The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 195: Text and One-Language Contributions (Part 2)

"The surrender of the city."

Hearing Jia Xu's suggestion, Zhang Ji and Duan Xun had different expressions.

Jia Xu said: "The current situation in Chang'an, I have just told the truth to the two generals. At this time of life and death, the Great Sima actually followed his wife's intention and did not make an alliance with General Guo's proton, but only a hostage daughter. This so-called The eyes are like beans, and the measure of a woman is also." He said earnestly to Zhang Ji and Duan Xun, "Da Sima and General Guo are not enough for the two generals!"

When the news of the "hostage girl" came, Zhang Ji and Duan Xun had never heard of it and couldn't believe it. Because of Jia Xu's remarks, both of them were silent.

Jia Xu continued: "Cao Mengde showed the secret decree of the emperor, raised the banner of Yuan Benchu, and after entering Fengyi on the left, he approached Jin to welcome the surrender, and now he has reached Xiagui. , Cao Mengde's army is approaching Chang'an! It echoes the inside and outside of Zhendong, and Chang'an is no longer enough to defend! Ma Teng, Han Suiqian and Da Sima and General Guo fought fiercely at Changpingguan, and the casualties were very heavy. The resentment was very deep, and because of this, the Great Sima and even killed Fan Chou, for fear that the two generals of Liangzhou would not be able to return now.

"Second Gong! At this time, the only way to escape the danger is to quickly descend Zhendong, guide Zhendong, and strike back."

After saying this, Jia Xu watched Zhang Ji and Duan Xun's expressions.

Seeing Zhang Jiru was deeply worried, Duan Xun hesitated.

As for the thoughts of the two of them, based on the expressions of the two of them, Jia Xuluo could guess one or two, and said: "I was waiting for Duke Dong, and then I invaded Chang'an from Da Sima and others, and Situ Wang Yunzhu Duke. Although it was killed by the Great Sima, we can't get rid of the relationship. Are the two generals worried that even if the city is sacrificed and Zhendong is surrendered, maybe the emperor will punish me because of my previous faults?"

Duan Xun nodded again and again and said, "Sir, I have this worry!"

Jia Xu glanced at Zhang Ji, replied to Duan Xun, and said, "Generals don't have to worry about this."

Duan Xun asked, "How do you say this, sir?"

Jia Xu said: "The sage said, 'The fault of a gentleman is like the eclipse of the sun and the moon. Everyone sees it, and even more, everyone admires it.' It's never too late to change past mistakes and make up for them with merit!"

Duan Xun said: "Make up for the fault with merit?"

"This is a great contribution to the east of the town; to guide the east of the town and protect the emperor, this is an even greater contribution. With these two special merits, it is enough to cover up the general's previous mistakes!"

Duan Xun hesitated and said, "Is it enough?"

Jia Xu calmly said with a smile: "Before Duke Dong's various political actions in the court, as well as the Da Sima and General Guo's invasion of Chang'an, etc., the two generals are indeed not easy to get rid of their relationship, but one, the two generals It's not the mastermind, it's just a follower; both, are there only two generals who can't get rid of it? I also have a share in these things! Ergong, I don't worry, what's Ergong worrying about?"

If Duan Xun couldn't believe it by using those two credits to cover up his past mistakes, Jia Xu's words are very convincing. What Jia Xu said was right. He was the mastermind of Dong Zhuo before, and later he was the mastermind of Li Jue, Guo Si, etc. Whether Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Guo Si, not only Jia Xu did the things they did. Xu's share, and Jia Xu also accounted for a large part of it. Then, if Jia Xu, the mastermind, is not afraid, what does Duan Xun really have to worry about?

Duan Xuan knew and believed Jia Xu's strategy.

Since Jia Xu dared to make this conclusion, after surrendering to Xun Zhen, maybe he would not be convicted for his previous crimes?

Duan Xun stroked his beard subconsciously, thinking silently.

Jia Xu turned his eyes to Zhang Ji and asked, "What do you mean by general?"

Zhang Ji didn't need to speak, just by looking at him, he knew that he was very embarrassed. He closed his eyes, opened them again, raised his head and sighed, and then looked at the case in a dazed way. After a while, he seemed to be dying. Yu made a decision, replied Jia Xu, and said, "Although what the teacher said is reasonable, but now if I surrender to the east of Zhendong, I may be guilty of unavoidable crimes. Let me think twice about dedicating the city to this discussion."

This kind of thing cannot be forced, Zhang Ji had to think twice, and Jia Xu had no choice but to let him say, "Since the general still has doubts, please ask the general to reconsider. Only the general, this matter should be resolved quickly and should not be delayed. The troops from Zhendong will arrive at any time!"

Zhang Ji said, "Okay, I'll give you an answer as soon as possible."

The three of them gathered together and did not come up with anything for the time being.

Arranged a place for Jia Xu and invited him to rest. Zhang Ji and Duan Xun went back to their place.


Zhang Ji returned to his residence, saw Zou Shi and Zhang Xiu, and told Jia Xu that he had come to the city today to meet Jia Xu's intentions, saying that he knew both of them.

Mr. Zou listened and asked, "Mr. Jia suggested dedicating the city, husband, can this strategy work?"

But when he asked this question, Zou's expression was very panicked, so pitiful, like a magpie without a branch.

Zou was a woman, so compared to men like Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu, at this juncture, she was even more helpless.

Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu are men with courage and strength. Even if Huayin falls, even Chang'an and Liangzhou are not places to retreat, but they may be able to escape and settle down elsewhere. A weak woman, although I believe that Zhang Ji will not abandon her, how can Zhang Ji guarantee that he can always take her with him when he is defeated and flees in a chaotic battle?

During the years following Zhang Ji's journey from Liangzhou to Luoyang, to Chang'an, to Hongnong, even though the Zou family had never been on the battlefield, she had seen the fate of those ladies and gentlemen who were mutilated by the rebels! She absolutely didn't want her to encounter such a tragic situation, she didn't even dare to think about it.

Zhang Ji said: "Jia Wenhe said that if he is willing to offer the city and surrender it to Zhendong, maybe the court will not punish me and hold me back, but..."

Zou looked at Zhang Ji intently, waiting for him to answer her, but Zhang Ji was halfway through and stopped. Zou couldn't wait, and asked, "Husband, but what?"

Zhang Ji said helplessly: "Wenhe can be lowered, Duan Xun may be lowered, but I can't."

The Zou family was greatly disappointed and did not understand the meaning of Zhang Ji's words, so he asked him, "What do you mean by this, my husband? Why can't my husband come down?"

"Madam, when we attacked Chang'an and other events, Duan Xun and the others were just following orders, but I was different! I am also one of the masters! All the ministers in the court hated Da Sima and General Guo, and they hated me too! The imperial court may not blame Duan Xun, and even if I don’t pursue it now, I will definitely be punished in the future! This is one of them.”

Zou asked, "Are there two more?"

"In the early years, when the Guandong princes raised their troops, Zhu Jun was in Zhongmou, and there were also troops. At that time, Da Sima and I were ordered by Dong Gong to meet Zhu Jun. After defeating him, I and Da Sima and others led troops to capture Yingchuan and other places. Madam, Zhen Dong is from Yingchuan, and there are also many Yingchuan people under his account. If I surrender to Zhendong, even if Zhendong doesn’t care about my past, the Yingchuan generals and soldiers under his account will definitely be. It will embarrass me, or even seek revenge for me! These are the other two."

Back then, after Zhang Ji and others defeated Zhu Jun, they attacked and looted Yingchuan and other places. The soldiers and horses were everywhere, killing and looting men and women. There was no repetition of their past. Just to take one example, when the villagers gathered under the commune tree to hold a ceremony, Zhang Jibing came and not only kidnapped all the women among the villagers, but also killed the remaining men, both old and weak, to hang them. The head of the horse is placed under the neck of the horse for military merit. Such brutal acts are innumerable.

Xun Zhen's clan did not die in this military disaster. However, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Xu Zhuo, Xuan Kang and other officials under Xun Zhen's account, including many middle and low-level officers, as well as ordinary soldiers, their Clan relatives, relatives and old friends, many people died in this chaos! If Zhang Ji surrendered, as he thought, even if Xun Zhen didn't deal with him, would Xi Zhicai forgive him? It is absolutely impossible to spare him.

After hearing Zhang Ji's two reasons why he couldn't surrender to Xun Zhen, Zou was speechless.

The wound on Zhang Xiu's thigh has not yet healed. He leaned on the couch and asked Zhang Ji, "Father, what should we do now?"

Zhang Ji walked around the room for a while with his hands behind his back, unable to think of anything, and said, "I have nothing to do! Right now, I can only stick to Huayin and hope that the reinforcements from Da Sima and General Guo will arrive as soon as possible."

Zhang Xiu said: "But Father, didn't you just say that Mr. Jia said that Da Sima and General Guo's daughter were an alliance. Although the two of them are in harmony now, isn't it worth it?"

After a long while, Zhang Ji replied, "You can't rely on it, you can only rely on it."


Different from Zhang Ji, Duan Xun was not unwilling to surrender. This was evident from the hesitant expression on his face when he heard Jia Xu's talk of "dedicating the city". I've made up for it" and asked "Is it enough?", so he was just unsure.

Back at the residence, Duan Xun also told his wife and son about Jia Xu's proposal of surrender.

His wife and sons all agreed with Jia Xu's suggestion.

The big guys discussed it for a long time, but Duan Xun still had a puzzle in the end. It was already night, but Duan Xun didn't care that it was getting late, so he went out of his residence and rushed to the guest house arranged for Jia Xu to meet Jia Xu.

When the two met again, Jia Xu was not surprised. He had expected that Duan Xun would meet him again in private.

After the ceremony was over, Jia Xu said, "The general is here at night, I don't know why?"

Duan Xun said, "Sir, I have some doubts, and I want to ask Mr.

Jia Xu said, "What's the general's suspicion?" Duan Xun looked at him, and then he said, "But I'm suspicious of the strategy I offered to the general to surrender to the east in the afternoon?"

Duan Xun shook his head and said, "What you said, sir, after I went back, I thought about it carefully, and thought it was exactly as you said, at this moment, Da Sima and General Guo are no longer enough, and Chang'an is not enough to defend, so the only choice is, It's to set things right."

Jia Xu stroked his beard and said, "Since the general has learned clearly, do you have any doubts?"

Duan Xun said: "Sir, what I suspect is that, as the teacher said, Cao Mengde also got the secret order of the emperor, raised the banner of Yuan Benchu, and had already reached the north bank of the Weishui River, but why did the teacher suggest that I and General Zhang would present the city to the east of Zhen? Instead of suggesting that I and General Zhang surrender to Yuan Benchu?"

"Down to Yuan Benchu?"

Duan Xun said: "The third prince of the fourth generation of the Yuan clan, Yuan Benchu ​​now embraces Ji and joins the two prefectures, and will gain Youzhou. From my perspective, in terms of troops and horses, Yuan Benchu ​​is not inferior to Zhendong; Those who voted for Yuan Benchu ​​traveled not far and thousands of miles. In terms of domestic prestige, Yuan Benchu ​​was better than Zhendong; and in terms of the foundation of the court, Yuan Benchu ​​was far superior to Zhendong! The fact that there are many Yuan clans in the court is old. If I Wouldn't it be better to drop from the beginning?"

Previously, Jia Xu also hesitated about which princes to choose if Li Jue and Guo Si failed. Should he choose Xun Zhen or Yuan Shao? But now, he has no such hesitation.

One is that although Cao Cao has reached the north bank of the Wei River, and he is indeed holding the banner of Yuan Shao, has Yuan Shao sent troops? I still have doubts now, - Duan Xun didn't take this into consideration, Jia Xu took it into consideration. He knew that today's Zizhili did not meet Yuan Shao's intentions, so whether Yuan Shao would really come to Qin Wang with Cao Cao, this is a question.

And if it wasn't for Yuan Shao to join forces with the King, and there was no Yuan Shao's main reinforcements behind him, with Cao Cao's more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, first of all, it would not be possible, and secondly, with Cao Cao's current fame and power, it was not worth Jia Xu defecting.

The other, as mentioned above, was because he had already connected with Xun Zhen through Zhong Yao.

The handwritten letter from Xun Zhen that Zhong Yao forwarded to him had already promised him that after the matter was done, not only would he not be held accountable for his past sins, but he would also ask Liu Xie to give him a reward. Two birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand. With Xun Zhen's promise, Xun Zhen will soon be able to enter Chang'an and control the emperor. In comparison, Yuan Shao is no longer a party to consider.

Therefore, there is no need to hesitate any longer as to whom Xun Zhen and Yuan Shao should choose.

It's just that these things can't be said with Duan Xun.

Jia Xuyin replied: "Yuan Benchu, I can surrender, but the general cannot surrender."

Duan Xun asked in surprise, "Sir, why is this?"

Jia Xu said: "I'm just an old Confucian, if I voted for Yuan Benchu, at most I can't reuse it, and I don't lose my chariot or fish for food; the general is different from me, the general is famous and the line is elite, like the Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu ​​is like a brother. Can't be compatible, what about the general?"

With a word that awakened the dreamer, Duan Xun suddenly realized, got up and bowed and said to Jia Xu, "Thank you sir for your guidance!"

Jia Xu asked him and said, "Is the general's intention already decided?"

Duan Xun said: "My intention has been decided! The county seat will be relegated to Zhendong. But there is still one more thing, I dare to ask the teacher for advice."

"What the general said about this, is it General Zhang?"

Duan Xun said: "Exactly. Sir, I would like to offer the city and surrender it to Zhendong, but in the hall today, General Zhang seems to be unwilling. If he insists, what should I do?"

Jia Xu stroked his beard, and Yan Ran said, "Hua Yin is the place where this general is located. If the general has decided to dedicate the city, what will General Zhang do?"

Duan Yuyou was determined to offer the city and surrender to Xunzhen.

That night, he dispatched officials to quietly leave the city and went to Hongnong County to see Xun Zhen, expressing his and Jia Xu's intentions.


Four shifts! A lot of book friends urged to update, although the physical strength is weak, neck pain and arm pain, try to update another chapter. Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation!

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