The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 64: It is as fast as wind and aggressive as fire

The shield hand held the shield first, Xu Zhong followed with fifty swordsmen, followed by fifty halberds led by Jiang Qin, and then fifty sword-wielding soldiers led by Liu Deng. Finally, there are Xun Zhen, Gao Su, Chen Bao, Cheng Yan, and the 80 sword-wielding soldiers. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

The teams went up and down from the bank to the river, marching forward, the river water did not reach the knees, and the bottom of the river was muddy.

Xun Zhen thought to himself, "No wonder Zhu Jun sent people three times in a row and couldn't save Sun Jian."

The water is not wide, only a few feet, but on the muddy waterway of just a few feet, one or two hundred soldiers have been injured and killed one after another. . Most of these dead soldiers died under the arrows on the other side.

Most of the Yellow Turban soldiers on the other side were spearmen, but there were also bowmen, about two or three hundred men, who shot a salvo, and the arrows rained down.

The bow and arrow are still good, but the strength is limited. The power of the crossbow is large, and the penetrating power of the crossbow arrow is also strong, far better than the arrow. At such a short distance, it is difficult to completely resist even if there is a shield.

After descending into the water, the shield hand held the shield in both hands, raised the shield high, squatted half-squatted and walked forward in the water. After walking for two steps, the muffled "bang bang" sounded, and the crossbow was fired from the opposite bank. Several crossbow arrows pierced through the shield. The two shield players at the front, one hand was nailed to the shield, blood flowed down the wrist, and the other was penetrated by the crossbow arrow and shot on the shoulder. Wearing leather armor, it was useless, the whole person was staggered backwards by the crossbow arrow, and sat down in the water, screaming in pain. The shield player at the back stepped forward, replaced the two, and continued to move forward with arrows and crossbows.

Some arrows and crossbow arrows hit the shield, and some landed in the water in front of the left and right, making a swishing sound, causing a vortex.

Xu Zhong led Jian Zhang Shi to follow behind the shield formation, and ordered in a deep voice, "Crossbow!"

The fifty squatters used small bursting crossbows, which could shoot two arrows at a time. There were arrow storage slots under the crossbows, and they could automatically shoot arrows. The advantage is that it is clever and quick, and it may not be suitable for use in large battles. It is suitable for short-range assaults of such small troops at present. Fifty squatters fired a hundred arrows at a time. After a wave, many enemies on the opposite bank were killed or injured.

In the dark of night, arrows came and went, and there were many screams in the river and on the other side. Sometimes the shield player retreats wounded, and sometimes the enemy on the other side falls into the river. Their blood seemed to dye the water even redder.

Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, Fei Chang, Wu Jing and others on the shore involuntarily took a few steps forward, their eyes sometimes falling on Xun Zhen and others, and sometimes on the opposite shore.

The torches were burning brightly, and the flames illuminated both sides of the river. More than 10,000 enemy soldiers and soldiers on both sides of the Strait are either turning their faces or raising their heads, all watching this small piece of the river where the war has reignited.

Although there was water in the river and the bottom of the river was muddy, with the defense of the shield players and the counterattack of Zhang Shi, and against the rain of arrows from the enemy, Xun Zhen and others slowly walked through the road of death.

In the few feet of the road, Xun Zhen had five or six shield-handers wounded, and the Yellow Turbans on the other side had more than 30 hits.

Approaching the shore, Xu Zhong retreated with Jian Zhangshi, and Jiang Qin took the halberd and Jian Zhangshi staggered past, and went up. The remaining shield-handers straightened up and held their shields high above their heads to fend off the spears of the enemy stabbing down on the shore. Jiang Qin shouted, "Thorn!" The Fifty Long Halberds held the bottom end of the halberd's handle with both hands, twisted their waists and exerted force, and stabbed the long iron halberd from the gap in the shield.

The spear on the bank is down, and the halberd in the river is up.

Compared with the spear, the disadvantage of the halberd is that the function is too complicated and it is not easy to practice, but the advantage is that the function is complicated. The spear can only pierce, the halberd can be pulled back. The Fifty Halberds failed to stab the enemy in the first round of stabs, but a few halberds hooked the spears on the shore when they fell back, hooked two or three spears, and knocked the two spearmen away. ticked off. The two spearmen were probably too nervous, gripping the spear handle too tightly, and after being hooked, they forgot to let go and fell on the shield held by the shield-hander.

The shield players turned slightly to their sides, allowing the two spearmen to fall under the shield.

Jiang Qin didn't hold a halberd, but still used a knife. Before the two spearmen could get up, the cat stabbed them to death with a knife. After stabbing them to death, he squatted down and cut off the heads of the two men. He fell down, threw it up from under the shield, failed to throw it on the shore, fell on the river slope, rolled down, the blood and mud on his face were mixed together, the yellow scarf wrapped around his head and forehead was dirty, and at night, he looked, Bloody cruelty.

The halberdier stabbed three times in a row, snatched off more than a dozen spears, and stabbed five or six enemies to death.

Jiang Qin squatted under the shield and raised his head to keep an eye on the situation on the shore. Seeing that the halberds had cleared out a small space, he called out, "A-Deng!"

Liu Deng responded and led the fifty sword-wielding armored men to rush up from behind the halberdiers, bent over to pass under the shield, and charged towards the shore without stopping for half a step. He rushed to the front, holding the straight-edged long knife in his mouth, climbing with his hands, digging the soil on the river **** to climb up, climbing two steps, his legs thrusting upward, the whole person jumped over the shield player's On the shield, he met the spear pierced by the enemy.

Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, Fei Chang, Wu Jing and others watched the battle with bated breath. When they saw Liu Deng jumping out, they were immediately concerned. Seeing four or five spears attacking him, Prefect Wen exclaimed: "Oh!"

These four or five spears were not all stabbed from directly above, but three from the left and right sides, and two from the top of the head.

Liu Deng ignored the three spears that were stabbed on the side, relying on Jiajing's sturdy body, he was stabbed three times. The spearman above his head took the ring-headed knife from his mouth, slammed it up, and stabbed one of the spearmen in the waist. His spear was a little slower, but it was about to touch his neck at this time. He swung the knife across, first blocking the spear, and then slamming it up again, and stabbed the spearman into the river.

After the two spearmen fell into the river, Jiang Qin jumped up again, cut off their heads, and threw them on the shore.

After stabbing the two spearmen above his head, Liu Deng swung his knife with his backhand and slashed one of the spearmen on the side. Then he held the river **** with his left hand, and pushed his feet upward again. . After two dashes, he was almost on the shore. He looked at the six roads and saw four or five spearmen from nearby rushing towards here, shouted angrily, and shouted: "Strike!"

This sound was like thunder, and Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, Fei Chang, Wu Jing and others who were several meters away were startled. Fei Chang screamed, his legs went weak, and he almost sat on the ground. He was so frightened that he was so frightened from a few feet away. The spearmen on the shore were close at hand, and they were already close to the enemy. When they suddenly heard the thunder, several people lost their spears.

Liu Deng took this opportunity to jump to the shore again like a tiger.

The fifty sword-wielding soldiers he brought followed closely behind, seized the gap, and rushed to the shore one by one.

Zhu Jun complimented him without realizing it: "Three pounces on the shore, and one roar shocked the enemy! In an instant, three thieves were killed and wounded, the group of enemies was frightened, and the danger was like razing the ground. This is a tiger man!" asked Prefect Wen, "Fu Jun , who is this? The ancients said: Yingchuan Duoqi Shi. This statement is really not deceiving me."

Prefect Wen was also shocked and discolored.

He knew Liu Deng Xiaoyong. When guarding Yangzhai, Xun Zhen would report to him every day the battle situation and the credits. In the credits, Liu Deng was usually ranked first, but this number was just a number on paper. Yesterday killed a few enemies, and today killed them today. A few, that's all. Tonight was the first time I saw Liu Deng's bravery with his own eyes. He muttered to himself, "How brave are people?" He was too startled and forgot to answer Zhu Jun.

Zhu Jun asked him again, and he replied, "This man's name is Liu Deng, and he is a guest of Xun Jue's family. He has always been known for his bravery."

Liu Deng rushed to the shore, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. The fifty sword-wielding soldiers he brought might not be the strongest in terms of bravery, but they were all dead soldiers who were trapped in the camp and dared to kill and fight. The Yellow Turban soldiers who intercepted them on the shore were also from the trapping camp of the Yellow Turban Army. They were also dead soldiers. Their desperate energy was comparable to those of the fifty soldiers, but it was a pity that their armor and armament were far inferior to those of the five soldiers. Ten armored soldiers are excellent. The two sides collided, blood was flying, and people were injured and fell. Chao Cuo said: "There are three things that are urgent to combine swords in battle.... The third is the use of tools." In combat, the quality and availability of ordnance is crucial. Liu Deng dared to work hard, was not afraid of death, and took advantage of the armament. He quickly chopped up dozens of Yellow Turban soldiers on the shore, expanded Jiang Qin and the others, and cleared out a larger area. space.

Xu Zhong commanded Zhang Shi and hurriedly shot arrows on both sides of the open space to block the Yellow Turban soldiers on both sides from coming here.

The Yellow Turban soldiers on both sides fought desperately against the rain of arrows, but the effect of the repeated crossbow was fully exerted at this time. Yellow Turban Soldiers.

Xun Zhen had been waiting in the river for a long time, and it was at this moment that he stood up with the knife and looked back and shouted, "Kill!"

In order to avoid the enemy's arrows, he originally squatted in the river with Gao Su, Chen Bao, and Cheng Yan with the rest of the sword-wielding soldiers and hid behind the shield. A piece of open space, the opportunity must not be missed, after shouting, he rushed forward with a knife, Gao Su, Chen Bao, Cheng Yan rushed to the shore with the rest of the sword-wielding soldiers.

As soon as Xun Zhen rushed to the shore, one hundred and thirty sword-wielding soldiers gathered together, and in this part of the battlefield, their strength had the upper hand.

The shield player, Jiang Qin, Xu Zhong, etc. also rushed forward one after another. Following Xun Zhen's command, everyone arranged the order before and after, forming a shocking formation.

The first shield player, the second halberdier, the archer again, and the sword and armor guards guarded the left and right and behind the bowman.

The shield-handers held up their shields and advanced, the halberdiers stabbed with their halberds behind the shields, the bowmen shot arrows in the sky, and the sword-wielding warriors slashed the approaching enemies. In this way, the group moved forward step by step, like an iron hedgehog. Yellow Turban soldiers surrounded them one after another, either on their flanks or in front of them, attacking and intercepting them.

Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, Fei Chang, Wu Jing and others looked at it from a distance and saw that thousands of yellow turban soldiers lined up on the opposite bank were a little flustered after being bitten by Xun Zhen and others. Back up, those in the distance want to rush here, the spears of the infantry collide with each other, the cavalry from hundreds of paces beats the horses and urges them to rush here, you hit me, I hit you, the horses neigh, the scene is chaotic .

Wu Jing was overjoyed and said, "Xun Jue rushed up, and the thieves and soldiers were in chaos. General, please give an order, and I'll bring someone to rush up too!"

Zhu Jun agreed to his request.

Wu Jing had gathered the troops of the headquarters and stood not far from the side. With Zhu Jun's permission, he ran over immediately, took the pockets handed by his personal soldiers, put it on his head, and ordered urgently: "Kill Go, save Sima!"

Sun Jian's subordinates totaled more than 1,000 people. He and Cheng Pu took them to the other side of the river with 5-600 people, and there were still 5-600 people who stayed on the other side of the river.

Many of these people were Sun Jian's "children from the village". The so-called "children of the village" are actually people such as Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, etc. under Xun Zhen's command. They were originally juveniles and villains in the village. Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Liu Deng and the others "let the chivalry make the air", they will repay their favors, and they are very loyal to Xun Zhen. The same is true for these people under Sun Jian. They are still very loyal to him. It's too late. I have repeatedly asked Wu Jing to take them to the other side to save people. At this time, I finally got Zhu Jun's agreement. They cheered and shouted in unison: "Kill the past, save Sima!" The fierce tiger was also like that, he ran down the river directly from the shore, carrying a knife and a crossbow, holding a spear and a halberd, screaming, stepping on the silt at the bottom of the river, and striding forward, because there were so many people, trampling the river surface. splash. Wu Jing was left behind.

Because Xun Zhen attracted most of the attention of the Yellow Turban soldiers on the other side, they crossed the river very easily, only four or five were injured by arrows, and the others quickly crossed the river and rushed to the other side. He was covered in mud, he was a little shorter, and his face and bun were also splashed with muddy water, but no one cared about it, and followed Xun Zhen's forward pace and rushed forward.

On the shore on the official side, the drums of war rang out, but it was Zhu Jun who beat the drums and sent a message to notify Sun Jian and tell him to break out.

Xun Zhen and the others heard the movement behind them. Wu Jing and the others were running in the river with five or six hundred people, as if they were putting down dumplings. Xun Zhen guessed that Zhu Jun had sent a support team, but they had no time to spare. Distracted review. With the coordination of several young marshals, the Yellow Turbans gradually emerged from the chaos and stabilized their positions. The pressure on the opposite side gradually increased, and there were more and more enemies on both flanks. After one person was cut down, there were two more immediately. , three supplements. This group of Yellow Turban soldiers deserved to be the dead men chosen by Bo Cai and He Man from the entire army, shouting: "Kill the thief, kill the thief!"

There are less than ten of the twenty shield players left, and some of the more than a dozen casualties were in the river, and some were killed and wounded on the shore. Xun Zhen followed behind the long-halberd warriors and the Jian-zhang warriors. She was charging forward with the sword-wielding warriors. Suddenly, her feet softened and she almost fell. When she was busy, she looked down and stepped on a corpse. In the haste, it was impossible to identify who the blood-stained deceased was, but from the armor he wore and the shield still clenched in his hand, it could be seen that it was one of the shield players in front.

"There are corpses on the ground! Watch your feet."

Xun Zhen's cry fell to the ground, and the soldiers behind him immediately shouted: "There are corpses on the ground! Watch your feet."

Since the battle on the shore, Xun Zhen has not had much direct contact with the enemy. Most of the enemies have been killed by the Jian Zhang Shi and the Long Halberd in front. Even so, his face has long been splattered with blood. . Some of the blood came from the front, some from the wings, some from one's own people, and some from the enemy killed by his subordinates.

Xu Zhong was originally a man with a low voice, and he was screaming at this moment. When Liu Deng rushed to kill, he would have been screaming, but at this time, the sound of shouting was far more deafening than before. Xun Zhen looked up and saw Liu Deng through the backs of the dozens of halberdists and bowmen in front of her.

Liu Deng rushed to the front alone, at the front left of the entire formation, even before Jiang Qin, he grabbed a spear from some Yellow Turban soldier, using the spear in his left hand and the knife in his right, killing the conflict. , stabs and chops down countless enemies in front and left.

The whole team struggled.

Although I knew that the team sent by Zhu Jun was behind, but in this situation, it was impossible to stop and wait. Go ahead, stop and go no further. Before he knew it, he had landed more than ten steps.

In the formation, Xun Zhen tried her best to look forward, because it was dark at night, and because there were too many people around, including her own people and enemies, and her eyes were densely packed with heads, so she couldn't see where Sun Jian was surrounded.

The expressions of each enemy are different, some panic, trying to retreat, some roaring, rushing forward with their arms and spears, some turning their heads and looking to the side, listening to the orders and commands of a young handsome not far away, hurriedly At a glance, various expressions were quickly faded and replaced by the yellow scarves they smeared on their foreheads. Hundreds, hundreds, and thousands of yellow scarves are constantly jumping and shining in all directions.

Although the yellow turban is only narrow, but looking at it at this time, it is mixed together like a vast ocean.

Countless yellow turbans are jumping, and countless spears are stabbing.

The wounded are screaming, the warriors are screaming.

The torches connected into a sea of ​​fire, burning the shore.

Further forward, more than ten steps, the shield player lost all casualties. Without the protection of the shield hand, the resistance faced by the halberdiers brought by Jiang Qin immediately increased.

Jiang Qin scolded and scolded, and rushed to the front of the Long Halberd from the middle position. Blood was all over his body armor, and he didn't know whether he was injured, or the blood of the enemy, or both. In just two breaths, Xun Zhen saw with his own eyes that he stabbed an enemy with a long knife, chopped another one over, and at the same time took a spear to his right shoulder.

When guarding Yangzhai, Xun Zhen went out of the city several times to attack the Yellow Turbans' positions. Jiang Qin was always with him, but he had never been in front of it. This was the first time. Out of the outrageous character of a desperado, he is indeed brave and unparalleled.

Cheng Yan was tightly behind Xun Zhen and shouted loudly, "Mr. Xun! Spear!"

An enemy's spear pierced through the slits of the people on the side, almost hitting Xun Zhen's arm. Xun Zhen stretched out his left hand, grabbed the tip of the spear, and shouted, "Stab!" Cheng Yan and several sword-wielding soldiers stabbed at the same time, stabbing the spearman down. Xun Zhen let go, threw away the spear, sighed secretly, and said to herself, "I can't get past it."

There were so many people that he couldn't see where Sun Jian was surrounded, but according to his observations on the other side, Sun Jian was surrounded by at least 60 steps away from the shore. The shield players had all lost their casualties, and there were less than 30 of the 50 Great Halberds left.

Xu Zhong was one step behind, waited for Xun Zhen, and said, "Xunjun, I will lead someone to rush to help a group of A Deng and Bo Qin."

Gao Su and Chen Bao followed behind Xun Zhen, and said, "Let's take the soldiers and charge up!"

Xun Zhen didn't answer them, and looked forward again, the enemy was densely packed, and she didn't know how many enemies were in front of her.

He made a decision and was about to give an order: "The rear team becomes the front team, the front team becomes the rear team, and retreat back", when he suddenly heard a loud shout, he hurriedly raised his head to look forward, and the Yellow Turban soldiers on the opposite side were at a loss at first. , or turned his head to look back, or still charged forward with his spear, but after waiting too long, the enemy formation on the opposite side became chaotic. First there was chaos from the back, and then the front also began to be chaotic. A knight with a prancing horse and a spear jumped into Xun Zhen's This knight was fully clothed and armored. A sharp blade pierced into the sea, slicing through the Yellow Turbans who were blocking Xun Zhen's formation, and cut out a passage.

Any enemy standing in front of him was either stabbed to death by him, or provoked by him with a spear and thrown into the air. The Yellow Turbans turned their backs.

This knight is as red as fire, as green as a dragon, sits firmly on a horse like a mountain, assassinates the enemy like a wind, and the heroic posture of straddling the horse and using the spear makes Xun Zhen feel ashamed, but it is not Sun Jian!

The red scarf on his head was like a blazing fire. People rode everywhere, and the yellow turbans on the foreheads of the yellow turban army were burnt to pieces.


1. Repeating crossbow.

A repeating crossbow with double arrows was unearthed from a Chu tomb in Jiangling, Hubei. The crossbow is 27.8 cm long, 17.2 cm high, and 5.4 cm wide. It is divided into two parts: the arrow box and the body. Two arrows can be launched at a time, the arrow storage tank automatically raises the arrow, automatically enters the launch tube hole, and automatically controls the direction of movement, and the range can reach 20-30 meters.

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