The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 186: Soldiers go out to Lu Hun to Hongnong (Part 2)

Hearing this military report, Zhang Ji suspected that he heard it wrong, and asked anxiously, "You said that the soldiers and horses under Xun Zhen's army were discovered in Lu's County, and they fought under the banner of Xun Zhen's?"

The person who came to report this news was the chief clerk under the account of the Lushi County Governor. Nearly a hundred miles away, he rushed here in a hurry, sweating profusely, his face was smeared with sweat and dust, and it was extremely dirty. He panicked: "Yes, General!"

Zhang Ji said in surprise: "How is this possible? Xun Zhenzhi is currently supervising the army in person, attacking my Xin'an county town with Sun Bofu, and General Duan has already fought against him several times. How could he suddenly lead his troops to appear in Lushi County? Where did he get to Lu County? There is no military report in Yiyang that has fallen..."

The master book was anxious and said: "General, the subordinates don't know how he got to the territory of the Lu clan, but the soldiers and horses under Xun Zhen who raided into my territory of the Lu clan are definitely Xun Zhen's troops, and the banners they are flying are definitely Xun Zhen's. Zhen's general flag! My department has made a clear investigation, so the captain sent me to ask the general for reinforcements!" After a pause, he added: "When the subordinates came out of Lushi County, Xun Zhen and his subordinates The soldiers and horses are only twenty miles away from the county seat. General, hurry up and send aid!"

"School Captain" is the military rank of the garrison of Lushi County.

Zhang Ji involuntarily looked at Zhang Xiu, who was in the hall, both of them were at a loss.

Just as Zhang Jishi said, Xun Zhen was clearly outside Xin'an City, attacking Xin'an County, how could he appear in Lu's County? And as Zhang Ji said, even if Xun Zhen appeared in the territory of Lu County, how did he get there? Yiyang County was not lost.

Zhang Xiu suddenly thought of a possibility, and said nervously, "Father, will you...?"

Zhang Ji said, "Could it be something?"

Zhang Xiu said, "Could Xun Zhenzhi enter our county from Xincheng and Luhun, along the Yishui River, and then climb over Xiong'er Mountain and even the border of Lu's County?"

Xincheng is a county in the southwest of Yin Henan. Lu Hun, as mentioned above, is the only county in the south of Hongnong County, south of Luoshui, and is located in the southeast of the county. Xincheng borders the two counties of Luhun. Both counties are located in the south of Luoshui, north of Yishui, and adjacent to Yishui.

From Henan Yin to Hongnong County, from north to south, there are two well-known checkpoints in the world, one is Hangu Pass in the north, and the other is Luhun Pass in the south. These two passes are also the eight passes around Luoyang. of two.

If you go through Luoyang and Gucheng, and go out of Hangu Pass and enter Hongnong County, the first thing you will meet is Xin'an County.

If you go to Xincheng, cross Luhun Pass and enter Hongnong County, then there are two options. One is to go northwest, cross Luoshui, and reach Yiyang County; Luhun County, climbed over the mountains such as Xiong'er, and then crossed Luoshui in the north to enter the hinterland of Hongnong County. The second road, if it passes through mountains and ridges, will bypass Yiyang County.

Generally speaking, after leaving Luhun Pass, they would usually choose to attack Yiyang directly, and would not choose this second route. Because the second road is mostly mountainous after all, the road is more difficult, but then again, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Zhang Ji murmured, "Let's go out of Luhun Pass, turn over Xiong'er Mountain and arrive at Lu's County..."

——On both sides of the Luoshui River in Hongnong County, there are only two counties in total, one is Yiyang in the east, and the other is Lushi in the west. In other words, to cross the water from Luoshui south to enter the hinterland of Hongnong County, either through the border of Yiyang County or the border of Lushi County.

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Not to mention, Zhang Xiu's reminder, the more Zhang Ji thinks about it, the more likely it is.

The garrison of Lushi County would not lie about the military situation, and he did not need to lie about the military situation. Since he reported that Xun Zhen’s troops and horses had entered, it must be that Xun Zhen’s troops and horses had already entered; but at the same time, the Yiyang side did not fall, so he said Come, Xun Zhen really may have crossed the mountains such as Xiong'er, circled Yiyang, and made a surprise attack into the territory of the Lu family. In this way, Xun Zhen, who was previously said in the military newspaper, moved the flag forward, obviously supervising the battle in person, was actually a plan of Xun Zhen's suspected soldiers!

At this point, Zhang Ji's thoughts disappeared, and his expression changed greatly. He held down the desk, stood up suddenly, and asked the chief bookkeeper who came to report the news, saying, "You just said that when you came out from Lu's County, the distance between Xunzhen and Xunzhen was very different. How far is Lu County?"

The master clerk replied again: "At most twenty miles away! General, it is estimated that Xun Zhen's department should have already begun to attack Lu's county! General, please send reinforcements quickly!"

Zhang Ji shouted sharply towards the outside of the hall: "Where is Hu Che'er?"

As soon as the voice fell, a thunderous voice responded: "The end is here!"

With this sound

Lei Ying, a member will stride into the hall.

But I saw this general, eight feet tall, strong as a bear, with a yan chin and a tiger neck, a long beard, a heavy armor, a straight sword hanging from his waist, a short halberd in his hand, and a heavy short halberd in his hand. , it was Zhang Ji's number one general named Hu Che'er. This person has been the champion of the three armies. Since Zhang Ji's campaign, he has never been defeated. Even the fierce generals under Li Jue and Guo Si saw him and gave him three points.

Zhang Jiling said: "Now Xun Zhenzhi is bypassing Yiyang and attacking my Lu clan. More than a hundred miles south of the Lu clan is my Hongnong County! If the Lu clan is lost, my Hongnong will be in danger! , rush to the Lu family for rescue! I will lead the main force, and I will arrive later."

Hu Che'er agreed loudly, turned around and hurried away, it was true that he walked like a thunderbolt and went like a gust of wind.

However, Zhang Ji ordered Hu Che'er to lead his elite cavalry to aid the Lu family. The word "fine cavalry" is not an exaggeration at all. Zhang Ji and others were originally from Liangzhou. Half of Zhang Ji's current ministries, Tai, are Liangzhou soldiers. Liangzhou has always been famous for its cavalry. Therefore, among the troops and horses under Zhang Ji's tent, there are quite strong cavalry, and among these cavalry Many of the most elite are under Hu Che'er's command.

Hu Che'er had already been ordered to leave, and Zhang Xiu saw Zhang Ji's concern, so he spoke comfortably, saying, "Father, although Xun Zhenzhi bypassed Yiyang and attacked the Lu family by surprise, he went over mountains and mountains and wanted to come here. , his troops will not be many; secondly, he must be exhausted. Hu Che'er is a fierce general of our army, and he is also known to the elite of our army. Now he leads his troops to aid, and he will be able to stop Xun Zhenzhi, Ah Father, don't worry too much."

Although Zhang Xiu was also worried, Zhang Ji was the leader of the army, so he had to comfort him first.

Zhang Ji said, "I hope so." He ordered Zhang Xiu, and said, "You can go back to the camp now, rectify your troops and horses, and tomorrow at the latest, I will personally lead all the troops and rush to the Lu family."

Zhang Xiu received the order, and immediately rushed back to the camp outside the city, summoned all the generals, conveyed Zhang Ji's order, and prepared for battle tomorrow.

When such an emergency situation suddenly occurred, I went to Chang'an to talk about the matter with Li and Guo, and naturally I would not mention it again, and there is no need to say more.

It is only said that the next day, Zhang Xiu came to the city to report to Zhang Ji that all the troops and horses had already prepared for the battle and could set off at any time.

Zhang Ji immediately led the officials and personal soldiers left and right to leave the military mansion and go to the camp outside the city.

Traveling fast all the way, when he reached the camp, he sent orders to the generals, and was about to pull out the camp when he heard a sudden commotion outside the Yuanmen.

The soldiers and horses are about to move, but there is a sudden noise, which may be detrimental to the morale of the army.

Zhang Ji was furious and ordered Zhang Xiu, saying, "Look who is making a noise and behead him!"

Zhang Xiu led the way out, and ran back shortly after, followed by a general.

Zhang Ji looked at the general, with a full face, a chin and a tiger neck. He was as strong as a bear, but he was not Hu Che'er! It's just very different from when he was ordered to set off yesterday. At this moment, Hu Che'er was covered in blood, and his left arm was hung by a white bandage on his chest. Zhang Ji was shocked and said, "Hu Che'er, you, you..., what did you do?"

Hu Che'er was in a panic, fell to the ground with a plop, and said in his mouth: "General, Yu and Fei are absolutely necessary!"

Zhang Ji asked, "What?"

Hu Che'er bowed to the ground and kowtowed, still saying the same sentence: "Yu, you can't fly! General, Yu, you can't fly!"

When Zhang Ji asked him, he realized that Hu Che'er was worthy of the name of a brave general, and his soldiers and horses were also worthy of the title of fine cavalry. The northern border of Shi County.

However, it was too late, and Xun Zhen's troops had already conquered Lu's county seat. At that time, Hu Cheer thought that although the Lushi county was lost, Xunzhen had just laid down the Lushi county, and his foothold must not be stable, because he decided to attack it at night in an attempt to retake the Lushi county.

As far as Hu Che'er's thought is concerned, he is indeed brave and daring to fight.

However, his troops and horses had only entered, and two cavalry troops from the direction of Lu's county town came up to fight.

These two cavalry, one with the flag of the pass, the surname is the big book "Yoko Ye Captain";

Hu Che'er prided himself on being brave, and seeing that the total number of these two cavalry troops was only three or four hundred cavalry, which was not as good as his own, so he was not afraid at all, so he went to fight them. However, with these two cavalry teams, each of the two cavalry troops rushed out on horseback, and they were invincible and unmatched. Hu Che'er's cavalry was killed and turned on his back. Hu Che'er drove his horse to meet him, and was first attacked by the enemy's main general who raised the flag.

The spear stabbed his left arm, and he was pursued by the enemy general who hung the flag. The general chasing him roared with anger and shouted louder than thunder, and Hu Che'er was so frightened that he was so scared that he ran straight for more than ten miles before he was lucky enough to escape, but he had no fighting spirit.

Later, it was learned that the commander of the Guanzi flag was Guan Yu, and the commander of the Zhangzi flag was Zhang Fei.

Since Hu Che'er joined the army, he has gone through many fierce battles, and he has encountered many fierce generals. However, this small-scale battle is the most dangerous. Guan and Zhang are the most brave and the most dangerous. He lost his mind after being beaten, so he finally fled back to Hongnong County. After seeing Zhang Ji, just now, he didn't care about anything else, he just kept shouting: "Yu, you can't fly."

Although Hu Che'er was defeated, it was confirmed that Xun Zhen's troops had arrived.

The generals in Zhang Ji's army in the tent looked at Hu Che'er's dejected appearance, and looked at each other in dismay.

You Jiang said in a low voice, "It only took one day to take down the town of Lu's County, this..."

The general murmured to himself: "With the bravery of Hu Xiaowei, is this still the case?"

They are both from Xiliang, and they have been in the Sanfu area for a long time. There are those who do not know the names of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. They can't help asking each other who these two generals are.

For a time, although the account could not be called chaos, there were still whispers.

Before the battle, the military's heart has floated.

Zhang Xiu secretly said that it was not good, and Xun thought said: "I didn't expect Hu Che'er to be defeated in the first battle! It is not good for him to be a teacher, and it exhausts the three armies, but we need to find a way to revive morale, otherwise Hongnong will not be safe."

To restore morale, there is no other way but to throw it away and pick it up again. In other words, only by defeating Xun Zhen on the battlefield for a while can the morale of his army be revived.

Because Zhang Xiu was in crisis, he stepped out and asked for an order, saying to Zhang Ji: "General, since Lu's County has been lost, it is expected that Xunzhen's troops may be attacking my Hongnong County now. Jingzun, go to fight first, and kill him for Grandpa!"

Although Hu Che'er was the champion of the three armies, Zhang Xiu's bravery was by no means inferior to Hu Che'er, or even above Hu Che'er.

Zhang Ji had no countermeasures at this time. Hearing Zhang Xiu's words, he immediately agreed. He selected elite cavalry from the troops and horses and gave them to Zhang Xiu. He personally sent Zhang Xiu out of the camp and watched him go to Go south.

Zhang Xiu guessed well. Xun Zhen knew very well that soldiers were quick, and after they captured the town of Lushi yesterday, they did not stay in Lushi. This morning, they dispatched troops from Lushi County to Hongnong County. Zhang Xiu led his troops out of the barracks outside Hongnong County, and only traveled more than 30 miles to the and met Xun Zhen's troops. When it was dusk, Zhang Xiu lined up to fight while dispatching officials to report to Zhang Ji urgently.

Zhang Ji received Zhang Xiu's military report just after the second watch that night.

Zhang Jiqin wrote a letter back, explaining that Zhang Xiuwu should be cautious and not underestimate the enemy's waves.

But the letter was sent back, and at the third watch, the official came in and reported: "The long history of Jianzhong's account asks for advice."

Zhang Ji felt bad.

Zhang Xiuchang Shi stumbled into the hall, bowed to the ground, and said, "General!

Zhang Ji didn't speak for a while, then he recovered and asked, "Where is my son? Does the injury matter?"

The long history replied, "Jianzhong is injured in his thigh, so he can't ride a horse, he can only ride a car. Now he is leading the rest of his troops back to the middle of the county, and the special officer has come to report to the general as soon as possible, so that the general can be prepared."

What else can be prepared?

In order to defend Xin'an, Duan Xun has been dispatched to two groups of reinforcements, followed by Hu Che'er and Zhang Xiu to aid Lushi County, but they were defeated in just one and a half days. It is not only insufficient troops, but also low morale because of successive failures. Guanzhi Xunzhen's department had already arrived thirty miles south of Hongnong County, and could appear outside Hongnong County at the latest tomorrow afternoon.

In this situation, Zhang Ji thought about it and said in a low voice, "There is nothing to prepare."

Zhang Xiu Changshi didn't understand, so he dared to ask, "What did the general say?"

Depressed, Zhang Ji ordered the long history to say, "Turn back and **** my son to Huayin."

The long history asked, "Go to Huayin?"

Zhang Ji said: "Hongnong County can no longer be defended. I will abandon the city tonight and go to Huayin County." , read it for free!

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