high crowns and long coats. When they met people they knew, they politely greeted them on the road. In a trance, this city did not look like a city that had just experienced severe wars. The city is actually like a cultural city with no white people, talking and laughing.

That afternoon, Wang Yunzi held a lecture meeting in the prefect's mansion, and scholars from various counties gave speeches and argued with each other. Xun Zhen, Xun Yu, Xun You, Li Xuan and other younger children sat in the hall to observe.

Although Xun Zhen grew up in a famous family, he had seen celebrities and Confucian scholars since he was a child, but in this lecture, he was fascinated by it in this hall. At first, the scholars were only limited to lecturing the scriptures, but later, from lecturing the scriptures, to debating the law, to discussing the rituals and music, there are many wonderful things. Kong Rong and Xun Shuang were originally on the sidelines, but at the request of famous Confucian scholars, they also gave lectures and debated with others. However, Kong Rong first discussed "filial piety" with an elder of Zhong Yao, and then discussed the law with a scholar of Guo's family in Yangzhai, and wrote a poem. Like most geniuses, Kong Rong is interested in many things, and has achieved remarkable achievements in all aspects, and is versatile.

The lecture was originally scheduled to end in the evening, but it did not come to an end until the next morning due to the lack of spirit of a few old Confucians. Wang Yun originally planned to hold a one-day conference, but because the participants were still unwilling to end the conference, and scholars from all over the county continued to come to participate, it caused a great sensation in the whole county. Therefore, it was continued again and again. It was held for three consecutive days.

During these three days, Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, etc., went to the audition whenever he had time. At the end of the hearing, he discovered a very interesting phenomenon: the scholars who attended the meeting had many similarities. , for example, most of them are good at debating

Most of them have a broad understanding of various scriptures rather than specific scriptures, and most of them are both Confucianism and Legalism. On various issues, most of their views reach the same goal and have surprising similarities. When you think about it, this is not surprising. Most of the nobles in Yingchuan County have developed friendships over generations, such as the Xun, Chen, and Zhong families. The famous people in their clan often discuss knowledge together. Over time, they have fewer differences and more similarities.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Yingchuan was influenced by the legacy of Legalism during the Warring States Period, and the scholars did not stick to the classics and became a Confucian scholar, but most of them were both Confucian and Legal, and they communicated closely with each other. Most of the above have the same views and like-minded people, which may be the reason why Yingchuan scholars later formed a political group!"

Yingchuan belonged to the Sanjin region during the Warring States Period. The Sanjin, especially South Korea, was the center of Legalism. The hometown of Shen Buha and Han Feizi was only a few dozen miles away from Yangzhai. There are only a handful of aristocratic clans who have served as Guanda III or more, but there are only five or six, and there are three in Yingchuan: Yangzhai Guo, Changshe Zhong, and Yingyang Wang. Influenced by the legalists' forge ahead, ruling the country by law, advocating power and conspiracy, and safeguarding centralization, Yingchuan scholars took Confucianism as their scripture, legalism as their foundation, actively participated in politics, and took the world as their own responsibility. Therefore, among the party members, Yingchuan scholars There are many people, Li Ying, Du Mi, and Xun Yu among the "Eight Jun" are all from Yingchuan, and Jia Biao, the leader of the students of the Taichuan, is also from Yingchuan. Because of this tradition of advocating legalism and emphasizing power and conspiracy, in the era of the Three Kingdoms, Yingchuan scholars stood out. Cao Cao quoted the ancients and said: "Ruying has many unique scholars", until Jin Dynasty, Zu Tizhi Brother Zuna also said: "My scholar of Ruying is as profitable as a cone".

From the common points of the scholars, Xun Zhen thought of these, and from these, he thought of the private school to be established in the clan. Xun Shi is also a Confucianist and a French The students taught by him will never be Confucian, and it is foreseeable that these future students will become a great help for him in the future.

After the three-day scripture meeting, the scholars from all counties returned home.

Xun Zhen sent Xun Qu, Chen Ji and others back to the county border. When he was parting, he said to Xun Qu, "Brother Zhong must recuperate at ease after returning home. Only when he is cured can he fulfill his ambitions." Xun Qu smiled and dismissed it. He is now full of thoughts about running a private school, and doesn't care about Xun Zhen's persuasion. Xun Yu was promoted by Zhong Yao as the county head Cao Ye, and with the consent of the prefect Wen, he had already assumed the post, but he did not go back with Xun Qu and others.

Xun Qu, Chen Ji, Xun Zhen, Xun Yu, Xun You and others were sent back to the county.

Outside the Shemen, Uncle Zuo came up to meet him, and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xun, Aman is back!"

Aman is a guest of Xun Zhen's family. After Xun Zhen returned to Yangzhai triumphantly, he sent him out to do a business. He had been out for many days and finally returned today.

Xun Zhen asked, "He came back alone?"

Uncle Zuo smiled and said, "No, he found the person Xun Jun ordered him to find, and he came back with him." Xun Zhen was overjoyed and said, "Okay! Where is the person?" Uncle Zuo replied, "In the courtyard." Zhen turned over and dismounted, ignoring Xun Yu, Xun You, Xi Zhicai and the others, hurried up the front steps, and hurried to the courtyard. Seeing him in such a hurry, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xi Zhicai and others looked at each other.

Xun Yu didn't know who Xun Zhen sent A Man to look for. Seeing him so impatient, he was surprised and asked Xun You and Xi Zhicai, "Who came to make my brother so happy?"

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