The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 102: Ma Chaoyao Wu Changping View (1)

First, I had received several good news from Xun Cheng, and then received a letter from Xun Cheng. Xun Zhen thought it was still a good news or something, but opened it and watched a few lines, knowing that Qin Xiang poisoned Kong Rong. While shocked, he was furious.

"Who gave him the courage to make me unkind in front of the world's scholars!"

This thought immediately popped into Xun Zhen's mind.

You must know that Kong Rong, a descendant of Confucius, is a high-ranking contemporary. He was famous all over the world when he was young. He has made a pear, was young, and fought with his brother for death. Deeds spread all over the world, and when he became an adult, he became famous all over the world.

Ten years ago, Kong Rong, who was thirty-two years old at the time, served as Situ Yang Ci's subordinate. He Jin was promoted to general. Yang Ci asked Kong Rong to take his name to congratulate him. Because the gatekeeper did not immediately inform him, Kong Rong thought this was a disrespect to Yang Ci, so he took Ye back to the mansion, wrote a letter to Yang Ci to apologize, and then left the mansion. He said, "Kong Wenju has a great name. If a general resents this person, the people from all over the world will lead him away. It is better to show respect to him and show it to the world." Officials, hold the high rank, and move to serve the censor.

After that, Kong Rong was turned into a clerk of the Sikong Mansion, and he worshipped the Zhonghou of the Northern Army. After three days, he moved the tiger and Ben Zhonglang.

It was when Dong Zhuo was in power, Dong Zhuo wanted to abolish the young emperor, Kong Rong argued fiercely with him, Dong Zhuo held a grudge, because he was transferred to him as the speaker, and he hinted that the three governments would move together, except Kong Rong as the prime minister of the North Sea, and get him away. He went to the place where the Yellow Turbans were most prosperous as a long official.

I don't want to talk about it far, just talk about Kong Rong's experience from ten years ago to the present.

First of all, He Jin still doesn't kill him! Dong Zhuo held a grudge, but he just used his hands and feet to send him to a dangerous place to be an official.

From this, it is enough to see how famous this person is in Haine Shilin.

Secondly, not to mention the official positions he had held, such as the Imperial Guard Shi, etc., the Northern Army's middle marquis, although the rank is low, only 600 stone, but he is a lowly and high-ranking officer, and he is the captain of the fifth battalion of the Northern Army. , is also the garrison of the capital city Luoyang; Hu Benzhong Lang, the official Yuan Shao once held the post, is in charge of Hu Ben Lang, who is responsible for the heavy responsibility of the emperor. These two positions are important and crucial positions, and those who have to be trusted by the emperor and the imperial court cannot be held.

From this, it can be seen how important he was in the Han Dynasty.

Such a person, in Xun Zhen's original historical time and space, Cao Cao had to kill him only when he had to, and he still fabricated a bunch of charges to kill him. But Qin Xiang dared to poison him!

It's no wonder that Xun Zhen was furious.

"I knew that Qin Xiang was eager for profit, but I didn't expect him to be so bold!"

Xun Zhen slapped the table with enthusiasm and shouted outside the hall: "Come here!"

Dian Wei, who was outside the guard hall, was taken aback by Xun Zhen's loud cry. He hurriedly jumped over the threshold, rushed into the hall, pressed his sword and looked around, and said, "Ming Gong, the last will be here!" , did not find the danger, relaxed slightly, and turned his eyes to Xun Zhen.

"Call fashion!"

Fashion is currently the school army of Xunzhen's military mansion, who is in charge of the military law, which is equivalent to the military law department.

Qin Xiang is the long history of Xun Cheng's military mansion, and he is a member of the military system. In the field of military discipline, he is under the jurisdiction of fashion.

Dian Wei Yingnuo, strode out of the hall, looking for fashion.

Not long after, the fashion came, went into the hall, bowed down and said, "Shang pays respects to Duke Ming. Gong Zhaoshang, I don't know what is going on?"

"Send the officials immediately to Beihai and take Qin Xiang's head for me!"

Fashion had heard Xun Zhen's anger from Dian Wei, and he guessed again and again on the way here. It was estimated that one of the generals in Xun Cheng, Zhao Yun, Chen Deng and Huang Qian had violated the military law and had already done a good job of "executing by order". However, when Xin Er said these words, he couldn't help being stunned, and after subconsciously answering "Yes",

Immediately he reacted and said, "Ming Gong, Qin Xiang?"


Fashion said: "I dare to ask Duke Ming, what law Qin Xiang has committed, so that he should be punished accordingly."

Xun Zhen threw Xun Cheng's letter to the ground and said, "Look!"

Fashion got up, picked up the scattered paper in the past, and read it carefully. The more he looked, the more his heart sank. After reading it, he respectfully put the stack of books back on Xun Zhen's case, took two steps back, and stood with his hands down.

"finish watching?"

"Go back to Duke Ming, read it."

"You still don't send officials to Qingzhou to take the head back for me?"

Fashion hesitated for a moment, plucked up his courage, and said, "I dare to ask Ming Gong to calm down. There is one more thing, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Although he lowered his head, Fashion could feel that Xun Zhen's eyes fell on him, like two sharp arrows, which made him hurt. He heard Xun Zhen say, "Are you going to plead for Qin Xiang?"

Not daring to look up, Fashion said, "How dare you plead for him!"

"I know you and Qin Gan have a good relationship. I don't blame you if you want to plead for Qin Xiang. But you'd better not ask for it! He is so daring and committing such a big crime, how can I forgive him?"

Fashion said: "Ming Gong, you are definitely not trying to intercede for him! What you want to say is: Now, if Qin Xiang is beheaded, the world knows that the public is killed and melted!"

"What do you mean by that?" Xun Zhen was furious, slapped the case again, and said angrily, "It's done, if I don't kill him, will I be able to hide it from the world? As for Duke Beihai, I have always respected me. I went to Shu Zhongren several times and told him to invite Beihai to Tanxian County. I wanted to receive teachings in person, but Qin Xiangshu actually dared to kill Beihai Duke! If I didn’t kill him, how could I stand up to Beihai Dukequan? spirit?"

Fashion said: "What Duke Ming said is very true. But Duke Ming, General Shang Guanxun said in the book that he has strictly ordered the officials of Beihai County not to disclose the matter of Duke Beihai being poisoned..."

Xun Zhen was simply heartbroken, he interrupted the fashionable words, and said angrily: "Who can block the words of the population! Zhong Ren's move is trying to hide it! ... If you don't mention me, forget that Zhong Ren is not strict. , He is also responsible for the death of Duke Beihai! I will punish him!"

Fashion was self-defeating and was speechless, but he was unwilling to watch Qin Xiang be executed like this, and tried to persuade Xun Zhen to open his mouth again, saying: "Ming Gong, Qin Qian is not the only son, but Qin Xiang, Qin Qian's love is still..."

"Qin Qian..." Xun Zhen's tone slowed down slightly.

Fashion thought that there was hope to save Qin Xiang, and quickly said: "Yes, Duke Ming, Qin Qian always said, among his sons, Qin Xiang is the only one, and he is quite fond of this son."

"Don't send officials to Qingzhou yet."

Fashion was overjoyed and said, "Yes!"

"Go to Qin Gan and ask him to come to the prefecture to see me."

Fashion didn't understand Xun Zhen's meaning, and didn't dare to ask.


Qin Gan is currently the chief of the East China Sea, and he lives in Tanxian County.

Fashion went out of the prefecture, rushed to the Chengfu of Donghai County, saw Qin Gan, sent the idle people to wait out, poisoned Qin Xiang to Kong Rong, Xun Zhen was furious, etc., and told Qin Gan exactly.

After Qin Gan listened, he sat there for a while like five thunders, unable to utter a single word.

The fashion said: "I told Duke Ming, the prince's sons, you like Qin Xiang the most. After Duke Ming heard it, his anger seemed to be a little less. Now that Duke Ming has called you to see him, you might as well take the opportunity to intercede for Qin Xiang, maybe save him from death."

Qin Gan held down the table, stood up with all his strength, gave a bow to the fashion, and said, "Xie Jun is worried about the dog, and I will go to see Duke Ming."

Leaving the county seat, and in a short while, arrive at the state house.

Accompanied by fashion, Qin Gan entered the hall, bowed to the ground, and said, "Ming Gong, Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang..."

The voice was choked, and the tears fell.

Xun Zhen went down the hall, picked him up, looked at him, and said, "Master! I remember that when I was the chief of Fanyang Pavilion in the past, I was favored by the public. After the banquet was half-hearted, the public asked the disciples to come out to make a toast. That was the first time I saw Qin Xiang, he was just a teenager. In a blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years! Qin Xiang, I can be regarded as watching him grow up Even though he is not my son, I regard him as a younger brother! I made Zhongren to set up the project as a long history! ... Master, can you understand the embarrassment I am facing today?"

——The registrar, when Xun Zhen was the head of Fanyang Pavilion, Qin Gan was the registrar of Yingyin County.

Qin Gan wiped away his tears and said: "Qin Xiang is ignorant and committed a heinous crime! It must be killed! Duke Ming's embarrassment, Qian can understand! There is no need to embarrass Duke Ming, Gan will write a letter to him and ask him to kill himself. Excuse me!"

Fashion was shocked and said: "Qin Gong? This..."

Xun Zhen pressed Qin Gan's arm and said, "My father loves this son alone, and now I will kill myself. I know my father is in pain! My heart is also in pain! Master! I am sorry for you!"

Qin Gan broke away Xun Zhen's hand, bowed down again, and said, "It's Qin Xiang who is ignorant! It's because of the ignorance of Duke Ming!"

Xun Zhen called Dian Wei in and said, "Pull Duke Qin's car into the house."

Soon, Qin Xiang's car entered the mansion and parked in the courtyard.

Xun Zhen personally supported Qin Gan and sent him to the car.


Fashion didn't understand why Qin Qian didn't intercede for Qin Xiang. Instead, he offered to go to Qin Xiang to write to Qin Xiang, and ordered Qin Xiang to commit suicide. After sending Xun Zhen back to the hall, he quickly left the mansion again and went to the county seat. Find Qin and ask: "Why don't you plead for Qin Xiang? Instead, go to Qin Xiang and make him kill himself?"

Qin Gan had finished writing what was given to Qin Xiang. With trembling hands, he put the pen back on the pen holder and straightened it, and then answered the fashion, saying: "Ming Gong is right, things have been done, if you don't kill him, you can Do you hide it from the world? If you don't kill it, you can't kill it... If you don't kill it, Duke Ming's reputation in the world's Shilin will be ruined! "You can't kill it."

"But Duke Ming has said 'embarrassment'. This is clearly because Duke Ming couldn't bear to kill Qin Xiang. Why didn't you take advantage of the situation to plead for Qin Xiang, but instead offered to write to him and make him commit suicide?"

"Qin Xiang, my son. Duke Ming's embarrassment is not only unbearable to kill him, but also like killing him, and I am afraid that I will grieve. Those who serve as subjects should share the master's worries, so I took the initiative to ask Qin Xiang to commit suicide! So that Duke Ming is not in trouble."

Qin Xiang was over fifty years old. Seeing his pitiful appearance with gray beard and hair, eyes closed and weeping, Fashion was deeply sympathetic, and at the same time, he was moved by his loyalty to Xun Zhen.


In the state hall, Xun Zhen wrote a letter to Xun Cheng.

The letter wrote: "When Beihai is harmed, scholars will certainly be in a commotion. Even if Qin Xiang is killed, it is still not enough. It is advisable to choose Beihai county officials, scholars and people to ridicule him, so that the evil of Beihai will be brought up."

After the letter was written, Xun Zhen read it several times, and a word suddenly jumped out: "Shameless."

He still prides himself on being upright. At this time, after doing this kind of thing, he couldn't help but feel ashamed, and said to himself, "It's no wonder that politics is ugly."

Kong Rong's generation of celebrities, because they were poisoned by Qin Xiang today, may have a bad reputation in future generations. This is also a sigh.

After finishing the envelope, he ordered someone to immediately send it to Beihai and give it to Xun Cheng.

Although it was still early in the sky, Xun Zhen had no intention of working, so she returned to the back house.


After entering the back house, Xun Zhen went to Chen Zhi's house.

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